Liberal pro gay rights,pro Europe ahead in Slovakia

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Zuzana Caputova, an anti-corruption lawyer who entered politics only a year ago, comfortably won the first round of Slovakia’s presidential election, in the first national poll since the country was rocked by the murder of an investigative journalist.

Final results showed that Ms Caputova — a liberal, pro-European candidate, whose campaign tapped into a vein of deep public shock and anger at the killing of Jan Kuciak and his fiancée last year — had won 40.6 per cent of the votes cast. Maros Sefcovic — Slovakia’s current EU commissioner who is backed by Smer, Slovakia’s biggest party — came second with 18.7 per cent.

He will now face Ms Caputova, who would be Slovakia’s first woman president, in a run-off in two weeks’ time.

At last some good news coming out of Eastern Europe.
Out of darkness cometh light.............................

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