Sen. Booker Attacked by Bigots, For Opposing the Appointment of a Bigot as Secretary of State

Booker is an anti-christian bigot ....

And Pompeo will be the Secretary of State who helps President Trump end the Korean war, and over sees the de-nuclearization of the Korean Penninsula....

Booker IS a Christian, idiot. Being anti-LGBT is only a belief of some Christians in various sects. It is not universal among all Christians. Pompeo must come clean about his virulent beliefs against other Americans. We have a right to know that our representatives are trustworthy and ready to represent the interests of all Americans. It appears that this pompeo is not. He is not qualified to represent us. If he wants a job, let him be a clergyman of whatever religion he is.
Sadly you're wasting you time trying to educate these morons.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
You are, so sadly, correct. It is extremely hard to follow these bigots through their twisted logic. It's surreal. What is scary is that these people are aggressive and capable of being violent.
Yes I agree. Violence exists on a continuum. It always begins with words-subtle at first- and escalates incrementally, to marginalization, overt discrimination and finally physical violence or even genocide. Think about the Nazi's , the Jews and others who they target. People like the one here have blood on their hands, or will. Even if they, themselves never commit and act of physical violence, the inspire other lost soles and troubled people, and give them license to do so.

"the inspire other lost soles and troubled people"

None of us are either lost or troubled, we lead normal healthy lives we do not surround ourselves with degeneracy and embrace mental illness as being normal and healthy.

It's your type who are lost and troubled if you was not you wouldn't be the way you are, subconsciously you hate yourselves so much for what you are it manifests itself outwards into hatred, bigotry and intolerance for EVERYONE who doesn't support you. WTF get some professional help already.
And what exactly does your diseased and dark mind think that I am?
No you take a hike, the thing is you are a One Trick Pony all your threads are the same LGBTQ Mega Whining or you demanding that children are taught about sexual perversions
You better watch that shit!

No you better watch that shit it's what you post about, you have posted multiple OPs about how children in schools should be taught about sex and the faggots anal sex and Transgenders and then attacked anyone who disagrees, go away slug you are a disgrace. You have no moral highground on any level.
Booker IS a Christian, idiot. Being anti-LGBT is only a belief of some Christians in various sects. It is not universal among all Christians. Pompeo must come clean about his virulent beliefs against other Americans. We have a right to know that our representatives are trustworthy and ready to represent the interests of all Americans. It appears that this pompeo is not. He is not qualified to represent us. If he wants a job, let him be a clergyman of whatever religion he is.
Sadly you're wasting you time trying to educate these morons.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
You are, so sadly, correct. It is extremely hard to follow these bigots through their twisted logic. It's surreal. What is scary is that these people are aggressive and capable of being violent.
Yes I agree. Violence exists on a continuum. It always begins with words-subtle at first- and escalates incrementally, to marginalization, overt discrimination and finally physical violence or even genocide. Think about the Nazi's , the Jews and others who they target. People like the one here have blood on their hands, or will. Even if they, themselves never commit and act of physical violence, the inspire other lost soles and troubled people, and give them license to do so.

"the inspire other lost soles and troubled people"

None of us are either lost or troubled, we lead normal healthy lives we do not surround ourselves with degeneracy and embrace mental illness as being normal and healthy.

It's your type who are lost and troubled if you was not you wouldn't be the way you are, subconsciously you hate yourselves so much for what you are it manifests itself outwards into hatred, bigotry and intolerance for EVERYONE who doesn't support you. WTF get some professional help already.
And what exactly does your diseased and dark mind think that I am?

My mind is not diseased and dark, if it was then I'd be agreeing with you and all vile crap you post about.
What does a person's view on gays have to do with the position of Secretary of State? This is another example that Leftards have nothing but identity politics. I hope they keep this shit up going into the 2018 elections. :clap2:

Glad you asked:

Pompeo could be 'dangerous' for LGBTQ people around the world, advocates say

There could be some very serious consequences both here in the U.S. and also around the globe," she said. "Tillerson didn't really go after the LGBT portion of foreign policy. Now you're going to see someone who, if confirmed, is explicitly anti-LGBT, and I think you're going to see reversals in policy. It's very dangerous."

Among those policies, Margon said, is the Obama administration's explicit inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity into its broader human rights agenda and as part of its foreign policy
Jessica Stern, executive director of OutRight Action International, a global LGBTQ human rights organization, said the incoming secretary of state will be entering a fraught environment for LGBTQ people in various parts of the world.

"Mass arrests of LGBTIQ people globally hit an all-time high in 2017," Stern told NBC News. "We hope that Mike Pompeo will follow the legal and policy frameworks that have embedded LGBTIQ rights into U.S. foreign policy."

tern also said Pompeo, as the secretary of state, will be able to wield influence over other nations and could affect the political landscape for vulnerable communities on an international stage.

"For better or for worse, the priorities of global superpowers like the U.S., China and Russia impact the rest of the world," she said. "America's top diplomat wields enormous power globally, so it is essential that he upholds the American value of human rights."
Dangerous, like muslims?

Where are the hysterical and unhinged LGBTQ Advocates when Islamists are executing gays around the world, either hanging them or throwing them off rooftops? Maybe this Jessica Stern should take her OutRight Action International and The Progressive Pervert could join them and go and do a full on protest in Iran or Saudi Arabia or Sudan or Qatar or the 75 countries that Deviant Same Sex is outlawed in.

Go on Jessica Stern and The Progressive Pervert airdrop yourself into the middle of Iran for example and start hysterically screaming:


LOL see what would happen if these unhinged and psychologically fucked up maniacs went and did something like that.

Like I said before, Democrats are good at pretending they care about gays.
once again, anti-gay in your opinion only
Leftards believe those who hold opposing opinions are guilty of everything under the sun, until proven innocent.
Booker IS a Christian, idiot. Being anti-LGBT is only a belief of some Christians in various sects. It is not universal among all Christians. Pompeo must come clean about his virulent beliefs against other Americans. We have a right to know that our representatives are trustworthy and ready to represent the interests of all Americans. It appears that this pompeo is not. He is not qualified to represent us. If he wants a job, let him be a clergyman of whatever religion he is.
Sadly you're wasting you time trying to educate these morons.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
You are, so sadly, correct. It is extremely hard to follow these bigots through their twisted logic. It's surreal. What is scary is that these people are aggressive and capable of being violent.
Yes I agree. Violence exists on a continuum. It always begins with words-subtle at first- and escalates incrementally, to marginalization, overt discrimination and finally physical violence or even genocide. Think about the Nazi's , the Jews and others who they target. People like the one here have blood on their hands, or will. Even if they, themselves never commit and act of physical violence, the inspire other lost soles and troubled people, and give them license to do so.

"the inspire other lost soles and troubled people"

None of us are either lost or troubled, we lead normal healthy lives we do not surround ourselves with degeneracy and embrace mental illness as being normal and healthy.

It's your type who are lost and troubled if you was not you wouldn't be the way you are, subconsciously you hate yourselves so much for what you are it manifests itself outwards into hatred, bigotry and intolerance for EVERYONE who doesn't support you. WTF get some professional help already.
And what exactly does your diseased and dark mind think that I am?

Just ignore Lucy. Her sick mind is her sick mind. It's a waste of time even responding to her. She surely has her issues.
Sadly you're wasting you time trying to educate these morons.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
You are, so sadly, correct. It is extremely hard to follow these bigots through their twisted logic. It's surreal. What is scary is that these people are aggressive and capable of being violent.
Yes I agree. Violence exists on a continuum. It always begins with words-subtle at first- and escalates incrementally, to marginalization, overt discrimination and finally physical violence or even genocide. Think about the Nazi's , the Jews and others who they target. People like the one here have blood on their hands, or will. Even if they, themselves never commit and act of physical violence, the inspire other lost soles and troubled people, and give them license to do so.

"the inspire other lost soles and troubled people"

None of us are either lost or troubled, we lead normal healthy lives we do not surround ourselves with degeneracy and embrace mental illness as being normal and healthy.

It's your type who are lost and troubled if you was not you wouldn't be the way you are, subconsciously you hate yourselves so much for what you are it manifests itself outwards into hatred, bigotry and intolerance for EVERYONE who doesn't support you. WTF get some professional help already.
And what exactly does your diseased and dark mind think that I am?

Just ignore Lucy. Her sick mind is her sick mind. It's a waste of time even responding to her. She surely has her issues.

Nobody cares what you think, you want to know what a sick mind is? Thinking that a boy can be a girl, thinking that men can give birth, thinking that boys can have periods, thinking it's normal for a male to want to have his dick chopped off, thinking it's okay if you get pregnant because you cannot be bothered to use contraception that it's okay to go an have an abortion because having a baby would interfere with your lifestyle.

The situation is that the MAJORITY are NEVER going to accept the LGBTQ thing. Period. Why? Because they know it's sick and degenerate and goes against EVERYTHING that society has ever considered normal and stable, it does not matter how loud you all screech, you are NEVER going to get the MAJORITY to accept or adhere to your sick idea of what a society is.

I have no issues, but from many of your posts it's obvious you have a lot of issues.
First, let’s establish the fact that Mike Pompeo is an anti-gay bigot:

-- Opposed repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, suggesting that "when you enter the army you give up a few of your rights." Also said of DADT repeal, "we cannot use military to promote social ideas that do not reflect the values of our nation."

-- Decried the US Supreme Court's 2015 ruling granting marriage equality to all fifty states as "a shocking abuse of power" that "flies in the face of centuries of shared understanding of our Constitution."

-- Has vowed to continue his fight abortion, marriage equality, and related matters "each and every day": "As a Kansan, I hold a deep reverence for the sanctity of life, the solidarity of family, and the solemnity of marriage. I will continue the fight to uphold these fundamental ideals each and every day. I am, and always will be, pro-life and will defend life from conception to natural death. I will continue to oppose any taxpayer funding for abortion. I also fully support the traditional institution of marriage. Strong families are the most important building block of our Republic, and we must preserve them for the sake of our community and our culture."

-- Co-sponsored two bills, the State Marriage Defense Act and the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act, both designed to undermine the effects of court rulings on marriage equality.

-- Denounced the Supreme Court rulings that struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California's Proposition 8 as "both sad and counter to the most profound tradition of o
ur great nation."

There is much more but you get the idea. In todays news there is this:

I find it hard to believe that the National Organization for (heterosexual only) Marriage is still in existence after their humiliating defeat on the issue…..but sadly, they are.

Earlier this month, Democratic Senator Cory Booker challenged former GOP Congressman Mike Pompeo over his anti-LGBT views following his nomination to the State Department, where he would control any future work on global LGBT rights.

Citing Pompeo’s past record during a Senate committee, Booker asked: “You made a speech warning [against] an America that endorses a perversion and calls it an alternative lifestyle. Those are your words. Is being gay a perversion?”

Pompeo would only specify that he “stands by” his “very clear view on whether it was appropriate for two same-sex persons to marry,” though Booker’s question referred to his beliefs about gay people’s rights and not specifically same-sex marriage.

But here is the real kick in the head. It shows the desperation, or perhaps the stupidity of the religious right who insist on conflating the opposition to hate and bigotry to being anti-Christian:

Following the spat, anti-LGBT activists have now launched a fully-fledged smear campaign against Booker, who was branded an “anti-Christian bigot” in the aftermath of the spat.

Fringe anti-gay group the National Organization for Marriage is behind a Booker Bans Believers campaign – with a newly-launched website suggesting that the Democrat wants to ban the Bible.

Are these people so stupid to believe, or perhaps so dishonest,as to portray the issue as Christians vs. LGBT and their advocates? Do they not know that many LGBT people and their advocates are in fact Christian? Do they not know that many Christian denominations, and individuals support LGBT causes?

Real Christians are opposed to hate and discrimination. Booker is not attacking religious liberty as they allege. He is exercising his legal authority and moral right to oppose a nominee for a crucial cabinmate post based on clearly disqualifying concerns. Claiming that Booker wants to “ban the bible” is a dangerous combination of stupid, crazy, and dishonesty wrapped in desperation and irrational fear.

Sadly, it appears that as of tonight, Pompeo will be confirmed. Go help the United States of America

Booker is an anti-christian bigot ....

And Pompeo will be the Secretary of State who helps President Trump end the Korean war, and over sees the de-nuclearization of the Korean Penninsula....

Booker IS a Christian, idiot. Being anti-LGBT is only a belief of some Christians in various sects. It is not universal among all Christians. Pompeo must come clean about his virulent beliefs against other Americans. We have a right to know that our representatives are trustworthy and ready to represent the interests of all Americans. It appears that this pompeo is not. He is not qualified to represent us. If he wants a job, let him be a clergyman of whatever religion he is.
As a pro-hetero, Pompeo represents the interests of the vast majority of Americans.

ays are a minuscule part of the overall population...but demand far too much attention.
Bigots are a minuscule part of the overall population...but demand far too much attention

By bigots, I assume you mean people that are against the current status quo of racial discrimination in favor of minorities at the expense of whites?

Cause, reasons, that you understand...
Ah yes, I anticipated this. You people will try anything to avoid the actual issue. Here, I assume that you are alluding to affirmative action which you consider reverse discrimination. Well, regardless of whether or not we endorse affirmative action- not all of us do- and regardless of whether or not it is reverse discrimination, you are employing a logical fallacy instead of actually dealing with the argument that I presented. Learn this word:

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

Good night, Sleep tight

Says that man who's op consisted mostly of calling people names.
Pompeo....A bigot in more ways than one:
Secretary Of State Nominee Mike Pompeo Vs. Religious Pluralism | Right Wing Watch

CIA director and former member of Congress Mike Pompeo, whose confirmation hearing to be secretary of state will be held on Thursday, has a well-documented history of working with activists who inflame anti-Muslim fear and bigotry, as Miranda noted yesterday. A few years ago, speaking at a “God and Country” rally in Kansas, Pompeo allied himself with a pastor who gained notoriety for delivering a prayer in the state legislature criticizing America for having “worshipped other Gods and called it multiculturalism.”

Pompeo’s record of hostility to religious pluralism is deeply troubling for a secretary of state nominee, and not only because it undermines the core American values of religious liberty. A panel of distinguished former diplomats recently met at Georgetown University to warn that growing religious intolerance in the U.S. threatens the ability of the U.S. to effectively advocate for human rights and for the victims of religious persecution in other countries.

You people stupidly call those of us who reject him religious bigots. ! It does not get much more dishonest than that. What the fuck is he?? He does exactly what you accuse us of doing, but it's OK because its directed at Muslims, but in your small minds it is somehow different

Those on the extreme right love to accuse the liberals and progressive of being hateful and intolerant but they are either willfully lying, or in denial, projecting their own hatred, and not in touch with reality.

They can say that we are hateful, bigoted, or intolerant all they wish. But let me sum up the difference between them and us. We do indeed have a problem with people who are hateful towards others simply because they do not approve of them or do not understand them. We are not tolerant of people who are on a mission to make life miserable for others in the name of ideology. We are not tolerant of the selfish and greedy who kick those who are less fortunate and struggling to get by, to the curb, so that they and their donors can have even more. We have a problem- and you can call it hateful if you wish- with people who arbitrarily and capriciously chose to marginalize, demean and deprive others of the rights that they take for granted.

We have a problem with people who discriminate and incite violence against others who they do not like, do not understand, or are threatened by them in some vague way. The same goes for vilify the poor, immigrants and with those of other ethnic groups and religions.

In summary, the rights intolerance is driven by hate, greed and ideology . All intolerance is not equal.

Anyone who has hatred and intolerance directed at them- whether it be subtle or overt, verbal or physical, in private or in the public/ political arena has the right to respond proportionately. If that response is portrayed or characterized as hatred so be it. But, know this all hatred and intolerance is not equal. Consider the following:

Islam has declared war on The West, WTF is Pompeo supposed to do lick Muslim buttocks like you and your Leftist Maniacs do?
You have declared war on rational thought and human decency.

You are devoid of rational thought and there is nothing decent about anything you promote.

I repeat Islam has declared war on The West, WTF is Pompeo supposed to do lick Muslim buttocks like you and your Leftist Maniacs do? Are you a Muslim yourself or are you just turned on by the thought of your fellow gays being thrown off rooftops? You should concentrate on how your Islamist pets treat gays instead of whining and Bedwetting about Mike Pompeo, someone like you probably would last less than a week in Iran or Sudan.

The same view as barak obama, until obama didn't need to get elected again...
If you had read Obama's biography by David Axelrod, you would know that he was never really opposed to same sex marriage. However, he was politically savvy enough to know that coming out as pro gay marriage in 2008 would be political suicide. You can call it dishonest if you want, but I believe that it was justified and necessary to get into the white house in order to achieve a greater good.

So, he was supporting what he considered a bigoted position, for political reasons, so that he could pander to the bigoted voters.

And you support him on that.

You don't understand much do you? I actually do not recall that this was an issue in 2008. And, while he may have briefly spoken against gay marriage then, he never spewed the hate and vitriol that Pompeo has.

I understand that liberals have been lying about this topic for years.

They lied to their voters, claiming NOT to support the radical gay activists, all the while appointing activist judges who were as lefty as they could be, making up laws out of pure shit.

Until the new laws were fait accompli, and the media had managed to normalize it, and suddenly they all reverse and pretend that anyone who said what they said the day before, is now suddenly, a raging "bigot".

Why should I give anything you lefties any credibility?
ays are a minuscule part of the overall population...but demand far too much attention.
Bigots are a minuscule part of the overall population...but demand far too much attention

Ah contraire , bigots are a dime a dozen, nearly everyone disagrees with someone else's opinion....including you ...bigot.

There is your problem, you and your ilk go around calling everyone a bigot and you don't even know the definition of the word
ays are a minuscule part of the overall population...but demand far too much attention.
Bigots are a minuscule part of the overall population...but demand far too much attention

By bigots, I assume you mean people that are against the current status quo of racial discrimination in favor of minorities at the expense of whites?

Cause, reasons, that you understand...
Ah yes, I anticipated this. You people will try anything to avoid the actual issue. Here, I assume that you are alluding to affirmative action which you consider reverse discrimination. Well, regardless of whether or not we endorse affirmative action- not all of us do- and regardless of whether or not it is reverse discrimination, you are employing a logical fallacy instead of actually dealing with the argument that I presented. Learn this word:

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

Good night, Sleep tight

Says that man who's op consisted mostly of calling people names.

This is how every thread is with him, anyone who doesn't agree with him - which is always a majority - and he just resorts to name calling, illustrating that he has lost an argument he never had to begin with, all his threads are Mega Fails he starts from the same point each time either EVERYONE agrees with him or else you are a bigot and intolerant.

The situation is that LGBTQ have a right if they want to be LGBTQ, what they cannot tolerate is that EVERYONE is under NO obligation to be pro-LGBTQ, that we do have a RIGHT NOT to support or agree with the LGBTQ thing and that they CANNOT accept this illustrates it's THEM who are the bigots and it's THEM who are the intolerant ones.
ays are a minuscule part of the overall population...but demand far too much attention.
Bigots are a minuscule part of the overall population...but demand far too much attention

By bigots, I assume you mean people that are against the current status quo of racial discrimination in favor of minorities at the expense of whites?

Cause, reasons, that you understand...
Ah yes, I anticipated this. You people will try anything to avoid the actual issue. Here, I assume that you are alluding to affirmative action which you consider reverse discrimination. Well, regardless of whether or not we endorse affirmative action- not all of us do- and regardless of whether or not it is reverse discrimination, you are employing a logical fallacy instead of actually dealing with the argument that I presented. Learn this word:

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

Good night, Sleep tight

Says that man who's op consisted mostly of calling people names.

This is how every thread is with him, anyone who doesn't agree with him - which is always a majority - and he just resorts to name calling, illustrating that he has lost an argument he never had to begin with, all his threads are Mega Fails he starts from the same point each time either EVERYONE agrees with him or else you are a bigot and intolerant.

The situation is that LGBTQ have a right if they want to be LGBTQ, what they cannot tolerate is that EVERYONE is under NO obligation to be pro-LGBTQ, that we do have a RIGHT NOT to support or agree with the LGBTQ thing and that they CANNOT accept this illustrates it's THEM who are the bigots and it's THEM who are the intolerant ones.

I don't give two shits what gays do...just keep it away from me and my children
First, let’s establish the fact that Mike Pompeo is an anti-gay bigot:

ur great nation."

There is much more but you get the idea. In todays news there is this:

I find it hard to believe that the National Organization for (heterosexual only) Marriage is still in existence after their humiliating defeat on the issue…..but sadly, they are.

But here is the real kick in the head. It shows the desperation, or perhaps the stupidity of the religious right who insist on conflating the opposition to hate and bigotry to being anti-Christian:

Are these people so stupid to believe, or perhaps so dishonest,as to portray the issue as Christians vs. LGBT and their advocates? Do they not know that many LGBT people and their advocates are in fact Christian? Do they not know that many Christian denominations, and individuals support LGBT causes?

Real Christians are opposed to hate and discrimination. Booker is not attacking religious liberty as they allege. He is exercising his legal authority and moral right to oppose a nominee for a crucial cabinmate post based on clearly disqualifying concerns. Claiming that Booker wants to “ban the bible” is a dangerous combination of stupid, crazy, and dishonesty wrapped in desperation and irrational fear.

Sadly, it appears that as of tonight, Pompeo will be confirmed. Go help the United States of America

Booker is an anti-christian bigot ....

And Pompeo will be the Secretary of State who helps President Trump end the Korean war, and over sees the de-nuclearization of the Korean Penninsula....

Booker IS a Christian, idiot. Being anti-LGBT is only a belief of some Christians in various sects. It is not universal among all Christians. Pompeo must come clean about his virulent beliefs against other Americans. We have a right to know that our representatives are trustworthy and ready to represent the interests of all Americans. It appears that this pompeo is not. He is not qualified to represent us. If he wants a job, let him be a clergyman of whatever religion he is.
Sadly you're wasting you time trying to educate these morons.:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Educate with what? Links to GLAAD and Pink News? :rolleyes-41:
Prove something that I posted is factually wrong or take a hike.:1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:

"Prove something that I posted is factually wrong"

Everyone has posted it throughout this whole thread, it is factually wrong that Mike Pompeo is a bigot because he DISAGREES with the Leftist Agenda, it is factually wrong that Mike Pompeo is unqualified to be American Secretary of State because he's NOT Pro-LGBTQ, again that position is a diplomatic portfolio regarding foreign policy and LGBTQ has NOTHING to do with foreign policy.
Bigots are a minuscule part of the overall population...but demand far too much attention

By bigots, I assume you mean people that are against the current status quo of racial discrimination in favor of minorities at the expense of whites?

Cause, reasons, that you understand...
Ah yes, I anticipated this. You people will try anything to avoid the actual issue. Here, I assume that you are alluding to affirmative action which you consider reverse discrimination. Well, regardless of whether or not we endorse affirmative action- not all of us do- and regardless of whether or not it is reverse discrimination, you are employing a logical fallacy instead of actually dealing with the argument that I presented. Learn this word:

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

Good night, Sleep tight

Says that man who's op consisted mostly of calling people names.

This is how every thread is with him, anyone who doesn't agree with him - which is always a majority - and he just resorts to name calling, illustrating that he has lost an argument he never had to begin with, all his threads are Mega Fails he starts from the same point each time either EVERYONE agrees with him or else you are a bigot and intolerant.

The situation is that LGBTQ have a right if they want to be LGBTQ, what they cannot tolerate is that EVERYONE is under NO obligation to be pro-LGBTQ, that we do have a RIGHT NOT to support or agree with the LGBTQ thing and that they CANNOT accept this illustrates it's THEM who are the bigots and it's THEM who are the intolerant ones.

I don't give two shits what gays do...just keep it away from me and my children

Exactly that's what the majority think, nobody cares what the LGBTQ crowd do, just keep it in private, if they insist on continuing to push this crap in public then they are going to be on the end of a backlash and it's not going to be pretty. There is NO persecution of LGBTQ they do not get sent to prison for being the way they are and there are no state sanctioned executions in The West of LGBTQ, so they need to start STFU already if they continue this constant whining and demanding and calling everyone a bigot then probably within less than five years they are going to see a very ugly backlash against them.
By bigots, I assume you mean people that are against the current status quo of racial discrimination in favor of minorities at the expense of whites?

Cause, reasons, that you understand...
Ah yes, I anticipated this. You people will try anything to avoid the actual issue. Here, I assume that you are alluding to affirmative action which you consider reverse discrimination. Well, regardless of whether or not we endorse affirmative action- not all of us do- and regardless of whether or not it is reverse discrimination, you are employing a logical fallacy instead of actually dealing with the argument that I presented. Learn this word:

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

Good night, Sleep tight

Says that man who's op consisted mostly of calling people names.

This is how every thread is with him, anyone who doesn't agree with him - which is always a majority - and he just resorts to name calling, illustrating that he has lost an argument he never had to begin with, all his threads are Mega Fails he starts from the same point each time either EVERYONE agrees with him or else you are a bigot and intolerant.

The situation is that LGBTQ have a right if they want to be LGBTQ, what they cannot tolerate is that EVERYONE is under NO obligation to be pro-LGBTQ, that we do have a RIGHT NOT to support or agree with the LGBTQ thing and that they CANNOT accept this illustrates it's THEM who are the bigots and it's THEM who are the intolerant ones.

I don't give two shits what gays do...just keep it away from me and my children

Exactly that's what the majority think, nobody cares what the LGBTQ crowd do, just keep it in private, if they insist on continuing to push this crap in public then they are going to be on the end of a backlash and it's not going to be pretty. There is NO persecution of LGBTQ they do not get sent to prison for being the way they are and there are no state sanctions executions in The West of LGBTQ, so they need to start STFU already if they continue this constant whining and demanding and calling everyone a bigot then probably within less than five years they are going to see a very ugly backlash against them.

They've over played their hand....people are weary of the noise
Ah yes, I anticipated this. You people will try anything to avoid the actual issue. Here, I assume that you are alluding to affirmative action which you consider reverse discrimination. Well, regardless of whether or not we endorse affirmative action- not all of us do- and regardless of whether or not it is reverse discrimination, you are employing a logical fallacy instead of actually dealing with the argument that I presented. Learn this word:

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

Good night, Sleep tight

Says that man who's op consisted mostly of calling people names.

This is how every thread is with him, anyone who doesn't agree with him - which is always a majority - and he just resorts to name calling, illustrating that he has lost an argument he never had to begin with, all his threads are Mega Fails he starts from the same point each time either EVERYONE agrees with him or else you are a bigot and intolerant.

The situation is that LGBTQ have a right if they want to be LGBTQ, what they cannot tolerate is that EVERYONE is under NO obligation to be pro-LGBTQ, that we do have a RIGHT NOT to support or agree with the LGBTQ thing and that they CANNOT accept this illustrates it's THEM who are the bigots and it's THEM who are the intolerant ones.

I don't give two shits what gays do...just keep it away from me and my children

Exactly that's what the majority think, nobody cares what the LGBTQ crowd do, just keep it in private, if they insist on continuing to push this crap in public then they are going to be on the end of a backlash and it's not going to be pretty. There is NO persecution of LGBTQ they do not get sent to prison for being the way they are and there are no state sanctions executions in The West of LGBTQ, so they need to start STFU already if they continue this constant whining and demanding and calling everyone a bigot then probably within less than five years they are going to see a very ugly backlash against them.

They've over played their hand....people are weary of the noise

Yes and also saying that everyone needs to just get educated by reading whatever GLAAD and Pink News are writing is beyond ridiculous, WTF everyone now needs to subscribe to GLAAD and Pink News or else they are uneducated bigots :uhoh3:
Says that man who's op consisted mostly of calling people names.

This is how every thread is with him, anyone who doesn't agree with him - which is always a majority - and he just resorts to name calling, illustrating that he has lost an argument he never had to begin with, all his threads are Mega Fails he starts from the same point each time either EVERYONE agrees with him or else you are a bigot and intolerant.

The situation is that LGBTQ have a right if they want to be LGBTQ, what they cannot tolerate is that EVERYONE is under NO obligation to be pro-LGBTQ, that we do have a RIGHT NOT to support or agree with the LGBTQ thing and that they CANNOT accept this illustrates it's THEM who are the bigots and it's THEM who are the intolerant ones.

I don't give two shits what gays do...just keep it away from me and my children

Exactly that's what the majority think, nobody cares what the LGBTQ crowd do, just keep it in private, if they insist on continuing to push this crap in public then they are going to be on the end of a backlash and it's not going to be pretty. There is NO persecution of LGBTQ they do not get sent to prison for being the way they are and there are no state sanctions executions in The West of LGBTQ, so they need to start STFU already if they continue this constant whining and demanding and calling everyone a bigot then probably within less than five years they are going to see a very ugly backlash against them.

They've over played their hand....people are weary of the noise

Yes and also saying that everyone needs to just get educated by reading whatever GLAAD and Pink News are writing is beyond ridiculous, WTF everyone now needs to subscribe to GLAAD and Pink News or else they are uneducated bigots :uhoh3:

Both GLAAD and Pink News are ridiculous

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