Slow Moving Coup


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election. We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election. Maher explains it all.

So, in the 2020 election, the establishment changed a bunch of election laws, that caused the Trump supporters to believe they were unfairly treated in the election, and wanted the votes to be UN-certified, but the VP ignored them, and certified it anyway. . and all the Dems supported that.

. . . and now Bill Maher is concerned that the GOP establishment is changing the election rules back, so that the GOP is going to win, and he wants the establishment and the Biden admin. to decertify election results if Trump should win. . .

. . . and he believes Trump and his supporters are the problem? :eusa_think:

This hypocrisy is frankly, unbelievable.
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Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election.
Only seems fair, don't you think? After all, you've shown us how to do it!

We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election.
Sure sucks to be you.

Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election. We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election. Maher explains it all.

If you mean by coup Americans voting their conscience, then I guess you're right. There will be no ballot stuffing or rigging of voting machine in November 2021 or the 2024 election by us unlike the thievery of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist idea of free elections.
This hypocrisy is frankly, unbelievable.

WELL STATED. As I recall, didn't a bunch of democrats try to get congress to not certify Trump EC votes back in 2017?

Bet Joe could kick himself now for blocking that!
MisterBeale Perfect summation! :113:

The only thing that has kept the moderates and independents from believing the MSM, and government propaganda about Trump, is that Pence didn't decertify the election, and that Capitol protest/riot, wasn't really an insurrection, and no one really believes it was. There was no real violence there.

The stories the press and the government continue to try to make folks believe is all bullshit. WE HAVE NEVER, EVER, had the establishment tell folks, their votes don't matter, and the elites are just going to do what they want. . .

. . but that is what, in essence, Maher is suggesting the establishment do, should Trump win fair and square.


IMO. . . given all the negative press, and the terrible things that have gone on, I think Trump will have a hard enough time getting the nomination, to say nothing of running a successful campaign. But hell, this is the DNC we are talking about. They are so bone-headed & out of touch now, it wouldn't surprise me if they nominate some woke tranny socialist.

They'll make it easy for him.

How old will AOC be in 2024? Let's see. . she just turned 32 this month. . . so yeah, she could qualify by that time. :eusa_think:

Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election. We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election. Maher explains it all.

LMAO the left and their PROJECTION. :auiqs.jpg:
If you mean by coup Americans voting their conscience, then I guess you're right. There will be no ballot stuffing or rigging of voting machine in November 2021 or the 2024 election by us unlike the thievery of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist idea of free elections.

For Christ sake, how many times do you have to be told there was no election fraud? You had audits and found nothing. You trashed the capitol and still nothing.
Do you lumps ever learn anything?
How's that evidence going old son?
Now who's lying?
Are you normally mentally ill equipped to deal with facts?
The evidence has been posted 100's of times. You just don't want to acknowledge it because Dems are butthurt over getting called out on the cheating and Trump's refusal to concede the election. We understand, you people are crybabies.
Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election. We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election. Maher explains it all.

Yes, all those "patriotic" American lefty men whom, when the going gets tough, want to chop off their privates and become American ladies. Too funny.
Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election. We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election. Maher explains it all.

Wrong. We have one America that believes the fraudulent Presidential election was a long premeditated coup. And one America that mistakenly believes it is still America.
The evidence has been posted 100's of times. You just don't want to acknowledge it because Dems are butthurt over getting called out on the cheating and Trump's refusal to concede the election. We understand, you people are crybabies.
The 'evidence' has been before 100's of courts and found nothing.
Trump and his whiny cult can't stop whining.
Like a 3 year old, having a temper tantrum in the middle of the candy isle at the grocery store.

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