Ron Paul says tornado victims should not get aid

So one thread wasnt enough? rdean has to make another one to blatantly lie?

Im hardly going to be accused of being a Paul fan, but he's right that the Federal Government has no authority to be involved in disaster aid. Apparently, rdean thinks that because he wont help them personally, no one else will.

Beautiful to see States stand up against the intrusion of the Federal Government.

Speaking about the governor of Ohio turning down funds to help people who have lost everything, even family members.

Gee, who said that you swine.

It is beautiful to see States stand up to the intrusion of the Federal government. It's not my fault you lack the integrity to acknowledge that there are other ways of providing aid. Nor my fault that you dont want to see real charity.
So one thread wasnt enough? rdean has to make another one to blatantly lie?

Im hardly going to be accused of being a Paul fan, but he's right that the Federal Government has no authority to be involved in disaster aid. Apparently, rdean thinks that because he wont help them personally, no one else will.

Beautiful to see States stand up against the intrusion of the Federal Government.

Speaking about the governor of Ohio turning down funds to help people who have lost everything, even family members.

Gee, who said that you swine.

It is beautiful to see States stand up to the intrusion of the Federal government. It's not my fault you lack the integrity to acknowledge that there are other ways of providing aid. Nor my fault that you dont want to see real charity.
rdean, he said FEDERAL aid, not help in any form.
Beautiful to see States stand up against the intrusion of the Federal Government.

Speaking about the governor of Ohio turning down funds to help people who have lost everything, even family members.

Gee, who said that you swine.

It is beautiful to see States stand up to the intrusion of the Federal government. It's not my fault you lack the integrity to acknowledge that there are other ways of providing aid. Nor my fault that you dont want to see real charity.
rdean, he said FEDERAL aid, not help in any form.

When you get to know rdean more, you will realize he doesn't really care.
So one thread wasnt enough? rdean has to make another one to blatantly lie?

Im hardly going to be accused of being a Paul fan, but he's right that the Federal Government has no authority to be involved in disaster aid. Apparently, rdean thinks that because he wont help them personally, no one else will.

Beautiful to see States stand up against the intrusion of the Federal Government.

Speaking about the governor of Ohio turning down funds to help people who have lost everything, even family members.

Gee, who said that you swine.

It is beautiful to see States stand up to the intrusion of the Federal government. It's not my fault you lack the integrity to acknowledge that there are other ways of providing aid. Nor my fault that you dont want to see real charity.
Avatar, the fact is there is no intrusion, it was stated that Federal involvement would complicate matters at this point.
Read your link and watched the video.. at no point does Ron Paul say Tornado Victims Should Fend For Themselves (let them die at work?)

Another rdean lie.

its a Dean thread.....he titles the thread totally different than what the story says.....he has a half a dozen of them out now.....Dean would be a great News Reporter.....they do the same thing....spin the story.....
Read your link and watched the video.. at no point does Ron Paul say Tornado Victims Should Fend For Themselves (let them die at work?)

Another rdean lie.

You can't be serious. No relief for disaster victims is one of Paul's most popular spiels. Go to Youtube and do a search on "Ron Paul against FEMA". You can watch him rail against disaster relief till your heart's content.

How is it possible for you guys to have so little knowledge about your presidential candidates?

You seriously scare me.
Dean he admits in the story he bad mouths what else you got?....
Read your link and watched the video.. at no point does Ron Paul say Tornado Victims Should Fend For Themselves (let them die at work?)

Another rdean lie.

its a Dean thread.....he titles the thread totally different than what the story says.....he has a half a dozen of them out now.....Dean would be a great News Reporter.....they do the same thing....spin the story.....
Media of persuasions act in a similar manner.
Read your link and watched the video.. at no point does Ron Paul say Tornado Victims Should Fend For Themselves (let them die at work?)

Another rdean lie.

You can't be serious. No relief for disaster victims is one of Paul's most popular spiels. Go to Youtube and do a search on "Ron Paul against FEMA". You can watch him rail against disaster relief till your heart's content.

How is it possible for you guys to have so little knowledge about your presidential candidates?

You seriously scare me.

Yeah, FEMA's Katrina effort was an epic performance. Upgrade that unit. :rolleyes:

FEMA under Bush was in itself a disaster. We all know that.

FACT is that FEMA and Homeland Security under Obama works very well.

That kind of nonsense deserves several threads.

As I sit here in comfort on generator power.

I did have my farm manager go and buy an entire van load of food and stuff for the real victims of the tornadoes though.
And have a house full of neighbors who do not have generators.
There are no more generators to buy around here.
Ahh madness and mayhem but I will survive that too.

Sitting there waiting for the federalis tax money to come save you?

Fuck no. You shouldn't share the OP sentiment.

I only need saving from the crowd here the whining children and such and even a couple of Tea Party types that I told I would throw out if politics was brought up by anyone.
One did anyway and I made him go outside for a while. His wife loved me doing that :)

I have a whole house automatic gen and 500 gal of propane to run it and plenty of food.
Cant smoke any pot with the bible thumpers here though :(
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Ron Paul Says Tornado Victims Should Fend For Themselves, Ohio Gov. Kasich Forces Them To Do So By Refusing Federal Disaster Aid

Ron Paul Says Tornado Victims Should Fend For Themselves, Ohio Gov. Kasich Forces Them To Do So By Refusing Federal Disaster Aid: Chicagoist

Ohio Gov. John Kasich on Monday reconsidered his rejection of federal help in tornado-stricken communities and asked federal inspectors to assess the damage as soon as possible.

A team from the Federal Emergency Management Agency is expected to arrive Tuesday in Clermont County to survey the storm damage and determine whether the region qualifies for financial or logistical assistance.

Kasich reverses stand on federal disaster help | |

Can you fucking believe it???????????????????

Republicans on this board complaining about Obama when you have one presidential nominee telling disaster victims, "You are on your own".

And the Governor of the hardest hit area trying to score political points by letting the people of his state suffer?

I guess their slogan really is "Let Him Die".

When did these people go insane? Is is a virus?

Who is he again?..Who cares?

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In many cases, the insurance is so outrageously expensive that they can't afford it.

Then they shouldn't live there. Home owner's insurance is not that expensive unless you live in an area prone to a disaster, in which case you should pay more.

Americans are incredibly generous to private charities when disasters strike. When Katrina hit millions and millions of dollars in donations poured into New Orleans and charities like the Red Cross and others, not to mention people who actually traveled down there and volunteered their time. On the other hand, FEMA went into New Orleans and interfered with the operations of many of the charitable organizations and fucked a lot of things up. Shocking, I know.

Not to mention people abused FEMA in New Orleans.. The fraud was astronomical. People were coming from all over the place to get free aid..

At least charities are smart, they ask questions and investigate weather the individual claiming to need help really does need help - they just don't handout free wads of cash unlike FEMA..

Garbage--Red Cross got taken to the cleaners during Katrina by clients, volunteers and employees. The govt forced them to give away every cent leaving them nothing to pay for the next disaster with.
It is the STATE Government that is asking the FEDERAL Government for disaster aid. The Federal Government has resources that are not available at the state level

And that's because the State governments have ceded too much power to the Feds. If we fixed that problem, the States would have significantly more resources and be able to help themselves.

That and they think there is "free" money available, of course they are going to ask. I think they would be better off without the Feds.

Each state cannot prepare for a mega disaster. Having the Federal Government prepared to bring disaster relief where it is needed is more cost effective than 50 states preparing for a disaster that may never come

Look at the massive fires in Arizona and California last years. Those states cannot afford to keep the manpower and equipment on hand to battle thousands of square miles of fire. The Federal Government is able to bring in personnel and resources from around the country

Why exactly can't each state be prepared for a mega disaster?
And that's because the State governments have ceded too much power to the Feds. If we fixed that problem, the States would have significantly more resources and be able to help themselves.

That and they think there is "free" money available, of course they are going to ask. I think they would be better off without the Feds.

Each state cannot prepare for a mega disaster. Having the Federal Government prepared to bring disaster relief where it is needed is more cost effective than 50 states preparing for a disaster that may never come

Look at the massive fires in Arizona and California last years. Those states cannot afford to keep the manpower and equipment on hand to battle thousands of square miles of fire. The Federal Government is able to bring in personnel and resources from around the country

Why exactly can't each state be prepared for a mega disaster?
look at hurricane katrina. do you think LA alone could have prepared for that? lousiana only has 4.5 million people. Hurricane katrina cost approx $110B in damage. that means each resident would be responsible for approx $25k worth of the damage. that is unrealistic
The lesson is simple - Buy insurance. The Government is not your mommy. If you live in an area that is prone to natural disasters you need to purchase insurance or live with the consequences of not having any. If you are lucky, you get to save the money in premiums and do what you will with it. If not, you will suffer when the inevitable happens.

Personally, I live in Southern California, we have earthquakes, fires, and mudslides. I purchased earthquake insurance on my home and I also have homeowners insurance for fire, mudslides, and other things. I also purchased a flood insurance policy when I learned that flooding is not included in homeowners policies.

Why should the rest of the country subsidize people without insurance??

Should the feds help clean up the mess? Of course they should. They should set up temporary shelters and provide meals. There are many other things they can, should, and WILL do. We are a compassionate nation. But that doesn't mean rebuilding homes.
"The people who live in tornado alley, just as I live in hurricane alley, they should have insurance," Paul said on the program.

Is this untrue??

I lived in Houston during Katrina and Ike. State Farm was eventaully found guilty of denying claims that should have been covered but the odds of a citizen prevailing in a lawsuit in America averages right about 1% (partly because of frivolous lawsuits but DEFINITELY also because the average Joe simply doesn't have the resources to capitalize a lawsuit against a company that can afford millions in defense). So during that time, hundreds of families found themselves homeless through no fault of their own. They were very close to losing the litigation.
In a case like that, Federal assistance would keep them off the streets and when State Farm lost, the insurance company would have to reimburse the government. I see nothing wrong with disaster relief in those circumstances.

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