So what would it take for US electrical generation to be 100% solar or wind?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
It would be a physical impossibility. Do the math.

In order to use solar energy to generate the amount of electricity we now produce with fossil fuels, it would require seven countries the size of the US. And in order to use wind farms to generate the amount of electricity we now produce with fossil fuels, it would require fourteen countries the size of the US.

Chris Salcedo laid this all out on Newsmax today:

It would be a physical impossibility. Do the math.

In order to use solar energy to generate the amount of electricity we now produce with fossil fuels, it would require seven countries the size of the US. And in order to use wind farms to generate the amount of electricity we now produce with fossil fuels, it would require fourteen countries the size of the US.

Chris Salcedo laid this all out on Newsmax today:

I figure about $257 Trillion. Yeah, that should do it.
It would be a physical impossibility. Do the math.

In order to use solar energy to generate the amount of electricity we now produce with fossil fuels, it would require seven countries the size of the US. And in order to use wind farms to generate the amount of electricity we now produce with fossil fuels, it would require fourteen countries the size of the US.

Chris Salcedo laid this all out on Newsmax today:

Not to mention the area needed to house and the money needed to produce the batteries that would be needed to capture that energy.
It would be a physical impossibility. Do the math.

In order to use solar energy to generate the amount of electricity we now produce with fossil fuels, it would require seven countries the size of the US. And in order to use wind farms to generate the amount of electricity we now produce with fossil fuels, it would require fourteen countries the size of the US.

Chris Salcedo laid this all out on Newsmax today:

It would require a situation where it became commonplace for pigs to fly freely and at will above the land, as well as little angels and cherubs being visible flying out of Al Gore's ass. I wonder what the Vegas line on this happening before the second coming of Christ occurs.
It would be a physical impossibility. Do the math.

In order to use solar energy to generate the amount of electricity we now produce with fossil fuels, it would require seven countries the size of the US. And in order to use wind farms to generate the amount of electricity we now produce with fossil fuels, it would require fourteen countries the size of the US.

Chris Salcedo laid this all out on Newsmax today:

Seems you're leaving out
and, of course, the future is fusion.

As for your boy on NEWSMAX...

Ever wonder WHY he's on that platform rather than someplace his nuttiness will get challenged?
Seems you're leaving out
and, of course, the future is fusion.

WRONG. The leftist energy community has refused to build a single nuclear plant for the past 27 years! And that is its completion date. Despite the fact that we know now how to build them safe. And fusion is a PIPE DREAM. We can't even sustain a fusion reaction under laboratory conditions yet let alone commercially for a profit.
The environmental fascist do not understand science and math.

I fear they do, Trog. Their commitment is to go full solar and wind and EVs. For the PLANET.

And for them. Maybe 500 million of them. The rest of us are shit outta luck.

That is the plan. For you and I, it will be power outages, food shortages and starvation in crumbling, crime-ridden cities, while they sleep ensconced behind iron gates.

I did a little checking about wind power and lo and behold! Seems as though these expensive behemoths and all the collateral industries. need a little oil in order to operate. I won't publish the number of wind turbines in the world by country. Other fact checkers need to get off their keesters for once.

Here's the sad news, you climate change freaks.

Seems you're leaving out
and, of course, the future is fusion.

As for your boy on NEWSMAX...

Ever wonder WHY he's on that platform rather than someplace his nuttiness will get challenged?

Nuclear electrical generation only accounts for 8% of our total grid, and there's no feasible way to convert all electrical generation to hydro. Fossil fuels still generate 60% of our electricity while solar produces 12.3% and wind produces 27.4%. There is not enough land mass in the US for 100% solar production, nor is there enough land mass for 100% wind generation.

And this is based on the country's current usage. So what would happen if this administration got their way and eliminated gasoline-powered vehicles, gas stoves, gas cooking, gas heating, etc. and converted everything to electricity? The you have a power grid that fails, and no amount of "renewables" could supply the country's needs.
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Nuclear electrical generation only accounts for 8% of our total grid, and there's no feasible way to convert all electrical generation to hydro. Fossil fuels still generate 60% of our electricity while solar produces 12.3% and wind produces 27.4%. There is not enough land mass in the US for 100% solar production, nor is there enough land mass for 100% wind generation.
Surely you can understand the solution can have many components.

How much land does renewable energy use?

Fortunately, the answer is relatively little. A recent National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) study shows that it would take less than 1 percent of the land in the Lower 48—that's an area comparable to or even smaller than the fossil fuel industry's current footprint."

Doesn't have to be all

Even based on your questionable figures...

We need only 3x as much land as currently used by wind power to accomodate 100% of our usage.

I know, it's just math.
Nuclear electrical generation only accounts for 8% of our total grid, and there's no feasible way to convert all electrical generation to hydro. Fossil fuels still generate 60% of our electricity while solar produces 12.3% and wind produces 27.4%. There is not enough land mass in the US for 100% solar production, nor is there enough land mass for 100% wind generation.

And this is based on the country's current usage. So what would happen if this administration got their way and eliminated gasoline-powered vehicles, gas stoves, gas cooking, gas heating, etc. and converted everything to electricity? The you have a power grid that fails, and no amount of "renewables" could supply the country's needs.
I think there is a movement beginning to create more hydroelectric by pumping water from the Columbia R. to ponds/lakes above the Columbia gorge near Goldendale, WA. This idea has merit. They pump the water from the river to a pond above the river and let gravity take the water back to the river through lower volume pipes. Within each pipe are numerous turbines that are turned by the returning water--enough power to power nearly a million homes for 12 to 20 hours. I thought about using this tech for my home ten years ago but everyone I knew said it wasn't possible. I guess they were wrong. Colossal energy storage project in Columbia Gorge will be union-built - nwLaborPress
It would be a physical impossibility. Do the math.

In order to use solar energy to generate the amount of electricity we now produce with fossil fuels, it would require seven countries the size of the US. And in order to use wind farms to generate the amount of electricity we now produce with fossil fuels, it would require fourteen countries the size of the US.

Chris Salcedo laid this all out on Newsmax today:

Demfks can’t do math
Nuclear electrical generation only accounts for 8% of our total grid, and there's no feasible way to convert all electrical generation to hydro. Fossil fuels still generate 60% of our electricity while solar produces 12.3% and wind produces 27.4%. There is not enough land mass in the US for 100% solar production, nor is there enough land mass for 100% wind generation.

And this is based on the country's current usage. So what would happen if this administration got their way and eliminated gasoline-powered vehicles, gas stoves, gas cooking, gas heating, etc. and converted everything to electricity? The you have a power grid that fails, and no amount of "renewables" could supply the country's needs.
Here's some interesting figures about wind power. From the looks of things there's not enough land to have all the space needed to match or exceed the power that is currently generated by coal and nuclear power plants. Then there's the added burden of finding space for all the parts when they wear out and need replacing. Looks like Al Gore and fellow nuts have bitten off way too much to chew.

The environmental fascist do not understand science and math.
They will cause a famine if they are not stopped.

We could easily argue those fires are not correctly diagnosed because of the Co2 FRAUD and hence the "famine" is already on the horizon...

Instead of paying left wing liars to fudge data, how about some DESALINATION PLANTS????
Nuclear electrical generation only accounts for 8% of our total grid, and there's no feasible way to convert all electrical generation to hydro. Fossil fuels still generate 60% of our electricity while solar produces 12.3% and wind produces 27.4%. There is not enough land mass in the US for 100% solar production, nor is there enough land mass for 100% wind generation.

And this is based on the country's current usage. So what would happen if this administration got their way and eliminated gasoline-powered vehicles, gas stoves, gas cooking, gas heating, etc. and converted everything to electricity? The you have a power grid that fails, and no amount of "renewables" could supply the country's needs.

Of course, the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2, proving Co2 does nothing and hence there is NO REASON AT ALL to cut back on it...

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