Rules for wearing a mask.


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
What are the rules for wearing a mask in Covid times...................Who should wear long........can they cause health issues...........will they stop the spread of the Covid...........and so on.

At work we are required to have them on in the vehicles and during the day......OUTSIDE and at work if we get near people...........Now we use cloth masks........or whatever the hell we can find like Neck chaffs to pull up long enough for those setting the dang rules to leave.

Now it's over a 100 degree heat index where I work........Humid as hell......and whatever you wear will GET SWEATY.

Let's look at this article I found here.

While wearing a mask may be uncomfortable, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed it does not result in oxygen deficiency. Still, there are steps to take to make the experience more comfortable.
"Make sure it fits properly and that it is tight enough to allow you to breathe normally. Do not reuse a disposable mask and always change it as soon as it gets damp," the organization stated.

Nice huh............over a hundred degrees and in 5 to 10 minutes it's damp with your sweat.............and they say it change it if it gets we bring them in by the 55 gallon drums to keep them dry every day..............

Rules are made by people sitting in AC offices who don't have to deal with it in the field.......and by experts who don't have to experience the real world conditions of the Construction world...........WET CLOTH MASKS.........Make it FING DIFFICULT TO BREATH............PERIOD..........I don't care if anyone quotes anything on the net............anyone who thinks that is good for you

Do this...............put on your mask....go out in humid VERY HOT WEATHER.......AND START WORKING YOUR ASS OFF FOR HOURS ON END.......then tell me how you like it...............

Anyways.........what do you think.......agree disagree......blah blah blah....the usual

Here's a link to OSHA on it.
I wear a mask when I go in someplace there will be other people. I don't wear them in my vehicle or at home.
Just throw it in the microwave with your food and that should dry it out.
Guess we'll have to install microwave ovens on the job site........yesterday was in a confined space in a drum.................might be able to change it every 5 minutes...


Tell your employer you need a blower and hose to ventilate the confined space. It won't be much cooler, but the breeze will help.
Just throw it in the microwave with your food and that should dry it out.
Guess we'll have to install microwave ovens on the job site........yesterday was in a confined space in a drum.................might be able to change it every 5 minutes...


Tell your employer you need a blower and hose to ventilate the confined space. It won't be much cooler, but the breeze will help.
I've only been this type of work for decades........doesn't matter if you are in that vessel or's hot as hell in there.....we had some temp AC in there but not enough to stop you from sweating........Hell you know what it's like in MUGGY wear a dang mask outside and not in a are going to sweat.......PERIOD...............

And that mask WILL GET SWEATY....unless you have a Genie in your pocket..........go out in FRC'S.....what we have to wear...hard and wear a MASK......CLOTH and cut your grass for a few hours and get back to me.

I was in a restaurant the other day picking up a to go appetizer and this guy at the bar had dropped his mask on the floor by his chair. He got up, stepped on it, went to the bathroom, came back, stepped on it again and then the bartender noticed it a few minutes later and handed it to him. He just put it on.
I was in a restaurant the other day picking up a to go appetizer and this guy at the bar had dropped his mask on the floor by his chair. He got up, stepped on it, went to the bathroom, came back, stepped on it again and then the bartender noticed it a few minutes later and handed it to him. He just put it on.
We only wear them proper if the mask police show up........the ones who are only out for a few minutes because it's too dang hot.........LOL

Everyone is ticked off by it..........except those who don't have to comply...........tricks are just have everyone look out for those who would push it....and warn everyone.......then the MASK NAZIS will go .........look everyone is doing good........LMAO

You also breath through your nose and let the mask be under your nose...hard to tell that way.
What are the rules for wearing a mask in Covid times...................Who should wear long........can they cause health issues...........will they stop the spread of the Covid...........and so on.

At work we are required to have them on in the vehicles and during the day......OUTSIDE and at work if we get near people...........Now we use cloth masks........or whatever the hell we can find like Neck chaffs to pull up long enough for those setting the dang rules to leave.

Now it's over a 100 degree heat index where I work........Humid as hell......and whatever you wear will GET SWEATY.

Let's look at this article I found here.

While wearing a mask may be uncomfortable, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed it does not result in oxygen deficiency. Still, there are steps to take to make the experience more comfortable.
"Make sure it fits properly and that it is tight enough to allow you to breathe normally. Do not reuse a disposable mask and always change it as soon as it gets damp," the organization stated.

Nice huh............over a hundred degrees and in 5 to 10 minutes it's damp with your sweat.............and they say it change it if it gets we bring them in by the 55 gallon drums to keep them dry every day..............

Rules are made by people sitting in AC offices who don't have to deal with it in the field.......and by experts who don't have to experience the real world conditions of the Construction world...........WET CLOTH MASKS.........Make it FING DIFFICULT TO BREATH............PERIOD..........I don't care if anyone quotes anything on the net............anyone who thinks that is good for you

Do this...............put on your mask....go out in humid VERY HOT WEATHER.......AND START WORKING YOUR ASS OFF FOR HOURS ON END.......then tell me how you like it...............

Anyways.........what do you think.......agree disagree......blah blah blah....the usual

Here's a link to OSHA on it.
Last I heard the WHO also said mask wearing wasn't necessary for healty people and may even be a health risk.

If you look at the revalent scientific data on the virus you can readily see that masks are entirely ineffective in blocking covid 19 virus cells from passing right though the mask unheeded.

Given the fact that wearing a mask long term i.e. for more than minutes at a time, creates an ideal environment for bacteria and other infectious agents to thrive, it's easy to understand why the masks worn by most folks can actually pose a health hazard.
I wear a mask when I go in someplace there will be other people. I don't wear them in my vehicle or at home.
Moscow Mitch even agrees with you.

[[[[[ Wading into a politically charged issue, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday preached the importance of wearing masks in public as the nation's economy reopens from the "cataclysmic" damage inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic. ]]]]]

This has to infuriate the RWNJs.

What are the rules for wearing a mask in Covid times...................Who should wear long........can they cause health issues...........will they stop the spread of the Covid...........and so on.

At work we are required to have them on in the vehicles and during the day......OUTSIDE and at work if we get near people...........Now we use cloth masks........or whatever the hell we can find like Neck chaffs to pull up long enough for those setting the dang rules to leave.

Now it's over a 100 degree heat index where I work........Humid as hell......and whatever you wear will GET SWEATY.

Let's look at this article I found here.

While wearing a mask may be uncomfortable, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed it does not result in oxygen deficiency. Still, there are steps to take to make the experience more comfortable.
"Make sure it fits properly and that it is tight enough to allow you to breathe normally. Do not reuse a disposable mask and always change it as soon as it gets damp," the organization stated.

Nice huh............over a hundred degrees and in 5 to 10 minutes it's damp with your sweat.............and they say it change it if it gets we bring them in by the 55 gallon drums to keep them dry every day..............

Rules are made by people sitting in AC offices who don't have to deal with it in the field.......and by experts who don't have to experience the real world conditions of the Construction world...........WET CLOTH MASKS.........Make it FING DIFFICULT TO BREATH............PERIOD..........I don't care if anyone quotes anything on the net............anyone who thinks that is good for you

Do this...............put on your mask....go out in humid VERY HOT WEATHER.......AND START WORKING YOUR ASS OFF FOR HOURS ON END.......then tell me how you like it...............

Anyways.........what do you think.......agree disagree......blah blah blah....the usual

Here's a link to OSHA on it.
Last I heard the WHO also said mask wearing wasn't necessary for healty people and may even be a health risk.

If you look at the revalent scientific data on the virus you can readily see that masks are entirely ineffective in blocking covid 19 virus cells from passing right though the mask unheeded.

Given the fact that wearing a mask long term i.e. for more than minutes at a time, creates an ideal environment for bacteria and other infectious agents to thrive, it's easy to understand why the masks worn by most folks can actually pose a health hazard.
We know that.....but when you google it they go..........NO IT DOESN'T LOL..........

The powers to be don't care if people have to wear sweaty dang masks........because they are the one's who DO AS I SAY AND NOT AS I DO.......

Cloth masks don't stop jack squat..........only prevent moisture droplets that if exposed to direct sun would be toast in a minute and a half

These RULES are made by people who couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.
What are the rules for wearing a mask in Covid times...................Who should wear long........can they cause health issues...........will they stop the spread of the Covid...........and so on.

At work we are required to have them on in the vehicles and during the day......OUTSIDE and at work if we get near people...........Now we use cloth masks........or whatever the hell we can find like Neck chaffs to pull up long enough for those setting the dang rules to leave.

Now it's over a 100 degree heat index where I work........Humid as hell......and whatever you wear will GET SWEATY.

Let's look at this article I found here.

While wearing a mask may be uncomfortable, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed it does not result in oxygen deficiency. Still, there are steps to take to make the experience more comfortable.
"Make sure it fits properly and that it is tight enough to allow you to breathe normally. Do not reuse a disposable mask and always change it as soon as it gets damp," the organization stated.

Nice huh............over a hundred degrees and in 5 to 10 minutes it's damp with your sweat.............and they say it change it if it gets we bring them in by the 55 gallon drums to keep them dry every day..............

Rules are made by people sitting in AC offices who don't have to deal with it in the field.......and by experts who don't have to experience the real world conditions of the Construction world...........WET CLOTH MASKS.........Make it FING DIFFICULT TO BREATH............PERIOD..........I don't care if anyone quotes anything on the net............anyone who thinks that is good for you

Do this...............put on your mask....go out in humid VERY HOT WEATHER.......AND START WORKING YOUR ASS OFF FOR HOURS ON END.......then tell me how you like it...............

Anyways.........what do you think.......agree disagree......blah blah blah....the usual

Here's a link to OSHA on it.
Last I heard the WHO also said mask wearing wasn't necessary for healty people and may even be a health risk.

If you look at the revalent scientific data on the virus you can readily see that masks are entirely ineffective in blocking covid 19 virus cells from passing right though the mask unheeded.

Given the fact that wearing a mask long term i.e. for more than minutes at a time, creates an ideal environment for bacteria and other infectious agents to thrive, it's easy to understand why the masks worn by most folks can actually pose a health hazard.
We know that.....but when you google it they go..........NO IT DOESN'T LOL..........

The powers to be don't care if people have to wear sweaty dang masks........because they are the one's who DO AS I SAY AND NOT AS I DO.......

Cloth masks don't stop jack squat..........only prevent moisture droplets that if exposed to direct sun would be toast in a minute and a half

These RULES are made by people who couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.

That is funny!!

"These RULES are made by people who couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel."
Just throw it in the microwave with your food and that should dry it out.
Guess we'll have to install microwave ovens on the job site........yesterday was in a confined space in a drum.................might be able to change it every 5 minutes...


Tell your employer you need a blower and hose to ventilate the confined space. It won't be much cooler, but the breeze will help.
I've only been this type of work for decades........doesn't matter if you are in that vessel or's hot as hell in there.....we had some temp AC in there but not enough to stop you from sweating........Hell you know what it's like in MUGGY wear a dang mask outside and not in a are going to sweat.......PERIOD...............

And that mask WILL GET SWEATY....unless you have a Genie in your pocket..........go out in FRC'S.....what we have to wear...hard and wear a MASK......CLOTH and cut your grass for a few hours and get back to me.


Oh I know. I worked confined spaces for years. I don't understand the need for a mask in a tank. Are there more than one of you in it?
I keep a mask in my vehicle at all case a forest fire breaks out and there's choking smoke and ash in the air.
Wearing a mask in public when around people is the responsible and respectful thing to do. Therefore, it's no surprise that you wouldn't wear one around people when out in public. Then again, it is probably very rare that you leave your basement anyway, and it's also common knowledge on this board that you are an idiot.

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