S. Korea President Warns Donald Trump Do Not Unilaterally Attack North Korea


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

President Moon Jae-in of South Korea said Tuesday that his government would “do everything it can to prevent war from breaking out.” CreditAhn Young-Joon/Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea — With his public alarmed by President Trump’s recent threats to North Korea, President Moon Jae-in of South Korea issued an unusually blunt rebuke to the United States on Tuesday, warning that any unilateral military action against the North over its nuclear weapons program would be intolerable.

“No one should be allowed to decide on a military action on the Korean Peninsula without South Korean agreement,” Mr. Moon said in a nationally televised speech.

South Korea’s Leader Bluntly Warns U.S. Against Striking North
I was a little more interested when China said if US hits NK pre-emptively, they will defend NK. Now THAT would be fun. All of a sudden, Donald stopped spouting off, didn't he?
Maybe both of them blinked, and good on them. They needed to stop.
You never show weakness....we learned this with Obama
Yeah, That's why Kim just developed an ICBM that can reach the states under his watch. We learned Kim wasn't the least bit afraid of Republican presidents when he developed is first nuke under George Bush. President Moon of South Korea will let Trump know when he has his permission to do anything.
I was a little more interested when China said if US hits NK pre-emptively, they will defend NK. Now THAT would be fun. All of a sudden, Donald stopped spouting off, didn't he?
Maybe both of them blinked, and good on them. They needed to stop.

Actually, he didn't. China also told Kim if he starts something with the US, he's on his own. Hence The Guam Show was cancelled.
You never show weakness....we learned this with Obama
Yeah, That's why Kim just developed an ICBM that can reach the states under his watch. We learned Kim wasn't the least bit afraid of Republican presidents when he developed is first nuke under George Bush. President Moon of South Korea will let Trump know when he has his permission to do anything.

Too funny. If the US is fired upon, SK will be advised to duck.
With all due respect to the South Koreans, if America is attacked and/or the prospect of future nuclear attacks exists, they have an obligation to deal with the threat. As do the South Koreans and Japanese have this obligation. The entire world is a target if this crazy little sob has full nuclear power.

A better approach would have been to say publicly, "we are supportive and aligned with the UN resolutions meant to prevent the expansion of nuclear proliferation". Raise his military's alert level and prepare for a full return attack if the North should fire on Seoul. This is not the time to show weakness to a dictator.
If Kim sends bomb near Guam, we can/should/will retaliate without South Korea's permission.

Otherwise, what are they going to do?
Fight with NK against us?
Say "that's not fair!" and stomp their feet?
Be sad?
How about we pull out of South Korea and tell em they're on their own?
They would be fine with that. Right now there are back channel talks going on between Kim and the south on reunification, which if you ask a majority of South Koreans is exactly what they want. Kim isn't going to make any real threats against American interests because he knows we would retaliate, and China wouldn't have his back if he fired the first shot. Kim just wants assurances he isn't going to be hung or assassinated, and can keep his wealth, and a position of power in the government should a reunification occur. Actually it would be China that would be against it, because that would remove a firewall from it's southern border. With an independent reunified Korea, that is now a nuclear power in the region, it would be a total game changer in the Asian economy, and stability in the region.
This would be like if Canada was threatening Portugal and said that they would bomb the Azores during the week of August 20-26th. And the President of Portugal said "Bring it on, motherfucker!!! Suck on this!!!"

But then we told Portugal that no one could bomb anywhere in North America without our Expressed Written Permission.

It would be ridiculous!

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