Slovakia - Pro EU Presidential Candidates win 100% of votes cast

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Anti-corruption lawyer Zuzana Caputova becomes Slovakia’s first female president

Riding a wave of public fury over corruption, liberal lawyer Zuzana Caputova won Slovakia's presidential election on Saturday, bucking a trend that has seen populist, anti-European Union politicians make gains across the continent.

Corruption and change in political style were the main themes ahead of the run-off vote, which took place a year after journalist Jan Kuciak, who investigated high-profile fraud cases, and his fiancé were murdered at their home.

Ms Caputova, a pro-EU political novice who will be the euro zone country's first female president, had 58.3 per cent of the vote after results from 98.1 per cent of districts were counted, ahead of European commissioner Maros Sefcovic who took 41.7 per cent.

Thats a pretty encouraging result from a country with a pretty average history. Maybe there is hope for the likes of Hungary ?
Anti-corruption lawyer Zuzana Caputova becomes Slovakia’s first female president

Riding a wave of public fury over corruption, liberal lawyer Zuzana Caputova won Slovakia's presidential election on Saturday, bucking a trend that has seen populist, anti-European Union politicians make gains across the continent.

Corruption and change in political style were the main themes ahead of the run-off vote, which took place a year after journalist Jan Kuciak, who investigated high-profile fraud cases, and his fiancé were murdered at their home.

Ms Caputova, a pro-EU political novice who will be the euro zone country's first female president, had 58.3 per cent of the vote after results from 98.1 per cent of districts were counted, ahead of European commissioner Maros Sefcovic who took 41.7 per cent.

Thats a pretty encouraging result from a country with a pretty average history. Maybe there is hope for the likes of Hungary ?

The President of Slovakia is a Ceremonial position, they have no actual power, they cannot put forward policies, they cannot implement change in politics in Slovakia the power is with the Prime Minister and the Smer party who have the most seats in the National Council. Zuzana Čaputová has ZERO experience in politics and she is going to be EATEN ALIVE in the realm of Slovakian politics and the ONLY thing successful she ever did was to prevent in her home town in 2016 a landfill site being put there and her election to a Ceremonial position comes from one of the LOWEST TURN OUTS in an election in Slovakian history 40% there will be a different result in May for parliamentary elections, Slovakia is NOT a Left-Wing nation, Slovakians tired of corruption YES but remain Conservative and very religious. So Tommy sorry to disappoint you Slovakia is NOT about to allow faggots to begin sucking each others dicks in public. And Slovakia will be remaining in The Visegrád Group.

Do not think Tommy that Hungary will change to go for Cultural Suicide like Leftists want, in Hungary ALL the power is with the Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party and they are now rooted in.
Anti-corruption lawyer Zuzana Caputova becomes Slovakia’s first female president

Riding a wave of public fury over corruption, liberal lawyer Zuzana Caputova won Slovakia's presidential election on Saturday, bucking a trend that has seen populist, anti-European Union politicians make gains across the continent.

Corruption and change in political style were the main themes ahead of the run-off vote, which took place a year after journalist Jan Kuciak, who investigated high-profile fraud cases, and his fiancé were murdered at their home.

Ms Caputova, a pro-EU political novice who will be the euro zone country's first female president, had 58.3 per cent of the vote after results from 98.1 per cent of districts were counted, ahead of European commissioner Maros Sefcovic who took 41.7 per cent.

Thats a pretty encouraging result from a country with a pretty average history. Maybe there is hope for the likes of Hungary ?

The President of Slovakia is a Ceremonial position, they have no actual power, they cannot put forward policies, they cannot implement change in politics in Slovakia the power is with the Prime Minister and the Smer party who have the most seats in the National Council. Zuzana Čaputová has ZERO experience in politics and she is going to be EATEN ALIVE in the realm of Slovakian politics and the ONLY thing successful she ever did was to prevent in her home town in 2016 a landfill site being put there and her election to a Ceremonial position comes from one of the LOWEST TURN OUTS in an election in Slovakian history 40% there will be a different result in May for parliamentary elections, Slovakia is NOT a Left-Wing nation, Slovakians tired of corruption YES but remain Conservative and very religious. So Tommy sorry to disappoint you Slovakia is NOT about to allow faggots to begin sucking each others dicks in public. And Slovakia will be remaining in The Visegrád Group.

Do not think Tommy that Hungary will change to go for Cultural Suicide like Leftists want, in Hungary ALL the power is with the Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party and they are now rooted in.
Its a small ray of hope Lucy.
Anti-corruption lawyer Zuzana Caputova becomes Slovakia’s first female president

Riding a wave of public fury over corruption, liberal lawyer Zuzana Caputova won Slovakia's presidential election on Saturday, bucking a trend that has seen populist, anti-European Union politicians make gains across the continent.

Corruption and change in political style were the main themes ahead of the run-off vote, which took place a year after journalist Jan Kuciak, who investigated high-profile fraud cases, and his fiancé were murdered at their home.

Ms Caputova, a pro-EU political novice who will be the euro zone country's first female president, had 58.3 per cent of the vote after results from 98.1 per cent of districts were counted, ahead of European commissioner Maros Sefcovic who took 41.7 per cent.

Thats a pretty encouraging result from a country with a pretty average history. Maybe there is hope for the likes of Hungary ?

The President of Slovakia is a Ceremonial position, they have no actual power, they cannot put forward policies, they cannot implement change in politics in Slovakia the power is with the Prime Minister and the Smer party who have the most seats in the National Council. Zuzana Čaputová has ZERO experience in politics and she is going to be EATEN ALIVE in the realm of Slovakian politics and the ONLY thing successful she ever did was to prevent in her home town in 2016 a landfill site being put there and her election to a Ceremonial position comes from one of the LOWEST TURN OUTS in an election in Slovakian history 40% there will be a different result in May for parliamentary elections, Slovakia is NOT a Left-Wing nation, Slovakians tired of corruption YES but remain Conservative and very religious. So Tommy sorry to disappoint you Slovakia is NOT about to allow faggots to begin sucking each others dicks in public. And Slovakia will be remaining in The Visegrád Group.

Do not think Tommy that Hungary will change to go for Cultural Suicide like Leftists want, in Hungary ALL the power is with the Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party and they are now rooted in.
Its a small ray of hope Lucy.

Do not count on it Tommy, nobody cares about Ceremonial Positions, what we care about is POWER, is being in charge of CHANGING policy and FORMING policy and INFLUENCING Mainstream thought to join our European Patriotic Movement.

I add for our American friends on this Continent ANYONE is Far-Right who wants to protect their nations borders, STOP Mass Immigration from The Middle East and Africa, Deport ALL Muh Refugees, preserve their nations Culture and Heritage, ENCOURAGE the BREEDING of MORE of OUR OWN babies, who LOVES their nation and would DIE to protect their nation, is AGAINST Multiculturalism and Leftism and who is a Practising Christian Patriot on an Historically Christian Continent.

Meanwhile in Estonia, they had their General Election and the result of that is this:

Estonia: Far right set to enter government for first time

Three parties have inked a coalition agreement to form a new government in Estonia. The deal most likely spells the end of another party leader's chances of becoming Estonia's first female prime minister.

Estonia: Far right set to enter government for first time | DW | 07.04.2019

Far-right party deputy: 'We are the mainstream in Estonia'

"The euroskeptic Conservative People’s Party (EKRE) made major gains in Estonia's parliamentary election with an anti-immigrant campaign warning of an upsurge in crime. Is this the face of the new mainstream?

Estonia's far-right EKRE party could soon be in government. In the country's most recent parliamentary election it had a surge in support, taking nearly 18% of the votes. After the election, the current Estonian prime minister backtracked on campaign promises and offered the euroskeptic EKRE coalition talks.

EKRE Deputy Chairman Martin Helme told DW's Conflict Zone, "We are the mainstream in Estonia."


In the campaign, the Conservative People's Party said Estonia could be overwhelmed by immigrants.

DW's Tim Sebastian asked the deputy EKRE leader about racist comments he made before he entered politics.

"If you're black, go back," Helme said during a television appearance in 2013, adding, "I want Estonia to be a white country." In the Conflict Zone interview, Helme told Sebastian "80 percent of Estonians agreed with that statement."

Has he changed his views now? "No, no."

Instead Helme offered his own view of the problem: "What is racist in Europe nowadays is the replacement of indigenous people. That is pure racism."

Far-right party deputy: 'We are the mainstream in Estonia' | DW | 13.03.2019

^^^^ Yes 80% of Estonians WOULD agree considering Estonia IS a White Nation, it is 99.9% White. Now you see this IS now Mainstream Thinking, all this idiocy about how EVERYONE is racist because they do NOT want to be replaced by a hundred million Arabs and Sub-Saharan Africans, every day more and more agree that there is ZERO racist about stating that European Nations ARE Historically White AND Christian and have been for 1,000 years and before and that we LIKE it this way, just like our Ancestor's LIKED it that way. More and more every day are saying NO to Immigration AND Multiculturalism and this IS NORMAL and HEALTHY thinking. The British and the French and Sweden because of FEAR of getting called names from The Usual Suspects and the Liberal Mainstream Media might NOT have the courage to vote for Patriotic Nationalists or might NOT in Sweden's situation have the testicles to do the CORRECT thing and their Conservatives form a Government with the Sweden Democrats BUT in now a MAJORITY of European nations there ARE NO such problems and we now welcome Estonia to our European Patriotic Family to join:

My nation, Hungary, Slovakia (Prime Minister, Government NOT Ceremonial President in POINTLESS and NO POWER position), Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Finland, Czech Republic, Belarus and Switzerland (The Swiss Peoples Party the SVP is the leading party with the voters of Switzerland and has a majority 65 seats the largest party) That is now 15 nations who ALL have Patriotic Nationalists in their Government in positions of power, in positions of CHANGING policy, in positions of FORMING policy and in positions of INFLUENCING MAINSTREAM OPINIONS and the other thing they ALL have in common is that they are AGAINST Multiculturalism and AGAINST Open Borders and AGAINST importing Alien peoples and Alien Cultures into the nations.

This is a WINNING Strategy, we have known this for some time and is is continuing as the Estonian situation now illustrates, Patriotic Nationalists are not only back in the Mainstream after a very long time, but we are gaining HEARTS AND MINDS of TENS of MILLIONS of Europeans who like us LOVE this Continent, OUR Continent and who want to preserve and protect it and also to preserve and protect our UNIQUE Heritage based on Christianity and Enlightenment.

With this of course we add that we RESPECT the RIGHT of the British and French and Sweden to Commit Cultural Suicide on the Altar of Multiculturalism, that is their choice BUT 15 nations and we WILL be adding MORE stand TOGETHER and say that NO we also DO NOT have to Commit Cultural Suicide and IF a MINORITY of nations on this Continent do not begin to RESPECT this then TOGETHER we are PREPARED to get VERY VERY UGLY about this.

The members below I thought would think the above articles of interest:

theHawk impuretrash miketx Marion Morrison HereWeGoAgain Vastator SassyIrishLass Odium ZZ PUPPS Meathead
Anti-corruption lawyer Zuzana Caputova becomes Slovakia’s first female president

Riding a wave of public fury over corruption, liberal lawyer Zuzana Caputova won Slovakia's presidential election on Saturday, bucking a trend that has seen populist, anti-European Union politicians make gains across the continent.

Corruption and change in political style were the main themes ahead of the run-off vote, which took place a year after journalist Jan Kuciak, who investigated high-profile fraud cases, and his fiancé were murdered at their home.

Ms Caputova, a pro-EU political novice who will be the euro zone country's first female president, had 58.3 per cent of the vote after results from 98.1 per cent of districts were counted, ahead of European commissioner Maros Sefcovic who took 41.7 per cent.

Thats a pretty encouraging result from a country with a pretty average history. Maybe there is hope for the likes of Hungary ?

The President of Slovakia is a Ceremonial position, they have no actual power, they cannot put forward policies, they cannot implement change in politics in Slovakia the power is with the Prime Minister and the Smer party who have the most seats in the National Council. Zuzana Čaputová has ZERO experience in politics and she is going to be EATEN ALIVE in the realm of Slovakian politics and the ONLY thing successful she ever did was to prevent in her home town in 2016 a landfill site being put there and her election to a Ceremonial position comes from one of the LOWEST TURN OUTS in an election in Slovakian history 40% there will be a different result in May for parliamentary elections, Slovakia is NOT a Left-Wing nation, Slovakians tired of corruption YES but remain Conservative and very religious. So Tommy sorry to disappoint you Slovakia is NOT about to allow faggots to begin sucking each others dicks in public. And Slovakia will be remaining in The Visegrád Group.

Do not think Tommy that Hungary will change to go for Cultural Suicide like Leftists want, in Hungary ALL the power is with the Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party and they are now rooted in.
Its a small ray of hope Lucy.

Do not count on it Tommy, nobody cares about Ceremonial Positions, what we care about is POWER, is being in charge of CHANGING policy and FORMING policy and INFLUENCING Mainstream thought to join our European Patriotic Movement.

I add for our American friends on this Continent ANYONE is Far-Right who wants to protect their nations borders, STOP Mass Immigration from The Middle East and Africa, Deport ALL Muh Refugees, preserve their nations Culture and Heritage, ENCOURAGE the BREEDING of MORE of OUR OWN babies, who LOVES their nation and would DIE to protect their nation, is AGAINST Multiculturalism and Leftism and who is a Practising Christian Patriot on an Historically Christian Continent.

Meanwhile in Estonia, they had their General Election and the result of that is this:

Estonia: Far right set to enter government for first time

Three parties have inked a coalition agreement to form a new government in Estonia. The deal most likely spells the end of another party leader's chances of becoming Estonia's first female prime minister.

Estonia: Far right set to enter government for first time | DW | 07.04.2019

Far-right party deputy: 'We are the mainstream in Estonia'

"The euroskeptic Conservative People’s Party (EKRE) made major gains in Estonia's parliamentary election with an anti-immigrant campaign warning of an upsurge in crime. Is this the face of the new mainstream?

Estonia's far-right EKRE party could soon be in government. In the country's most recent parliamentary election it had a surge in support, taking nearly 18% of the votes. After the election, the current Estonian prime minister backtracked on campaign promises and offered the euroskeptic EKRE coalition talks.

EKRE Deputy Chairman Martin Helme told DW's Conflict Zone, "We are the mainstream in Estonia."


In the campaign, the Conservative People's Party said Estonia could be overwhelmed by immigrants.

DW's Tim Sebastian asked the deputy EKRE leader about racist comments he made before he entered politics.

"If you're black, go back," Helme said during a television appearance in 2013, adding, "I want Estonia to be a white country." In the Conflict Zone interview, Helme told Sebastian "80 percent of Estonians agreed with that statement."

Has he changed his views now? "No, no."

Instead Helme offered his own view of the problem: "What is racist in Europe nowadays is the replacement of indigenous people. That is pure racism."

Far-right party deputy: 'We are the mainstream in Estonia' | DW | 13.03.2019

^^^^ Yes 80% of Estonians WOULD agree considering Estonia IS a White Nation, it is 99.9% White. Now you see this IS now Mainstream Thinking, all this idiocy about how EVERYONE is racist because they do NOT want to be replaced by a hundred million Arabs and Sub-Saharan Africans, every day more and more agree that there is ZERO racist about stating that European Nations ARE Historically White AND Christian and have been for 1,000 years and before and that we LIKE it this way, just like our Ancestor's LIKED it that way. More and more every day are saying NO to Immigration AND Multiculturalism and this IS NORMAL and HEALTHY thinking. The British and the French and Sweden because of FEAR of getting called names from The Usual Suspects and the Liberal Mainstream Media might NOT have the courage to vote for Patriotic Nationalists or might NOT in Sweden's situation have the testicles to do the CORRECT thing and their Conservatives form a Government with the Sweden Democrats BUT in now a MAJORITY of European nations there ARE NO such problems and we now welcome Estonia to our European Patriotic Family to join:

My nation, Hungary, Slovakia (Prime Minister, Government NOT Ceremonial President in POINTLESS and NO POWER position), Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Finland, Czech Republic, Belarus and Switzerland (The Swiss Peoples Party the SVP is the leading party with the voters of Switzerland and has a majority 65 seats the largest party) That is now 15 nations who ALL have Patriotic Nationalists in their Government in positions of power, in positions of CHANGING policy, in positions of FORMING policy and in positions of INFLUENCING MAINSTREAM OPINIONS and the other thing they ALL have in common is that they are AGAINST Multiculturalism and AGAINST Open Borders and AGAINST importing Alien peoples and Alien Cultures into the nations.

This is a WINNING Strategy, we have known this for some time and is is continuing as the Estonian situation now illustrates, Patriotic Nationalists are not only back in the Mainstream after a very long time, but we are gaining HEARTS AND MINDS of TENS of MILLIONS of Europeans who like us LOVE this Continent, OUR Continent and who want to preserve and protect it and also to preserve and protect our UNIQUE Heritage based on Christianity and Enlightenment.

With this of course we add that we RESPECT the RIGHT of the British and French and Sweden to Commit Cultural Suicide on the Altar of Multiculturalism, that is their choice BUT 15 nations and we WILL be adding MORE stand TOGETHER and say that NO we also DO NOT have to Commit Cultural Suicide and IF a MINORITY of nations on this Continent do not begin to RESPECT this then TOGETHER we are PREPARED to get VERY VERY UGLY about this.

The members below I thought would think the above articles of interest:

theHawk impuretrash miketx Marion Morrison HereWeGoAgain Vastator SassyIrishLass Odium ZZ PUPPS Meathead

The people are seeing what the globalist Agenda is: to destroy white Christian and capitalist culture to supplant it with Marxism.

Importing third world trash helps them with their Agenda. They claim to do it out of compassion, but we know better. They are only doing it to destroy our culture. The real threat are the white sycophants like Tammy the Tranny that enable these globalist pigs and believe the garbage they spew. Left wing wackos need to be ridiculed and rejected instead of being praised as the media does.
Anti-corruption lawyer Zuzana Caputova becomes Slovakia’s first female president

Riding a wave of public fury over corruption, liberal lawyer Zuzana Caputova won Slovakia's presidential election on Saturday, bucking a trend that has seen populist, anti-European Union politicians make gains across the continent.

Corruption and change in political style were the main themes ahead of the run-off vote, which took place a year after journalist Jan Kuciak, who investigated high-profile fraud cases, and his fiancé were murdered at their home.

Ms Caputova, a pro-EU political novice who will be the euro zone country's first female president, had 58.3 per cent of the vote after results from 98.1 per cent of districts were counted, ahead of European commissioner Maros Sefcovic who took 41.7 per cent.

Thats a pretty encouraging result from a country with a pretty average history. Maybe there is hope for the likes of Hungary ?

The President of Slovakia is a Ceremonial position, they have no actual power, they cannot put forward policies, they cannot implement change in politics in Slovakia the power is with the Prime Minister and the Smer party who have the most seats in the National Council. Zuzana Čaputová has ZERO experience in politics and she is going to be EATEN ALIVE in the realm of Slovakian politics and the ONLY thing successful she ever did was to prevent in her home town in 2016 a landfill site being put there and her election to a Ceremonial position comes from one of the LOWEST TURN OUTS in an election in Slovakian history 40% there will be a different result in May for parliamentary elections, Slovakia is NOT a Left-Wing nation, Slovakians tired of corruption YES but remain Conservative and very religious. So Tommy sorry to disappoint you Slovakia is NOT about to allow faggots to begin sucking each others dicks in public. And Slovakia will be remaining in The Visegrád Group.

Do not think Tommy that Hungary will change to go for Cultural Suicide like Leftists want, in Hungary ALL the power is with the Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party and they are now rooted in.
Its a small ray of hope Lucy.

Do not count on it Tommy, nobody cares about Ceremonial Positions, what we care about is POWER, is being in charge of CHANGING policy and FORMING policy and INFLUENCING Mainstream thought to join our European Patriotic Movement.

I add for our American friends on this Continent ANYONE is Far-Right who wants to protect their nations borders, STOP Mass Immigration from The Middle East and Africa, Deport ALL Muh Refugees, preserve their nations Culture and Heritage, ENCOURAGE the BREEDING of MORE of OUR OWN babies, who LOVES their nation and would DIE to protect their nation, is AGAINST Multiculturalism and Leftism and who is a Practising Christian Patriot on an Historically Christian Continent.

Meanwhile in Estonia, they had their General Election and the result of that is this:

Estonia: Far right set to enter government for first time

Three parties have inked a coalition agreement to form a new government in Estonia. The deal most likely spells the end of another party leader's chances of becoming Estonia's first female prime minister.

Estonia: Far right set to enter government for first time | DW | 07.04.2019

Far-right party deputy: 'We are the mainstream in Estonia'

"The euroskeptic Conservative People’s Party (EKRE) made major gains in Estonia's parliamentary election with an anti-immigrant campaign warning of an upsurge in crime. Is this the face of the new mainstream?

Estonia's far-right EKRE party could soon be in government. In the country's most recent parliamentary election it had a surge in support, taking nearly 18% of the votes. After the election, the current Estonian prime minister backtracked on campaign promises and offered the euroskeptic EKRE coalition talks.

EKRE Deputy Chairman Martin Helme told DW's Conflict Zone, "We are the mainstream in Estonia."


In the campaign, the Conservative People's Party said Estonia could be overwhelmed by immigrants.

DW's Tim Sebastian asked the deputy EKRE leader about racist comments he made before he entered politics.

"If you're black, go back," Helme said during a television appearance in 2013, adding, "I want Estonia to be a white country." In the Conflict Zone interview, Helme told Sebastian "80 percent of Estonians agreed with that statement."

Has he changed his views now? "No, no."

Instead Helme offered his own view of the problem: "What is racist in Europe nowadays is the replacement of indigenous people. That is pure racism."

Far-right party deputy: 'We are the mainstream in Estonia' | DW | 13.03.2019

^^^^ Yes 80% of Estonians WOULD agree considering Estonia IS a White Nation, it is 99.9% White. Now you see this IS now Mainstream Thinking, all this idiocy about how EVERYONE is racist because they do NOT want to be replaced by a hundred million Arabs and Sub-Saharan Africans, every day more and more agree that there is ZERO racist about stating that European Nations ARE Historically White AND Christian and have been for 1,000 years and before and that we LIKE it this way, just like our Ancestor's LIKED it that way. More and more every day are saying NO to Immigration AND Multiculturalism and this IS NORMAL and HEALTHY thinking. The British and the French and Sweden because of FEAR of getting called names from The Usual Suspects and the Liberal Mainstream Media might NOT have the courage to vote for Patriotic Nationalists or might NOT in Sweden's situation have the testicles to do the CORRECT thing and their Conservatives form a Government with the Sweden Democrats BUT in now a MAJORITY of European nations there ARE NO such problems and we now welcome Estonia to our European Patriotic Family to join:

My nation, Hungary, Slovakia (Prime Minister, Government NOT Ceremonial President in POINTLESS and NO POWER position), Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Finland, Czech Republic, Belarus and Switzerland (The Swiss Peoples Party the SVP is the leading party with the voters of Switzerland and has a majority 65 seats the largest party) That is now 15 nations who ALL have Patriotic Nationalists in their Government in positions of power, in positions of CHANGING policy, in positions of FORMING policy and in positions of INFLUENCING MAINSTREAM OPINIONS and the other thing they ALL have in common is that they are AGAINST Multiculturalism and AGAINST Open Borders and AGAINST importing Alien peoples and Alien Cultures into the nations.

This is a WINNING Strategy, we have known this for some time and is is continuing as the Estonian situation now illustrates, Patriotic Nationalists are not only back in the Mainstream after a very long time, but we are gaining HEARTS AND MINDS of TENS of MILLIONS of Europeans who like us LOVE this Continent, OUR Continent and who want to preserve and protect it and also to preserve and protect our UNIQUE Heritage based on Christianity and Enlightenment.

With this of course we add that we RESPECT the RIGHT of the British and French and Sweden to Commit Cultural Suicide on the Altar of Multiculturalism, that is their choice BUT 15 nations and we WILL be adding MORE stand TOGETHER and say that NO we also DO NOT have to Commit Cultural Suicide and IF a MINORITY of nations on this Continent do not begin to RESPECT this then TOGETHER we are PREPARED to get VERY VERY UGLY about this.

The members below I thought would think the above articles of interest:

theHawk impuretrash miketx Marion Morrison HereWeGoAgain Vastator SassyIrishLass Odium ZZ PUPPS Meathead

The people are seeing what the globalist Agenda is: to destroy white Christian and capitalist culture to supplant it with Marxism.

Importing third world trash helps them with their Agenda. They claim to do it out of compassion, but we know better. They are only doing it to destroy our culture. The real threat are the white sycophants like Tammy the Tranny that enable these globalist pigs and believe the garbage they spew. Left wing wackos need to be ridiculed and rejected instead of being praised as the media does.

Yes I agree and we ARE ALL working on something the creation of a Cohesive Patriotic Nationalist Bloc but we can only ALL come together in this after the European Elections, as it is we have three different groups who under European Election Law have to remain as those three different groups for European Parliament Elections but AFTER the election in May we are going to put ALL the three groups into ONE group, I will post an article about this as our Italian Patriotic brother Matteo Salvini gave interviews about it the other day and we hope to bring in Viktor Orban's Fidesz Party, the EPP European Peoples Party are Cuckservatives and they do NOT share our European Patriotism which is also Viktor Orban's European Patriotism and so Fidesz should join the new group after the May election. IF all goes to plan our new group COULD be the SECOND largest group after the EPP and the Socialist group in THIRD place in the new EU Parliament.

We decided some time ago that we ALL would abandon the Exiting the EU thing, we want to DESTROY the EU and you cannot do that from the outside you do it from on the inside, we want to DESTROY the EU and create a NEW Entity based COMPLETELY on Trade and respect for each others Individual Identity and Sovereignty, this will not occur over night of course it could perhaps take 10 years to succeed but we are going to succeed, we do not go into things to fail, over the years we have made various mistakes, but we HAVE examined those mistakes to make certain they would never occur again and now we are a very well oiled political AND social machine. We ARE the Mainstream and have been for some time, look at how we have taken CONTROL of the Migration thing, even Moderate Conservatives and Moderate Liberals are now getting more Anti-Non-EU Migration every day and you don't even hear Merkel shouting her mouth off about letting more Muh Refugees in do you? No.
Anti-corruption lawyer Zuzana Caputova becomes Slovakia’s first female president

Riding a wave of public fury over corruption, liberal lawyer Zuzana Caputova won Slovakia's presidential election on Saturday, bucking a trend that has seen populist, anti-European Union politicians make gains across the continent.

Corruption and change in political style were the main themes ahead of the run-off vote, which took place a year after journalist Jan Kuciak, who investigated high-profile fraud cases, and his fiancé were murdered at their home.

Ms Caputova, a pro-EU political novice who will be the euro zone country's first female president, had 58.3 per cent of the vote after results from 98.1 per cent of districts were counted, ahead of European commissioner Maros Sefcovic who took 41.7 per cent.

Thats a pretty encouraging result from a country with a pretty average history. Maybe there is hope for the likes of Hungary ?

The President of Slovakia is a Ceremonial position, they have no actual power, they cannot put forward policies, they cannot implement change in politics in Slovakia the power is with the Prime Minister and the Smer party who have the most seats in the National Council. Zuzana Čaputová has ZERO experience in politics and she is going to be EATEN ALIVE in the realm of Slovakian politics and the ONLY thing successful she ever did was to prevent in her home town in 2016 a landfill site being put there and her election to a Ceremonial position comes from one of the LOWEST TURN OUTS in an election in Slovakian history 40% there will be a different result in May for parliamentary elections, Slovakia is NOT a Left-Wing nation, Slovakians tired of corruption YES but remain Conservative and very religious. So Tommy sorry to disappoint you Slovakia is NOT about to allow faggots to begin sucking each others dicks in public. And Slovakia will be remaining in The Visegrád Group.

Do not think Tommy that Hungary will change to go for Cultural Suicide like Leftists want, in Hungary ALL the power is with the Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party and they are now rooted in.
Its a small ray of hope Lucy.

Do not count on it Tommy, nobody cares about Ceremonial Positions, what we care about is POWER, is being in charge of CHANGING policy and FORMING policy and INFLUENCING Mainstream thought to join our European Patriotic Movement.

I add for our American friends on this Continent ANYONE is Far-Right who wants to protect their nations borders, STOP Mass Immigration from The Middle East and Africa, Deport ALL Muh Refugees, preserve their nations Culture and Heritage, ENCOURAGE the BREEDING of MORE of OUR OWN babies, who LOVES their nation and would DIE to protect their nation, is AGAINST Multiculturalism and Leftism and who is a Practising Christian Patriot on an Historically Christian Continent.

Meanwhile in Estonia, they had their General Election and the result of that is this:

Estonia: Far right set to enter government for first time

Three parties have inked a coalition agreement to form a new government in Estonia. The deal most likely spells the end of another party leader's chances of becoming Estonia's first female prime minister.

Estonia: Far right set to enter government for first time | DW | 07.04.2019

Far-right party deputy: 'We are the mainstream in Estonia'

"The euroskeptic Conservative People’s Party (EKRE) made major gains in Estonia's parliamentary election with an anti-immigrant campaign warning of an upsurge in crime. Is this the face of the new mainstream?

Estonia's far-right EKRE party could soon be in government. In the country's most recent parliamentary election it had a surge in support, taking nearly 18% of the votes. After the election, the current Estonian prime minister backtracked on campaign promises and offered the euroskeptic EKRE coalition talks.

EKRE Deputy Chairman Martin Helme told DW's Conflict Zone, "We are the mainstream in Estonia."


In the campaign, the Conservative People's Party said Estonia could be overwhelmed by immigrants.

DW's Tim Sebastian asked the deputy EKRE leader about racist comments he made before he entered politics.

"If you're black, go back," Helme said during a television appearance in 2013, adding, "I want Estonia to be a white country." In the Conflict Zone interview, Helme told Sebastian "80 percent of Estonians agreed with that statement."

Has he changed his views now? "No, no."

Instead Helme offered his own view of the problem: "What is racist in Europe nowadays is the replacement of indigenous people. That is pure racism."

Far-right party deputy: 'We are the mainstream in Estonia' | DW | 13.03.2019

^^^^ Yes 80% of Estonians WOULD agree considering Estonia IS a White Nation, it is 99.9% White. Now you see this IS now Mainstream Thinking, all this idiocy about how EVERYONE is racist because they do NOT want to be replaced by a hundred million Arabs and Sub-Saharan Africans, every day more and more agree that there is ZERO racist about stating that European Nations ARE Historically White AND Christian and have been for 1,000 years and before and that we LIKE it this way, just like our Ancestor's LIKED it that way. More and more every day are saying NO to Immigration AND Multiculturalism and this IS NORMAL and HEALTHY thinking. The British and the French and Sweden because of FEAR of getting called names from The Usual Suspects and the Liberal Mainstream Media might NOT have the courage to vote for Patriotic Nationalists or might NOT in Sweden's situation have the testicles to do the CORRECT thing and their Conservatives form a Government with the Sweden Democrats BUT in now a MAJORITY of European nations there ARE NO such problems and we now welcome Estonia to our European Patriotic Family to join:

My nation, Hungary, Slovakia (Prime Minister, Government NOT Ceremonial President in POINTLESS and NO POWER position), Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Finland, Czech Republic, Belarus and Switzerland (The Swiss Peoples Party the SVP is the leading party with the voters of Switzerland and has a majority 65 seats the largest party) That is now 15 nations who ALL have Patriotic Nationalists in their Government in positions of power, in positions of CHANGING policy, in positions of FORMING policy and in positions of INFLUENCING MAINSTREAM OPINIONS and the other thing they ALL have in common is that they are AGAINST Multiculturalism and AGAINST Open Borders and AGAINST importing Alien peoples and Alien Cultures into the nations.

This is a WINNING Strategy, we have known this for some time and is is continuing as the Estonian situation now illustrates, Patriotic Nationalists are not only back in the Mainstream after a very long time, but we are gaining HEARTS AND MINDS of TENS of MILLIONS of Europeans who like us LOVE this Continent, OUR Continent and who want to preserve and protect it and also to preserve and protect our UNIQUE Heritage based on Christianity and Enlightenment.

With this of course we add that we RESPECT the RIGHT of the British and French and Sweden to Commit Cultural Suicide on the Altar of Multiculturalism, that is their choice BUT 15 nations and we WILL be adding MORE stand TOGETHER and say that NO we also DO NOT have to Commit Cultural Suicide and IF a MINORITY of nations on this Continent do not begin to RESPECT this then TOGETHER we are PREPARED to get VERY VERY UGLY about this.

The members below I thought would think the above articles of interest:

theHawk impuretrash miketx Marion Morrison HereWeGoAgain Vastator SassyIrishLass Odium ZZ PUPPS Meathead

The people are seeing what the globalist Agenda is: to destroy white Christian and capitalist culture to supplant it with Marxism.

Importing third world trash helps them with their Agenda. They claim to do it out of compassion, but we know better. They are only doing it to destroy our culture. The real threat are the white sycophants like Tammy the Tranny that enable these globalist pigs and believe the garbage they spew. Left wing wackos need to be ridiculed and rejected instead of being praised as the media does.

We are saying to Europeans that it does NOT have to be this way, that IF they are NOT happy with the direction our Continent is going toward there IS an alternative that WE offer, that IF they are NOT happy with the destructive radical changes that are being FORCED on them, destructive radical changes that will ultimately reduce our Continent to violent Cultural Civil Wars in approx 15-20 years and a very depressing future for generations of Europeans that WE CAN change this course and offer a positive and healthy alternative to return a MAJORITY of this Continent back to Pre-Multiculturalism, Pre-Political Correctness and back to something that would on some level be like the EEC based on Trade and a respect for Sovereign Borders.

To do this we must merge into ONE group, we are UNITED in TOTAL about being Anti-Multiculturalism and Anti-Mass Non-EU Immigration and Migration, we do have some differences about Economic Policy and Foreign Policy but we put those differences to one side to concentrate on the bigger picture which we see as an ORCHESTRATED attempt to DESTROY our Continent and CHANGE our Continent into a Third World Shit Hole which WILL happen IF we do NOT begin to STOP and REVERSE this Destructive Agenda of fanatical Multiculturalism, trashing Sovereign nations laws AND borders and Mass Non-EU Immigration and Migration and to return to how it WAS ALWAYS that is Monoculturalism, Sovereign nations, only EU nation to EU nation Immigration and Migration, only Non-EU Migration to work on a LIMITED BASIS to those who are trained in a skill and/or have a University Degree but they stay for approx 5 years they CANNOT bring their ENTIRE family and after the 5 years they have to leave and we have to return back to being God Fearing, Christianity HAS to be a central issue of this Regeneration of European Christian Values Programme.

European nationalists form alliance for elections

"European nationalist parties have announced an alliance, with the aim of changing the balance of power in the European Union.

Italy's Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini of the right-wing League party announced the venture on Monday at a news conference in Milan.

He was joined by Germany's far-right AfD, the Finns Party and the Danish People's Party - fellow nationalists.

They are campaigning in the European Parliament elections on 23-26 May.

Competing in different countries, they plan to form a parliamentary group - the European Alliance for People and Nations - to challenge the power of centrist parties.

Alternative for Germany (AfD) chairman Jörg Meuthen said at least 10 parties would take part.

"We want to reform the European Union and the European Parliament, without destroying them," he said. "We want to bring radical change."

Despite common ground on curbing immigration, their approaches to economic and foreign policy can differ greatly.

In the current European Parliament, anti-EU and nationalist MEPs are split among several groups. France's National Rally - formerly the National Front - belongs to the Europe of Nations and Freedom group, along with Mr Salvini's League and others.

But the rival Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy group is home to AfD, Mr Salvini's populist coalition ally Five Star, and Eurosceptic UKIP is split between the two groups.

Hungary's Fidesz, meanwhile, is a member of the largest group - the centre-right European People's Party - despite being recently suspended in a massive row over Fidesz policies.

Mr Salvini's new alliance hopes to rally all these disparate political forces into a single united front.

For now, only four parties have signed up to the idea - and the European group can only be formed after the elections in May."

Here is the link to the full article:

European nationalists form alliance for elections

Nationalist EU parties plan to join forces after May elections

MILAN (Reuters) - Nationalist anti-immigration parties plan to join forces following next month's European Union parliamentary election, looking to create a new bloc to shake up the EU, officials from four groups said on Monday.

The move shows growing confidence amongst far-right and sovereignist parties that for the first time since the EU was formed 60 years ago they can win enough seats in parliament to have a major say in how the continent is run.

"We want to reform the European Union and the European parliament, without destroying them. We want to bring radical change," said Joerg Meuthen, the chairman of the eurosceptic Alternative for Germany party (AfD).

Meuthen told reporters the EU parliamentary bloc would be called the European Alliance for People and Nations. It will initially involve at least 10 parties drawn from the three groups that currently house various nationalist forces.

Monday's event was organised by Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, who heads the right-wing League and has been the driving force in persuading like-minded politicians to ditch their previous divisions before the May 26 EU election.

"We can propose a new Europe because we have never governed (in Brussels)," Salvini said. "Our goal is to be decisive, to nominate new commissioners in the new commission," he added, referring to the powerful body that oversees EU policy-making."

Here is the link to the full article:

Nationalist EU parties plan to join forces after May elections

The intention is that directly after the May European Elections the below three groups are merged into ONE group with Matteo Salvini as Leader and as of yet we do not know who the Deputy Leaders would be.

The three groups current are:

The ECR the European Conservatives and Reformists.

European Conservatives and Reformists - Wikipedia

The EFD Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy.

Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy - Wikipedia

The ENF Europe of Nations and Freedom.

Europe of Nations and Freedom - Wikipedia

In my other post when I @ a group of members I thought would be interested in all of this new and exciting development, I forgot the below it was not intentional to forget the below:

ptbw forever Correll

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