same sex marriage

My goal would be to eradicate all perversions from society. ie, rapists, child molesters, homosexuals, and other sexual deviants.

Helping people cure their mental sickness through therapy isn't hate.

It is caring enough to help them with their illness.

Homosexuality is not a mental disorder.
because we choose not, we ignore them. we fear them, and we just dont care.

but i was talking about, people in general in small ways affecting each other

good question though, i liked it :)

Then isn't it possible to just ignore gay marriage the same way?

It is, but for the control freaks in Congress...

It's possible to ignore homosexual relationships in a general sort of way, such as ignoring the couple that lives down the street. But we're not talking about ignoring what strangers do in their daily lives. We're talking about ignoring public policy and legislation, and not only is it not possible to "simply ignore" those things, no one has any right to even ask us to do so.

Bottom line: if you want to keep something private and personal and no one else's business, don't drag it out into the public realm of politics and laws. If you do drag it out there, accept that you have given people the right to have, voice, and legally enact an opinion on it.
Why'd you attribute it to Joe_Penalty?

Actually, I didn't. It's the person that quoted me (and changed my post) that did it. That's against the rules by the way. Sorry about the confusion, but some idiots on here do that.

Back to the gays...............

Anyone heard that Washington DC is going to legalize gay marriage? I also think that "don't ask, don't tell" needs to be repealed. Matter of fact, most of our allies allow gays to serve openly in their military (Britain, Canada, Israel, etc).

Nobody has been able to give me a satisfactory answer by the way........why is it that gay marriage and partnerships threaten straight people? Is it because they are insecure with their own sexuality? Is it because they think they have the right to something, and because of their own confused ideas about it (sex and marriage, see the latest DC scandals for that), they think that they have to protect it from people that will fuck it up, or........worse the straight bigots how wrong they've been?

Legalize gay marriage, repeal don't ask don't tell.

And this is coming from a straight man who served 20 years in the military!
Bottom line: if you want to keep something private and personal and no one else's business, don't drag it out into the public realm of politics and laws. If you do drag it out there, accept that you have given people the right to have, voice, and legally enact an opinion on it.
Like your marriage and dislike for gays?
My goal would be to eradicate all perversions from society. ie, rapists, child molesters, homosexuals, and other sexual deviants.

Helping people cure their mental sickness through therapy isn't hate.

It is caring enough to help them with their illness.

Homosexuality is not a mental disorder.

I always wondered about that.

What is homosexuality classified as actually?
My goal would be to eradicate all perversions from society. ie, rapists, child molesters, homosexuals, and other sexual deviants.

Helping people cure their mental sickness through therapy isn't hate.

It is caring enough to help them with their illness.

It was reported that in Afghanistan, the Afghan police were raping little boys in the open in the NATO barracks.


You know Sunnidiot, I'd trust Boosterman with telling me the truth more than I'd trust you.

Hey Boosterman, as soon as you post over 15 posts, you can put in links. Doesn't even have to be a word, just a couple of commas or periods and post. When you hit over 15, you're good to go.

It's there to keep the spammers out.
Why'd you attribute it to Joe_Penalty?

Actually, I didn't. It's the person that quoted me (and changed my post) that did it. That's against the rules by the way. Sorry about the confusion, but some idiots on here do that.

Back to the gays...............

Anyone heard that Washington DC is going to legalize gay marriage? I also think that "don't ask, don't tell" needs to be repealed. Matter of fact, most of our allies allow gays to serve openly in their military (Britain, Canada, Israel, etc).

Nobody has been able to give me a satisfactory answer by the way........why is it that gay marriage and partnerships threaten straight people? Is it because they are insecure with their own sexuality? Is it because they think they have the right to something, and because of their own confused ideas about it (sex and marriage, see the latest DC scandals for that), they think that they have to protect it from people that will fuck it up, or........worse the straight bigots how wrong they've been?

Legalize gay marriage, repeal don't ask don't tell.

And this is coming from a straight man who served 20 years in the military!

Gay marriage, once accepted would give homosexuals (more) access to the NEA and possibly the new healthcare requirements (to be mandated by the gov, shortly). It will be used by "radicals/extremists" to push the homosexual lifestyle onto children (their future "victims" of seduction) as perfectly "acceptable". (please notice that I did not include all homosexuals in that statement) Doing this would reduce the gene pool/available breeding stock (if it is true that homosexuals are only attracted to their sex, and would not be able to contribute to making children "naturally". (I know, your arguement, some couples go to great lengths to have children) If this did happen and homosexual couples chose to have children using artificial and medical assistance, healthcare costs would increase exponetially.
This is a direct threat to the well being of families. People that are blessed with children want those children to grow and become productive in society as well as having families of their own. If those same children are "indoctrinated" into believing homosexuality is a good thing, it could end families permanently (no more children from that line, naturally).
It will be harder for families to protect their children from influences they feel would not help their children develop to become "productive".
"Typically", homosexual communities are not family oriented. The public "celebrations" are events most "family" oriented people avoid like the plague. If homosexual partnerships became "socially legal/acceptable", there would be more "homosexual" communities where immorality, lewdness, and perversity would be on public display non-stop. "Those communities" would become magnets for crimes and violence that the taxpayers (especially the taxpayers trying to earn a living to raise their families in peace) would be forced to pay, due to the new-found legitimacy of the neighborhoods, the police would not be able to do their jobs without "sensitivity" training, and when they finally got to the community, harrassment from people that want to behave in a lawless manner, since they pushed "their" way of life onto society. It would corrupt society at an accelerated rate and reduce the standard of living for every citizen (resources would have to be used on peacekeeping, increased medical costs and increase utility costs for communities).
Children with homosexual parents would be more numerous. Given the immoral nature of homosexuals, it will be extremely hard to raise children in a "secure" environment. How can children trust a parent that pretends they are something they are not (the opposite sex)? How can a child feel confident in who they are, if they grow up around people that still haven't figured it out and send mixed signals about integrity? The mental health costs for these children could become astronomical.
Why'd you attribute it to Joe_Penalty?

Actually, I didn't. It's the person that quoted me (and changed my post) that did it. That's against the rules by the way. Sorry about the confusion, but some idiots on here do that.

Back to the gays...............

Anyone heard that Washington DC is going to legalize gay marriage? I also think that "don't ask, don't tell" needs to be repealed. Matter of fact, most of our allies allow gays to serve openly in their military (Britain, Canada, Israel, etc).

Nobody has been able to give me a satisfactory answer by the way........why is it that gay marriage and partnerships threaten straight people? Is it because they are insecure with their own sexuality? Is it because they think they have the right to something, and because of their own confused ideas about it (sex and marriage, see the latest DC scandals for that), they think that they have to protect it from people that will fuck it up, or........worse the straight bigots how wrong they've been?

Legalize gay marriage, repeal don't ask don't tell.

And this is coming from a straight man who served 20 years in the military!

Gay marriage, once accepted would give homosexuals (more) access to the NEA and possibly the new healthcare requirements (to be mandated by the gov, shortly). It will be used by "radicals/extremists" to push the homosexual lifestyle onto children (their future "victims" of seduction) as perfectly "acceptable". (please notice that I did not include all homosexuals in that statement) Doing this would reduce the gene pool/available breeding stock (if it is true that homosexuals are only attracted to their sex, and would not be able to contribute to making children "naturally". (I know, your arguement, some couples go to great lengths to have children) If this did happen and homosexual couples chose to have children using artificial and medical assistance, healthcare costs would increase exponetially.
This is a direct threat to the well being of families. People that are blessed with children want those children to grow and become productive in society as well as having families of their own. If those same children are "indoctrinated" into believing homosexuality is a good thing, it could end families permanently (no more children from that line, naturally).
It will be harder for families to protect their children from influences they feel would not help their children develop to become "productive".
"Typically", homosexual communities are not family oriented. The public "celebrations" are events most "family" oriented people avoid like the plague. If homosexual partnerships became "socially legal/acceptable", there would be more "homosexual" communities where immorality, lewdness, and perversity would be on public display non-stop. "Those communities" would become magnets for crimes and violence that the taxpayers (especially the taxpayers trying to earn a living to raise their families in peace) would be forced to pay, due to the new-found legitimacy of the neighborhoods, the police would not be able to do their jobs without "sensitivity" training, and when they finally got to the community, harrassment from people that want to behave in a lawless manner, since they pushed "their" way of life onto society. It would corrupt society at an accelerated rate and reduce the standard of living for every citizen (resources would have to be used on peacekeeping, increased medical costs and increase utility costs for communities).
Children with homosexual parents would be more numerous. Given the immoral nature of homosexuals, it will be extremely hard to raise children in a "secure" environment. How can children trust a parent that pretends they are something they are not (the opposite sex)? How can a child feel confident in who they are, if they grow up around people that still haven't figured it out and send mixed signals about integrity? The mental health costs for these children could become astronomical.

You're like the Soup Nazi of logic............."No Logic 4 U!".

First, gays aren't really interested in "turning" kids. Matter of fact, most of them are pretty basic type people who live pretty much alongside everyone else. Generally speaking, if you do live next to gays, you'd think they were just like you until they told you. Reducing the gene pool, reducing breeding stock? Who the fuck are you anyway, one of Hitler's cronies reincarnated? That's the same kind of language that a nazi would use.

And your fear mongering on the healthcare system just because YOU are scared of your own sexuality (otherwise you wouldn't fear it in others) doesn't mean others are.

As far as a gay community not being family oriented? Ever been to Provincetown MA? If not, I recommend going. You'd see how much "perversion and lewdness" is going on........

Not much, because they keep it out of the public sight (generally). But, one person's perversion is another person's turn on. Trust me.........because if you went to some of the places in Europe (which incidentally, are considered family friendly), you would see stuff that would make most Christian conservatives from here start yelling about sin.

No Logic 4 U, please.........pull your head outta the fire and brimstone and quit judging the sprituality of others.
Here sunny, shove this in your camel's ass crack and smoke it.]Abuse of boys in Afghanistan common: ex-soldier

Just wanted to make sure sunni saw this, he don't seam two brite.
Boosterman, you seem to be way too interested in pedophilia

Are you a member of NAMBLA ??? :eek:
Well.........apparently Sunnidiot, you don't know any gays, nor are you aware of who is and who isn't.

How are you going to round them up to heal them if you don't know who they are?
Well.........apparently Sunnidiot, you don't know any gays, nor are you aware of who is and who isn't.

How are you going to round them up to heal them if you don't know who they are?
They are easy to spot.

Limp wrist, low cut dress with hairy chest, size 12 heels, hands stained brown and reek of fecal material, purse full of AIDS medicine, hanging around childrens play grounds, etc.
Well.........apparently Sunnidiot, you don't know any gays, nor are you aware of who is and who isn't.

How are you going to round them up to heal them if you don't know who they are?
They are easy to spot.

Limp wrist, low cut dress with hairy chest, size 12 heels, hands stained brown and reek of fecal material, purse full of AIDS medicine, hanging around childrens play grounds, etc.

Really? Then what about the political types like Barney Frank? Elton John?

Your cartoon description of a gay is poor at best.

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