Why is it impossible to criticize the actions of some Jews..

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Without being called an "anti-Semite" by these militant Jews who feel any and all criticism of Jews is "anti-Semitism"? These people really feel Jews should be exempted from any kind of criticism , but all others are able to be criticized. Jews are *NOT* exempt from criticism, there is nothing special about them that makes them better than anyone else when it comes to criticism.
Without being called an "anti-Semite" by these militant Jews who feel any and all criticism of Jews is "anti-Semitism"? These people really feel Jews should be exempted from any kind of criticism , but all others are able to be criticized. Jews are *NOT* exempt from criticism, there is nothing special about them that makes them better than anyone else when it comes to criticism.
Give us an example of what you are talking about. What have you said about Jews that someone took as anti-semitism?
Give us an example of what you are talking about. What have you said about Jews that someone took as anti-semitism?

Criticism of the lobbyist group called AIPAC for example. Criticism of Jew-owned cinemas for their racist stereotypical portrayals of blacks in Hollywood and on cartoons. Those are both valid criticisms.
Without being called an "anti-Semite" by these militant Jews who feel any and all criticism of Jews is "anti-Semitism"? These people really feel Jews should be exempted from any kind of criticism , but all others are able to be criticized. Jews are *NOT* exempt from criticism, there is nothing special about them that makes them better than anyone else when it comes to criticism.

Bass since you answered your own question.........waddyawant? :lol:
I'm not getting you - okay it's me - can you enlarge on that?

Warner Brothers in its early days produced racist cartoons depicting blacks in racially offensive way like this for example:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGD6nYQpc6c]YouTube - Banned Bugs Bunny Racist Scene[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH4ivOyO0PQ&feature=related]YouTube - racistcartoonclips[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiMpnCp8QbI]YouTube - Tom and Jerry in "Plane Dumb" (1932)[/ame]

The militant Jews demand apologies and reparations from the sins of the past committed against Jews but why aren't they apologizing and acknowledging that some of their own kind were blatantly racist and instead fan the flames between black and white Americans?
Warner Brothers in its early days produced racist cartoons depicting blacks in racially offensive way like this for example:

YouTube - Banned Bugs Bunny Racist Scene

YouTube - racistcartoonclips

YouTube - Tom and Jerry in "Plane Dumb" (1932)

The militant Jews demand apologies and reparations from the sins of the past committed against Jews but why aren't they apologizing and acknowledging that some of their own kind were blatantly racist and instead fan the flames between black and white Americans?

I think, in this case, your question can be answered with a question. Is the problem you have with it because of the way blacks are portrayed or that it was done by Jews?
The Jews wanted the focus to be on blacks and not them. Since they controlled the media, this was easy to do. That way they could go about their business of looting the country. While the American people were distracted by the Jewish manufactured race problem.
Without being called an "anti-Semite" by these militant Jews who feel any and all criticism of Jews is "anti-Semitism"? These people really feel Jews should be exempted from any kind of criticism , but all others are able to be criticized. Jews are *NOT* exempt from criticism, there is nothing special about them that makes them better than anyone else when it comes to criticism.

Why is it impossible to criticize the actions of some blacks without being called racist by these militant blacks and/or their apologists who feel any criticism of blacks is racist?

The Jews wanted the focus to be on blacks and not them. Since they controlled the media, this was easy to do. That way they could go about their business of looting the country. While the American people were distracted by the Jewish manufactured race problem.

I think, in this case, your question can be answered with a question. Is the problem you have with it because of the way blacks are portrayed or that it was done by Jews?

Those were examples the Bass put forth that are relevant to the opening post. Nonetheless 2 points the Bass makes:

1) Yes, its partly because of the ways blacks were portrayed. Stereotypical images of blacks can and do often lead to perception being reality for some people.

2) That Jews did this is relevant in the sense that militant Jews that go after anyone who has wronged Jews and demand compensation and apologies

What it all comes down to is this, these militant Jews cannot accuse everyone of being anti-Semitic when being criticized with a valid criticism. There is a difference between criticism and flat out anti-Semitism, so the question is how does someone criticise the actions of some bad Jews and the militant hardline Zionists in Israel without being called anti-Semitic? Has anyone every noticed that *ANY* criticism of Israel is called anti-Semitic by militant Jews?
Why is it impossible to criticize the actions of some blacks without being called racist by these militant blacks and/or their apologists who feel any criticism of blacks is racist?


For one, blacks criticize each other for our own actions and as long as the criticism isn't racist nature no one is called a racist for criticizing blacks. Don't take this thread off topic.
For one, blacks criticize each other for our own actions and as long as the criticism isn't racist nature no one is called a racist for criticizing blacks. Don't take this thread off topic.

Don't get out much, do you? That's bullshit.

I'll take this thread wherever the fuck I want. If you are confused by that, feel free to ask for clarification.

You're the pot calling the kettle black (no pun intended), and want to try that "don't take this thread off topic" when you get called on your bullshit. My point is not off topic. It puts your hypocrisy in neon lights.
Don't get out much, do you? That's bullshit.

I'll take this thread wherever the fuck I want. If you are confused by that, feel free to ask for clarification.

You're the pot calling the kettle black (no pun intended), and want to try that "don't take this thread off topic" when you get called on your bullshit. My point is not off topic. It puts your hypocrisy in neon lights.

The point is off topic and the Bass is ignoring your garbage. we can duke out your nonsense in another thread.
The point is off topic and the Bass is ignoring your garbage. we can duke out your nonsense in another thread.

Nothing nonsensical about my point at all. Obviously, "the Bass" is incapable of addressing it. You started this bullshit thread, now go get your stones out of the jar on the mantle where Momma keeps them, strap them on and man the fuck up or shut the fuck up.
Nothing nonsensical about my point at all. Obviously, "the Bass" is incapable of addressing it. You started this bullshit thread, now go get your stones out of the jar on the mantle where Momma keeps them, strap them on and man the fuck up or shut the fuck up.

A jarhead telling an airman to man up or shut up? Please name one instance where a white has made a valid criticism of blacks and was called racist without actually saying anything racist.
A jarhead telling an airman to man up or shut up? Please name one instance where a white has made a valid criticism of blacks and was called racist without actually saying anything racist.

Feel free to go to the Politics and or Election2008 forums on this board and pick whichever thread on Obama that was posted during the primaries. I'll even give you a clue ... if the title says "Wright" in it, the accusation follows close behind.

Am I missing something with the "airman" crack? All anyone every saw of y'all fighting was each other to get out the door when you pissed us off enough to whip your pansy little asses.
Warner Brothers in its early days produced racist cartoons depicting blacks in racially offensive way like this for example:

YouTube - Banned Bugs Bunny Racist Scene

YouTube - racistcartoonclips

YouTube - Tom and Jerry in "Plane Dumb" (1932)

The militant Jews demand apologies and reparations from the sins of the past committed against Jews but why aren't they apologizing and acknowledging that some of their own kind were blatantly racist and instead fan the flames between black and white Americans?

Re the cartoons. Some were offensively stereotypical, some were quaint (and offensive given current mores) and a couple of were a poke in the eye for the Stormfront crowd. But they were old Bass, old. Historically they are of interest, but each generation can look back on ones before it and say, "WTF were they thinking???" That's called progress. I support it.

But you've located your objections in a particular time and place. Those cartoons would never, ever be countenanced today (except over on Shitstormfront).

Jews have been the object of massacre, expulsion and forfeiture for many hundreds of years in Europe (I have to locate it in Europe because I have no knowledge beyond Europe in this area).

I'm not making a relative argument here. You've brought up racial discrimination in a historical context and you're right to do so. That shite should be left firmly in the past. We don't need it now. But nor do we need any othe form of religious/racial discrimination today. I know we're only trying to go forward and in the future our descendants will be looking at our artifacts (tv, film, music, literature) and will probably saying something similar to "WTF were they thinking???"

As for militant Jews making demands. Maybe they knew what Fredrick Douglass said:

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.

You know how I knew about that quote? From reading Saul Alinsky, a Jew.

To protect your rights, whoever you are, you have to get active.
Without being called an "anti-Semite" by these militant Jews who feel any and all criticism of Jews is "anti-Semitism"? These people really feel Jews should be exempted from any kind of criticism , but all others are able to be criticized. Jews are *NOT* exempt from criticism, there is nothing special about them that makes them better than anyone else when it comes to criticism.

Because they're 'militant'.

Militant - An individual who engages in violent or overtly aggressive actions, both verbally and physically, on behalf of a cause.

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