Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

My daughters and granddaughters know and care that I exist. They are not threatened by windmills. They need to be protected from Republicans now more than ever.
IDGAF if you put up a windmill. I care if you force it on others.

Crazy thing called freedom to choose
For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights.

This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

Remember how pissed off women were when Trump was elected? This will be puppy shit in comparison. Kiss all chance of a win at the mid-terms goodbye.


rep confused dumbfounded.jpg

Personally, I'm for banning abortion in rep states and paying dems to abort ALL their babies and themselves in blue states. ( save the planet.)
You are spinning away from the real issue. The Right To Life of the baby.

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240518 {Post•12250}. NotfooledbyW May’24 Vrvwgo: No spin. You deny the right life to 96% of aborted babies in America unless they get past 15 weeks of gestation and you believe in Jesus.

Monkeys HATE Being Wrong! 140621 {Post •31}. eagle1462010 Jun’14 Smhbwz: “I believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of the Heaven and the Earth.” I believe Jesus Christ died for our sins and is the son of God. Anyone that doesn't believe that may quite frankly Go to Hell.” vvglvnnnnnnn 140621 Smhbwz00031

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 230515 {Post•3399}. eagle1462010 May’15 Srvwgo: “I agree with a compromise down to 15 weeks.” vvglnnnnnnn 230515 Srvwgo03399 to dvblk 230515 Vrvwgo03398

nfbw 240518 Vrvwgo12250 to vvglvnnnnnnn 240517 Srvwgo12249
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Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 230515 {Post•3399

No spin. You deny the right life to 96% of aborted babies in America unless they get past 15 weeks of gestation and you believe in Jesus.

Monkeys HATE Being Wrong! 140621 {Post •31}. eagle1462010 Jun’14 Smhbwz: “I believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of the Heaven and the Earth.” I believe Jesus Christ died for our sins and is the son of God. Anyone that doesn't believe that may quite frankly Go to Hell.” vvglnnnnnnn 140621 Smhbwz00031

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 230515 {Post•3399}. eagle1462010 May’15 Srvwgo: “I agree with a compromise down to 15 weeks.” vvglnnnnnnn 230515 Srvwgo03399 to dvblk 230515 Vrvwgo03398
You approve of murdering babies and approve of PEOPKE should not be held accountable for their actions
It is clear your side approved of Genocide including late term abortion. You do you
Less than 1.5 % of abortions occur in the ninth month and they always involve a tragic ending to a WANTED pregnancy where the mother and family are grieving a loss.

What a filthy reptilian Republican Jesus believer you are to politicize the families who grieve such a loss just because you have been exposed that you are in favor of killing a million babies a year with a fifteen week compromise for politics in the first place.
Less than 1.5 % of abortions occur in the ninth month and they always involve a tragic ending to a WANTED pregnancy where the mother and family are grieving a loss.

What a filthy reptilian Republican Jesus believer you are to politicize the families who grieve such a loss just because you have been exposed that you are in favor of killing a million babies a year with a fifteen week compromise for politics in the first place.
Blah blah blah

Then your side should have no problem banning it unless for the life of the mother via a doctor.

The rest of the world has already banned late term.

Your side is just fucking Evil
Then your side should have no problem banning it unless for the life of the mother via a doctor.
That is the lefts position but to include fetuses that cannot survive after separation from its mother due to fetal deformities

.No choosing abortions for convenience or birth control beyond about 21 weeks or potential viability. Most women do that between five and sixteen weeks.

The left provides protection.from filthy reptilian Republican state attorneys general to doctors who have to make life or death decisions during chidbirth without fear of being charged with murder for saving the life of the mother.
You have no argument to back that up.

Evil is forcing full term gestation on women who want to terminate a pregnancy between five and sixteen weeks after becoming pregnant unintentionally.

No one forced you to fuck without protection. No one forced you to be so damn stupid to change your mind at 9 months and murder a heathy baby.
" Nature Does Not Provide Inalienable Rites "

* Anthropocentric Psychopaths Claiming Rites That Do Not Exist *

You are spinning away from the real issue. The Right To Life of the baby.
A baby has been born , and any born is entitled to equal protection with a citizen .

Otherwise , a state is comprised of citizens in whom legitimate interests of a state lay .

There is not a sanctimonious dictum in us constitution to protect any and all lives .

A zygote , or embryo , or fetus has not been born and does not have constitutional protections , and is private property of the mother .

The most despicable thing about fake us republicans on abortion and full of shit democrats on immigration is that both revile the citizen .
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No one forced you to fuck without protection. No one forced you to be so damn stupid to change your mind at 9 months and murder a heathy baby.
But it’s ok with you to murder the results between five and fifteen weeks.

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 230515 {Post•3399}. eagle1462010 May’15 Srvwgo: “I agree with a compromise down to 15 weeks.” vvglnnnnnnn 230515 Srvwgo03399 to dvblk 230515 Vrvwgo03398

So why do you care what caused the baby to exist? The baby has no right to life if she kills it early enough in your own words.

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