Saints preserve us!....Sarah Palin's bus tour treats reporters like paparazzi


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Not that we really needed another Palin thread, but check this out...

Since Palin and her team won't share where the potential candidate is headed, reporters and producers have little choice but to simply stay close to Palin's bus. This has resulted in scenes of the Palin bus tooling down the highway followed by a caravan of 10 or 15 vehicles all trying to make sure they don't lose sight of the Palin bus.

It adds up to a dangerous situation, says CBS News Producer Ryan Corsaro.

"I just hope to God that one of these young producers with a camera whose bosses are making them follow Sarah Palin as a potential Republican candidate don't get in a car crash, because this is dangerous," he said.

As though that isn't whiny enough, we get this little gem...

Palin's team isn't just ignoring the press; it's actively trying to misdirect reporters. Tuesday morning, for example, Palin's bus was running out in front of the hotel where she had stayed, prompting a gaggle of media to dutifully gather outside. Palin had already slipped out a side door early in the morning for a visit to the Gettysburg visitor center and battlefield.

She appears to be trying to show that she doesn't need mainstream media outlets (other than Fox News, where she remains a contributor) to connect with the American people.

"It feels like she's baiting us and treating us like paparazzi and make the 'lamestream media' appear that way," said Corsaro.

Sarah Palin's bus tour treats reporters like paparazzi - Political Hotsheet - CBS News


That mean ol' Sarah Palin won't tell us where she's goooooing next, so we have to actually go out and burn up a little rubber and shoe leather to get the dirt for our latest hit pieceeeeeees!

And they wonder how it comes to pass that they end up being viewed by the hoi polloy in flyover country as disconnected, ivory tower-dwelling, elitist little snots?....Too funny!

Oh yeah...Almost forgot....

And the media sniveling continues! :lol::lol::lol:

The reporters who are speeding, tailgating, cutting off other cars, blasting through roundabouts and passing on the right in an effort to keep up, say they have no other choice since they never know what Palin’s up to or where she’s headed — and aides typically won’t tell them anything. Once they’re on the road, they’re filing urgent updates by phone and figuring out unorthodox bathroom breaks, like the reporter who pulled over to relieve himself on the side of the highway going from Gettysburg, Pa., to Philadelphia — drawing notice from both Palin aides and the rest of the trailing press.

“It’s like paparazzi,” said one reporter who followed Palin to the Thursday evening clambake. “It’s like following Princess Diana.”

Read more: Sarah Palin's tour a rolling menace - Kasie Hunt -
They seem to like being in abusive relationships. They only way you get their respect is to treat them like dirt.
The carnival barker's caravan is wreaking havoc on this great nation's streets!!! :mad:

Sarah Palin's tour a rolling menace - Kasie Hunt -
As they left the clambake she attended Thursday in New Hampshire, Palin’s two-SUV caravan traveled at 52 miles per hour in a 35 mph zone as it peeled away from the hosts’ neighborhood. Both cars blew through a stop sign about a mile later. They did 70 mph in a 55 mph zone on I-95 — and then, after they got off, without signaling, flew right past a flashing sign informing them they were going 45 mph in a 35 mph zone.
:eusa_hand: :eusa_think: :smoke: :rofl:
Obama's leadership caravan wreaking havoc!!! That carnival barker's caravan is wreaking havoc on this great nation's streets and economy!!!

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