Slow Moving Coup

If you mean by coup Americans voting their conscience, then I guess you're right. There will be no ballot stuffing or rigging of voting machine in November 2021 or the 2024 election by us unlike the thievery of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist idea of free elections.
It'll be fun to bring this up again in 2024 when you're swearing there was mass election fraud once more.

The only thing that has kept the moderates and independents from believing the MSM, and government propaganda about Trump, is that Pence didn't decertify the election, and that Capitol protest/riot, wasn't really an insurrection, and no one really believes it was. There was no real violence there.

The stories the press and the government continue to try to make folks believe is all bullshit. WE HAVE NEVER, EVER, had the establishment tell folks, their votes don't matter, and the elites are just going to do what they want. . .

. . but that is what, in essence, Maher is suggesting the establishment do, should Trump win fair and square.


IMO. . . given all the negative press, and the terrible things that have gone on, I think Trump will have a hard enough time getting the nomination, to say nothing of running a successful campaign. But hell, this is the DNC we are talking about. They are so bone-headed & out of touch now, it wouldn't surprise me if they nominate some woke tranny socialist.

They'll make it easy for him.

How old will AOC be in 2024? Let's see. . she just turned 32 this month. . . so yeah, she could qualify by that time. :eusa_think:

Meanwhile back in reality, 140 cops were injured during the "non violent" insurrection.
Memory is so short in the minds of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies.....


In addition we find the following by the Federalist:
Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election. We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election. Maher explains it all.

Like the Nazis, Democrats project their crimes upon others.

The OP is a perfect example of this phenomenon.
Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election. We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election. Maher explains it all.

Delusional bullshit...the dems turn loose anti-fa and BLM to attack everyone with violence, allow the communist chinese to turn loose the covid 19 kung flu killing around 58,000 americans so far, the dems capital police shoot an unarmed protestor in cold blood, and the asshole dems say the trumpers are the violent ones?
The evidence has been posted 100's of times. You just don't want to acknowledge it because Dems are butthurt over getting called out on the cheating and Trump's refusal to concede the election. We understand, you people are crybabies.

Your opinion which you offered as evidence has the same validity as pure air and it came ftom a place filled with air.
Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election. We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election. Maher explains it all.

Whether Maher is right or wrong I do not pay attention to him and other Progs. He is a reason we are at this point. You say a 12 year old girl raped by a boys in dresses in school buildings is freedom. And complaining about is is fascism making a parent a terrorist. I know who the real nazis are.
Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election. We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election. Maher explains it all.

It's like my pappy used to say, if you ain't cheat'in you don't want to win bad enough
First they're convinced by a damaged, flamboyant buffoon that an election is rigged, then they use that to return the favor, in their minds.

The other guy did it, so we can do it, too.

That's how democracy dies.
First of all, democracy does not exist anywhere.

Secondly, what little we have is controlled by the state media because without a free media democracy is impossible.

Hopefully they won't censor my post.
Well you certainly supported the theft of the 2020 election. Hell YOU voted in an incompetent, walking, talking disaster. Congrats
Delusional bullshit...the dems turn loose anti-fa and BLM to attack everyone with violence, allow the communist chinese to turn loose the covid 19 kung flu killing around 58,000 americans so far, the dems capital police shoot an unarmed protestor in cold blood, and the asshole dems say the trumpers are the violent ones?
Well for someone you say was incompetent. That incompetent did a pretty good job.

UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years.

We had jobs all across the country and a great economy.

Hope you aren't looking for that from Bidung cause you ain't gonna get it.
Well for someone you say was incompetent. That incompetent did a pretty good job.

UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years.

We had jobs all across the country and a great economy.

Hope you aren't looking for that from Bidung cause you ain't gonna get it.
Unemployment was the highest since the Great Depression.
do you really depend on a President to get a good job?
Well for someone you say was incompetent. That incompetent did a pretty good job.

UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years.

We had jobs all across the country and a great economy.

Hope you aren't looking for that from Bidung cause you ain't gonna get it.
Trump lowered the unemployment rate 1.2% to 3.5% for three months and his cult thinks he parted the red sea.
But hated Obama's numbers reducing unemployment by 5.5%, calling them fake, of course.
Then on January 21 2017, the numbers were real.

'Great economy' for rich people.

January 24 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier.

The president has spent many weekends of his presidency so far at the "Winter White House," where initiation fees cost $200,000, annual dues cost $14,000, and some of the most affluent members of society have the opportunity to interact with the president in a setting while many Americans cannot.

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