Rush Limbaugh Assails Government...Truth comes out

And government became, "untrustable", when?

When the President was elected by a majority of Americans in 2009? And not when the President was installed by a majority of judges in 2001?


Are you still butthurt over 2001 election....? That explains alot!

You avie should be this:

And to answer your dumb question.... I lost trust in my gov't back in the early 90's. Right about the time I began to live on my own and start a family.
And government became, "untrustable", when?

When the President was elected by a majority of Americans in 2009? And not when the President was installed by a majority of judges in 2001?


Are you still butthurt over 2001 election....? That explains alot!

You avie should be this:

And to answer your dumb question.... I lost trust in my gov't back in the early 90's. Right about the time I began to live on my own and start a family.

I beat you there by about 20 years.
You like being told what, where, when, and HOW by a government that can't be responsible to those that elected them...and continue to rob from you for thier self interests and their lobbyist sponsors?

Really Sallow? Do you not honor your own Liberty?

You can shun the bums...or become one of them.

No..actually I want them doing what they should be doing...working for me.

I think we have different ideas of what the government should be doing. So I will nutshell my idea.

Take a steak sandwich.

When I order a steak sandwich..I want bread..and fresh beef.

Most sandwich outfits will give me just that. But some will give me sawdust bread and rat meat. I don't want that. I don't want to check every sandwich I order for that. I don't have the time do to that. I want to order my sandwich, eat it and get to work..or where ever I am going.

So the government, for the most part, makes sure that I can trust the sandwich outfit, to give me what I ordered.
And government became, "untrustable", when?

When the President was elected by a majority of Americans in 2009? And not when the President was installed by a majority of judges in 2001?


Are you still butthurt over 2001 election....? That explains alot!

You avie should be this:

And to answer your dumb question.... I lost trust in my gov't back in the early 90's. Right about the time I began to live on my own and start a family.


Election? What election?
"If the government were a person, we would consider it a bum, a failure, a troll living underneath the bridge - somebody that can't get a job, can't hold a job, can't live within its means. All it can do is ask for another handout. The government's a bum."~Rush Limbaugh December 1, 2010


Ladies and gents? This is your government 200+ years after the Founders told us to be vigilant and perserve what they gave us.

Every now and then, Rush hits one on the screws. :thup:
You like being told what, where, when, and HOW by a government that can't be responsible to those that elected them...and continue to rob from you for thier self interests and their lobbyist sponsors?

Really Sallow? Do you not honor your own Liberty?

You can shun the bums...or become one of them.

No..actually I want them doing what they should be doing...working for me.

I think we have different ideas of what the government should be doing. So I will nutshell my idea.

Take a steak sandwich.

When I order a steak sandwich..I want bread..and fresh beef.

Most sandwich outfits will give me just that. But some will give me sawdust bread and rat meat. I don't want that. I don't want to check every sandwich I order for that. I don't have the time do to that. I want to order my sandwich, eat it and get to work..or where ever I am going.

So the government, for the most part, makes sure that I can trust the sandwich outfit, to give me what I ordered.
In that model, you're too stupid to know steak from rat meat.

That's your problem.
You like being told what, where, when, and HOW by a government that can't be responsible to those that elected them...and continue to rob from you for thier self interests and their lobbyist sponsors?

Really Sallow? Do you not honor your own Liberty?

You can shun the bums...or become one of them.

No..actually I want them doing what they should be doing...working for me.

I think we have different ideas of what the government should be doing. So I will nutshell my idea.

Take a steak sandwich.

When I order a steak sandwich..I want bread..and fresh beef.

Most sandwich outfits will give me just that. But some will give me sawdust bread and rat meat. I don't want that. I don't want to check every sandwich I order for that. I don't have the time do to that. I want to order my sandwich, eat it and get to work..or where ever I am going.

So the government, for the most part, makes sure that I can trust the sandwich outfit, to give me what I ordered.
In that model, you're too stupid to know steak from rat meat.

That's your problem.

Okay..start coding your own damned operating system.

And government became, "untrustable", when?

When the President was elected by a majority of Americans in 2009? And not when the President was installed by a majority of judges in 2001?


Oh brother, back to that...even after it was proven that Bush did take Florida. :cuckoo:

Proven by whom?

His brother? (The governor)

Or his campaign manager? (The secretary of state)

Or his cousin? (While working at FOX)
No..actually I want them doing what they should be doing...working for me.

I think we have different ideas of what the government should be doing. So I will nutshell my idea.

Take a steak sandwich.

When I order a steak sandwich..I want bread..and fresh beef.

Most sandwich outfits will give me just that. But some will give me sawdust bread and rat meat. I don't want that. I don't want to check every sandwich I order for that. I don't have the time do to that. I want to order my sandwich, eat it and get to work..or where ever I am going.

So the government, for the most part, makes sure that I can trust the sandwich outfit, to give me what I ordered.
In that model, you're too stupid to know steak from rat meat.

That's your problem.

Okay..start coding your own damned operating system.

Non sequitur....Neither Gates nor Jobs needed a subsidy.

Besides, if we were relying on gubmint to write software, we'd still be using FORTRAN II.
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And government became, "untrustable", when?

When the President was elected by a majority of Americans in 2009? And not when the President was installed by a majority of judges in 2001?


Oh brother, back to that...even after it was proven that Bush did take Florida. :cuckoo:

Proven by whom?

His brother? (The governor)

Or his campaign manager? (The secretary of state)

Or his cousin? (While working at FOX)

Don't play stupid, Sallow....or are you that stupid?
I think it was 4-5 newspapers came in after the election and did an independent count. I believe it was 4 out of the five stated that Bush would have won Florida. So if you want to hang your hat on that one independent count, that even stated they had to use the most liberal way to count....feel free, but you would look like a partisan die hard to eveyone else.
Oh brother, back to that...even after it was proven that Bush did take Florida. :cuckoo:

Proven by whom?

His brother? (The governor)

Or his campaign manager? (The secretary of state)

Or his cousin? (While working at FOX)

Don't play stupid, Sallow....or are you that stupid?
I think it was 4-5 newspapers came in after the election and did an independent count. I believe it was 4 out of the five stated that Bush would have won Florida. So if you want to hang your hat on that one independent count, that even stated they had to use the most liberal way to count....feel free, but you would look like a partisan die hard to eveyone else.

Erm..adding to that was that one of the judges was appointed by his Father's running mate and good friend of his vice.

And you think all those circumstances are normal and above board..then grats..
Proven by whom?

His brother? (The governor)

Or his campaign manager? (The secretary of state)

Or his cousin? (While working at FOX)

Don't play stupid, Sallow....or are you that stupid?
I think it was 4-5 newspapers came in after the election and did an independent count. I believe it was 4 out of the five stated that Bush would have won Florida. So if you want to hang your hat on that one independent count, that even stated they had to use the most liberal way to count....feel free, but you would look like a partisan die hard to eveyone else.

Erm..adding to that was that one of the judges was appointed by his Father's running mate and good friend of his vice.

And you think all those circumstances are normal and above board..then grats..

Deflect all you want, but the facts are there and they aren't in your go ahead and ignore them. Now, I'm not going to hijack this thread any longer.
I really wish I could understand this obsession with people like Rush... on either side.

Like him or not? he is a Constitutionalist...first and foremost. Entertainer? Certainly. Provoker of thought? Discourse? Absolutely.

The quote I posted is absolutely on the mark. This thread is really about that quote...but has morphed into something different unfortunately.

Shame on me for allowing it...but is insightful nonetheless.

Provoker of controversy.... for ratings. The shame on you is for falling for it. Pity of it is that apparently some people are incapable of thinking for themselves and prefer to get their opinions from the likes of Rush or the HuffPuff.
You like being told what, where, when, and HOW by a government that can't be responsible to those that elected them...and continue to rob from you for thier self interests and their lobbyist sponsors?

Really Sallow? Do you not honor your own Liberty?

You can shun the bums...or become one of them.

No..actually I want them doing what they should be doing...working for me.

I think we have different ideas of what the government should be doing. So I will nutshell my idea.

Take a steak sandwich.

When I order a steak sandwich..I want bread..and fresh beef.

Most sandwich outfits will give me just that. But some will give me sawdust bread and rat meat. I don't want that. I don't want to check every sandwich I order for that. I don't have the time do to that. I want to order my sandwich, eat it and get to work..or where ever I am going.

So the government, for the most part, makes sure that I can trust the sandwich outfit, to give me what I ordered.

Then you have no idea what the governments role should be. It's role is not to regulate industry but to create an enviroment where industry can flourish and to insure the nations security.

If you don't like the steak sandwich you ordered then you have the freedom to choose another sandwich shop.

A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicity. Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address.

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