Great Republican TV Ad...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
...last night on CBS just a few minutes before 60 Minutes.

Don't recall what group was responsible for it, just that it wasn't the RNC or one of their candidates. Also, no idea if it was broadcast nationally or just to select markets. But while watching I thought to myself this is but one of many that will be run - on a variety of different issues - in the run-up to the November elections.

It started with some video clips of Barry trashing the Wall Street "fat cats." Then the voice-over kicked in and reminded viewers of the many many millions of bucks donated to Barry & Co. in '08. The haul came to $43 Million, more than the fat cats gave to anyone else.

While that was going on a scroll ran on the screen with the names, present and past, of all the former Wall St. fat cats who have worked in Barry's administration. It was quite a lengthy list.

All in all it was very well done. Any viewer who didn't get the message is either a moron lacking the mental capacity to grasp it, or people in total denial of Barry's phony class warfare b.s.

If you saw the spot, what was your take on it?
...last night on CBS just a few minutes before 60 Minutes.

Don't recall what group was responsible for it, just that it wasn't the RNC or one of their candidates. Also, no idea if it was broadcast nationally or just to select markets. But while watching I thought to myself this is but one of many that will be run - on a variety of different issues - in the run-up to the November elections.

It started with some video clips of Barry trashing the Wall Street "fat cats." Then the voice-over kicked in and reminded viewers of the many many millions of bucks donated to Barry & Co. in '08. The haul came to $43 Million, more than the fat cats gave to anyone else.

While that was going on a scroll ran on the screen with the names, present and past, of all the former Wall St. fat cats who have worked in Barry's administration. It was quite a lengthy list.

All in all it was very well done. Any viewer who didn't get the message is either a moron lacking the mental capacity to grasp it, or people in total denial of Barry's phony class warfare b.s.

If you saw the spot, what was your take on it?

You do know President Obama is running against Willard don't you?
...last night on CBS just a few minutes before 60 Minutes.

Don't recall what group was responsible for it, just that it wasn't the RNC or one of their candidates. Also, no idea if it was broadcast nationally or just to select markets. But while watching I thought to myself this is but one of many that will be run - on a variety of different issues - in the run-up to the November elections.

It started with some video clips of Barry trashing the Wall Street "fat cats." Then the voice-over kicked in and reminded viewers of the many many millions of bucks donated to Barry & Co. in '08. The haul came to $43 Million, more than the fat cats gave to anyone else.

While that was going on a scroll ran on the screen with the names, present and past, of all the former Wall St. fat cats who have worked in Barry's administration. It was quite a lengthy list.

All in all it was very well done. Any viewer who didn't get the message is either a moron lacking the mental capacity to grasp it, or people in total denial of Barry's phony class warfare b.s.

If you saw the spot, what was your take on it?

You do know President Obama is running against Willard don't you?

Unfortunately for Barry he's stuck with whomever gets the Republican nomination as well as the types of ads described in the OP.

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