Would a "good" king be better than today's democracy?


VIP Member
Sep 2, 2018
Me and a friend of mine use to talk about this. We always heard about the kings or dictators that do for themselves, don't treat the people right by neglecting some and etc. We would talk about it and I would say, what about a good king. Someone that did for and cared about his people, thats scripture. A king would be judged on how he lead. After all, look at today democracy. The more hands in the pot, the more u mess up what comes out.
I'm all for a Trumptatorship at this point.

You can't clean up a country, unless you have full control. And you can't have full control, unless you control those under you..........whether they are for you or against you.

Trump has the cleaning up corruption know-how, but not the "git'er done" know-how. Otherwise he could have had a LOT done in the 4 years he was in office.
Me and a friend of mine use to talk about this. We always heard about the kings or dictators that do for themselves, don't treat the people right by neglecting some and etc. We would talk about it and I would say, what about a good king. Someone that did for and cared about his people, thats scripture. A king would be judged on how he lead. After all, look at today democracy. The more hands in the pot, the more u mess up what comes out.
we have a constitutional republic not a democracy,,
I'm all for a Trumptatorship at this point.

You can't clean up a country, unless you have full control. And you can't have full control, unless you control those under you..........whether they are for you or against you.

Trump has the cleaning up corruption know-how, but not the "git'er done" know-how. Otherwise he could have had a LOT done in the 4 years he was in office.
Trump accomplished a lot in spite of the opposition. If RINOs and the political elite had supported him, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in right now.
Me and a friend of mine use to talk about this. We always heard about the kings or dictators that do for themselves, don't treat the people right by neglecting some and etc. We would talk about it and I would say, what about a good king. Someone that did for and cared about his people, thats scripture. A king would be judged on how he lead. After all, look at today democracy. The more hands in the pot, the more u mess up what comes out.
And what would prevent the one after that from being the cruelest king ever? Ask Israel...
The Brits had that choice when they beheaded King Chuck around 1650. They ended up with a dead king and they realized that they didn't have the balls to take on the responsibility of self government and called Little Chuck back from France to give them leadership. The Founding Fathers created the greatest concept in human history, government of the people in 1776 and the rest of the civilized world gradually followed with the same concept. It's shocking that decades of liberal education sponsored by the federal government would create a peculiar class of Americans who consider that a monarchy might be the way to go in the 21st century after all Americans gave of their lives and fortunes in two centuries to preserve the freedom we enjoy today.
A good king would always be better than an unruly mob, that is simply a fact. Dictatorships are extremely efficient.

The problem is that a 'good' king simply nonexistent. When one comes to power, the power hungry bad king kills and replaces them.

It is the paradox of power, those best suited to wield power in a moral and just fashion cannot gain that power in the first place.
Me and a friend of mine use to talk about this. We always heard about the kings or dictators that do for themselves, don't treat the people right by neglecting some and etc. We would talk about it and I would say, what about a good king. Someone that did for and cared about his people, thats scripture. A king would be judged on how he lead. After all, look at today democracy. The more hands in the pot, the more u mess up what comes out.

The US hardly has democracy. It has people going to vote. But then their vote doesn't mean too much.

And the UK will have a king when the queen dies, and they have FPTP like the US. Other countries with monarchs have Proportional Representation, which is better.
The US hardly has democracy. It has people going to vote. But then their vote doesn't mean too much.
An oft repeated falsehood. You could say that we are not a democracy because we are a republic but that is not the contention you are going for here afaik.

We select our political leaders here. That is just a simple fact. The reality that we keep selecting shit leaders is because we have an apathetic electorate to all things that matter and rabid activists on things that do not, not because the vote does not matter.
And the UK will have a king when the queen dies, and they have FPTP like the US. Other countries with monarchs have Proportional Representation, which is better.
No, they will not. They have a position named king but if you are making the contention that has squat to do with the OP's post and the use of the term king in it then you are purposefully missing the point.
I'm all for a Trumptatorship at this point.

You can't clean up a country, unless you have full control. And you can't have full control, unless you control those under you..........whether they are for you or against you.

Trump has the cleaning up corruption know-how, but not the "git'er done" know-how. Otherwise he could have had a LOT done in the 4 years he was in office.
And you assholes have the nerve to call me Un American.
Me and a friend of mine use to talk about this. We always heard about the kings or dictators that do for themselves, don't treat the people right by neglecting some and etc. We would talk about it and I would say, what about a good king. Someone that did for and cared about his people, thats scripture. A king would be judged on how he lead. After all, look at today democracy. The more hands in the pot, the more u mess up what comes out.
I have often heard a benevolent dictatorship is the best form of government, The problem of course is finding a benevolent dictator.


Send me enough vestal virgins and I can be pretty benevolent


Me and a friend of mine use to talk about this. We always heard about the kings or dictators that do for themselves, don't treat the people right by neglecting some and etc. We would talk about it and I would say, what about a good king. Someone that did for and cared about his people, thats scripture. A king would be judged on how he lead. After all, look at today democracy. The more hands in the pot, the more u mess up what comes out.

The answer is really simple. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I'm all for a Trumptatorship at this point.
You had it and that bloody democracy saved the country.

You can't clean up a country, unless you have full control. And you can't have full control, unless you control those under you..........whether they are for you or against you.
Full control is un American and is against democracy and constitution. Your complaining about democrats and communism but simultaneously want it installed to suit you. Fuck off.

Trump has the cleaning up corruption know-how, but not the "git'er done" know-how. Otherwise he could have had a LOT done in the 4 years he was in office.
He did nothing of the sort. He was the corruption in the WH. He couldn't clean his arse.
AirTight There have been some benevolent Kings who ruled their people with fairness and their Kingdoms prospered. There are relatively few of them which is understandable. Power corrupts and there is no more powerful person than a King in his Kingdom.
Me and a friend of mine use to talk about this. We always heard about the kings or dictators that do for themselves, don't treat the people right by neglecting some and etc. We would talk about it and I would say, what about a good king. Someone that did for and cared about his people, thats scripture. A king would be judged on how he lead. After all, look at today democracy. The more hands in the pot, the more u mess up what comes out.

An all-powerful authoritarian ruler could very well be in America's near future. The most shocking bit: conservative, Christian Americans will be the ones who put him (or her) in power. No, it won't be Trump or anyone else Trump-like. The reason for propping up an American dictator is very easy to understand. The radical left, the RHINO right and all elected officials in-between have led America down a road of psychotic evil madness; so far down that road We The People have been driven that we're ready to get some real wrath-of-God revenge. Only an authoritarian can grant us that wish but it is a double edged sword, razor sharp. A sword that will both save us and cut us deeply, in the end.
A king means a One-Party government, with the head of that government having all the real power.
What always happens under One-Party governments?
It never fails.
Having a king means opposing voices are not heard. Go back through history and you will find that under old style monarchies, criticism of the kings is taboo, even when a king is relatively benevolent.

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