Scientist express horror as they see a 2.5 C increase in earth's temperature

Said and done, stupid. You quoted it. Targeted and direct from real climate scientists:

It's like listening to the people who "debunk" archaeological "anomalies". Well, it doesn't fit our theory and threatens our livelihoods so it's a fake
As usual you are incorrect since the Minoan high it has been in slow decline over all ever since around 3,000 years long cooling trend. There are additional large charts in the link to view.

View attachment 946566

GISP, by itself, is not an accurate record for global temperatures. Multiple multi-proxy reconstructions have shown global temperatures coming down since the HCO and I'm quite certain you've seen them.
GISP, by itself, is not an accurate record for global temperatures. Multiple multi-proxy reconstructions have shown global temperatures coming down since the HCO and I'm quite certain you've seen them.
Northern hemisphere ice core data is THE most important dataset for understanding climate changes. It's the gold standard so to speak.
It has already warmed 2.0 degrees C yet nothing changed for the worse showed it using Best database at post 32

CO2 doesn't do shit at the 417-ppm level as it nearly wrung dry through the logarithmic curve effect that leads to near saturation values.
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GISP, by itself, is not an accurate record for global temperatures. Multiple multi-proxy reconstructions have shown global temperatures coming down since the HCO and I'm quite certain you've seen them.

GISP2 is considered the best long running data as its resolution is far better than all those proxies you mentioned which is why it is has long ranging value as it is strongly affected by the convergence between the Gulf Stream and the cold air of the large island generating high snowfall thus leaving plenty of details in the yearly ice core reading.

We are already seeing deadly weather extremes worldwide. Many world leaders are short sighted and ignoring the warnings. My children and grandchildren will suffer for that ignorance.
So why did life flourish 208 to 146 million years ago with no ice caps, high co2 levels, high sea levels, and much higher temperatures?

What was the secret back then?

Scientist express horror​

GISP2 is considered the best long running data as its resolution is far better than all those proxies you mentioned which is why it is has long ranging value as it is strongly affected by the convergence between the Gulf Stream and the cold air of the large island generating high snowfall thus leaving plenty of details in the yearly ice core reading.
^Long discredited BS^
GISP2 is considered the best long running data as its resolution is far better than all those proxies you mentioned which is why it is has long ranging value as it is strongly affected by the convergence between the Gulf Stream and the cold air of the large island generating high snowfall thus leaving plenty of details in the yearly ice core reading.
Show us a climate scientists saying that. The proxies used in Shakun and Marcott's reconstructions came from all over the planet. GISP2 cores all come from a single location: 72.5833333N, -38.466667W. This is a point regarding ALL ice core temperature data: They are LOCAL. That is not true of other data from ice cores such as atmospheric levels of well-mixed gases

The article I posted
It started about 20,000 years ago.

Paleoclimatology - Wikipedia
Your own graph shows the Earth cooling since the HCO.
He didn't make ANY of the chart you moron!

1) Made by Dr. Maue and shown on the

2024 Accumulated Cyclone Energy [ACE]​


2) Next chart is from Nature Magazine

3) Based on JLA made by Kyrie

4) Chris Martz made it and based on NOAA data.

5) Made by a scientist with link to the BOM database.

You fail....... yet again!
All these graphs were selected by a massage therapist who argues that they refute AGW. I wager not a single one of the people who created these graphs rejects AGW. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link and in this case we have a competition for that position between poster SunsetTommy and massage therapist Willis Eschenbach
All these graphs were selected by a massage therapist who argues that they refute AGW. I wager not a single one of the people who created these graphs rejects AGW. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link and in this case we have a competition for that position between poster SunsetTommy and massage therapist Willis Eschenbach

You are being defeated by a "massage therapist" who draws from DR. Maue who uses the data from the NOAA.

Now you are LYING since Dr. Maue does dispute the AGW conjecture effects level as claimed by a barrage of climate modeling scenarios which you never read he as I do agree that CO2 has warm forcing effects, but it declines over time which is well known by anyone who isn't fighting the science like YOU do.

You have yet to dispute the charts made by Dr. Maue thus you are o for infinity as you are a miserably bad debater as you run on prejudice, fallacies and stupidity.

The charts are VALID which is why you dance around it so much.
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We are already seeing deadly weather extremes worldwide. Many world leaders are short sighted and ignoring the warnings. My children and grandchildren will suffer for that ignorance.

They didn't see it happen, their models are making them think it MAY happen.

Fix your thread title.
America has been fighting climate change for decades, apparently to no effect.

Maybe its time just to adapt to the weather instead of trying to fight it?

All of the accords that were signed, all of the conferences that have been held, all of the carbon credits that have been peddled,it looks like none of this has meant nothing.

Maybe after the Rapture, Almighty God will resolve the problem, and that won't be that long according to experts in the field.

I'd rather the actual supposed changes make me change my lifestyle or standard of living than have our purported "betters" force it on me because something "may" happen.

natural changes don't have ulterior motives like socialism behind them.
Crick writes,

The proxies used in Shakun and Marcott's reconstructions came from all over the planet.

True but the papers have been shown to be second rate and deceitful as well which I have showed several times already, but your Swiss cheese memory banks doesn't allow you stay informed.
GISP, by itself, is not an accurate record for global temperatures. Multiple multi-proxy reconstructions have shown global temperatures coming down since the HCO and I'm quite certain you've seen them.

LOL, your reply is empty as you didn't show that GISP2 data is wrong or has a lower resolution than other proxies thus your reply was dead on arrival.

I never once claimed it covers the entire planet, but it isn't a local effect either since you make clear you have no idea how expansive the data actually covers since the weather processes is widespread in the region.
Crick writes this LIE since Willis never made such a claim:

All these graphs were selected by a massage therapist who argues that they refute AGW. I wager not a single one of the people who created these graphs rejects AGW.

What Willis actually said for each of the two charts:

Storminess has not gone up, and there’s been no increase in hurricane strength or frequency … no “emergency” there.

First, the strength.


And here is the global hurricane frequency, both for all hurricanes and for the strongest hurricanes.


He was talking about Climate Emergency not showing up in the data not a word about AGW.

All the other charts I posted with it never once mention AGW it is about showing NO climate Emergency developing as the Tropical storm and Hurricane data makes clear.


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