Seeing race and seeming racist? Whites go out of their way to avoid talking about rac

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Seeing race and seeming racist? Whites go out of their way to avoid talking about race

Seeing race and seeming racist? Whites go out of their way to avoid talking about race
Efforts to appear unbiased lead to misunderstandings between the races, studies find

WASHINGTON – White people – including children as young as 10 -- may avoid talking about race so as not to appear prejudiced, according to new research. But that approach often backfires as blacks tend to view this "colorblind" approach as evidence of prejudice, especially when race is clearly relevant.

Do not post articles in their entirety. Gunny
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In other words, the massive effort to be "sensitive" on race leads to the same problems as being honest about it!

In other words, we can't win! Races just aren't ever going to get along!

Guess what? It's because they weren't ever MEANT TO TO BEGIN WITH!

Ladies and gents, it's time for the races to get a divorce.
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In other words, the massive effort to be "sensitive" on race leads to the same problems as being honest about it!

In other words, we can't win! Races just aren't ever going to get along!

Guess what? It's because they weren't ever MEANT TO TO BEGIN WITH!

Ladies and gents, it's time for the races to get a divorce.

Anyone ever tell you you're a freakin knucklehead?
Seeing race and seeming racist? Whites go out of their way to avoid talking about race

The authors associated with both studies said their findings offer several important implications. "Our findings don't suggest that individuals who avoid talking about race are racists," Apfelbaum explained. "On the contrary, most are well-intentioned people who earnestly believe that colorblindness is the culturally sensitive way to interact. But, as we've shown, bending over backward to avoid even mentioning race sometimes creates more interpersonal problems than it solves."

seems pretty reasonable to me---- I was in a crowd once looking for a person who I hadn't met yet. NO ONE would tell me he was black when I asked for a description of him. How stupid can we get ?
Seeing race and seeming racist? Whites go out of their way to avoid talking about race

Seeing race and seeming racist? Whites go out of their way to avoid talking about race
Efforts to appear unbiased lead to misunderstandings between the races, studies find

WASHINGTON – White people – including children as young as 10 -- may avoid talking about race so as not to appear prejudiced, according to new research. But that approach often backfires as blacks tend to view this "colorblind" approach as evidence of prejudice, especially when race is clearly relevant.

Do not post articles in their entirety. Gunny

Isn't it rather racist to poll only white people to see how many of them talk about race? Or is there a documented study on this that you have failed to post?

What I think is, idiots will make something of race whether there's anything of substance or not.

Doesn't surprise me a bit that it has allegedly "backfired" though. Rather, it just reinforces my point.

Whites don't talk about race because blacks raised Holy Hell about whites talking about race. So the PC, goody-two-shoes appeasing wimps decide to not mention it, but THAT's not good enough.

Tell me, Ass ... WHAT is good enough for haters like you? Having a hard time with that one? Let me help ...

NOTHING is nor will it ever be good enough for people like you because it would take away your excuses, it would take away your reason(s) to hate, and mostly, it would make you shut up running your ignorant, hateful suck.

In other words, YOU would be out of business. Can't have THAT, now can we?
Isn't it rather racist to poll only white people to see how many of them talk about race? Or is there a documented study on this that you have failed to post?

What I think is, idiots will make something of race whether there's anything of substance or not.

Doesn't surprise me a bit that it has allegedly "backfired" though. Rather, it just reinforces my point.

Whites don't talk about race because blacks raised Holy Hell about whites talking about race. So the PC, goody-two-shoes appeasing wimps decide to not mention it, but THAT's not good enough.

Tell me, Ass ... WHAT is good enough for haters like you? Having a hard time with that one? Let me help ...

NOTHING is nor will it ever be good enough for people like you because it would take away your excuses, it would take away your reason(s) to hate, and mostly, it would make you shut up running your ignorant, hateful suck.

In other words, YOU would be out of business. Can't have THAT, now can we?

Gunny with another personal attack on the Bass, imitating the negative ad campaign of his Republican pundits. You proved the accuracy of this study with your guilt ridden response.
Isn't it rather racist to poll only white people to see how many of them talk about race? Or is there a documented study on this that you have failed to post?

What I think is, idiots will make something of race whether there's anything of substance or not.

Doesn't surprise me a bit that it has allegedly "backfired" though. Rather, it just reinforces my point.

Whites don't talk about race because blacks raised Holy Hell about whites talking about race. So the PC, goody-two-shoes appeasing wimps decide to not mention it, but THAT's not good enough.

Tell me, Ass ... WHAT is good enough for haters like you? Having a hard time with that one? Let me help ...

NOTHING is nor will it ever be good enough for people like you because it would take away your excuses, it would take away your reason(s) to hate, and mostly, it would make you shut up running your ignorant, hateful suck.

In other words, YOU would be out of business. Can't have THAT, now can we?
Yes I think some black people can be racist towards white people and some black people will even admit this. But what real cause does their racism really have compared to our racism. Even when we were are the minority group in terms of numbers we will still control the work place along with other institutions and be the dominate group.
By our racism still to this day we are denying them the same access we have to social stratification.
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Whites mostly avoid talking about race becuase the subject is boring as hell to everyone except White Racists.

What's to discuss about race, anyway that hasn't been discussed to death?
Whites mostly avoid talking about race becuase the subject is boring as hell to everyone except White Racists.

What's to discuss about race, anyway that hasn't been discussed to death?

No, they avoid it to avoid being called out on some of their latent and or covert racist feeling that they might have. Gunny is a prime example.
No, they avoid it to avoid being called out on some of their latent and or covert racist feeling that they might have. Gunny is a prime example.
They have to push it under the rug because it doesn't affect them so therefore it doesn't exsist. Plus they really don't care how everyone else is treated, because don't ya know it is all your fault!
Yes I think some black people can be racist towards white people and some black people will even admit this. But what real cause does their racism really have compared to our racism. Even when we were are the minority group in terms of numbers we will still control the work place along with other institutions and be the dominate group.
By our racism still to this day we are denying them the same access we have to social stratification.

Where are they denied access and exactly who is doing it because it sure isn't me ?
Where are they denied access and exactly who is doing it because it sure isn't me ?
jobs and renting apartments for one, racial profiling by police officers! Denying them certain things denies them a far access to social stratification and therefore they will not have the same outcome as whites do. Then when you can't get a job then you can't provide an education for your child then they can't find a good job. WIthout a good education and good job then they don't have such things as health care. I am not saying racism is only part of them not having same things we do but it is a large part.
It is proven the ethnic sub groups always have less access to social stratification!
jobs and renting apartments for one, racial profiling by police officers! Denying them certain things denies them a far access to social stratification and therefore they will not have the same outcome as whites do. Then when you can't get a job then you can't provide an education for your child then they can't find a good job. WIthout a good education and good job then they don't have such things as health care. I am not saying racism is only part of them not having same things we do but it is a large part.
It is proven the ethnic sub groups always have less access to social stratification!

That sure as hell better not be happening here or they will sue the shit out of you or throw you off the force. Do you know there are laws against discrimation ? How did a black ever make it to where Obama did if our country is so damn evil ?
That sure as hell better not be happening here or they will sue the shit out of you or throw you off the force. Do you know there are laws against discrimation ? How did a black ever make it to where Obama did if our country is so damn evil ?
How many white men are in the senate, then compare that to how many black men are in the senate? There is still discrimnation, and if you don't think so you are living in fairy tale land!
No, they avoid it to avoid being called out on some of their latent and or covert racist feeling that they might have. Gunny is a prime example.

I don't know about that, man.

Seems to me the overt racists here are fairly confident that they can say anything they want with impunity.

Certainly you make no secret of how racist you are, either.

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