Ryan Returns to House for Budget Vote He’d Rather Avoid

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan is returning to the U.S. Congress today to cast a vote that goes against what he has sought as House budget chairman since 2011.
Ryan, chosen as Mitt Romney’s running mate Aug. 11, will endorse federal spending at higher levels than the stripped-down government he has been advocating. The House late this afternoon is set to adopt the stopgap measure to keep the government operating in the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1.
The Senate plans to clear the measure next week for President Barack Obama’s signature before Congress adjourns until after the Nov. 6 election.
As he accepted the vice presidential nomination on Aug. 29 in Tampa, Florida, Ryan pledged to “not duck the tough issues” on fiscal matters. Still, to avoid any perception that Republicans may again flirt with a government shutdown, Ryan and other anti-spending party members have abandoned for now their demands for $19 billion in spending cuts.
“It does kind of deconstruct the narrative that House Republicans are just a bunch of crazies who are heck-bent on shutting down government,” South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy, a Tea-Party-backed Republican freshman, said of Ryan and other Republicans’ support for the funding legislation.

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