Slow Moving Coup

The evidence has been posted 100's of times. You just don't want to acknowledge it because Dems are butthurt over getting called out on the cheating and Trump's refusal to concede the election. We understand, you people are crybabies.

No evidenc e has been posted once much less hundreds of time;.''
There is no such fucking evidence and your assertion it has been posted is a BALD FACED LIE.
This thread exemplifies how Trump will pull off his coup: His supporters will shriek "Well, you stole the last election!" even though they cannot provide one shred of evidence as fraud. They will use this as justification for actually stealing an election, like Maher explains Trump tried to do in 2020.

Only problem for Trump is there were Republicans at the state level who would not play that game in 2020. They will all be gone in 2024, replaced by those who will.
This thread exemplifies how Trump will pull off his coup: His supporters will shriek "Well, you stole the last election!" even though they cannot provide one shred of evidence as fraud. They will use this as justification for actually stealing an election, like Maher explains Trump tried to do in 2020.

Only problem for Trump is there were Republicans at the state level who would not play that game. They will all be gone in 2024.
This thread ignores that Trump supporters are dwindling and insignificant. They cant steal anything.
You're wrong. They don't need a majority, that's why they are plotting on stealing elections. Trump already tried in 2020. Watch the video.
I never said they needed a majority.

They are dwindling and shrinking. The more Trumo fleeces money from them the more of them he alienates. They ahave bno ability to steal anything. They are weak and he is a has been.
Bill Maher is an odd duck.

Sometimes he is open minded, looks at both sides of the fence, considers both sides, and thinks what's best for the nation as a whole. He still maintains his liberal views but acknowledges his sides own issues.

Other times, like this one, he does the exact opposite and is a completely closed minded moron that only wants to phrase things to paint a certain picture.

One minute I like him, the next I dislike him.
Let's do that Country Buffet-thingy again, before I leave for chores.
There's been some good stuff on this thread covering oh-so-familiar ground. There has been some real knucklehead-isms too. And it is the dunderheaded stuff I'll mostly cover, but before then....lemme give a shout out to this post by post ODanny:

"This thread exemplifies how Trump will pull off his coup: His supporters will shriek "Well, you stole the last election!" even though they cannot provide one shred of evidence as fraud."
Yupper, I think odanny is our sherpa here. The duped & snookered will send in their hard-earned money and fund the rich guy who has been duping and snookering them for decades. Trump University anyone? Trump's non-taxed charity anyone? Trump's multiple bankruptcies anyone?
Whew! That felt good to just snark a bit.

OK, let's get the really fun part of this thread.

This part:
"bone-headed & out of touch
  • American lefty men whom, when the going gets tough, want to chop off their privates and become American ladies.
  • the covid 19 kung flu killing around 58,000 americans
  • "Would I knee a Dem in the groin to win an election? Yeah most likely."
OK, those are the easily dismissed knuckleheaded brain-dead stuff those good posters deemed to offer the forum today. (58,000 dead from Covid????)

But they are not the most dunderheaded of the fare. Noper.
We get this thoughtful observant in-the-know assertion by the good poster Beale, who strangely, for being so observant, has evidently not seen:

  • the NYT's coverage of 'Days of Rage'
  • or "90 Seconds of Rage"?
  • Has not seen the HBO documentary '4 Hours at the Capitol''
  • nor seen the Netflix documentary;
  • nor seen the Frontline documentary?

    So, good poster Beale offers us this gem:
"...that Capitol protest/riot...... There was no real violence there.

"No real violence"?
You know, such a statement reminds me of some moke who reads Michael Herr's 'Dispatches' and then says he knows everything about combat in VietNam.
'No violence' is a statement an armchair, far-removed, InfoWars/TuckerCarlson 'expert' would make. No disrespect intended.

But a nano-search of Google reveals a view of that violence that doesn't quite jibe with our ersatz-'violence' expert's opinion that there was "no-real-violence-there":

  • "The Capitol assault resulted in one of the worst days of injuries for law enforcement in the United States since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. About 140 officers — 73 from the Capitol Police and 65 from the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington — were injured, the departments have said. They ranged from bruises and lacerations to more serious damage such as concussions, rib fractures, burns and even a mild heart attack.
  • “If you’re a cop and get into a fight, it may last five minutes, but these guys were in battle for four to five hours,” said Chuck Wexler, the executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum, a nonprofit that advises departments across the country on management and tactics.
  • “You would be hard-pressed to find another day in history like this,” he said, “when the police encountered this level of violence in one event.”
  • Some without helmets sustained brain injuries, one officer had two cracked ribs, two shattered spinal discs, and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake, said Gus Papathanasiou, the chairman of the Capitol Police Union.
  • One officer lost the tip of his right index finger. Others were smashed in the head with baseball bats, flag poles and pipes. Another lost consciousness after rioters used a metal barrier to push her into stairs.....
  • One Capitol Police officer, Brian D. Sicknick, was killed, and investigators are increasingly focused on whether chemical irritants were a factor in his death, according to a senior law enforcement official. The Capitol Police said in a statement that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.”
(NYT 2/11/21)


I love this bar.
We have winners.
We have _________.

So, in the 2020 election, the establishment changed a bunch of election laws, that caused the Trump supporters to believe they were unfairly treated in the election, and wanted the votes to be UN-certified, but the VP ignored them, and certified it anyway. . and all the Dems supported that.
Trump supporters believe lots of things. It doesn’t make it so.

If a county puts out ballot drop boxes or expands vote bg mail, that’s not “unfair” since anyone can do it, Republican or Democrat.

Wanting the votes to be uncertified is literally depriving people of their vote and the fact that is what they tried to do is appalling.
So, in the 2020 election, the establishment changed a bunch of election laws, that caused the Trump supporters to believe they were unfairly treated in the election, and wanted the votes to be UN-certified, but the VP ignored them, and certified it anyway. . and all the Dems supported that.

. . . and now Bill Maher is concerned that the GOP establishment is changing the election rules back, so that the GOP is going to win, and he wants the establishment and the Biden admin. to decertify election results if Trump should win. . .

. . . and he believes Trump and his supporters are the problem? :eusa_think:

This hypocrisy is frankly, unbelievable.

Democrat and Republicans altered voting rules due to the pandemic.

Partisan legislatures are altering the way the votes are counted and challenged after voting day to allow for partisan interference in opposition districts not based on the rule of law.
Memory is so short in the minds of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies.....


In addition we find the following by the Federalist:

Which VP in the entire history of our country, ever contemplated having the power to not certify a States certified EC votes. Ever!
Which VP in the entire history of our country, ever contemplated having the power to not certify a States certified EC votes. Ever!

All out going VP's have that option.
Vice President Pence has not only the constitutional authority, but the constitutional obligation to say no to electoral votes from fraudulent state elections. The particular statute granting this authority is U.S.C. 12.

All out going VP's have that option.
Vice President Pence has not only the constitutional authority, but the constitutional obligation to say no to electoral votes from fraudulent state elections. The particular statute granting this authority is U.S.C. 12.

The role of the vice president, as president of the Senate, is to open envelopes with results from each state and announce the final tally.
Trumpers want their leader as President, and they will definitely support a successful theft of the 2024 election. We have two America's, patriotic Americans who believe in free and fair elections, and Trumpers, who will do anything, including using violence, to steal an election. Maher explains it all.

I thought this was about the 2016-2020 Faux Russian Collusion COUP.

You are a moron.

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