She Doesn't Hold Back: Sarah Palin Calls Barack And Michelle 'Unpatriotic' & 'Racist'

Don't forget the Republicans brought us into two wars and then cut taxes to pay for them

They borrowed $2 trillion to give a tax cut to peopel who didn't need one

as visually appealing as your wall of text is, it's still democrat hyperbole, the world thinks the republican party is dangerous is subjective, most of the world, does not follow "american republicans" enough to know one way or another. it's a grand statement, i'll conceed moot. however just as many countries hate us after two years of liberalism. –

the United States is viewed as the greatest threat to peace, more menacing than Iran or North Korea. john bolton, this morning... we may have a problem in N.K. so not so much... to that argument.
the europian union is a mess that has sponged off our umbrella of security since ww 2, damning us for the very protection we provide... europe sucks, they can't even take care of their socialist selves, even without the expense of military viability. so who cares what "europe" thinks.

They borrowed $2 trillion to give a tax cut to people who didn't need one... this is a good example of ass backward "obama math" and hyperbole, much like the well touted "clinton surplus"

after nine eleven , most democrats, went along with the presidents actions, because we were at war. if memory serves me, some members of congress voted to topple saddam, a clinton policy... what would the dems have said had bush done nothing, you want it both ways...
harry reid says we lost the iraq war, i dis agree. and:

in your elegant solioquy, i see no mention of acorn, barney frank, bill cinton, nancy pelosi, timothy geithner, and a host of other democrats contributors. i think their are democrats that wouldn't pin the entire economy on one party or the other.

finally, it looks as if you have already "started"... which i think is great. somalia ??


Synonyms: caricature, coloring, elaboration, embellishment, embroidering, embroidery, exaggeration, magnification, overstatement, padding, stretching

The tax break was 2.4 trillion. How did it help the economy? In fact, many corporations used the money to bring Chinese here to train and to build factories in China. I know this for a fact since it happened where I work. We actually had Republicans come and talk where I work to people who were training Chinese to take their jobs about what a "spirit of cooperation" there was between our two countries. I can tell you that the only applause came from management.

One thing about Acorn. While some people were fraudulently registered, those were reported by Acorn staff. But how many actually voted? 1? Zero?
And we now know that right wingers took unauthorized video of Acorn and spliced and edited it with other video completely inventing the "prostitution charges". You know that right? The charges were based on lies and made up evidence. Republicans destroyed an organization that helped the middle class and poor based on lies.

And finally, why do Democrats constantly have to defend? What about Sarah Palin? Is she married to a secessionist? Did her pastor weave "spells of protection" and was he a domestic terrorist? Don't make me post links. You better find out who it is you support.

as condescending as you are from your platform of liberal idealsim, i'll attempt to respond.
if it was a democrat video used against republicans, it would be gospel, and required viewing in our public schools right now like "incontinent truth" is. thanks for the roget's update.
you have to look at why companies look for cheaper labor. could it be 75 $ dollars an hour to work on an assembly line ?
forget all of that, what would it be called if we forced american companies to use government mandated labor, what would thomas jefferson say ?
and. i would put todd's personal political beliefs up against the obama rev wright fiasco anytime.
finally, no don't put up lots more links to prove your point...some of your evidence is erroneous.
and to whom should i seek to find out what i think ?
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Who thinks it's a good idea for Palin to viciously attack Michelle Obama, who's at least as highly regarded as Laura Bush ever was?

That's not quite true:

For Michelle Obama, extravagance dents popularity | San Francisco Examiner

For Michelle Obama, extravagance dents popularity
By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent
August 13, 2010

After a widely admired start in the White House, first lady Michelle Obama's popularity is falling and, if the current downward trend in her approval ratings continues, could touch lows not seen since the scandal-tainted days of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

That was written in August, the latest poll on Michelle Obama has her at 67 - 27.
Notice how the right doesn't even bother to defend Palin's secessionist husband? Doesn't bother them in the least.

And they listen to Australian and Arab owned Fox news. Even after we see that Fox has lied again and again. Two of their most recent being the Obama's didn't celebrate Veteran's Day, when Mrs. Obama was serving troops dinner in Europe and her husband was meeting with troops in Asia. Then there was the trip costing 200 million a day.

The Right wing doesn't care about the lies. Doesn't bother them. Because they hate so much. So full of hate and ignorance.
Back under your rock...That trip did indeed cost $600 million for the three days. and it accomplished absolutely ZERO.
Yes FNC lies all the time. they lie about the Obama's because they are black.
Why should we defend Todd Palin. He hasn't done anything that needs defending. He is a spouse. Nothing more .Nothing less.
I must say are one entertaining court jester though. Thanks for the laughs
What time does your short bus depart?
Don't bother posting back. your comments are not needed ,welcomed and will go unread.
Who thinks it's a good idea for Palin to viciously attack Michelle Obama, who's at least as highly regarded as Laura Bush ever was?

That's not quite true:

For Michelle Obama, extravagance dents popularity | San Francisco Examiner

For Michelle Obama, extravagance dents popularity
By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent
August 13, 2010

After a widely admired start in the White House, first lady Michelle Obama's popularity is falling and, if the current downward trend in her approval ratings continues, could touch lows not seen since the scandal-tainted days of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

That was written in August, the latest poll on Michelle Obama has her at 67 - 27.

Who thinks it's a good idea for Palin to viciously attack Michelle Obama, who's at least as highly regarded as Laura Bush ever was?
Ya got proof Palin attack Obama's wife?
You have some nerve you friggin NY blue state spineless fruit cake.
After what the mainstream media did to Palin and you have the gall to criticize Palin for what she "might have said"? Fuck off.
Regarded? By whom? The adoring leftist feminist magazines? The main stream media?
Show some copy and links indicating this alleged adoration.
GO! or shut the fuck up.
It's amazing how some conservatives attempt, with no facts, to paint their opponents into being something many of them are not. It would be funny that they misuse the terms communist, socialist, and Marxist so often...except for the fact that they incite fear and hate when they do it...and they actually think they're scoring intellectualism points.
A centrist? There is no such thing as a centrist. You people are the worst. You have no core beliefs. You wet your finger and stick it in the wind of public opinion
You sit on the fence of issues and wait to see which side is the most popular and go with that.
Centrists, moderates all of you grey area invertebrates are nothing but liberals that fear being labeled liberal.
It is the Left that creates the straw man.It is in the liberal play book to attack your opponent on personal or unrelated issues to force that person to deal with the accusations while the lib gets to skate on the issues. Te lefties do this all the time. That for example why your side is so quick to play the race card.
I won't vote for Palin. I think she is self-serving and opportunistic. If she did call them what is claimed, for once she spoke the truth. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Ok....What political candidate iSN'T oppotunistic and self serving?
Running for political office is all about salesmanship and opportunity. To some it is unpalatable, but we vote anyway.
Look, do not be fooled by the negative media coverage. Study the woman yourself.

I have, can't avoid her. She's the far right's answer to Obama and you act like that's a 'good thing.'

Obama is so far left, he expanded gun laws more than any other president in history.
It's amazing how some conservatives attempt, with no facts, to paint their opponents into being something many of them are not. It would be funny that they misuse the terms communist, socialist, and Marxist so often...except for the fact that they incite fear and hate when they do it...and they actually think they're scoring intellectualism points.
A centrist? There is no such thing as a centrist. You people are the worst. You have no core beliefs. You wet your finger and stick it in the wind of public opinion
You sit on the fence of issues and wait to see which side is the most popular and go with that.
Centrists, moderates all of you grey area invertebrates are nothing but liberals that fear being labeled liberal.
It is the Left that creates the straw man.It is in the liberal play book to attack your opponent on personal or unrelated issues to force that person to deal with the accusations while the lib gets to skate on the issues. Te lefties do this all the time. That for example why your side is so quick to play the race card.

You have no clue what a centrist or a moderate is.
Obama has been very much involved in the panthers not being prosecuted.

False. It was the Bush DOJ that dropped the criminal charges.
That is not true.

The Obama administration won a default judgment in federal court in April 2009 when the Black Panthers didn't appear in court to fight the charges. But the administration moved to dismiss the charges in May 2009. Justice attorneys said a criminal complaint, which resulted in the injunction, proceeded successfully.

They won and still dismissed. :wtf:

Justice Department lawyer accuses Holder dropping New Black Panther case political

What a difference the color of skin makes.

The Bush administration DOJ chose not to pursue similar charges against members of the Minutemen, one of whom allegedly carried a weapon while harassing Hispanic voters in Arizona in 2006-

To illustrate his point, Perez highlighted the Department of Justice's decision in 2006 not to pursue charges against members of the Minutemen for allegedly intimidating Hispanic voters in Pima, Arizona -- with one member of the group allegedly carrying a gun:

I guess only if you're black should charges of intimidation be brought up. What about WHITE intimidation?

Voter intimidation in a district that is heavily Democratic trying to intimidate voters to vote Democratic. Yea, I'm sure it changed the "complexion" of the "race".
No surprise, no link. :eusa_liar:

You posted an opinion piece by rightwing propagandist Byron York that cited poll numbers.

There was no link to the polls he cited.

I'll be happy to link to the Michelle Obama polls right after you explain to us all, satisfactorily, why you think your un-linked claims should be accepted at face value and mine shouldn't.

What a troll like response. You can't google Gallup or WSJ polls? I do feel sorry for you. You didn't question the number before you attempted the nonsense post. :lol:
It's amazing how some conservatives attempt, with no facts, to paint their opponents into being something many of them are not. It would be funny that they misuse the terms communist, socialist, and Marxist so often...except for the fact that they incite fear and hate when they do it...and they actually think they're scoring intellectualism points.
A centrist? There is no such thing as a centrist. You people are the worst. You have no core beliefs. You wet your finger and stick it in the wind of public opinion
You sit on the fence of issues and wait to see which side is the most popular and go with that.
Centrists, moderates all of you grey area invertebrates are nothing but liberals that fear being labeled liberal.
It is the Left that creates the straw man.It is in the liberal play book to attack your opponent on personal or unrelated issues to force that person to deal with the accusations while the lib gets to skate on the issues. Te lefties do this all the time. That for example why your side is so quick to play the race card.

Um...that's NOT what a Centrist is.
You posted an opinion piece by rightwing propagandist Byron York that cited poll numbers.

There was no link to the polls he cited.

I'll be happy to link to the Michelle Obama polls right after you explain to us all, satisfactorily, why you think your un-linked claims should be accepted at face value and mine shouldn't.

What a troll like response. You can't google Gallup or WSJ polls? I do feel sorry for you. You didn't question the number before you attempted the nonsense post. :lol:

That's because I looked up your number on my own.


You're really out of your depth here you should get a new hobby.
What a troll like response. You can't google Gallup or WSJ polls? I do feel sorry for you. You didn't question the number before you attempted the nonsense post. :lol:

That's because I looked up your number on my own.


You're really out of your depth here you should get a new hobby.

Hardly. Since you fail and :eusa_liar: here you go

Picture Darkens for Americans, Poll Finds -

Link is on the left, but that might be too onerous for one as yourself, so here you go:


I'm sorry, but there is no volume, perhaps you can find someone to read it to you and add up the numbers?
Notice how the right doesn't even bother to defend Palin's secessionist husband? Doesn't bother them in the least.

And they listen to Australian and Arab owned Fox news. Even after we see that Fox has lied again and again. Two of their most recent being the Obama's didn't celebrate Veteran's Day, when Mrs. Obama was serving troops dinner in Europe and her husband was meeting with troops in Asia. Then there was the trip costing 200 million a day.

The Right wing doesn't care about the lies. Doesn't bother them. Because they hate so much. So full of hate and ignorance.
Back under your rock...That trip did indeed cost $600 million for the three days. and it accomplished absolutely ZERO.
Yes FNC lies all the time. they lie about the Obama's because they are black.
Why should we defend Todd Palin. He hasn't done anything that needs defending. He is a spouse. Nothing more .Nothing less.
I must say are one entertaining court jester though. Thanks for the laughs
What time does your short bus depart?
Don't bother posting back. your comments are not needed ,welcomed and will go unread.

LOL...Mission accomplished for FoxNews

They put out that $200 million a day story and the rightwigers still quote it as gospel

Defend Todd Palin? The man hates America and wants Alaska to leave it. Meanwhile Sarah chooses to bear children for someone who openly hates his country
Notice how the right doesn't even bother to defend Palin's secessionist husband? Doesn't bother them in the least.

And they listen to Australian and Arab owned Fox news. Even after we see that Fox has lied again and again. Two of their most recent being the Obama's didn't celebrate Veteran's Day, when Mrs. Obama was serving troops dinner in Europe and her husband was meeting with troops in Asia. Then there was the trip costing 200 million a day.

The Right wing doesn't care about the lies. Doesn't bother them. Because they hate so much. So full of hate and ignorance.
Back under your rock...That trip did indeed cost $600 million for the three days. and it accomplished absolutely ZERO.
Yes FNC lies all the time. they lie about the Obama's because they are black.
Why should we defend Todd Palin. He hasn't done anything that needs defending. He is a spouse. Nothing more .Nothing less.
I must say are one entertaining court jester though. Thanks for the laughs
What time does your short bus depart?
Don't bother posting back. your comments are not needed ,welcomed and will go unread.

LOL...Mission accomplished for FoxNews

They put out that $200 million a day story and the rightwigers still quote it as gospel

Defend Todd Palin? The man hates America and wants Alaska to leave it. Meanwhile Sarah chooses to bear children for someone who openly hates his country


You're a fool.

You continue to be a fool.

More than likely you won't change.

You give credence to the shopworn saying: "once a fool always a fool".......fits you perfectly.
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It really goes to show what Mrs. Palin thinks about the intelligence of the folks she is courting. Choosing sound bytes over context.

Palin has chosen a line of attack against the First Lady that most other opponents of the President have abandoned long ago.

In full context, Michelle Obama’s meaning was that she felt a surge of pride at the way young people were finding hope in the country’s future.

As for the good Rev. Wright:

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - The full story behind Rev. Jeremiah Wright's 9/11 sermon - Blogs

Next is she going to say that he still pals around with terrorist too.

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