Slavery vs. Abortion: Which One is Worse?

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Slavery of Africans on a few plantations in the American south is looked upon by the American left as one of the most heinous crimes ever committed by humanity. It is so bad, in fact, that the ghost of white supremacy inherent in slavery is said to still haunt the halls of power in this nation even today, over 150 years later. It must be noted, however, that the left seems to be perfectly fine with other types of slavery, both around the world and in existence in America today in the form of labor and sex trade slavery of immigrants that cross the southern border. They are perfectly fine with the latter; cheap labor and all that.

But what about one of the left’s favorite issues: legalized baby murder (i.e., “abortion”). They are so deep into this that they have even crossed the line and advocate for post-birth abortion (i.e., when the baby survives abortion, but you still snuff it out because… inconvenience or something). The left is always trying to innovate and improve their methods. Take for example their plan for the post-birth abortion of political opponents. We saw this recently executed in a Christian school in Nashville. But I digress.

I thought it would be interesting to compare American slavery to abortion. The former, of course, evokes all sort of wild and irrational rantings from the left while the latter draws great praise and respect. You may wonder how the left can hate slavery so much while advocating for the murder of unborn babies. I wonder this too. Moreover, I wonder about the humanity of each thing. Is it less inhumane to abort babies or that it is to enslave people? Let’s take a look.

Slavery involves owning another human being. Abortion involves killing a human being. Logic dictates that if you kill another, you have essentially “owned”, or controlled, the fate of that person. While slaving a person does not necessarily involve killing, abortion always involves killing. In this instance, slavery is less inhumane than abortion.

You take care of slaves to some degree, as you want to utilize their labor. If you let them drop dead you are losing both the money your paid for them and the labor you bargained for when purchasing the lad. Usually you only whacked one if he or she hurt another or otherwise undermined your authority. Abortion, on the other hand, is an act that always involves the intention to killing a living being. Here again, slavery is less inhumane than abortion.

Slave owners provided housing and food to their slaves. Abortionists use forceps to crush the skulls of unborn human babies then throw the corpses into the trash can. Slavery is less inhumane than abortion.

At this point slavery is up 3-0. In other words, abortion has struck out. But let’s keep on going anyway.

Slavery could conceivably produce higher profit margins for the plantation owners because it would not cost as much to keep them up than it would to hire and pay white field hands. Abortion, on the other hand, kills off human beings who could enter the work force at some point. As a result of this decrease in potential workers, labor costs are higher. Thus, abortion raises labor costs and skews toward decreasing profit margins, which is bad for consumers because it causes the cost of goods to increase. Abortion is worse for our economy than slavery.

Slave owners finance the living expenses (food, shelter, etc…) of their slaves. There is no government hand out. Abortion cuts out a certain number of people who will go on one or more forms of public assistance. Or does it? This is the often voiced opinion of leftists. However, there is very little data on this. The left, being the racist scum sacks that they are, assume that since most abortions are committed by low income black women without a partner, that their babies will not be worth a shit. I, as a conservative, do not jump to such and irrational conclusion. But we DO know that the government funds abortion mills like PP with tax dollars. We also know that the tens of thousands of aborted future workers will never be paying taxes, resulting in each individual having to carry a higher tax burden as a result. So, on the costs to taxpayers, slavery is much, much less burdensome.

Slavery, as an institution, has a long, storied tradition that goes back to before biblical times. It has provided the labor necessary to create great accomplishments of humanity. It has pretty much been an accepted practice for all of human history. It has only recently been frowned upon, and mainly by the western Christian nations. All the Booga-Booga tribal nations of the world, for example, still employ slavery today. It is the direct result of the morality taught and practiced by the white Christian people of the western world that slavery was eradicated in the United States. Thus, while we do not like slavery in today’s western world, we are the exception.

Abortion does not have a long, colorful history. Sure, it has been practiced for a long time. But its history is tied to the darkness of baby sacrifices and the black arts. Essentially, baby murder is the result of the evil hearts among us. While slavery is utilitarian in nature, murdering babies is pure evil. At least, that is its history. In the 1900s, women started putting their own lives at risk by using hot coat hangers to stab the babies in their own wombs. They did so for various reasons. For example, they may be trying to hide extramarital sexual affairs. Or, they did not need their whoring income stream interrupted by pregnancy. They all thought, this is just too damn risky, so let’s legalize this shit! Thus, abortion became legal, essentially so as not to allow pregnancy to inconvenience chicks. So as far as history and provenance, slavery edges out abortion as a legitimate and moral practice.

My point here is that slavery, for as bad and horrible as it is, has nothing on abortion. People throw around the term “genocide” a lot these days in the execution of irrational political hyperbole. But the only thing close to an actual genocide going on today is abortion of unborn babies. Thankfully, this is waning now. But the ghoulish leftists are churning in fury, like evil demons, trying to find a way to ratchet up the abortion machine.

Yes, this is an apples and oranges comparison. Or, is it? The comparison is not really so much between abortion and slavery as it is between the left’s views of abortion and slavery and what the variation tells us about them. On a superficial level the left moralizes that an unborn baby is not a baby. It is a cluster of cells. In other words, they dehumanize the unborn child so as to alleviate the moral atrocity of killing it. Nazis did the same thing with the Jews. The Nazi propagandists dehumanized Jews, which in turn made it much easier to torture and kill them.

There are some very sick people who are guilty of propagandizing the left. And there are some very stupid people allowing themselves to be propagandized in this way. I am not arguing that slavery is ok. This post has nothing to do with slavery. But the leftist shills will argue otherwise. Why? Because they are stupid automatons.

To the leftist shills, the problem is YOU. You are defective human beings. Of course, I realize that the leftist scum will not read this far because they have the attention spans of monkeys (those who can read and have over a 5 yr old’s reading comprehension skills).
I am pro-life. I also recognize how horrible the practice of slavery was. Why the need to determine which is worse?
I am pro-life. I also recognize how horrible the practice of slavery was. Why the need to determine which is worse?
Both are based on the fact that the only way to make either legitimate is to dehumanize the slave and/or unborn.

The slave was viewed as half ape as where the unborn is referred to a glob of cells that miraculously become human once it exists the womb. It's a miracle!

Both are or were championed by the Democrat party.

I also forgot, both slavery and abortion are based upon greed.

Slaves naturally made the plantation owner wealthy and women have abortions mostly because of economic concerns. Well over half of all abortions are done because of economic concerns.
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I also forgot, both slavery and abortion are based upon greed.

Slaves naturally made the plantation owner wealthy and women have abortions mostly because of economic concerns. Well over half of all abortions are done because of economic concerns.
I don't know that slaves made the plantation owners "wealthy", and neither do you. However, it is conceivable that slaving improved their margins.
I also forgot, both slavery and abortion are based upon greed.

Slaves naturally made the plantation owner wealthy and women have abortions mostly because of economic concerns. Well over half of all abortions are done because of economic concerns.

Which is why being pro-life I support addressing those economic concerns as much as we can.
Which is why being pro-life I support addressing those economic concerns as much as we can.
Both slavery and abortion are also seen, or were seen, as OK but not ideal

For example, when slavery had been the law of the land for decades the view was that it was not ideal, but it was Ok. However, decades after being made illegal the thought of slavery is intolerable and wicked

Before Roe vs. Wade abortion was also seen as evil, but after being made legal decades later it is likewise seen as Ok but not ideal

That is, unless you are a murderous loony Leftist who celebrates their abortion on the internet.

This just shows you that human beings are lemmings. They just bow their moral knee to the state morality and their laws on average.
Both slavery and abortion are also seen, or were seen, as OK but not ideal

For example, when slavery had been the law of the land for decades the view was that it was not ideal, but it was Ok. However, decades after being made illegal the thought of slavery is intolerable and wicked

Many were against slavery even during slavery. The Underground railroad wasn't developed by people who thought slavery was "OK".

Before Roe vs. Wade abortion was also seen as evil, but after being made legal decades later it is likewise seen as Ok but not ideal

That is, unless you are a murderous loony Leftist who celebrates their abortion on the internet.

This just shows you that human beings are lemmings. They just bow their moral knee to the state morality and their laws on average.

I'm not sure you proved anything.
Many were against slavery even during slavery. The Underground railroad wasn't developed by people who thought slavery was "OK".

I'm not sure you proved anything.
When slavery was legal, the nation was divided in two regarding slavery

But later, when it was outlawed for decades, pretty much everyone agreed it was not ok.

The same can be said for abortion only flip flopped.

Human beings are lemmings. Their morality is formed by perceived respected authority figures, at least partially

Then comes our conscience as they innately understand the Golden Rule, which is why the state needs to dehumanize a minority to abuse so they can sleep with themselves at night. The slave was portrayed as a glorified ape, the Jew comparted to vermin, and the unborn a fetus, etc.. Only then can people rationalize their abusive actions as Ok, but not ideal.

Now the Bible compares people to sheep, not lemmings, but I think both portray the same kind of view.
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When slavery was legal, the nation was divided in two regarding slavery

But later, when it was outlawed for decades, pretty much everyone agreed it was not ok.

If that was true we wouldn't have been saddled with Jim Crow laws for decades.
If that was true we wouldn't have been saddled with Jim Crow laws for decades.
Jim Crow as not slavery, now was it?

The views are not going to change overnight, but as we see, they did change nonetheless.

The damage done to the human psyche by the state by portraying certain elements of society as inferior took its toll.
I think the same, but that does not mean that the plantation own got wealthy as a direct result of slaving.
During the Revolutionary war, all of the money was in South Carolina. In fact, most of the fighting was done in South Carolina

Little known fact.

Without South Carolina and their wealth, the revolution probably never happens.
Slavery of Africans on a few plantations in the American south is looked upon by the American left as one of the most heinous crimes ever committed by humanity. It is so bad, in fact, that the ghost of white supremacy inherent in slavery is said to still haunt the halls of power in this nation even today, over 150 years later. It must be noted, however, that the left seems to be perfectly fine with other types of slavery, both around the world and in existence in America today in the form of labor and sex trade slavery of immigrants that cross the southern border. They are perfectly fine with the latter; cheap labor and all that.

But what about one of the left’s favorite issues: legalized baby murder (i.e., “abortion”). They are so deep into this that they have even crossed the line and advocate for post-birth abortion (i.e., when the baby survives abortion, but you still snuff it out because… inconvenience or something). The left is always trying to innovate and improve their methods. Take for example their plan for the post-birth abortion of political opponents. We saw this recently executed in a Christian school in Nashville. But I digress.

I thought it would be interesting to compare American slavery to abortion. The former, of course, evokes all sort of wild and irrational rantings from the left while the latter draws great praise and respect. You may wonder how the left can hate slavery so much while advocating for the murder of unborn babies. I wonder this too. Moreover, I wonder about the humanity of each thing. Is it less inhumane to abort babies or that it is to enslave people? Let’s take a look.

Slavery involves owning another human being. Abortion involves killing a human being. Logic dictates that if you kill another, you have essentially “owned”, or controlled, the fate of that person. While slaving a person does not necessarily involve killing, abortion always involves killing. In this instance, slavery is less inhumane than abortion.

You take care of slaves to some degree, as you want to utilize their labor. If you let them drop dead you are losing both the money your paid for them and the labor you bargained for when purchasing the lad. Usually you only whacked one if he or she hurt another or otherwise undermined your authority. Abortion, on the other hand, is an act that always involves the intention to killing a living being. Here again, slavery is less inhumane than abortion.

Slave owners provided housing and food to their slaves. Abortionists use forceps to crush the skulls of unborn human babies then throw the corpses into the trash can. Slavery is less inhumane than abortion.

At this point slavery is up 3-0. In other words, abortion has struck out. But let’s keep on going anyway.

Slavery could conceivably produce higher profit margins for the plantation owners because it would not cost as much to keep them up than it would to hire and pay white field hands. Abortion, on the other hand, kills off human beings who could enter the work force at some point. As a result of this decrease in potential workers, labor costs are higher. Thus, abortion raises labor costs and skews toward decreasing profit margins, which is bad for consumers because it causes the cost of goods to increase. Abortion is worse for our economy than slavery.

Slave owners finance the living expenses (food, shelter, etc…) of their slaves. There is no government hand out. Abortion cuts out a certain number of people who will go on one or more forms of public assistance. Or does it? This is the often voiced opinion of leftists. However, there is very little data on this. The left, being the racist scum sacks that they are, assume that since most abortions are committed by low income black women without a partner, that their babies will not be worth a shit. I, as a conservative, do not jump to such and irrational conclusion. But we DO know that the government funds abortion mills like PP with tax dollars. We also know that the tens of thousands of aborted future workers will never be paying taxes, resulting in each individual having to carry a higher tax burden as a result. So, on the costs to taxpayers, slavery is much, much less burdensome.

Slavery, as an institution, has a long, storied tradition that goes back to before biblical times. It has provided the labor necessary to create great accomplishments of humanity. It has pretty much been an accepted practice for all of human history. It has only recently been frowned upon, and mainly by the western Christian nations. All the Booga-Booga tribal nations of the world, for example, still employ slavery today. It is the direct result of the morality taught and practiced by the white Christian people of the western world that slavery was eradicated in the United States. Thus, while we do not like slavery in today’s western world, we are the exception.

Abortion does not have a long, colorful history. Sure, it has been practiced for a long time. But its history is tied to the darkness of baby sacrifices and the black arts. Essentially, baby murder is the result of the evil hearts among us. While slavery is utilitarian in nature, murdering babies is pure evil. At least, that is its history. In the 1900s, women started putting their own lives at risk by using hot coat hangers to stab the babies in their own wombs. They did so for various reasons. For example, they may be trying to hide extramarital sexual affairs. Or, they did not need their whoring income stream interrupted by pregnancy. They all thought, this is just too damn risky, so let’s legalize this shit! Thus, abortion became legal, essentially so as not to allow pregnancy to inconvenience chicks. So as far as history and provenance, slavery edges out abortion as a legitimate and moral practice.

My point here is that slavery, for as bad and horrible as it is, has nothing on abortion. People throw around the term “genocide” a lot these days in the execution of irrational political hyperbole. But the only thing close to an actual genocide going on today is abortion of unborn babies. Thankfully, this is waning now. But the ghoulish leftists are churning in fury, like evil demons, trying to find a way to ratchet up the abortion machine.

Yes, this is an apples and oranges comparison. Or, is it? The comparison is not really so much between abortion and slavery as it is between the left’s views of abortion and slavery and what the variation tells us about them. On a superficial level the left moralizes that an unborn baby is not a baby. It is a cluster of cells. In other words, they dehumanize the unborn child so as to alleviate the moral atrocity of killing it. Nazis did the same thing with the Jews. The Nazi propagandists dehumanized Jews, which in turn made it much easier to torture and kill them.

There are some very sick people who are guilty of propagandizing the left. And there are some very stupid people allowing themselves to be propagandized in this way. I am not arguing that slavery is ok. This post has nothing to do with slavery. But the leftist shills will argue otherwise. Why? Because they are stupid automatons.

To the leftist shills, the problem is YOU. You are defective human beings. Of course, I realize that the leftist scum will not read this far because they have the attention spans of monkeys (those who can read and have over a 5 yr old’s reading comprehension skills).

One other point: slavery and abortion are inextricably tied together in this country, and in fact serve the same purpose for the same group of people.

Slavery was a means for the DemoKKKrat party to own and control the productivity, and indeed the lives, of black people. So dependent were the DemoKKKrats on this, that they fractured the country and fought a bloody civil war over their "right" to continue to own black people.

Since the DemoKKKrats lost that war, they have since pursued a strategy of continuing to own and control black people by means of population control through targeted abortions. A quick look at the locations of Planned Parenthood abortion mills throughout the country makes this abundantly clear.

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