Shock: Mccain Campaign Volunteer Attacked And Mutilated In Pittsburgh

Contemporary Liberals who want to increase the size and scope of government, restrict freedom of speech, screw property rights and take away our right to self-defense.

Everyone who is sane is anti-war. The Republicans prior to WW2 were isolationists, preferring to let Europe rot, as I do today.

Lincoln's taxes were to raise funds to fight the Civil Way. FDR's were for WW2. What's your point with that?

1. Bush grew the government way more than Clinton.
2. Do you remember the GOP congress sensoring or admonishing a liberal political website when it questioned General Betrayus? Do we try to ban Rush Limbaugh for blatantly lying on a daily basis? Are you kidding me with this?
3. If you haven't noticed, the GOP screwed up the housing market, which kind of goes along with your concept of screwing property rights. And I seem to remember stories about Bush/Delay's government snatching up people's property that was worth $1 million but only paying them current market values. That family would have sat on the land until values went back up but they were forced to move. Do you want a link? Just consider this a story from a Liberal Joe the Land Owner. You guys have your plumbers, and we have our property owners who got screwed under the GOP.

And no one is taking your right to self defense. Did you hear Biden? If Obama tried to take his guns away he'd have problems. True with me too. No one is taking your guns away.

But we do have to address the gun manufacturers making so many guns that go out un accounted for and they end up in inner city gangs hands. And the deregulated system the way it is now encourages this because the gun companies make more money. Public safety is more important.

You are holding on to 40 year old wedge issues that don't even exist anymore. Or you have been drinking Karl Rove's koolaid for way too long. Rush, Hannity and O'Reilly are liars. Spin meisters. Pied Pippers. And you are the rat.

Do you have another source that indicates a different of opinion on Lincoln's thought on Tariffs? I'd love to see you do something a bit more interesting than hiding behind smileys. Please, post your evidence that suggests otherwise so I can put one more notch on the wall indicating each occasion I stomp you in the balls with evidence, dude... Please, I've got Henry Clay waiting on the wing.

how bout you show where its wrong instead of plugging your ears. do you have a more reliable source?

oh no.. you see, THIS is how colleges teach em to do things up there in the bastion of intelligence that is the northeast! I mean, he's an ENGINEER for christ's sakes!



No one likes war?

Disaster Capitalists Reap Profits

Disaster Capitalists Reap Profits

One week after the no-bid service deals were announced, the world caught its first glimpse of the real prize. After years of back-room arm-twisting, Iraq is officially flinging open six of its major oil fields, accounting for around half of its known reserves, to foreign investors. According to Iraq's oil minister, the long-term contracts will be signed within a year. While ostensibly under control of the Iraq National Oil Company, foreign firms will keep 75 percent of the value of the contracts, leaving just 25 percent for their Iraqi partners.

So what makes such lousy deals possible in Iraq, which has already suffered so much? Ironically, it is Iraq's suffering--its never-ending crisis--that is the rationale for an arrangement that threatens to drain its treasury of its main source of revenue. The logic goes like this: Iraq's oil industry needs foreign expertise because years of punishing sanctions starved it of new technology and the invasion and continuing violence degraded it further. And Iraq urgently needs to start producing more oil. Why? Again because of the war. The country is shattered, and the billions handed out in no-bid contracts to Western firms have failed to rebuild the country. And that's where the new no-bid contracts come in: they will raise more money, but Iraq has become such a treacherous place that the oil majors must be induced to take the risk of investing. Thus the invasion of Iraq neatly creates the argument for its subsequent pillage.

Several of the architects of the Iraq War no longer even bother to deny that oil was a major motivator. On National Public Radio's To the Point, Fadhil Chalabi, an Iraqi advisor to the State Department in the lead-up to the invasion, recently described the war as "a strategic move on the part of the United States of America and the UK to have a military presence in the Gulf in order to secure [oil] supplies in the future." Chalabi, who served as Iraq's oil under secretary, described this as "a primary objective."

Invading countries to seize their natural resources is illegal under the Geneva Conventions. That means that the huge task of rebuilding Iraq's infrastructure--including its oil infrastructure--is the financial responsibility of Iraq's invaders. They should be forced to pay reparations. (Recall that Saddam Hussein's regime paid $9 billion to Kuwait in reparations for its 1990 invasion.) Instead, Iraq is being forced to sell 75 percent of its national patrimony to pay the bills for its own illegal invasion and occupation.
1. Bush grew the government way more than Clinton.
2. Do you remember the GOP congress sensoring or admonishing a liberal political website when it questioned General Betrayus? Do we try to ban Rush Limbaugh for blatantly lying on a daily basis? Are you kidding me with this?
3. If you haven't noticed, the GOP screwed up the housing market, which kind of goes along with your concept of screwing property rights. And I seem to remember stories about Bush/Delay's government snatching up people's property that was worth $1 million but only paying them current market values. That family would have sat on the land until values went back up but they were forced to move. Do you want a link? Just consider this a story from a Liberal Joe the Land Owner. You guys have your plumbers, and we have our property owners who got screwed under the GOP.

[4]And no one is taking your right to self defense. Did you hear Biden? If Obama tried to take his guns away he'd have problems. True with me too. No one is taking your guns away.

1. Bush fought a war. Wars cost lots of money. And he isn’t conservative.
2. Show me where they censored. Liberals are trying to re-impose the “Fairness Doctrine” which will silence pundits like Limbaugh.
3. Actually, it was the Democrats who invented Fannie and Freddie, staffed them with Democrats who used the profits to contribute to Democrat campaigns, forced the banks to lend to people who couldn’t afford it, causing the housing bubble, and forced Fannie and Freddie to buy the risky loans.
4. The Liberal base is actively pursuing gun bans.

These are all facts, and they are undeniable.
Where have I commented on Lincoln's use of tariffs? :cuckoo:

It appears that you are stomping on your own balls.

Not at all. You seem to have a problem with wiki despite the truth of it's posted information. So, please, let's see you whip out anything that is MORE exact on the Lincoln protectionism.. Come on, tootsie.. Show us how that big bad northeastern engineering education is like the stay puft marshmallow man tromping through the NYC of our wiki sources!

laughing at evidence AGAIN, eh dude? Have you posted anything outside of smileys and retarded opinions yet? I take it you didn't want to dive into Lincoln's protectionism, eh guy?
A far left opinion piece is "evidence"? Clearly you didn't learn much from your 100 level introductory to hard science classes at your local Liberal Arts college that Daddy paid for. :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:
Naomi Klein of The Nation. :badgrin:

Oh, you have read her stuff? Tell me what is funny about it. What flaws do you find?

Rupert Murdoc purposely lied about Michelle Obama ordering lobster. You and your side have no integrity, so you assume neither does our side. You are wrong again, and again, and again.

Don't you get sick of being wrong? - McCain Campaign Worker Confessed To Making Up Story Of Attack

A Pittsburgh police commander told KDKA Investigator Marty Griffin that Ashley Todd confessed to making up the story & is facing charges
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) ― Police sources tell KDKA that a campaign worker has now confessed to making up a story that a mugger attacked her and cut the letter "B" in her face after seeing her McCain bumper sticker.

Ashley Todd, 20, of Texas, initially told police that she was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield and that the suspect became enraged and started beating her after seeing her GOP sticker on her car.

Police investigating the alleged attack, however, began to notice some inconsistencies in her story and administered a polygraph test.

Authorities, however, declined to release the results of that test.

Investigators did say that they received photos from the ATM machine and "the photographs were verified as not being the victim making the transaction."

This afternoon, a Pittsburgh police commander told KDKA Investigator Marty Griffin that Todd confessed to making up the story.

The commander added that Todd will face charges; but police have not commented on what those charges will be.

According to police, investigators working on the interview process detected several inconsistencies in Todd's story that differed from statements made in the original police report.

Pittsburgh Police Public Information Officer Diane Richard released a statement earlier today, saying: "Because of the inconsistencies in her statements, Ms. Todd was asked to submit to a polygraph examination which she agreed to do."

No photos of Todd are being released by Pittsburgh Police at this time.

The investigation is continuing as officials determine what charges will be filed.
laughing at evidence AGAIN, eh dude? Have you posted anything outside of smileys and retarded opinions yet? I take it you didn't want to dive into Lincoln's protectionism, eh guy?

I imagine his real reaction to all this information is :eusa_shifty: and then he :eusa_liar: and then he :eusa_pray: that God will give him the power to rebutt all of us :evil: and eventually nothing comes to him and all he has is :lol: but it's coming across like :badgrin:
Oh, you have read her stuff? Tell me what is funny about it. What flaws do you find?

Rupert Murdoc purposely lied about Michelle Obama ordering lobster. You and your side have no integrity, so you assume neither does our side. You are wrong again, and again, and again.

Don't you get sick of being wrong?
Time and again you have accused conservatives and republicans at being wrong, and liberals and democrats as right, and I have responded with undeniable facts, causing you to create straw men, change the subject, run off to another thread, or cite liberal pundits. :eusa_whistle:
Time and again you have accused conservatives and republicans at being wrong, and liberals and democrats as right, and I have responded with undeniable facts, causing you to create straw men, change the subject, run off to another thread, or cite liberal pundits. :eusa_whistle:

No one seems to agree with that here. We all think you just reply with :badgrin: and snotty comments.

Your shit is right wing spin and I'm sure you think my stuff is lefty spin.

I understand you don't get my stuff.

I get your stuff. i just disagree with it.
Time and again you have accused conservatives and republicans at being wrong, and liberals and democrats as right, and I have responded with undeniable facts, causing you to create straw men, change the subject, run off to another thread, or cite liberal pundits. :eusa_whistle:

Where are these undeniable facts. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_silenced:
White America, welcome to life under black rule.
Itll be a societal cluster f**k just like the 3rd world African nations....pillage and plunder mark it down...This's the American future under racial tensions will skyrocket....
Atlas Shrugs: Kenya's killing fields
HYMAN: Obama's Kenya ghosts
BBC News | AFRICA | Kenya's slum war
Zimbabwe war veterans threaten Tsvangirai over deal - Yahoo! News
Rwanda: Accountability for War Crimes and Genocide: Special Reports: U.S. Institute of Peace

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