New Marxist Terrorist Group: Justice Democrats


May 23, 2014
The movement to destroy our Republic continues. These people don't believe in free speech or the Constitution, just riots, destruction of private and public property.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Then admit that corporations around the world have rallied with BLM and are giving them millions of dollars, just like they rallied around Hitler in the 1940's.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
The movement to destroy our Republic continues. These people don't believe in free speech or the Constitution, just riots, destruction of private and public property.

Imagine that; much-younger non-Elite-based challenger outs older entrenched swamp creature. Now who saw that coming. Oh yeah --- everybody. The old linear time thingy.

A registered nurse and pastor. Oh the horror. Let's make her this year's AOC she-demon and pummel her with vitriol. Yeah, that should work as well as it did the last time.
The movement to destroy our Republic continues. These people don't believe in free speech or the Constitution, just riots, destruction of private and public property.

Imagine that; much-younger non-Elite-based challenger outs older entrenched swamp creature. Now who saw that coming. Oh yeah --- everybody. The old linear time thingy.

A registered nurse and pastor. Oh the horror. Let's make her this year's AOC she-demon and pummel her with vitriol. Yeah, that should work as well as it did the last time.
Vigilance has been lost by many over the years. Now we have the arbiters of laws with their feet on our necks declaring what is right or wrong through pure social justice and all the agendas that are part of it.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.
Right, a minister in full support of abortion and demand AND wants me and the rest of the world to pay for it.

Hitler also used tax money to run the death camps. I reckon it has to come from somewhere. And the Catholic church was strangely silent about the death camps, much like today the Pope is silent about abortion and gives sermons on the evils of building walls instead.

Luckily for blacks like her, abortion clinics are strategically positioned around minority communities to help Margaret Sanger realize her dream of disallowing black births so as not to weaken the gene pool.

Did I mention that Marx was an ardent racist as well?

LMAO! What a vacuous ignorant bunch.

Luckily for them, they don't have to raise money to campaign because the billion dollar media industry does it all for them. And Leftists academia have raised generations of leftists.

It is truly a remarkable example of successful propaganda world wide, the likes of which have never been seen.
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Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.

Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.
Not me man.

Why I'm a regressive conservative and my knuckles still drag the ground when I walk. Just compare my bank account to Bernie Sanders to see that.

I'm not a part of the master race like intellectually gifted Progressives like AOC or Nancy Pelosi. Hell, I still believe there are only 2 genders and that people should be allowed to speak even if it offends another Progressive.

And the worst of all, I think it's insane to defund the police and at the same time disarm law abiding citizens, so what solutions could I possibly have?
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Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.

Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.
Not me man.

Why I'm a regressive conservative and my knuckles still drag the ground when I walk. I'm not a part of the master race like intellectually gifted Progressives like AOC or Nancy Pelosi. Hell, I still believe there are only 2 genders and that people should be allowed to speak even if it offends another Progressive.

And the worst of all, I think it's insane to defund the police and at the same time disarm law abiding citizens, so what solutions could I possibly have?
Well, let me know if you ever come up with any that don't involve shooting people.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.

Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.
Not me man.

Why I'm a regressive conservative and my knuckles still drag the ground when I walk. I'm not a part of the master race like intellectually gifted Progressives like AOC or Nancy Pelosi. Hell, I still believe there are only 2 genders and that people should be allowed to speak even if it offends another Progressive.

And the worst of all, I think it's insane to defund the police and at the same time disarm law abiding citizens, so what solutions could I possibly have?
Well, let me know if you ever come up with any that don't involve shooting people.

Shooting people? No worries, I'm not a Bernie Sanders groupie like the guy in Virginia was that tried to shoot the entire GOP Congress.

Here is a thought, let's stop pretending that the Democrat party is not a party of Nazi Socialists like the rest of the media and academia does.

I know, I know, too much to ask of you.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.

Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.
Not me man.

Why I'm a regressive conservative and my knuckles still drag the ground when I walk. I'm not a part of the master race like intellectually gifted Progressives like AOC or Nancy Pelosi. Hell, I still believe there are only 2 genders and that people should be allowed to speak even if it offends another Progressive.

And the worst of all, I think it's insane to defund the police and at the same time disarm law abiding citizens, so what solutions could I possibly have?
Well, let me know if you ever come up with any that don't involve shooting people.

Shooting people? No worries, I'm not a Bernie Sanders groupie like the guy in Virginia was that tried to shoot the entire GOP Congress.

Here is a thought, let's stop pretending that the Democrat party is not a party of Nazi Socialists like the rest of the media and academia does.

I know, I know, too much to ask of you.
I've already stipulated to whatever paranoia you'd like to toss out there.

What I can't get you to answer is, "NOW what"?

If you don't have an answer, I won't be surprised.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.

Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.
Not me man.

Why I'm a regressive conservative and my knuckles still drag the ground when I walk. I'm not a part of the master race like intellectually gifted Progressives like AOC or Nancy Pelosi. Hell, I still believe there are only 2 genders and that people should be allowed to speak even if it offends another Progressive.

And the worst of all, I think it's insane to defund the police and at the same time disarm law abiding citizens, so what solutions could I possibly have?
Well, let me know if you ever come up with any that don't involve shooting people.

Shooting people? No worries, I'm not a Bernie Sanders groupie like the guy in Virginia was that tried to shoot the entire GOP Congress.

Here is a thought, let's stop pretending that the Democrat party is not a party of Nazi Socialists like the rest of the media and academia does.

I know, I know, too much to ask of you.
I've already stipulated to whatever paranoia you'd like to toss out there.

What I can't get you to answer is, "NOW what"?

If you don't have an answer, I won't be surprised.

1. Don't elect decmorats............EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Support the Article V movement that allows states to amend the Constitution to disempower the Federal Leviathan than now controls everything. The movement empowers individual states like the country was set up to run. That way, blue and red states can live their lives the way they see fit instead of some moron in DC doing it for them. Either that, or continue to have half the country want to secede from the union every Presidential election cycle. And no, the President should not be telling me who my doctor should be or how to educate my children, etc. The Progressive federal overreach has reached epidemic proportions and as we all know power corrupts and Progressivism is all about centralizing power and increasing that power. Centralized and unchallenged power is key to both fascism and Marxism. It is a prerequisite.

3. Pray. Actually, this should have been #1, and upon reviewing Revelation and reviewing human history, despotism is our destiny, but maybe we can push it back a tad.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.

Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.
Not me man.

Why I'm a regressive conservative and my knuckles still drag the ground when I walk. I'm not a part of the master race like intellectually gifted Progressives like AOC or Nancy Pelosi. Hell, I still believe there are only 2 genders and that people should be allowed to speak even if it offends another Progressive.

And the worst of all, I think it's insane to defund the police and at the same time disarm law abiding citizens, so what solutions could I possibly have?
Well, let me know if you ever come up with any that don't involve shooting people.

Shooting people? No worries, I'm not a Bernie Sanders groupie like the guy in Virginia was that tried to shoot the entire GOP Congress.

Here is a thought, let's stop pretending that the Democrat party is not a party of Nazi Socialists like the rest of the media and academia does.

I know, I know, too much to ask of you.
I've already stipulated to whatever paranoia you'd like to toss out there.

What I can't get you to answer is, "NOW what"?

If you don't have an answer, I won't be surprised.

1. Don't elect decmorats............EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Support the Article V movement that allows states to amend the Constitution to disempower the Federal Leviathan than now controls everything and empowers individual states like the country was set up to run. Either that, or continue to have half the country want to secede from the union every Presidential election cycle. And no, the President should not be telling me who my doctor should be or how to educate my children, etc. The Progressive federal overreach has reached epidemic proportions and as we all know power corrupts and Progressivism is all about centralizing power and increasing that power. Centralized and unchallenged power is key to both fascism and Marxism. It is a prerequisite.

3. Pray. Actually, this should have been #1, and upon reviewing Revelation and reviewing human history, despotism is our destiny, but maybe we can push it back a tad.
How are you going to convince people to do that?
The movement to destroy our Republic continues. These people don't believe in free speech or the Constitution, just riots, destruction of private and public property.

You just hate Democracy, don't you!
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.

Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
We shall soon find out.

That is, if you don't believe history ever repeats itself.
Well, you can out-shoot or out-think.

Clearly the best you guys can do is the former.
Not me man.

Why I'm a regressive conservative and my knuckles still drag the ground when I walk. I'm not a part of the master race like intellectually gifted Progressives like AOC or Nancy Pelosi. Hell, I still believe there are only 2 genders and that people should be allowed to speak even if it offends another Progressive.

And the worst of all, I think it's insane to defund the police and at the same time disarm law abiding citizens, so what solutions could I possibly have?
Well, let me know if you ever come up with any that don't involve shooting people.

Shooting people? No worries, I'm not a Bernie Sanders groupie like the guy in Virginia was that tried to shoot the entire GOP Congress.

Here is a thought, let's stop pretending that the Democrat party is not a party of Nazi Socialists like the rest of the media and academia does.

I know, I know, too much to ask of you.
I've already stipulated to whatever paranoia you'd like to toss out there.

What I can't get you to answer is, "NOW what"?

If you don't have an answer, I won't be surprised.

1. Don't elect decmorats............EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Support the Article V movement that allows states to amend the Constitution to disempower the Federal Leviathan than now controls everything and empowers individual states like the country was set up to run. Either that, or continue to have half the country want to secede from the union every Presidential election cycle. And no, the President should not be telling me who my doctor should be or how to educate my children, etc. The Progressive federal overreach has reached epidemic proportions and as we all know power corrupts and Progressivism is all about centralizing power and increasing that power. Centralized and unchallenged power is key to both fascism and Marxism. It is a prerequisite.

3. Pray. Actually, this should have been #1, and upon reviewing Revelation and reviewing human history, despotism is our destiny, but maybe we can push it back a tad.
How are you going to convince people to do that?
It's all about getting the word out and having knowledge on how to reach those trapped in a cult.

For example, Jim Jones was a Methodist preacher who loved Marxism more than the gospel. Then he took his followers to another country and told them to drink the cool aid which they did. Knowing how to reach these brain washed cult members is key

In fact, as those in socialist Venezuela eat out of garbage cans I'm sure socialism is as popular as ever.

It is perplexing how this happens.
The movement to destroy our Republic continues. These people don't believe in free speech or the Constitution, just riots, destruction of private and public property.

Imagine that; much-younger non-Elite-based challenger outs older entrenched swamp creature. Now who saw that coming. Oh yeah --- everybody. The old linear time thingy.

A registered nurse and pastor. Oh the horror. Let's make her this year's AOC she-demon and pummel her with vitriol. Yeah, that should work as well as it did the last time.

Or, you could just cut the bloviated BS and say "pogo hates America"

Exact same thing....more efficient (and honest sans the tar consistency sarcasm)

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