96% of Saudis reject Israeli Child Killers


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Support for Palestinian Freedom Fighter causes grows daily .
A detestation of the inhuman Ethnic Cleansers of Israel grows even quicker .

Saudis Oppose Ties With Israel, Hamas Grows In Popularity: Poll​

Given the source of this Opinion reading, this perhaps signals the US shifting its previous level of support for the Ethnic Cleansers .
If this finding holds across the ME, it is surely just a matter of time before the godless Israelis will be attacked on all sides .
Houthis from the South , Hezbollah from the north and the Freedom Fighters at their throat .
Vital sea routes are already being hugely damaged for all world trade, caused by missile attacks against cargo ships using the Red Sea -- inflation , shortages , recessions etc This will further prevent US sourced ammunition getting through to the Child Killers where shortage already exists .

So it's
Look Out , Look Out
Hamas is about
Ho Ho Ho

SATURDAY, DEC 23, 2023 - 03:00 AM
Via Middle East Eye
A new poll has found that 96 percent of Saudi nationals believe that Arab countries should cut ties with Israel in response to the war in Gaza, and that the popularity of Hamas has grown significantly amid Israel's devastating military offensive on the embattled territory.
The result of the poll, conducted by the Washington Institute for Near Eastern Affairs, a pro-Israel think tank based in Washington, shows the difficulties the United States faces as it pushes for Saudi Arabia to normalise ties with Israel. Prior to the war in Gaza, the US was actively working towards achieving an agreement that would see Israel and Saudi Arabia normalize relations.

Such a deal would build upon existing normalization agreements such as those between Israel and Bahrain, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates which were brokered under the Trump administration.
During an interview with Fox News that aired in September, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman stated that the two countries were getting closer to such an agreement "every day".
Since then, however, Riyadh has put a pause on talks of normalisation and has publicised its diplomatic outreach as one that seeks "to stop the ongoing escalation".
While the kingdom has a monarchial system, public opinion plays a factor in the decision-making of Arab leaders, according to analysts.
Friday's survey also found that 40 percent of Saudis expressed positive attitudes toward Hamas, compared with just 10 percent according to a poll carried out months before the war began.
The poll further found that the majority of respondents in Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt held favourable views towards Hamas. The poll's findings highlight large-scale outrage in the Arab world over Israel's military assault on Gaza, which came in response to the 7 October attack on southern Israel.

That attack saw 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals killed, and around 240 people taken captive by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups. Israel responded by imposing a full siege on the already blockaded enclave. It then launched a devastating aerial bombing campaign followed by a ground invasion that has killed more than 20,000 Palestinians, the majority of whom are women and children.
As a result, mass protests have erupted across the Arab world in support of the Palestinians in Gaza. In addition to the demonstrations in the streets, citizens across the Middle East are boycotting Israeli-linked businesses.
The survey further found that 87 percent of Saudis believe "Israel is so weak and internally divided that it can be defeated some day".

As published in the thinking person's News Source --- Zero Hedge .
:safetocomeoutff: enter that muslim brotherhood .......~S~
Those naughty extremely wealthy people threatening to interfere in the US-Israel Child Killing parties .
How dare they have opinions ?
Isn't it enough that they have Coke and Burgers ?
Support for Palestinian Freedom Fighter causes grows daily .
A detestation of the inhuman Ethnic Cleansers of Israel grows even quicker .

Saudis Oppose Ties With Israel, Hamas Grows In Popularity: Poll​

Given the source of this Opinion reading, this perhaps signals the US shifting its previous level of support for the Ethnic Cleansers .
If this finding holds across the ME, it is surely just a matter of time before the godless Israelis will be attacked on all sides .
Houthis from the South , Hezbollah from the north and the Freedom Fighters at their throat .
Vital sea routes are already being hugely damaged for all world trade, caused by missile attacks against cargo ships using the Red Sea -- inflation , shortages , recessions etc This will further prevent US sourced ammunition getting through to the Child Killers where shortage already exists .

So it's
Look Out , Look Out
Hamas is about
Ho Ho Ho

SATURDAY, DEC 23, 2023 - 03:00 AM
Via Middle East Eye
A new poll has found that 96 percent of Saudi nationals believe that Arab countries should cut ties with Israel in response to the war in Gaza, and that the popularity of Hamas has grown significantly amid Israel's devastating military offensive on the embattled territory.
The result of the poll, conducted by the Washington Institute for Near Eastern Affairs, a pro-Israel think tank based in Washington, shows the difficulties the United States faces as it pushes for Saudi Arabia to normalise ties with Israel. Prior to the war in Gaza, the US was actively working towards achieving an agreement that would see Israel and Saudi Arabia normalize relations.

Such a deal would build upon existing normalization agreements such as those between Israel and Bahrain, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates which were brokered under the Trump administration.
During an interview with Fox News that aired in September, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman stated that the two countries were getting closer to such an agreement "every day".
Since then, however, Riyadh has put a pause on talks of normalisation and has publicised its diplomatic outreach as one that seeks "to stop the ongoing escalation".
While the kingdom has a monarchial system, public opinion plays a factor in the decision-making of Arab leaders, according to analysts.
Friday's survey also found that 40 percent of Saudis expressed positive attitudes toward Hamas, compared with just 10 percent according to a poll carried out months before the war began.
The poll further found that the majority of respondents in Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt held favourable views towards Hamas. The poll's findings highlight large-scale outrage in the Arab world over Israel's military assault on Gaza, which came in response to the 7 October attack on southern Israel.

That attack saw 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals killed, and around 240 people taken captive by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups. Israel responded by imposing a full siege on the already blockaded enclave. It then launched a devastating aerial bombing campaign followed by a ground invasion that has killed more than 20,000 Palestinians, the majority of whom are women and children.
As a result, mass protests have erupted across the Arab world in support of the Palestinians in Gaza. In addition to the demonstrations in the streets, citizens across the Middle East are boycotting Israeli-linked businesses.
The survey further found that 87 percent of Saudis believe "Israel is so weak and internally divided that it can be defeated some day".

As published in the thinking person's News Source --- Zero Hedge .
Zero Hedge is crap.
Muslim Brotherhood is outlawed in Arabia.
So is Paedophilia and General Comprehension in the US .

But nevertheless one is widely practised though the other cannot -- due to a basic design fault .

🎺 :cool:
Zero Hedge is crap.
Talking out of your hat .

Do you know who owns and runs it ? You will not find that answer from a Go Ogle Search .
The Intel Agencies are scared rigid of it .

Can you name any occasions / matters where ZH got reports wrong or have been successfully shown to have misdirected or deliberately falsified ?
Of course not .

Clue . They have so much dosh that they can afford to tell the truth and take on anyone -- which was their declared opening position .And it has never budged .
Bit like Dear Uncle and his SMO , rofl .
Last edited:
Support for Palestinian Freedom Fighter causes grows daily .
A detestation of the inhuman Ethnic Cleansers of Israel grows even quicker .

Saudis Oppose Ties With Israel, Hamas Grows In Popularity: Poll​

Given the source of this Opinion reading, this perhaps signals the US shifting its previous level of support for the Ethnic Cleansers .
If this finding holds across the ME, it is surely just a matter of time before the godless Israelis will be attacked on all sides .
Houthis from the South , Hezbollah from the north and the Freedom Fighters at their throat .
Vital sea routes are already being hugely damaged for all world trade, caused by missile attacks against cargo ships using the Red Sea -- inflation , shortages , recessions etc This will further prevent US sourced ammunition getting through to the Child Killers where shortage already exists .

So it's
Look Out , Look Out
Hamas is about
Ho Ho Ho

SATURDAY, DEC 23, 2023 - 03:00 AM
Via Middle East Eye
A new poll has found that 96 percent of Saudi nationals believe that Arab countries should cut ties with Israel in response to the war in Gaza, and that the popularity of Hamas has grown significantly amid Israel's devastating military offensive on the embattled territory.
The result of the poll, conducted by the Washington Institute for Near Eastern Affairs, a pro-Israel think tank based in Washington, shows the difficulties the United States faces as it pushes for Saudi Arabia to normalise ties with Israel. Prior to the war in Gaza, the US was actively working towards achieving an agreement that would see Israel and Saudi Arabia normalize relations.

Such a deal would build upon existing normalization agreements such as those between Israel and Bahrain, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates which were brokered under the Trump administration.
During an interview with Fox News that aired in September, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman stated that the two countries were getting closer to such an agreement "every day".
Since then, however, Riyadh has put a pause on talks of normalisation and has publicised its diplomatic outreach as one that seeks "to stop the ongoing escalation".
While the kingdom has a monarchial system, public opinion plays a factor in the decision-making of Arab leaders, according to analysts.
Friday's survey also found that 40 percent of Saudis expressed positive attitudes toward Hamas, compared with just 10 percent according to a poll carried out months before the war began.
The poll further found that the majority of respondents in Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt held favourable views towards Hamas. The poll's findings highlight large-scale outrage in the Arab world over Israel's military assault on Gaza, which came in response to the 7 October attack on southern Israel.

That attack saw 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals killed, and around 240 people taken captive by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups. Israel responded by imposing a full siege on the already blockaded enclave. It then launched a devastating aerial bombing campaign followed by a ground invasion that has killed more than 20,000 Palestinians, the majority of whom are women and children.
As a result, mass protests have erupted across the Arab world in support of the Palestinians in Gaza. In addition to the demonstrations in the streets, citizens across the Middle East are boycotting Israeli-linked businesses.
The survey further found that 87 percent of Saudis believe "Israel is so weak and internally divided that it can be defeated some day".

As published in the thinking person's News Source --- Zero Hedge .
this is all so funny...................hopefully we'll be paying 8 dollar gas soon
then that which are of the freedom fighters allowed surada

one can almost feel the cohesion building up among them 1/2 a world away


The Saudis haven't supported Hamas because Hamas hurts the Palestinians and they don't support Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas helps Netanyahu and the Likud prevent any 2 state solution.

At this point they probably are sympathetic to the Palestinians who have been betrayed by Hamas, Israel and the US.
The Saudis haven't supported Hamas because Hamas hurts the Palestinians and they don't support Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas helps Netanyahu and the Likud prevent any 2 state solution.

At this point they probably are sympathetic to the Palestinians who have been betrayed by Hamas, Israel and the US.
who's in who's back pocket seems an evolving ordeal surada

from my perspective, i see a number of fascist theocracies standing on their doctrine to achieve moral high ground

That would seem the motivator for the world's tools

The OPEC price basket was $73 and change this past Thursday.
who's in who's back pocket seems an evolving ordeal surada

from my perspective, i see a number of fascist theocracies standing on their doctrine to achieve moral high ground

That would seem the motivator for the world's tools


What are you talking about? Saudi Arabia makes good use of Majlis and Shoura council. They look for consensus among the family, clergy, technocrats and merchants class.
What are you talking about? Saudi Arabia makes good use of Majlis and Shoura council. They look for consensus among the family, clergy, technocrats and merchants class.
Saudi arabia is a MUSLIM, SHARIAH ADHERENT --society. It is a shariah for muslims land. It has
no non-muslim citizenry----- they were all genocided out of existence long ago. Non muslim workers et al----have separate situations
Support for Palestinian Freedom Fighter causes grows daily .
A detestation of the inhuman Ethnic Cleansers of Israel grows even quicker .

Saudis Oppose Ties With Israel, Hamas Grows In Popularity: Poll​

Given the source of this Opinion reading, this perhaps signals the US shifting its previous level of support for the Ethnic Cleansers .
If this finding holds across the ME, it is surely just a matter of time before the godless Israelis will be attacked on all sides .
Houthis from the South , Hezbollah from the north and the Freedom Fighters at their throat .
Vital sea routes are already being hugely damaged for all world trade, caused by missile attacks against cargo ships using the Red Sea -- inflation , shortages , recessions etc This will further prevent US sourced ammunition getting through to the Child Killers where shortage already exists .

So it's
Look Out , Look Out
Hamas is about
Ho Ho Ho

SATURDAY, DEC 23, 2023 - 03:00 AM
Via Middle East Eye
A new poll has found that 96 percent of Saudi nationals believe that Arab countries should cut ties with Israel in response to the war in Gaza, and that the popularity of Hamas has grown significantly amid Israel's devastating military offensive on the embattled territory.
The result of the poll, conducted by the Washington Institute for Near Eastern Affairs, a pro-Israel think tank based in Washington, shows the difficulties the United States faces as it pushes for Saudi Arabia to normalise ties with Israel. Prior to the war in Gaza, the US was actively working towards achieving an agreement that would see Israel and Saudi Arabia normalize relations.

Such a deal would build upon existing normalization agreements such as those between Israel and Bahrain, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates which were brokered under the Trump administration.
During an interview with Fox News that aired in September, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman stated that the two countries were getting closer to such an agreement "every day".
Since then, however, Riyadh has put a pause on talks of normalisation and has publicised its diplomatic outreach as one that seeks "to stop the ongoing escalation".
While the kingdom has a monarchial system, public opinion plays a factor in the decision-making of Arab leaders, according to analysts.
Friday's survey also found that 40 percent of Saudis expressed positive attitudes toward Hamas, compared with just 10 percent according to a poll carried out months before the war began.
The poll further found that the majority of respondents in Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt held favourable views towards Hamas. The poll's findings highlight large-scale outrage in the Arab world over Israel's military assault on Gaza, which came in response to the 7 October attack on southern Israel.

That attack saw 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals killed, and around 240 people taken captive by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups. Israel responded by imposing a full siege on the already blockaded enclave. It then launched a devastating aerial bombing campaign followed by a ground invasion that has killed more than 20,000 Palestinians, the majority of whom are women and children.
As a result, mass protests have erupted across the Arab world in support of the Palestinians in Gaza. In addition to the demonstrations in the streets, citizens across the Middle East are boycotting Israeli-linked businesses.
The survey further found that 87 percent of Saudis believe "Israel is so weak and internally divided that it can be defeated some day".

As published in the thinking person's News Source --- Zero Hedge .
right----Saudi opinion reflects Saudi education. Muslims have been boycotting Israeli linked businesses for almost 80 years in hopes of
creating a STARVATION SIEGE---nothing new in the annals of islam
What are you talking about? Saudi Arabia makes good use of Majlis and Shoura council. They look for consensus among the family, clergy, technocrats and merchants class.
yes, all filtered through the lense of biblical bullsh*t

theocracy being a kissing cousin of fascism incorporates the ability of cloaking it from the true believers

rise above the fray, and you'll see it in almost every M.E. squabble , almost every player

we're no exception.....



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