Former Secret Democrat Cabinet Member Goes Into Business With The Saudis?? WTF?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is reportedly launching a new investment fund that is expected to be partially backed by reserves in the Persian Gulf region. The report comes after Mnuchin in his final weeks in office organized a round of trips in the Middle East and North Africa, with visits to Sudan, Egypt, Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Noah Bookbinder, president of nonprofit watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told the Post, “The fact that there were policies that were favorable to countries that now might benefit him in a business matter is troubling"

So this secret Democrat hasn't been out of the WH for a month and he is already cashing in on his grift by starting up an investment fund with a bunch of socialist communist Muslims??? This guy was literally pulling the strings when he tricked Trump into protecting the Saudi prince when the Saudis cut up a US based journalist and then sat on the evidence --- and all for what? for peace in the Middle East? Nope...all for Stevie's little investment firm dreams...

These are not private assets these commie muslims are investing; these are public assets -- this is basically "Hitleresque" fascist socialism dollars that Stevie has bowed down for years to get...who knows what all he has done to trick and manipulate Trump into doing for the Saudis and the Qataris....Trump may have hired the best people; but he was tricked by far too many Democrat cabinet members like Stevie, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Margaret Cho, Elaine, whatever she changed her name to, Wilbur Ross, etc etc...
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Anyone connected to the Trump administration is corrupt. A thorough investigation by Congress must be undertaken on all of them.
Well, one thing is for sure.....

In his final weeks of office, Stevie was using tax payer money to go look for start up capital for his upcoming private business.....

And yet Trumpers are fixated on what they think Hunter Biden gained and he wasn't ever in public office; let alone a cabinet member.

"Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is reportedly launching a new investment fund that is expected to be partially backed by reserves in the Persian Gulf region. The report comes after Mnuchin in his final weeks in office organized a round of trips in the Middle East and North Africa, with visits to Sudan, Egypt, Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Noah Bookbinder, president of nonprofit watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told the Post, “The fact that there were policies that were favorable to countries that now might benefit him in a business matter is troubling"

So this secret Democrat hasn't been out of the WH for a month and he is already cashing in on his grift by starting up an investment fund with a bunch of socialist communist Muslims??? This guy was literally pulling the strings when he tricked Trump into protecting the Saudi prince when the Saudis cut up a US based journalist and then sat on the evidence --- and all for what? for peace in the Middle East? Nope...all for Stevie's little investment firm dreams...

These are not private assets these commie muslims are investing; these are public assets -- this is basically "Hitleresque" fascist socialism dollars that Stevie has bowed down for years to get...who knows what all he has done to trick and manipulate Trump into doing for the Saudis and the Qataris....Trump may have hired the best people; but he was tricked by far too many Democrat cabinet members like Stevie, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Margaret Cho, Wilbur Ross, etc etc...
He isn’t a Democrat, secret or otherwise. Psychotic trumpkins are insane

"Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is reportedly launching a new investment fund that is expected to be partially backed by reserves in the Persian Gulf region. The report comes after Mnuchin in his final weeks in office organized a round of trips in the Middle East and North Africa, with visits to Sudan, Egypt, Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Noah Bookbinder, president of nonprofit watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told the Post, “The fact that there were policies that were favorable to countries that now might benefit him in a business matter is troubling"

So this secret Democrat hasn't been out of the WH for a month and he is already cashing in on his grift by starting up an investment fund with a bunch of socialist communist Muslims??? This guy was literally pulling the strings when he tricked Trump into protecting the Saudi prince when the Saudis cut up a US based journalist and then sat on the evidence --- and all for what? for peace in the Middle East? Nope...all for Stevie's little investment firm dreams...

These are not private assets these commie muslims are investing; these are public assets -- this is basically "Hitleresque" fascist socialism dollars that Stevie has bowed down for years to get...who knows what all he has done to trick and manipulate Trump into doing for the Saudis and the Qataris....Trump may have hired the best people; but he was tricked by far too many Democrat cabinet members like Stevie, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Margaret Cho, Wilbur Ross, etc etc...
He isn’t a Democrat, secret or otherwise. Psychotic trumpkins are insane

Jillian doesn’t realize Biff is a faggot liberal.

Ever heard of the word ‘awareness’?

"Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is reportedly launching a new investment fund that is expected to be partially backed by reserves in the Persian Gulf region. The report comes after Mnuchin in his final weeks in office organized a round of trips in the Middle East and North Africa, with visits to Sudan, Egypt, Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Noah Bookbinder, president of nonprofit watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told the Post, “The fact that there were policies that were favorable to countries that now might benefit him in a business matter is troubling"

So this secret Democrat hasn't been out of the WH for a month and he is already cashing in on his grift by starting up an investment fund with a bunch of socialist communist Muslims??? This guy was literally pulling the strings when he tricked Trump into protecting the Saudi prince when the Saudis cut up a US based journalist and then sat on the evidence --- and all for what? for peace in the Middle East? Nope...all for Stevie's little investment firm dreams...

These are not private assets these commie muslims are investing; these are public assets -- this is basically "Hitleresque" fascist socialism dollars that Stevie has bowed down for years to get...who knows what all he has done to trick and manipulate Trump into doing for the Saudis and the Qataris....Trump may have hired the best people; but he was tricked by far too many Democrat cabinet members like Stevie, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Margaret Cho, Wilbur Ross, etc etc...
He isn’t a Democrat, secret or otherwise. Psychotic trumpkins are insane

Jillian doesn’t realize Biff is a faggot liberal.

Ever heard of the word ‘awareness’?
Anyone who so ferociously deep throats an orange bitch like you do is in no position to call anyone a faggot...

Ask yo moms about me....

00a-rea-008 (10).jpg

"Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is reportedly launching a new investment fund that is expected to be partially backed by reserves in the Persian Gulf region. The report comes after Mnuchin in his final weeks in office organized a round of trips in the Middle East and North Africa, with visits to Sudan, Egypt, Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Noah Bookbinder, president of nonprofit watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told the Post, “The fact that there were policies that were favorable to countries that now might benefit him in a business matter is troubling"

So this secret Democrat hasn't been out of the WH for a month and he is already cashing in on his grift by starting up an investment fund with a bunch of socialist communist Muslims??? This guy was literally pulling the strings when he tricked Trump into protecting the Saudi prince when the Saudis cut up a US based journalist and then sat on the evidence --- and all for what? for peace in the Middle East? Nope...all for Stevie's little investment firm dreams...

These are not private assets these commie muslims are investing; these are public assets -- this is basically "Hitleresque" fascist socialism dollars that Stevie has bowed down for years to get...who knows what all he has done to trick and manipulate Trump into doing for the Saudis and the Qataris....Trump may have hired the best people; but he was tricked by far too many Democrat cabinet members like Stevie, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Margaret Cho, Wilbur Ross, etc etc...
He isn’t a Democrat, secret or otherwise. Psychotic trumpkins are insane

Jillian doesn’t realize Biff is a faggot liberal.

Ever heard of the word ‘awareness’?
Anyone who so ferociously deep throats an orange bitch like you do is in no position to call anyone a faggot...

Ask yo moms about me....

View attachment 461480

Keep sagging them pants, fag.

He as a very successful investment banker before he took the job, not surprised to see him going back to what he as doing before. Not sure what the big deal is about that

"Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is reportedly launching a new investment fund that is expected to be partially backed by reserves in the Persian Gulf region. The report comes after Mnuchin in his final weeks in office organized a round of trips in the Middle East and North Africa, with visits to Sudan, Egypt, Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Noah Bookbinder, president of nonprofit watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told the Post, “The fact that there were policies that were favorable to countries that now might benefit him in a business matter is troubling"

So this secret Democrat hasn't been out of the WH for a month and he is already cashing in on his grift by starting up an investment fund with a bunch of socialist communist Muslims??? This guy was literally pulling the strings when he tricked Trump into protecting the Saudi prince when the Saudis cut up a US based journalist and then sat on the evidence --- and all for what? for peace in the Middle East? Nope...all for Stevie's little investment firm dreams...

These are not private assets these commie muslims are investing; these are public assets -- this is basically "Hitleresque" fascist socialism dollars that Stevie has bowed down for years to get...who knows what all he has done to trick and manipulate Trump into doing for the Saudis and the Qataris....Trump may have hired the best people; but he was tricked by far too many Democrat cabinet members like Stevie, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Margaret Cho, Wilbur Ross, etc etc...
He isn’t a Democrat, secret or otherwise. Psychotic trumpkins are insane
Hard to say....but we can only look at his historical record:

" His contributions to candidates included 11 donations to Republicans and 36 donations to Democrats. The campaigns of Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, and Mitt Romney were among those to which he donated mone " Steven Mnuchin - Wikipedia
He as a very successful investment banker before he took the job, not surprised to see him going back to what he as doing before. Not sure what the big deal is about that
That's the very definition of corrupt swamp creature

"Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is reportedly launching a new investment fund that is expected to be partially backed by reserves in the Persian Gulf region. The report comes after Mnuchin in his final weeks in office organized a round of trips in the Middle East and North Africa, with visits to Sudan, Egypt, Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Noah Bookbinder, president of nonprofit watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told the Post, “The fact that there were policies that were favorable to countries that now might benefit him in a business matter is troubling"

So this secret Democrat hasn't been out of the WH for a month and he is already cashing in on his grift by starting up an investment fund with a bunch of socialist communist Muslims??? This guy was literally pulling the strings when he tricked Trump into protecting the Saudi prince when the Saudis cut up a US based journalist and then sat on the evidence --- and all for what? for peace in the Middle East? Nope...all for Stevie's little investment firm dreams...

These are not private assets these commie muslims are investing; these are public assets -- this is basically "Hitleresque" fascist socialism dollars that Stevie has bowed down for years to get...who knows what all he has done to trick and manipulate Trump into doing for the Saudis and the Qataris....Trump may have hired the best people; but he was tricked by far too many Democrat cabinet members like Stevie, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Margaret Cho, Wilbur Ross, etc etc...
He isn’t a Democrat, secret or otherwise. Psychotic trumpkins are insane

Jillian doesn’t realize Biff is a faggot liberal.

Ever heard of the word ‘awareness’?
Anyone who so ferociously deep throats an orange bitch like you do is in no position to call anyone a faggot...

Ask yo moms about me....

View attachment 461480

Keep sagging them pants, fag.

So to further solidify your faggotry -- you post pictures from your "stalker gallery" of you fetishizing over random male asses??

How much further you plan on digging yourself into this homo-hole you've made for yourself
So this secret Democrat
Biff is a strange character.

If this was sarcasm it's done really badly.

It looks like...well...Trumpers love the title
It's not done badly....

If the tides turn on Mnuchin and it no longer feasible for Trumpers to be a fanboy for Stevie to own the libs -- they will cast him off as a Deep State lib like they have done for many other washed out Trump cabinet picks.....
He as a very successful investment banker before he took the job, not surprised to see him going back to what he as doing before. Not sure what the big deal is about that
That's the very definition of corrupt swamp creature
an investment banker is? advising people on where to invest their assets and make money makes someone a swamp creature?
He as a very successful investment banker before he took the job, not surprised to see him going back to what he as doing before. Not sure what the big deal is about that
That's the very definition of corrupt swamp creature
an investment banker is? advising people on where to invest their assets and make money makes someone a swamp creature?
When he uses his office as a way to find start up capitol for his next private business venture; yes that is swamp creature shit.....

If this isn't really a big deal -- just have Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and other investment firms take turns being Treasury secretary and stop paying lip service to all of the drain the swamp talk....
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"Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is reportedly launching a new investment fund that is expected to be partially backed by reserves in the Persian Gulf region. The report comes after Mnuchin in his final weeks in office organized a round of trips in the Middle East and North Africa, with visits to Sudan, Egypt, Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Noah Bookbinder, president of nonprofit watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told the Post, “The fact that there were policies that were favorable to countries that now might benefit him in a business matter is troubling"

So this secret Democrat hasn't been out of the WH for a month and he is already cashing in on his grift by starting up an investment fund with a bunch of socialist communist Muslims??? This guy was literally pulling the strings when he tricked Trump into protecting the Saudi prince when the Saudis cut up a US based journalist and then sat on the evidence --- and all for what? for peace in the Middle East? Nope...all for Stevie's little investment firm dreams...

These are not private assets these commie muslims are investing; these are public assets -- this is basically "Hitleresque" fascist socialism dollars that Stevie has bowed down for years to get...who knows what all he has done to trick and manipulate Trump into doing for the Saudis and the Qataris....Trump may have hired the best people; but he was tricked by far too many Democrat cabinet members like Stevie, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Margaret Cho, Elaine, whatever she changed her name to, Wilbur Ross, etc etc...
Anyone that invested with ARAMCO is also in business with SA.

"Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is reportedly launching a new investment fund that is expected to be partially backed by reserves in the Persian Gulf region. The report comes after Mnuchin in his final weeks in office organized a round of trips in the Middle East and North Africa, with visits to Sudan, Egypt, Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Noah Bookbinder, president of nonprofit watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told the Post, “The fact that there were policies that were favorable to countries that now might benefit him in a business matter is troubling"

So this secret Democrat hasn't been out of the WH for a month and he is already cashing in on his grift by starting up an investment fund with a bunch of socialist communist Muslims??? This guy was literally pulling the strings when he tricked Trump into protecting the Saudi prince when the Saudis cut up a US based journalist and then sat on the evidence --- and all for what? for peace in the Middle East? Nope...all for Stevie's little investment firm dreams...

These are not private assets these commie muslims are investing; these are public assets -- this is basically "Hitleresque" fascist socialism dollars that Stevie has bowed down for years to get...who knows what all he has done to trick and manipulate Trump into doing for the Saudis and the Qataris....Trump may have hired the best people; but he was tricked by far too many Democrat cabinet members like Stevie, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Margaret Cho, Elaine, whatever she changed her name to, Wilbur Ross, etc etc...
Anyone that invested with ARAMCO is also in business with SA.
Even Hunter Biden???

Keep minimizing it

"Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is reportedly launching a new investment fund that is expected to be partially backed by reserves in the Persian Gulf region. The report comes after Mnuchin in his final weeks in office organized a round of trips in the Middle East and North Africa, with visits to Sudan, Egypt, Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Noah Bookbinder, president of nonprofit watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told the Post, “The fact that there were policies that were favorable to countries that now might benefit him in a business matter is troubling"

So this secret Democrat hasn't been out of the WH for a month and he is already cashing in on his grift by starting up an investment fund with a bunch of socialist communist Muslims??? This guy was literally pulling the strings when he tricked Trump into protecting the Saudi prince when the Saudis cut up a US based journalist and then sat on the evidence --- and all for what? for peace in the Middle East? Nope...all for Stevie's little investment firm dreams...

These are not private assets these commie muslims are investing; these are public assets -- this is basically "Hitleresque" fascist socialism dollars that Stevie has bowed down for years to get...who knows what all he has done to trick and manipulate Trump into doing for the Saudis and the Qataris....Trump may have hired the best people; but he was tricked by far too many Democrat cabinet members like Stevie, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Margaret Cho, Elaine, whatever she changed her name to, Wilbur Ross, etc etc...
Anyone that invested with ARAMCO is also in business with SA.
Even Hunter Biden???

Keep minimizing it
I didn't minimize anything derpy fuck.
He as a very successful investment banker before he took the job, not surprised to see him going back to what he as doing before. Not sure what the big deal is about that
That's the very definition of corrupt swamp creature
an investment banker is? advising people on where to invest their assets and make money makes someone a swamp creature?
When he uses his office as a way to find start up capitol for his next private business venture; yes that is swamp creature shit.....

If this isn't really a big deal -- just have Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and other investment firms take turns being Treasury secretary and stop paying lip service to all of the drain the swamp talk....
Do you have evidence he did that? Isn't it just as likely that he made contacts while in his prior job that liked him, and when he went back to the private sector reached out for his services? What's wrong with that?

Many, MANY, MANY people that worked for those firms have been Sec of well as other investment firms, including creating their own.

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