Rules are for the ruled, not the ruling class....Congress can go to funeral of Lewis and skip can’t go to a funeral for your grandma


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Stop voting for them.

Stop voting for the DC mayor.

ok, sure.

I vote for 3 people in Congress....2 Senators and 1 House Representative.

Can a woke SJW explain to me why regular people can’t have a funeral for their grandmother, and must quarantine for 2 weeks from out of state, but those rules do not apply to Congress?

Politicians who attended the funeral of Congressman John Lewis in Georgia won't have to worry about Washington's new quarantine rules as they return to the city because they're deemed too essential to lock down. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Stop voting for them.

Stop voting for the DC mayor.

ok, sure.

I vote for 3 people in Congress....2 Senators and 1 House Representative.

Can a woke SJW explain to me why regular people can’t have a funeral for their grandmother, and must quarantine for 2 weeks from out of state, but those rules do not apply to Congress?

Politicians who attended the funeral of Congressman John Lewis in Georgia won't have to worry about Washington's new quarantine rules as they return to the city because they're deemed too essential to lock down. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Why do you care if the Dems catch the Kung Flu?
I have to quarantine, Jerry Nadler does not. Fuck Nadler right in his fat whiny hypocritical ass.

Jerry says the riots are a myth! Let’s all believe Jerry! :laughing0301:
Quarantine is not to keep anyone safe. It is political only.

If Biden wins, the virus will no longer be a threat the day after the election....and every left wing lunatic on this site knows it.
Biden winning is a left fantasy. The average American has seen what a disaster the left city council, mayors and governors have been. They have all watched the resounding failure CHAZ or CHOP was. They have all watched the protests/riots. They have all heard the joke of policies that have been advanced. Everyone, even the left knows no one will be voting for Biden, they will be voting for his VP. The only qualifications for that pick is race and gender, not policy or plans.
Just like our little radical ferret faced ass clown dem governor in Wisconsin. He orders a state wide mandatory indoor FACE DIAPER order, and then EXCEMPTS HIMSELF and all other state elected officials.

Washington DC has very strict quarantine rules.....for those who are not in Congress.

You aren’t allowed to assemble and then skip quarantine....but the ruling class sure is.

Why do citizens accept this hypocritical bullshit?

The government are not special people....they are supposed to be us.
It was a good political
What a bunch of
Washington is corrupt to its core. Don't be surprised the government/ruling class in every human empire in the past 5,000 years has been just as corrupt.
Yes it is, and it's grown way, WAY larger than it has to be. The size of government could very easily be cut in HALF, and America would be fine. Actually we'd be better off.

The elected clowns in Washington have forgotten they work for us. It's been turned around to we work for them. Laws are for the poor slob citizens, not those making the laws. And I would just love to know how they so quickly turn into millionaires shortly after being elected on $175K a year.
Stop voting for them.

In all honesty, we are past the point of enacting legitimate change via voting. elections now belong to the brazen and ruthless. Just like any 3rd world nation.
Happy thoughts tho.
Yep... The president has a two term limit, so why doesn't congress? You think the citizens of America would vote FOR term limits? I think 99% would, but do you think we'll ever see congress enact term limits on themselves? Pfft... we'll see Christ return before that happens.

But this coming election, it's going to be the biggest circus this nation has ever seen, and why? Because the democrats know damn well that if it's conducted straight up the way it's always been done, they don't stand a chance in HELL. That's why we see all this lying and mass hysteria about covid. They HAVE to keep it going to make it look like mail in voting is the only way we can have a safe election... which is pure bull shit.
Washington is corrupt to its core. Don't be surprised the government/ruling class in every human empire in the past 5,000 years has been just as corrupt.
Yes it is, and it's grown way, WAY larger than it has to be. The size of government could very easily be cut in HALF, and America would be fine. Actually we'd be better off.

The elected clowns in Washington have forgotten they work for us. It's been turned around to we work for them. Laws are for the poor slob citizens, not those making the laws. And I would just love to know how they so quickly turn into millionaires shortly after being elected on $175K a year.

^^^ nailed it. :eusa_clap: The $4 trillion a year in government spending has corrupted the politicians they are in it for the money not for the people. And does it really take a whopping $4 trillion a year to govern a country???
^^^ nailed it. :eusa_clap: The $4 trillion a year in government spending has corrupted the politicians they are in it for the money not for the people. And does it really take a whopping $4 trillion a year to govern a country???

What do we do ?
So far the only thing we've tried is.....'Do Nothing".

That seems to be doing the trick, right?
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I think patriots are wating for all of the below.....before they get out of the Lazy Boy Recliner......

Their basic rights taken away (stay home, wear this, do that)
Their businesses and livelihoods revoked
Their Property, pensions and Savings redistributed to Blue areas
Their guns confiscated
Chains and shackles
Jesus 2nd Coming
A bullet to the head - They'll get busy right after this step

Nah, none of this will motivate then to lift a finger. Put a fork in it.


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