Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE,& Bahrain cut diplomatic ties, block all borders with Qatar


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A geopolitical earthquake is taking place in the Middle East tonight as the rift between Qatar and other members of the (likely extinct) Gulf Cooperation Council explodes with Bahrain, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt cutting all diplomatic ties with Qatar accusing it of "speading chaos," by funding terrorism and supporting Iran.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, & Bahrain Cut Diplomatic Ties, Block All Borders With Qatar | Zero Hedge

yeah this is an earthquake, question is wth is going to come of it when it's all said and done. What are they up to by doing this.
why can't we do the same with countries that promote terrorism, like those listed on the temporary travel ban till we get the information from them necessary to vet properly?
....and the Sunni-Shia conflict goes on....after thousands of years.....on and on....
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why can't we do the same with countries that promote terrorism, like those listed on the temporary travel ban till we get the information from them necessary to vet properly?

If we did that the Globalist couldn't bring down the West.
A geopolitical earthquake is taking place in the Middle East tonight as the rift between Qatar and other members of the (likely extinct) Gulf Cooperation Council explodes with Bahrain, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt cutting all diplomatic ties with Qatar accusing it of "speading chaos," by funding terrorism and supporting Iran.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, & Bahrain Cut Diplomatic Ties, Block All Borders With Qatar | Zero Hedge

yeah this is an earthquake, question is wth is going to come of it when it's all said and done. What are they up to by doing this.

Wait -

do they know that Katy Perry said:

"no borders, no barriers, coexist. love love love"

after Manchester

have they consulted with her first?

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