So, the President suddenly isn't allowed to "politicize" military victories?

You chased Bin Laden around for a decade and FAILED.

Let's clear this up beginning with You

1) Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden; March 10, 1957 – May 2, 2011a), was the founder of Al-Qaeda.
Capturing Osama bin Laden had been an objective of the United States government since the presidency of Bill Clinton.
Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2) Ramzi Yousef, who was born as Abdul Basit Mahmoud Abdul Karim in Kuwait, spent time at Al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan, before beginning in 1991 to plan a bombing attack within the United States.
1993 World Trade Center bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3) The USS Cole bombing was a suicide attack against the United States Navy destroyer USS Cole on October 12, 2000.
The terrorist organization al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack
In Afghanistan the bombing was a "great victory for bin Laden. Al-Qaeda camps.
Both the Clinton Administration and the Bush Administration have been criticized for failing to respond militarily to the attack on the USS Cole before September 11, 2001. The 9/11 Commission Report cites one source who said in February 2001, "[bin Laden] complained frequently that the United States had not yet attacked [in response to the Cole]... Bin Laden wanted the United States to attack, and if it did not he would launch something bigger."
USS Cole bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4) 1998 United States embassy bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5) Capturing Osama bin Laden had been an objective of the United States government from the presidency of Bill Clinton until bin Laden's death in 2011.
In response to the 1998 al-Qaeda bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa that killed a dozen Americans and hundreds of Africans, Clinton ordered cruise missile strikes on terrorist targets in Afghanistan and Sudan. First was a Sudanese Pharmaceutical company suspected of assisting Osama Bin Laden in making chemical weapons. The second was Bin Laden's terrorist training camps in Afghanistan.
Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The question I have is: Who is You?
As we all know, I usually try to keep the discourse civil around here, but I'm going to have to make an exception.

I have two words for all you assholes that politicized 9/11, the war on terror, the war in Iraq, and whose leader "Spiked the Football" on a fucking AIRCRAFT CARRIER half a decade before "operations in Iraq" were over:

Fuck You.

Seriously. I have no patience for this bullshit. You people can seriously go fuck yourselves on this one.

You chased Bin Laden around for a decade and FAILED.

Obama, while acting as commander in chief, got him, and that just pisses you assholes off to no end, doesn't it?

This utter hypocrisy is just UNBELIEVABLE.

Seriously, out of all the shit you've pulled in the past, this one just takes the cake.

So, in summary:

Stop whining, and STFU already.

WHO politicized the war in Iraq by putting the U.S. military under a microscope, with the assistance of the leftist news media minions?

WHO grossly overstated civilian casualties in Iraq?

WHO fabricated stories about atrocities committed by U.S. soldiers in Iraq?

WHO made a big deal about NOT capturing Osama Bin Laden (as if Al Qaida would just "disappear" if Bin Laden were killed)?

WHO orchestrated the virtual withdrawal of American news media coverage in Iraq after Obama took office?

WHO blamed Bush for Hurricane Katrina, and the aftermath, when it was the DEMOCRAT-controlled political regime in Louisiana who were initially responsible for the evacuation and safety of their citizens?

WHO blamed "global warming" as the cause of Hurricane Katrina, and FALSELY predicted an era of horrific hurricanes for the next several years after Katrina?

The list of HYPOCRISY from the leftists is virtually ENDLESS.

In closing, FUCK YOU, "Vast LWC".
And water is wet....

Point is many are rushing to take credit from the President. Give credit where credit is due. But that hurts the whole "being weak on terrorism" talking point. Remember that?

I think the Pro-War crowd is happy with Obama's performance, how could they not be?

That's why the discussion has shifted to the economy.

Either you have your head in the sand, or waited for Rush to tell you what to think about the agreement signed yesterday. It draws down our troops and passes security responsibility off to the Afghan forces. The pro-war crowd hates that.

Im pissed that we are staying till at least 2024... why in the Hell are we staying there again?
Why are we negotiating with the taliban again....

Suicide bombers attacked a compound housing Westerners in Kabul on Wednesday hours after U.S. President Barack Obama signed a security pact during a short visit to a city that remains vulnerable to a resilient insurgency.

Suicide bombers kill 7 after Obama leaves Afghan capital | Reuters

We had no terrorist attacks here at home after 9/11/01 while Bush was POTUS.

How many have there been since Obama has been in charge?

Did Bush keep us safe or did he just follow orders?

Bush was POTUS... I never said 'he kept us safe'.

Was there any domestic terror attacks or not? Just answer it.... its a yes or no question.

I said Did Bush keep us safe or did he just follow orders?
He learned from that mistake. Obama should have too, because he will get just as much hell as Bush did.

I dunno, sure didn't seem like he learned any humility when after that he was asked and couldn't remember one single mistake he made in his presidency.

Bush admits mistakes in his final news conference – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

you are citing 2009 and yet when asked prior to that he couldn't remember any.

[ame=]Classic Bush - What Mistakes? - YouTube[/ame]
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Are we really calling taking out OBL a military victory? It's certainly not military in a classical sense. Maybe more so a victory for justice?
Del: I kinda agree with you. I'm military and I'm not real keen on celebrating any death. Not that I don't think it should have happened for the good of the world.
Del: I kinda agree with you. I'm military and I'm not real keen on celebrating any death. Not that I don't think it should have happened for the good of the world.

i'm fine with him being dead, but i'd bet that you won't find any evidence of people doing victory laps on the first anniversary of hitler's death.

Liar.... why do you hate the truth?

As for 2nd guessing it.... why did Osama, eeerrr, I mean Obama wait 16 hrs to say take him out?

Oh yeah, he had to get that memo created that gave him a scapegoat in case it failed.


LOL got to love the talking points. They let you know who the lemming followers truly are.

my guess is that it took a while because it was a hard decision to make. it wasn't like he was sitting in a chair reading a childrens book after being told our nation was under attack or anything.

as for the scapegoat comment what in the memo do you think provides for a scapegoat?? what exact wording please provide the memo and the exact quote to support your spin. thank you.

Your a fucking troll and not worth debating frankly.

Fuck off!

16 HOURS...!!!!!!

LOL and yet i have provided valid arguments that counter or call you out for your spin and this is the best response that you can come up with. LOL

see how the rightwingers can't even defend their own words? LOL
Why yes, the old talking point "bush kept us safe after 9/11"

Funny how the right didn't opt for their current mantra "Bush just followed orders, no biggie" as a talking point.

We had no terrorist attacks here at home after 9/11/01 while Bush was POTUS.

How many have there been since Obama has been in charge?

actually according to the right back when clinton was president our embassies and bases counted as american soil. based on the fact that these were attacked on W's watch how did he actually keep us safe?

Furthermore, based on the argument from rightwingers in this very thread who argued that it's all part of the president's job and that obama shouldn't be thanked for doing his job then w deserves no credit for doing his job. LOL

Here's the deal, for conservatives, getting Osama is an expected job requirement. It isn't going above and beyond the job expectations for an "exceeds expectations" rating on the job review. Liberals have the notion he's a like a clerk who just landed the company's largest client ever. Doing his job is expected.

keeping Americans safe is part of the presidents job to so how can you praise W for doing his job? Thanks kwc. LOL
Why yes, the old talking point "bush kept us safe after 9/11"

Funny how the right didn't opt for their current mantra "Bush just followed orders, no biggie" as a talking point.

We had no terrorist attacks here at home after 9/11/01 while Bush was POTUS.

How many have there been since Obama has been in charge?

Did Bush keep us safe or did he just follow orders?

according to kwc if it's part of the job then he shouldn't be praised for doing his job. LOL

Here's the deal, for conservatives, getting Osama is an expected job requirement. It isn't going above and beyond the job expectations for an "exceeds expectations" rating on the job review. Liberals have the notion he's a like a clerk who just landed the company's largest client ever. Doing his job is expected.
I think the Pro-War crowd is happy with Obama's performance, how could they not be?

That's why the discussion has shifted to the economy.

Either you have your head in the sand, or waited for Rush to tell you what to think about the agreement signed yesterday. It draws down our troops and passes security responsibility off to the Afghan forces. The pro-war crowd hates that.

Im pissed that we are staying till at least 2024... why in the Hell are we staying there again?
Why are we negotiating with the taliban again....

Suicide bombers attacked a compound housing Westerners in Kabul on Wednesday hours after U.S. President Barack Obama signed a security pact during a short visit to a city that remains vulnerable to a resilient insurgency.

Suicide bombers kill 7 after Obama leaves Afghan capital | Reuters

I think it's great you are staying there until 2024. Hell stay there for another 50 years, but move all your bases out of Germany and Japan..

We had no terrorist attacks here at home after 9/11/01 while Bush was POTUS.

How many have there been since Obama has been in charge?

Did Bush keep us safe or did he just follow orders?

Bush was POTUS... I never said 'he kept us safe'.

Was there any domestic terror attacks or not? Just answer it.... its a yes or no question.

Part of the argument was that "w kept us safe" you don't get to change the argument to suit your needs. Sorry. lol

again, the right considered embassies an bases American soil back wihen clinton was president so does that same starndard apply here as well? if it does then yes we had domestic terrorist attacks on W's watch.

then of course you have the largest domestic terrorist attack in US history and that occured on his watch too.
Bush no more failed at getting Bin Laden, than Obama succeeded. They used the same intel personnel and the same military personnel.

He could have just as easily been found under Bush, Obama or the next president.

It all had to do with being in the WH at the right time.

yes just like reagan was lucky to be in the WH at the right time when the wall was coming down. LOL It could have happened anytime but he was lucky to be president when it happened and yet for some reason the right stil praises reagan for it.

Damn it quit moving the fucking goal posts you troll..... Reagans policies helped end the cold war and bring down the wall.
You dont like it that the wall came down and we won the cold war.... why do you hate that we won?
Why do you hate America?

who is moving the goal posts and how?? what policies of reagan's helped end the cold war? How were they different than those who preceded him? Got specifics??

the cold war was "fought" by many presidents before reagan he just happened to be "lucky" enough to be in office at that time. If you have a problem with the logic then complain to jarhead for using it first. LOL
I think the Pro-War crowd is happy with Obama's performance, how could they not be?

That's why the discussion has shifted to the economy.

I wouldn't say that they aren't talking about it because they are happy with his performance.
I would actually argue that they are not talking about it because they are not happy with the fact that they cannot use it against him.

Obama can not run on his failed record.... thats why he has to distract us with every kind of scandal imaginable

rightwing talking point and yet obama has talked about his record several times over.

and also by saying Romney wouldnt have done it.

Thats the main problem I have with the campaign ad to begin with.

Yes, Obama resided over catching one of the most wanted men on earth, and I appauded him and still do.....but to say Romney wouldnt have done the same is retarded!

based on romney's past comments and not his new interpretation of those comments it is fair to argue that he might not have made the same call.
What job exactly did Obama do? Give a nod when the process established by Bush's admin finally beared fruit? That was an easy call. Even a blind squirrel finds the occasional acorn.

so bush gets the credit even though it is no longer his watch but obama can't claim credit even though he was the CiC that made the call??


How many times has the right tired to argue that W is no longer president to avoid holding him accountable for the economic mess that he left obama with?? LOL Funny how their position changes based on who they believe they can give the credit or blame to isn't it?

Obama was left a shit storm of an economy by the Democrats in Congress and a compliant President Bush.... you guys wont let us forget that, but you fail to admit Bush's policies help lead to Osama's capture and death.

So can we blame the current republican house for the current economic situation too since they are focusing a large portion of their time investigating the white house and passing legislation that has no chance of passage and has nothing to do with the economy or do you blame only the president like the rest of the right?

Do you apply the same standard to both dem and rep or not?

What W polciies led to osama's capture and death? waterboarding KSM? actually al-qahtani gave us the info on the courier and he wasn't waterboarded so what is your argument?
But.... just think how much better he'd have looked if, on the first anniversary of OBL's death, he had chosen to highlight the courage of our armed forces, and thanked SEAL 6 for their daring deed. Then, people would have remembered that he gave the green light... but he'd have looked very Presidential by giving the credit where is should be. And, even better, the right wing would have been hard pressed to disagree.... he could have played this so much better.

If he had focused even more on them then you hypopcrites would mhave attacked him for using them as props.

Furthermore, he already thanked them and has continued to do so. however, the right continues to try and argue that obama has not thanked them. Once again reality escapes the grasp of the right as they march head long off that cliff following their talking points like good little lemmings.

Your full of shit!

Yet in several threads on this board the right is already accusing obama of using them as political tools in spite of the fact that he has focused on them and thanked them quite a bit.
However, for some reason you believe that it would be different if he had done what he has already done which the right is ignoring now?

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