Slow Moving Coup


Given the number of folks that agreed with that analysis, and given what Maher himself stated, what else would you say is the upshot?

Bill himself said he wants an election decertified if Americans vote their choices, through the regular process approved by State voting laws. . . what else do you think it means?

Why else do you think there was a Federal level attempt to take over the voting laws?


IMO? I think you have a real problem with critical thinking. Of course critical thinking boggles your mind. If it conflicts with propaganda. . . naturally it boggles your mind.

Oh, because other retards misinterpreted it as well that makes it right?

So, in the 2020 election, the establishment changed a bunch of election laws, that caused the Trump supporters to believe they were unfairly treated in the election, and wanted the votes to be UN-certified, but the VP ignored them, and certified it anyway. . and all the Dems supported that.

. . . and now Bill Maher is concerned that the GOP establishment is changing the election rules back, so that the GOP is going to win, and he wants the establishment and the Biden admin. to decertify election results if Trump should win. . .

. . . and he believes Trump and his supporters are the problem? :eusa_think:

This hypocrisy is frankly, unbelievable.
Their smooth brains caused Trump supporters to believe they were unfairly treated in the election.
Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election. We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election. Maher explains it all.

Did your parents smash your head against the wall after you were born or while you were still in the womb?
You have to wonder about the knee jerk skewed logic on the left. You know they are referring to the mom and pop criminal trespassers on Jan 6 but how in the world can that influence the outcome of an election? What the left is saying is that the 1st Amendment right of the people to assemble and petition the government should be curbed by left wing gestapo.
Keep spewing the talking point lib. We'll continue refusing to concede the election and tagging Biden as illegitimate. :eusa_hand:
Don't concede if it makes you feel better.

In the meantime you can indulge your fantasy & wallow in it.

Biden won.
Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election. We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election. Maher explains it all.

In a sense this "slow moving coup" started in 1980 when David Koch lost as Libertarian VP candidate. This was one of the defining moments in US history.

The Koch brothers have turned the US far more right that should be normal.
Sorry if the truth hurts, Dems are liars and cheaters everyone knows it.
You should be able to name them, then....

Who, by name, are the democrats that stole the election from Trump in the four swing states Trump needs to win, to win the electoral college. Who are the democrats that cheated and illegally stole the election from Trump?
Too many Dems won't shut up about January 6. Did you libs not expect patriots to protest a stolen election?
Too many Dems won't shut up about January 6. Did you libs not expect patriots to protest a stolen election?
It might be a little easier to buy into your conspiracy theory if Trump's Justice Department, Trump's IHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Republican lawmakers, Republican election officials and state Supreme Courts didn't all disagree with you.

But, I know. They're all in on it. They're all commies out to destroy America.

To not support our democratic institutions and processes is truly unpatriotic. It's not about left or right. Liberals and Conservatives can both be patriotic.

It's way past time for Conservatives to start calling out their own. I thought 2020 and 2021 were dark, I'm not looking forward to the next elections. Not because of who I think could win (it's a tossup at this point) it's the steps taken beyond what has already transpired after last November that I'm worried about.

Does the far right begin assassinations next? It's not like we haven't heard them making those threats. Against political foes from the top all the way down to local schoolboards. The three worst things that could have happened to us did. A 'charismatic' leader who only cares about himself willing to say anything as long as it benefits him regardless of the harm. A generation of conservatives who are desperately trying to remain relevant while they decline in population and influence. Lastly throw in a global pandemic where conspiracies, lies and grifters flourish.

I fear for our future.
Keep fearing if that is what you want to do. The Constitution has withstood all of it before. Allowing knee jerking reactionaries to flourish is the issue. Mandating behavior and reaching to the point that all must agree or are unpatriotic is a bigger issue. We all don’t need to think a like, we can have ideas and thoughts and the issue is the thought police is now setting agendas. Hell, mandates for vaccines or you are removed from society? Seriously? A virus that kills .02% of the population and we now want people to give up rights and freedoms? Expressing a thought contrary to the government is now treason? Where the hell did all those liberals that told us to question authority go?

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