Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner

Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has the poorest understanding of climate science of all the 2016 presidential candidates, according to a report card prepared for the Associated Press by eight climate and biological scientists.

On a scale from zero to 100, the scientists gave Cruz a six.

"This individual understands less about science (and climate change) than the average kindergartner," Michael Mann, a meteorology professor at Pennsylvania State University, wrote about Cruz's comments, according to the AP. "That sort of ignorance would be dangerous in a doorman, let alone a president."

The AP asked eight scientists chosen by professional science societies to grade the anonymous statements of Republican and Democratic candidates about climate science.

Please tell me the American people are smart enough not to elect this retarded person. Should be getting his diaper changed.
Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner

Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has the poorest understanding of climate science of all the 2016 presidential candidates, according to a report card prepared for the Associated Press by eight climate and biological scientists.

On a scale from zero to 100, the scientists gave Cruz a six.

"This individual understands less about science (and climate change) than the average kindergartner," Michael Mann, a meteorology professor at Pennsylvania State University, wrote about Cruz's comments, according to the AP. "That sort of ignorance would be dangerous in a doorman, let alone a president."

The AP asked eight scientists chosen by professional science societies to grade the anonymous statements of Republican and Democratic candidates about climate science.

Please tell me the American people are smart enough not to elect this retarded person. Should be getting his diaper changed.

Oh, that's OK Matthew...the climatologists don't know any more than he does either!
How's that cooling coming, Mr. Westwall? You know, the one you have been predicting for over 5 years? During those five years we have had two record years, 2010, and 2014. Now we are going to eclipse both of those this year. And cross the one degree mark. Your record is absolutely 100%. Wrong.
Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner

Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has the poorest understanding of climate science of all the 2016 presidential candidates, according to a report card prepared for the Associated Press by eight climate and biological scientists.

On a scale from zero to 100, the scientists gave Cruz a six.

"This individual understands less about science (and climate change) than the average kindergartner," Michael Mann, a meteorology professor at Pennsylvania State University, wrote about Cruz's comments, according to the AP. "That sort of ignorance would be dangerous in a doorman, let alone a president."

The AP asked eight scientists chosen by professional science societies to grade the anonymous statements of Republican and Democratic candidates about climate science.

Please tell me the American people are smart enough not to elect this retarded person. Should be getting his diaper changed.

The Republican party in general has made the US the laughing stock in the rest of the world. Cons in this country are the only group in the world who don't understand, and so don't believe Global Warming.

Even the general public in Bangladesh understands the problem. But Republicans here are backwoods hillbillies who think science is evil.

Hey cons, go read why we use unleaded gasoline now. It used to be leaded. So what changed and where were the idiots who couldn't trust science back then? They weren't around, the Republican party was actually populated with people that, even if it went against their beliefs, accepted scientific fact. Nowadays Republicans bring a snowball into Congress and proclaim it must have dropped from Santa's sleigh year.
Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner

Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has the poorest understanding of climate science of all the 2016 presidential candidates, according to a report card prepared for the Associated Press by eight climate and biological scientists.

On a scale from zero to 100, the scientists gave Cruz a six.

"This individual understands less about science (and climate change) than the average kindergartner," Michael Mann, a meteorology professor at Pennsylvania State University, wrote about Cruz's comments, according to the AP. "That sort of ignorance would be dangerous in a doorman, let alone a president."

The AP asked eight scientists chosen by professional science societies to grade the anonymous statements of Republican and Democratic candidates about climate science.

Please tell me the American people are smart enough not to elect this retarded person. Should be getting his diaper changed.

The Republican party in general has made the US the laughing stock in the rest of the world. Cons in this country are the only group in the world who don't understand, and so don't believe Global Warming.

Even the general public in Bangladesh understands the problem. But Republicans here are backwoods hillbillies who think science is evil.

Hey cons, go read why we use unleaded gasoline now. It used to be leaded. So what changed and where were the idiots who couldn't trust science back then? They weren't around, the Republican party was actually populated with people that, even if it went against their beliefs, accepted scientific fact. Nowadays Republicans bring a snowball into Congress and proclaim it must have dropped from Santa's sleigh year.

Not to worry. If the GOP continues down the road of alienating blocks of voters and illustrating to the world how ignorant they are, they will be totally irrelevant in the next 10 years.

Trump has turned large segments of voters against the GOP. "Shut her Down" Cruz is no better. The GOP is devouring itself from within.
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Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner

Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has the poorest understanding of climate science of all the 2016 presidential candidates, according to a report card prepared for the Associated Press by eight climate and biological scientists.

On a scale from zero to 100, the scientists gave Cruz a six.

"This individual understands less about science (and climate change) than the average kindergartner," Michael Mann, a meteorology professor at Pennsylvania State University, wrote about Cruz's comments, according to the AP. "That sort of ignorance would be dangerous in a doorman, let alone a president."

The AP asked eight scientists chosen by professional science societies to grade the anonymous statements of Republican and Democratic candidates about climate science.

Please tell me the American people are smart enough not to elect this retarded person. Should be getting his diaper changed.

The Republican party in general has made the US the laughing stock in the rest of the world. Cons in this country are the only group in the world who don't understand, and so don't believe Global Warming.

Even the general public in Bangladesh understands the problem. But Republicans here are backwoods hillbillies who think science is evil.

Hey cons, go read why we use unleaded gasoline now. It used to be leaded. So what changed and where were the idiots who couldn't trust science back then? They weren't around, the Republican party was actually populated with people that, even if it went against their beliefs, accepted scientific fact. Nowadays Republicans bring a snowball into Congress and proclaim it must have dropped from Santa's sleigh year.
Do you find yourself slipping in and out of your dementia more often than once or twice a day now? If you wish, I can have my office staff set up an appointment. We have some marvelous new drugs available now that I believe would help you tremendously. Payment is required prior to treatment.
Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner

Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has the poorest understanding of climate science of all the 2016 presidential candidates, according to a report card prepared for the Associated Press by eight climate and biological scientists.

On a scale from zero to 100, the scientists gave Cruz a six.

"This individual understands less about science (and climate change) than the average kindergartner," Michael Mann, a meteorology professor at Pennsylvania State University, wrote about Cruz's comments, according to the AP. "That sort of ignorance would be dangerous in a doorman, let alone a president."

The AP asked eight scientists chosen by professional science societies to grade the anonymous statements of Republican and Democratic candidates about climate science.

Please tell me the American people are smart enough not to elect this retarded person. Should be getting his diaper changed.
Do you find yourself slipping in and out of your dementia more often than once or twice a day now? If you wish, I can have my office staff set up an appointment. We have some marvelous new drugs available now that I believe would help you tremendously. Payment is required prior to treatment.
Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner

Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has the poorest understanding of climate science of all the 2016 presidential candidates, according to a report card prepared for the Associated Press by eight climate and biological scientists.

On a scale from zero to 100, the scientists gave Cruz a six.

"This individual understands less about science (and climate change) than the average kindergartner," Michael Mann, a meteorology professor at Pennsylvania State University, wrote about Cruz's comments, according to the AP. "That sort of ignorance would be dangerous in a doorman, let alone a president."

The AP asked eight scientists chosen by professional science societies to grade the anonymous statements of Republican and Democratic candidates about climate science.

Please tell me the American people are smart enough not to elect this retarded person. Should be getting his diaper changed.

What is there to understand? I drive my car and pass gas and it's destroying the earth.

Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner

Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has the poorest understanding of climate science of all the 2016 presidential candidates, according to a report card prepared for the Associated Press by eight climate and biological scientists.

On a scale from zero to 100, the scientists gave Cruz a six.

"This individual understands less about science (and climate change) than the average kindergartner," Michael Mann, a meteorology professor at Pennsylvania State University, wrote about Cruz's comments, according to the AP. "That sort of ignorance would be dangerous in a doorman, let alone a president."

The AP asked eight scientists chosen by professional science societies to grade the anonymous statements of Republican and Democratic candidates about climate science.

Please tell me the American people are smart enough not to elect this retarded person. Should be getting his diaper changed.

The Republican party in general has made the US the laughing stock in the rest of the world. Cons in this country are the only group in the world who don't understand, and so don't believe Global Warming.

Even the general public in Bangladesh understands the problem. But Republicans here are backwoods hillbillies who think science is evil.

Hey cons, go read why we use unleaded gasoline now. It used to be leaded. So what changed and where were the idiots who couldn't trust science back then? They weren't around, the Republican party was actually populated with people that, even if it went against their beliefs, accepted scientific fact. Nowadays Republicans bring a snowball into Congress and proclaim it must have dropped from Santa's sleigh year.
Do you find yourself slipping in and out of your dementia more often than once or twice a day now? If you wish, I can have my office staff set up an appointment. We have some marvelous new drugs available now that I believe would help you tremendously. Payment is required prior to treatment.

Yes would you. You are so kind.

Speaking of dementia you want payment for fictional service in a fictional office.

Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner

Scientists: Ted Cruz Understands Less About Climate Than A Kindergartner
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has the poorest understanding of climate science of all the 2016 presidential candidates, according to a report card prepared for the Associated Press by eight climate and biological scientists.

On a scale from zero to 100, the scientists gave Cruz a six.

"This individual understands less about science (and climate change) than the average kindergartner," Michael Mann, a meteorology professor at Pennsylvania State University, wrote about Cruz's comments, according to the AP. "That sort of ignorance would be dangerous in a doorman, let alone a president."

The AP asked eight scientists chosen by professional science societies to grade the anonymous statements of Republican and Democratic candidates about climate science.

Please tell me the American people are smart enough not to elect this retarded person. Should be getting his diaper changed.

They elected Obama......

Show's they'll elect anyone.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, is obviously someone needing a high paying job, has a degree, and can't get one.

The rest of you are kind of funny. You can not prove anything, and instead use public opinion. That is not scientific proof. But never fear, it is all coming to a head this time around in 16, and those who you thought were with you, may not be. We are going to have a conversation on all of this after January in the media, and I am here to tell you.......your side is going to do badly because it can't prove a thing!
Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, is obviously someone needing a high paying job, has a degree, and can't get one.

The rest of you are kind of funny. You can not prove anything, and instead use public opinion. That is not scientific proof. But never fear, it is all coming to a head this time around in 16, and those who you thought were with you, may not be. We are going to have a conversation on all of this after January in the media, and I am here to tell you.......your side is going to do badly because it can't prove a thing!

Yes, all those countries are in Paris cause they ain't got nothing.

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