same sex marriage

Well.........apparently Sunnidiot, you don't know any gays, nor are you aware of who is and who isn't.

How are you going to round them up to heal them if you don't know who they are?
They are easy to spot.

Limp wrist, low cut dress with hairy chest, size 12 heels, hands stained brown and reek of fecal material, purse full of AIDS medicine, hanging around childrens play grounds, etc.

Really? Then what about the political types like Barney Frank? Elton John?
Thanks for reminding me with your two examples of Barney Frank and Elton John.

I forgot to include obvious lisp and effeminate sounding speech in my list.
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My goal would be to eradicate all perversions from society. ie, rapists, child molesters, homosexuals, and other sexual deviants.

Helping people cure their mental sickness through therapy isn't hate.

It is caring enough to help them with their illness.

Homosexuality is not a mental disorder.

I always wondered about that.

What is homosexuality classified as actually?

A sexual attraction, just like hetero or bisexuality
why is it that gay marriage and partnerships threaten straight people? Is it because they are insecure with their own sexuality?

That sounds pretty accurate

Gay marriage, once accepted would give homosexuals (more) access to the NEA and possibly the new healthcare requirements (to be mandated by the gov, shortly).

And homosexuals having acess to helthcare is bady why?
It will be used by "radicals/extremists" to push the homosexual lifestyle onto children (their future "victims" of seduction) as perfectly "acceptable".

That exact statement can be applied to the churches.

Doing this would reduce the gene pool/available breeding stock (if it is true that homosexuals are only attracted to their sex, and would not be able to contribute to making children "naturally".

2)Why is it so horrible if our population doesn't continue to explode?
(I know, your arguement, some couples go to great lengths to have children) If this did happen and homosexual couples chose to have children using artificial and medical assistance, healthcare costs would increase exponetially.

This is a direct threat to the well being of families

Demonstrate how someone else having a family threatens your family.
. People that are blessed with children want those children to grow and become productive in society as well as having families of their own.

And? Should we require all people to have children to make their parents happy?

If those same children are "indoctrinated" into believing homosexuality is a good thing, it could end families permanently (no more children from that line, naturally).

and demonstrate why this is such a horrible thing
"Typically", homosexual communities are not family oriented

. The public "celebrations" are events most "family" oriented people avoid like the plague

Flamers and parade-goers are a minority, in my own experience. Also, such displays are a direct reaction to people like you and, I suspect, would be far less common inf America were less reressive.
. If homosexual partnerships became "socially legal/acceptable", there would be more "homosexual" communities where immorality, lewdness, and perversity would be on public display non-stop.

"Those communities" would become magnets for crimes and violence that the taxpayers (especially the taxpayers trying to earn a living to raise their families in peace) would be forced to pay, due to the new-found legitimacy of the neighborhoods, the police would not be able to do their jobs without "sensitivity" training, and when they finally got to the community, harrassment from people that want to behave in a lawless manner, since they pushed "their" way of life onto society.


You're reminding me of the "if you give a mouse a cookie" skit on Robot Chicken
It would corrupt society at an accelerated rate and reduce the standard of living for every citizen (resources would have to be used on peacekeeping, increased medical costs and increase utility costs for communities).

Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back these outlandish claims?
Children with homosexual parents would be more numerous. Given the immoral nature of homosexuals, it will be extremely hard to raise children in a "secure" environment.

How can children trust a parent that pretends they are something they are not (the opposite sex)?

As opposed to trusting... the priest at the local Catholic church? :rolleyes:
How can a child feel confident in who they are, if they grow up around people that still haven't figured it out and send mixed signals about integrity?

Demonstrate any such signals

The mental health costs for these children could become astronomical.

Demonstrate. The APA disagrees with you. you actually KNOW any gays?

It's obvious that you don't.

He's been working on getting to know himself better through some books on tape.

They are easy to spot.

Limp wrist, low cut dress with hairy chest, size 12 heels, hands stained brown and reek of fecal material, purse full of AIDS medicine, hanging around childrens play grounds, etc.

Sounds more like the modern Republicans

Well.........apparently Sunnidiot, you don't know any gays, nor are you aware of who is and who isn't.

How are you going to round them up to heal them if you don't know who they are?
They are easy to spot.

Limp wrist, low cut dress with hairy chest, size 12 heels, hands stained brown and reek of fecal material, purse full of AIDS medicine, hanging around childrens play grounds, etc.
So.....they look like this?

Well.........apparently Sunnidiot, you don't know any gays, nor are you aware of who is and who isn't.

How are you going to round them up to heal them if you don't know who they are?
They are easy to spot.

Limp wrist, low cut dress with hairy chest, size 12 heels, hands stained brown and reek of fecal material, purse full of AIDS medicine, hanging around childrens play grounds, etc.
So.....they look like this?

LOL!!!! Maybe :lol:
It always makes me laugh when ignorant people post pictures of what they think is Muhammad.

Just as there are no pictures of Jesus. There are no pictures of Muhammad either. :eusa_angel:
while im not buying that homosexuals and pedophillia have anything to do with each other.

your just personally attacking a man's religion, which is wrong

C'mon sunni, did you read the article? I'm not interested in pedophilia, but there sure seems to be a lot of it in islam. It's even legal in arabiastan, just ask mohammed.
It always makes me laugh when ignorant people post pictures of what they think is Muhammad.

Just as there are no pictures of Jesus. There are no pictures of Muhammad either. :eusa_angel:
And the most effete man can be straighter than an arrow. The most butch, masculine, macho man's man can be as queer as a football bat.

You can't TRULY tell if someone is gay or not.
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exactly right

It always makes me laugh when ignorant people post pictures of what they think is Muhammad.

Just as there are no pictures of Jesus. There are no pictures of Muhammad either. :eusa_angel:
And the most effete man can be straighter than an arrow. The most butch, masculine, macho man's man can be as queer as a football bat.

You can't tell if someone is truly gay or not.
this is ridiculous. Sunni man doesnt agree with you so attack his religion? :cuckoo:

No, just fuckin with the troll.

Troll and trolling are slang terms used almost exclusively amongst gay men to characterize gay, bisexual and questioning or bi-curious men who cruise or “wander about looking”[1] for sex or potential sex partners or experiences “in a notably wanton manner and with lessened standards of what one will accept in a partner.”[2] The term can be used positively or negatively depending on the speaker, usage and intent and can describe the person or the activity. Although often referring to “an unattractive older gay man”[3] the phrases can be used for anyone who is trolling regardless of age or perceived beauty and troll as a slur “is primarily a visual, not a behavioral” judgment.[4]

Troll (gay slang) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Down-Low: Please keep it on it

What happened to your standards, man?
Well.........apparently Sunnidiot, you don't know any gays, nor are you aware of who is and who isn't.

How are you going to round them up to heal them if you don't know who they are?
They are easy to spot.

Limp wrist, low cut dress with hairy chest, size 12 heels, hands stained brown and reek of fecal material, purse full of AIDS medicine, hanging around childrens play grounds, etc.

Sounds a bit like muslims: Limp dick, dressed in dirty sheets, very hairy back, size 3 slippers, at least one hand stained brown from repeatedly wiping the shit from their asses with it and of course also reek of camel shit, turban full of heroin, marry several children, gang rape women openly, butt fuck little boys...

sound like gays and muslims are alot alike, huh.
I agree that the bible seems to be against homosexuality, but the bible in question was also under the charge of King James, who apparently had some homosexual relationships himself, or at least what was thought to be homosexual relationships..

But that aside- if a person is legally allowed to change their gender from a "plumbing" standpoint, and have a heterosexual marriage- that transgender person is still the same sex that they were before..

If a man turned into a woman, to be able to marry another man- it wont matter that he has a vagina all of a sudden- he still has a Y chromosome and is marrying a man who also has a Y chromosome..

So whats the diff?
I agree that the bible seems to be against homosexuality, but the bible in question was also under the charge of King James, who apparently had some homosexual relationships himself, or at least what was thought to be homosexual relationships..

But that aside- if a person is legally allowed to change their gender from a "plumbing" standpoint, and have a heterosexual marriage- that transgender person is still the same sex that they were before..

If a man turned into a woman, to be able to marry another man- it wont matter that he has a vagina all of a sudden- he still has a Y chromosome and is marrying a man who also has a Y chromosome..

So whats the diff?

but from a distance would you be able to tell. the bible now is being critised by lies so the same lies were used in king james time also.
I agree with same sex marriage. It is always a good sign for a marriage when the spouses have sex at the same time. Preferably with each other.

I don’t always practice it however.
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I agree that the bible seems to be against homosexuality, but the bible in question was also under the charge of King James, who apparently had some homosexual relationships himself, or at least what was thought to be homosexual relationships..

But that aside- if a person is legally allowed to change their gender from a "plumbing" standpoint, and have a heterosexual marriage- that transgender person is still the same sex that they were before..

If a man turned into a woman, to be able to marry another man- it wont matter that he has a vagina all of a sudden- he still has a Y chromosome and is marrying a man who also has a Y chromosome..

So whats the diff?

but from a distance would you be able to tell. the bible now is being critised by lies so the same lies were used in king james time also.

There is only one way to tell is a SHE is really a HE.. The pointer finger. In a real female, the pointer finger will be a tiny bit longer than the ring finger. In a man, the pointer finger stops short of being equal to the length of the ring finger. And if the person gets this surgically enhanced, also- then the only one way to tell is by testing their blood.

The point is that blood tests are not required by states to consider a marriage to be valid, so it does not seem to matter if a "former male" marries a current male. Also, if their blood is a match for gender, then technically, they are in a gay marriage, being that they are genetically the same sex. Sociologically and physiologically, the former male is, by all reasonable accounts, a woman, of course- its just that if people want to get so specific about how the constitution's or the bible's wording is, then all of these transgenders are also in violation..

What is REALLY the difference between this and regular gay marriage, without the facade of surgically changing your genitalia and taking hormone therapy just to be accepted?
But that aside- if a person is legally allowed to change their gender from a "plumbing" standpoint, and have a heterosexual marriage- that transgender person is still the same sex that they were before..

How do you determine sex, if not by anatomy?

If a man turned into a woman, to be able to marry another man- it wont matter that he has a vagina all of a sudden- he still has a Y chromosome and is marrying a man who also has a Y chromosome..

What about women who have a Y chromosome and don't know it?
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I agree that the bible seems to be against homosexuality, but the bible in question was also under the charge of King James, who apparently had some homosexual relationships himself, or at least what was thought to be homosexual relationships..

But that aside- if a person is legally allowed to change their gender from a "plumbing" standpoint, and have a heterosexual marriage- that transgender person is still the same sex that they were before..

If a man turned into a woman, to be able to marry another man- it wont matter that he has a vagina all of a sudden- he still has a Y chromosome and is marrying a man who also has a Y chromosome..

So whats the diff?

but from a distance would you be able to tell. the bible now is being critised by lies so the same lies were used in king james time also.

There is only one way to tell is a SHE is really a HE.. The pointer finger. In a real female, the pointer finger will be a tiny bit longer than the ring finger. In a man, the pointer finger stops short of being equal to the length of the ring finger. And if the person gets this surgically enhanced, also- then the only one way to tell is by testing their blood.

The point is that blood tests are not required by states to consider a marriage to be valid, so it does not seem to matter if a "former male" marries a current male. Also, if their blood is a match for gender, then technically, they are in a gay marriage, being that they are genetically the same sex. Sociologically and physiologically, the former male is, by all reasonable accounts, a woman, of course- its just that if people want to get so specific about how the constitution's or the bible's wording is, then all of these transgenders are also in violation..

What is REALLY the difference between this and regular gay marriage, without the facade of surgically changing your genitalia and taking hormone therapy just to be accepted?

what about the adams apple.
I agree that the bible seems to be against homosexuality, but the bible in question was also under the charge of King James, who apparently had some homosexual relationships himself, or at least what was thought to be homosexual relationships..

What is REALLY the difference between this and regular gay marriage, without the facade of surgically changing your genitalia and taking hormone therapy just to be accepted?

who said they were excepted after they do that?

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