Should we have intervened militarily to keep Mubarak in power?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
We hear again and again that the President messed up with Egypt by letting Mubarak fall. For those who believe that,

what was the correct course of action, in your view?
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Nah I wouldn't go that far, I got no problems with Mubarak but we really don't have the resources to invade Egypt to keep him in power.
We hear again and again that the President messed up with Egypt by letting Mubarak fall. For those who believe that,

what was the correct course of action, in your view?

Again you can't even be honest with the Most Basic Facts. Nobody is saying we should have kept him in Power, What people are saying is it was Irresponsible of Obama to Encourage his Over throw with out a clear plan as to who would replace him.

And he showed his Ignorance when he tried to tell us all that what was happening in Egypt for Example was a good thing, was going to lead to more freedom.
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The presidebt messed up by supporting the muslim brotherhood in its rebellion. The same mess up they are doing now in Syria.
We hear again and again that the President messed up with Egypt by letting Mubarak fall. For those who believe that,

what was the correct course of action, in your view?

Again you can't even be honest with the Most Basic Facts. Nobody is saying we should have kept him in Power, What people are saying is it was Irresponsible of Obama to Encourage his Over throw with out a clear plan as to who would replace him.

those "clear plans" are referred to as elections. :eusa_eh:
Again you can't even be honest with the Most Basic Facts. Nobody is saying we should have kept him in Power, What people are saying is it was Irresponsible of Obama to Encourage his Over throw with out a clear plan as to who would replace him.
It's irresponsible for us to even be involved in who rules what country, other than our own.
dear neocon fools,

you dont get to deside which people are good enough to have a democracy
Its now become painfully obvious that Obama cheer leading the Arab spring was a major fuck up
No... but no support of the actions going on in Egypt should have been given...And certainly no support of the muslim brotherhood should have been voiced when they started taking over the government there... and certainly they should not have been invited to the US for meetings (the new Egyptian leadership)
[ Nobody is saying we should have kept him in Power, What people are saying is it was Irresponsible of Obama to Encourage his Over throw with out a clear plan as to who would replace him.

LOL. That's a distinction without a difference.

Why would it be any of our business to impose our plan of who would replace Mubarak? Is that how encouraging democracy works? You call for the removal of a tyrant and then install your own selected puppet in his place? Regardless of the will of the People?
Sure it is.
No it's not! What happens in this country is our business, what happens in their country, is their business.

I will prove to you it's not our business.

Why don't you come over to my house and try to tell me what's what under my own roof and see what happens next? I will personally show you why it's none of your god-damn business!

Once Obamination spoke out against him, he gave the terrorists credibility to overthrow him.

The best option would have been to send a negotiation team to get Mubarak to make changes in his country without losing power. More democacy and freedoms but Mubarak would remain in power until an election in 2-3 years could be held with UN observers.

Instead you dumbfucks threw him under the bus and let the mob take over without adults to supervise them.....

We hear again and again that the President messed up with Egypt by letting Mubarak fall. For those who believe that,

what was the correct course of action, in your view?
It's none of our god-damn business what goes on in Libya and Syria!

Well I would say, to be more precise, it shouldn't be any of our business. We are and have been entangled, to borrow George Washington's phrasing, foreign entanglements,

once you're in the getting out isn't so easy.
Sure it is.
No it's not! What happens in this country is our business, what happens in their country, is their business.

I will prove to you it's not our business.

Why don't you come over to my house and try to tell me what's what under my own roof and see what happens next? I will personally show you why it's none of your god-damn business!

:eusa_hand: Please, not even close to the same thing tough guy.
We should not have intervened period. We should have let Mubarak solve his own problems. Just like we should let Assad solve his problems.

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