She Doesn't Hold Back: Sarah Palin Calls Barack And Michelle 'Unpatriotic' & 'Racist'

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nice to know that palin's finally coming clean on the true level of her insanity and racism.

that's why racist trash loves her. :thup:
..Now you will provide examples of Sarah Palin's alleged racism.
Knock yourself out.
You Obamatons have consistently used the race card to go after Obama's critics.
Are you people so stupid as the think that this works?
Jeanine Garafolo. the idiot lefty so -called comedian, was caught with her guard down while exiting a limo in NYC when challenged by a reporter to explain her race card comments regarding Obama and the tea party ,she had no explanation. She was forced to admit that she believed all critics of Obama were racist. When pressed to expand on her comments, she stormed off like a spoiled brat who just got caught stealing cookies.
and that is thee way of the Left. They are very careful to not answer questions unless they are allowed to review questions first. Senator Kay Hagen(D-NC) has NOT held a single news conference since taking office. She refuses to be interviewed one on one unless her staff is permitted to review questions before hand.
Now hear Lefties are not going to get away with the race card anymore. Nobody cares.
Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide - Jeffrey Ressner -
The second paragraph of this passage sows blatant racism on the part of Mrs. Obama.
Essentially she stated without even having to commit a racist act or make a racist statements her white professors were racist simply by virtue of skin color.
She whines that even though these professors were liberals, they HAD to be racist because they are white.
That in and of itself is an overt and ignorant generalization. The same type generalizations that the liberal PC establishment screams about.
nice to know that palin's finally coming clean on the true level of her insanity and racism.

that's why racist trash loves her. :thup:
..Now you will provide examples of Sarah Palin's alleged racism.
Knock yourself out.
You Obamatons have consistently used the race card to go after Obama's critics.
Are you people so stupid as the think that this works?
Jeanine Garafolo. the idiot lefty so -called comedian, was caught with her guard down while exiting a limo in NYC when challenged by a reporter to explain her race card comments regarding Obama and the tea party ,she had no explanation. She was forced to admit that she believed all critics of Obama were racist. When pressed to expand on her comments, she stormed off like a spoiled brat who just got caught stealing cookies.
and that is thee way of the Left. They are very careful to not answer questions unless they are allowed to review questions first. Senator Kay Hagen(D-NC) has NOT held a single news conference since taking office. She refuses to be interviewed one on one unless her staff is permitted to review questions before hand.
Now hear Lefties are not going to get away with the race card anymore. Nobody cares.
Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide - Jeffrey Ressner -
The second paragraph of this passage sows blatant racism on the part of Mrs. Obama.
Essentially she stated without even having to commit a racist act or make a racist statements her white professors were racist simply by virtue of skin color.
She whines that even though these professors were liberals, they HAD to be racist because they are white.
That in and of itself is an overt and ignorant generalization. The same type generalizations that the liberal PC establishment screams about.

Four out of five racists support Palin

Where do you stand?
I won't vote for Palin. I think she is self-serving and opportunistic. If she did call them what is claimed, for once she spoke the truth. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Ok....What political candidate iSN'T oppotunistic and self serving?
Running for political office is all about salesmanship and opportunity. To some it is unpalatable, but we vote anyway.
Look, do not be fooled by the negative media coverage. Study the woman yourself.
I was called unpatriotic, unamerican and a terrorist supporter for opposing the iraq invasion and the patriot act.
Turns out I was right err correct not right, the right was incorrect.

Now the right are whining like hell about the results of the patriot act.
And trying to blame it on Obama.
How did the Republicans ruin the economy? OK.

From 2001 to 2008, the Republican leadership put into place subsidies and tax breaks that moved millions of jobs to China. In fact, the Republican Chamber of Commerce (the same group that gave Republicans 75 million dollars during the last election), along with China, gave seminars across the US on how to outsource to China.
The 2.4 trillion dollar tax break with more than 52% going to the top 1%.
The "Drugs for Votes" bill costing trillions passed through reconciliation.
The lack of building any infra structure.
Due to deregulation of Wall Street, 70% of the mortgage industry was moved from "Freddie/Fannie" to Wall Street where the bundled mortgages they sold to anyone who could sign their name overseas as securities, which they insured betting they would fail and when they did fail, collected billions (hence the term "derivatives").
The billions in no bid contracts in Iraq. Not to mention two failed wars.

Don't even get me started. There is nothing here I haven't linked to endlessly.

As far as the right wing being dangerous? Remember, Bush was the "leader" of the Republican Party. Many in that party are now saying, "Miss me yet?"


In 2002, in a survey of 38,000 people in 44 countries, the Pew Research Center found that the U.S. global image had slipped. But when we went back this spring after the war in Iraq – conducting another 16,000 interviews in 20 countries and the Palestinian Authority – it was clear that favorable opinions of the U.S. had plummeted.

Commentaries for 2010 - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

What is most striking, however, is how anti-Americanism has spread. It is not just limited to Western Europe or the Muslim world. In Brazil, 52% expressed a favorable opinion of the U.S. in 2002; this year, that number dropped to 34%. And in Russia, there has been a 25-point decline in positive opinions of the U.S. over the past year (61% to 36%).

If anything, fear and loathing of the U.S. has intensified in recent months. A Eurobarometer survey conducted among European Union countries in October found that as many people rate the U.S. as a threat to world peace as say that about Iran. Even in the United Kingdom, the United States' most trusted European ally, 55% see the U.S. as a threat to global peace. And in four countries – Greece, Spain, Finland and Sweden – the United States is viewed as the greatest threat to peace, more menacing than Iran or North Korea.

Don't forget the Republicans brought us into two wars and then cut taxes to pay for them

They borrowed $2 trillion to give a tax cut to peopel who didn't need one

as visually appealing as your wall of text is, it's still democrat hyperbole, the world thinks the republican party is dangerous is subjective, most of the world, does not follow "american republicans" enough to know one way or another. it's a grand statement, i'll conceed moot. however just as many countries hate us after two years of liberalism. –

the United States is viewed as the greatest threat to peace, more menacing than Iran or North Korea. john bolton, this morning... we may have a problem in N.K. so not so much... to that argument.
the europian union is a mess that has sponged off our umbrella of security since ww 2, damning us for the very protection we provide... europe sucks, they can't even take care of their socialist selves, even without the expense of military viability. so who cares what "europe" thinks.

They borrowed $2 trillion to give a tax cut to people who didn't need one... this is a good example of ass backward "obama math" and hyperbole, much like the well touted "clinton surplus"

after nine eleven , most democrats, went along with the presidents actions, because we were at war. if memory serves me, some members of congress voted to topple saddam, a clinton policy... what would the dems have said had bush done nothing, you want it both ways...
harry reid says we lost the iraq war, i dis agree. and:

in your elegant solioquy, i see no mention of acorn, barney frank, bill cinton, nancy pelosi, timothy geithner, and a host of other democrats contributors. i think their are democrats that wouldn't pin the entire economy on one party or the other.

finally, it looks as if you have already "started"... which i think is great. somalia ??


Synonyms: caricature, coloring, elaboration, embellishment, embroidering, embroidery, exaggeration, magnification, overstatement, padding, stretching

The tax break was 2.4 trillion. How did it help the economy? In fact, many corporations used the money to bring Chinese here to train and to build factories in China. I know this for a fact since it happened where I work. We actually had Republicans come and talk where I work to people who were training Chinese to take their jobs about what a "spirit of cooperation" there was between our two countries. I can tell you that the only applause came from management.

One thing about Acorn. While some people were fraudulently registered, those were reported by Acorn staff. But how many actually voted? 1? Zero?
And we now know that right wingers took unauthorized video of Acorn and spliced and edited it with other video completely inventing the "prostitution charges". You know that right? The charges were based on lies and made up evidence. Republicans destroyed an organization that helped the middle class and poor based on lies.

And finally, why do Democrats constantly have to defend? What about Sarah Palin? Is she married to a secessionist? Did her pastor weave "spells of protection" and was he a domestic terrorist? Don't make me post links. You better find out who it is you support.
Who thinks it's a good idea for Palin to viciously attack Michelle Obama, who's at least as highly regarded as Laura Bush ever was?

Not among the right wing. The Republican Party is 90% white. They do NOT want a black family living in the "WHITE" House.

We want OUR country back, not black.
Notice how the right doesn't even bother to defend Palin's secessionist husband? Doesn't bother them in the least.

And they listen to Australian and Arab owned Fox news. Even after we see that Fox has lied again and again. Two of their most recent being the Obama's didn't celebrate Veteran's Day, when Mrs. Obama was serving troops dinner in Europe and her husband was meeting with troops in Asia. Then there was the trip costing 200 million a day.

The Right wing doesn't care about the lies. Doesn't bother them. Because they hate so much. So full of hate and ignorance.
Who thinks it's a good idea for Palin to viciously attack Michelle Obama, who's at least as highly regarded as Laura Bush ever was?

Not among the right wing. The Republican Party is 90% white. They do NOT want a black family living in the "WHITE" House.

We want OUR country back, not black.

They either can't comprehend, or won't admit, how ignorant this is of Palin to attack Michelle Obama.

Maybe this perspective can help these knuckleheads. Imagine it's 2007 again, and Hillary is going to run for president, and she's out in the media,

making vicious attacks on Laura Bush.

Good plan?
I won't vote for Palin. I think she is self-serving and opportunistic. If she did call them what is claimed, for once she spoke the truth. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Ok....What political candidate iSN'T oppotunistic and self serving?
Running for political office is all about salesmanship and opportunity. To some it is unpalatable, but we vote anyway.
Look, do not be fooled by the negative media coverage. Study the woman yourself.

I have, can't avoid her. She's the far right's answer to Obama and you act like that's a 'good thing.'
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Who thinks it's a good idea for Palin to viciously attack Michelle Obama, who's at least as highly regarded as Laura Bush ever was?

That's not quite true:

For Michelle Obama, extravagance dents popularity | San Francisco Examiner

For Michelle Obama, extravagance dents popularity
By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent
August 13, 2010

After a widely admired start in the White House, first lady Michelle Obama's popularity is falling and, if the current downward trend in her approval ratings continues, could touch lows not seen since the scandal-tainted days of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

In the new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, 50 percent of those surveyed say they have a positive opinion of Mrs. Obama. That's down from 64 percent in April 2009 and 55 percent in January of this year. The first lady's positive rating is barely ahead of her husband's personal approval figure, which stands at 46 percent in the new poll.

The survey was taken from Aug. 5-9, which happened to coincide with Mrs. Obama's vacation in Spain, where she, along with daughter Sasha and several friends, stayed in a posh five-star resort. It was a luxurious getaway for the first lady of a nation with nearly 10 percent unemployment and widespread economic anxiety, and it fed an image of extravagance that Mrs. Obama has created by, among other things, patronizing chichi restaurants and wearing $775 boots to break ground at her White House garden. A new name -- "Michelle Antoinette" -- was born.

...Mrs. Obama's ratings are decidedly different from predecessor Laura Bush. In December 2001, as George W. Bush's popularity soared after the 9/11 attacks, Mrs. Bush's positive rating stood at 76 percent in the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. Nearly four years later, in 2005, it was 65 percent. Still later, when President Bush's job approval rating hit bottom, Mrs. Bush fell briefly to 54 percent -- still above where the current first lady is today.

Even after Mrs. Obama's European vacation, some former Bushies are slow to criticize the first lady. "I defended her on her trip to Spain because the first wave of anger was about the cost of her friends' travel expenses, which wasn't the case," says former Bush White House press secretary Dana Perino. "But then I realized -- and I was surprised by how strong it was from the Left -- that people were mad about the appearance of it. And I don't think that's about her trip in particular. I think people seized on the trip to channel their more general anger and frustration with the administration's policies and approach."

Perino is probably more understanding than the public as a whole. In the coming campaign, Mrs. Obama's expensive tastes invite the charge that the Obama White House, with its fondness for Wagyu beef, glitzy parties, and celebrity hobnobbing, is out of touch with regular people. That can hurt at a time when 66 percent of those surveyed in the new poll believe President Obama has fallen short of their expectations for dealing with the economy.

Where do Mrs. Obama's ratings go from here? The White House is certainly hoping she won't end up in the territory last occupied by Hillary Rodham Clinton, who began her time in the White House with a 57 percent positive rating but quickly fell into the 40s after the Travelgate scandal and into the 30s with the Whitewater investigation.

The administration is also hoping Mrs. Obama doesn't get an extended version of the treatment handed to first lady Nancy Reagan. There's no comparable polling from that era, but during the economic downturn of the early 1980s Mrs. Reagan's image was hurt by relentless criticism from the press. The New York Times lashed out at her for "exercising her opulent tastes in an economy that is inflicting hardship on so many."

Hey now...the fact that he married Michelle makes him a racist to people like USARMYretard.

Obama has been very much involved in the panthers not being prosecuted.

False. It was the Bush DOJ that dropped the criminal charges.
That is not true.

The Obama administration won a default judgment in federal court in April 2009 when the Black Panthers didn't appear in court to fight the charges. But the administration moved to dismiss the charges in May 2009. Justice attorneys said a criminal complaint, which resulted in the injunction, proceeded successfully.

They won and still dismissed. :wtf:

Justice Department lawyer accuses Holder dropping New Black Panther case political
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Talk about speaking the truth, this woman is full of the truth when she says this. Sarah Palin is showing she has a set and she is not letting the political correctness stop her either. She is letting us know what kind of campaign she is going to give Obama if she runs. You gotta love this really. I mean, this is what you call being bold and it shows she stands by her convictions. The fact is, she is right, Barack and his wife Michelle are indeed very much unpatriotic and racist. They showed it in their statements on the campaign trail in 08 and they have showed it through their actions in the White House. Palin is showing she has a backbone and she intends to use it and this is a example. Obama doesn't realize that this woman doesn't give a crap about being politicaly correct when it pertains to calling him and his wife out. As President Clinton has said and Biden said it yesterday morning........'Don't underestimate this woman'. If she runs , which we all know she will, Obama will be faced with something he has never delt with before and that is a woman who will call it like she sees ignoring the political correctness that has swept America.

Yep, a classless bitch, just what the right needs to run America. You could grab any prostitute off a street corner and run for president if this is the qualifications the right is seeking. Problem is, the right would send her a spent condom, lil lone set her fat ass in DC. What moronic thinking has occurred since the republicans became desperate.

Here is a runner up for a rightwing president, meeting all of Palins qualifications, plus she is actually honest.

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