Democrat flagship state has highest unemployment rate in nation, small bus. Struggling

Nevada supported Bernie for POTUS, fuck me!. We had Socialisk for Gov. too. There's hope, he lost his bid for a second term to a Republican Cowboy.

Careful what you wish for. Fucking Democracks are cracked.
A few Red States turning Purple won’t take the Sting out of losing Nevada and New Mexico and Vermont & Maine and Wisconsin and Colorado ... for The Democommies
Actually no the Dem cancer has spread to many other cities in WA and OR. It's a total Dem freakshow.
Sure, the urban metros are more than just Seattle and Portland. In WA it's the whole Tacoma-Seattle-Everett corridor (you can add Spokane). In Oregon it's Portland and the close suburbs like Gresham, and the I-5 corridor down to Salem.

But if those places are 8/1000 and the State avg. is 4/1000, it really means the rest of the State is 2/1000, and the urban areas are pulling the State averages up.
A few Red States turning Purple won’t take the Sting out of losing Nevada and New Mexico and Vermont & Maine and Wisconsin and Colorado ... for The Democommies
That's probably not going to happen.
Sure, the urban metros are more than just Seattle and Portland. In WA it's the whole Tacoma-Seattle-Everett corridor (you can add Spokane). In Oregon it's Portland and the close suburbs like Gresham, and the I-5 corridor down to Salem.

But if those places are 8/1000 and the State avg. is 4/1000, it really means the rest of the State is 2/1000, and the urban areas are pulling the State averages up.
Suffices to say we need to destroy the Democrats before they destroy America.
Blue City Crime is double what Red City Crime is ( Across the Board )
No it isn't.

Look, if Republicans were so fucking effective at governing, then explain the disasters Bush and Trump left for Democrats to clean up. The Republicans control the house and can't pass a damn budget. It's time you right wingers stopped lying to yourselves. Your side can't govern, and the policies you propose suck. You're useless and your presence is a disgrace to America.
You officially have the most punk rock User Name on the planet.

Right, I've been a fan a long time. I even stole the ID for a stint on a dating ap.
hahaha…Too funny. “Punk rock”….love the expression. I’m a huge Sex Pistols fan.
It all started in college, born from sarcasm. I was doing pretty well financially, I dressed nice, drove a nice car and bought myself a Rolex. Girls would often ask….”what do you do for work” I’d say….”I can’t tell you that…I’m just a BrokeLoser”
The mystery made it quite the effective pick-up line. It stuck
And the crime rates in Portland and Seattle are twice as high (or more) as the State averages in OR and WA.

Same as everywhere. Get away from the blue cities, and it's fine even in States like WA and OR.
Wow. That's weird.

More densely populated areas have more crime? Who would have thought?

You mean like since the beginning of civilization?

What I do know is red states tend to have higher murder rates, lower education and higher obesity.
Everybody knows it is your diverse blue shitholes within red states that destroy the spreadsheets.
Another poster who is shocked that densely populated areas have more crime then sparsely populated rural areas.

Glad you are caught up.

Why do red states have higher murder rates, lower education and higher obesity then blue states...generally.
That you are lying and/or intentionally stupid.

Facts. You should accept them and change your vote accordingly.

Another poster who is shocked that densely populated areas have more crime then sparsely populated rural areas.
Where in the rulebook does it state that a densely populated city must be lawless? You act as if such is a requirement. The answer is simple…diverse shitholes are full of people who are too different from one another, this causes division, which causes tension, hostility and a lack of respect between the citizenry.
Why do red states have higher murder rates, lower education and higher obesity then blue states...generally.
Because shithole blue cities destroy the spreadsheets for the entire state.
Facts. You should accept them and change your vote accordingly.

Blacks and Mexicans are the least educated
Blacks and Mexicans commit the most murder
Blacks and Mexicans are the most obese
You point out states with cities with large populations of dark people as the problem…that makes you and Dragonlady racists…Don’t you know you are supposed to pretend dark people are our greatest assets?
Where in the rulebook does it state that a densely populated city must be lawless? You act as if such is a requirement. The answer is simple…diverse shitholes are full of people who are too different from one another, this causes division, which causes tension, hostility and a lack of respect between the citizenry.

Because that is the way it's always been. More people, more opportunity, anonymity, etc.

So which race should get to live in cities? How do we decide us up? Do we revoke citizenship or some races? Boot them out? Who goes?

Does Tucker have the answer to these questions?

Because shithole blue cities destroy the spreadsheets for the entire state.

Blacks and Mexicans are the least educated
Blacks and Mexicans commit the most murder
Blacks and Mexicans are the most obese
You point out states with cities with large populations of dark people as the problem…that makes you and Dragonlady racists…Don’t you know you are supposed to pretend dark people are our greatest assets?
View attachment 949402
We have already established more densely populated areas have more crime.

Is it your contention that states like Washington or Oregon don't have shithole cities? Yet they fair so much better in most rankings then red states?

What is it with red states...the same red states usually, that they tend to lead in all things negative?
That you are lying and/or intentionally stupid.

I'll post some links for you.

US Cities with the highest crime rates:

1. St. Louis, Missouri
2. Detroit, Michigan
3. Baltimore, Maryland
4. Memphis, Tennessee
5. Kansas City, Missouri
6. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
7. Cleveland, Ohio
8. Stockton, California
9. Albuguerque, New Mexico
10. Indianapolis, Indiana

States with the highest murder rates: Southern Red States for the win!!!

1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Alabama
4. New Mexico
5. South Carolina
6. Missouri
7. Illinois
8. Maryland
9. Tennesee
10. Arkansas

Highest Income by state - the only red state on this list is Alaska

1. Massachusetts
2. Washington
3. New York
4. Alaska
5. Connecticut
6. Maryland
7. New Jersey
8. Colorado
9. California
10. Rhode Island

Best Schools: not many red states here either:

1. Massachusetts
2. Connecticut
3. New Jersey
4. Virginia
5. New Hampshire
6. Maryland
7. Delaware
8. Nebraska
9. Wisconsin
10. Vermont


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