Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
She is the gust front of the coming generation of government

Yes. That is why we will end up in a dictatorship, at least for a time.
They are way easier to get than to get rid of.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
They should be terrified of her.
She's smart,
she's Hispanic,
she's young and
she's a woman.

Republicans don't understand smart women. Not really. Remember, they thought, and still do, that Sarah Palin was smart:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fires Back at Sarah Palin

“If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress—Uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the clip. “We can’t start working in 2020.” (a comment from Ocasio-Cortez that drove Republicans nutz)

“Maybe instead of Republicans drooling over every minute of footage of me in slow-mo, waiting to chop up word slips that I correct in real-time (sic), they actually step up enough to make the argument they want to make: that they don’t believe people deserve a right to healthcare.” (this was her return comment)

Remember this:

Melissa Harris Perry laughs at Sarah Palin's moronic antics

And she said this:

“Now that’s *TWO* fallen GOP Vice Pres candidates going after a freshman Congresswoman that’s not even sworn in yet. Isn’t it a little early to be bringing out the big guns?” (Leiberman, who is now Republican and Sarah Palin)


When dumb, much older and white Republican gets into an argument with a young and smart minority, the older loses. For one, they get no respect for starting a fight when they are supposed to be a respected elder. Instead, they come across as a doddering old fool and worst of all, they look uncool.

Give her a break. She's young and inexperienced.

There will be more than ample opportunities for hilarity with this one.
That's what they said about Michelle Obama who turned out to be one of the most respected women in the world except to racist Republicans.
Even Trump said she gave the best speech at the Republican Convention.

What about racist Democrats??
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
She is the gust front of the coming generation of government, and the harbringer of doom for the party of over controlling rich white guys.
Translation: The coming Democrat generation is dumb as a fucking box of hammers.
You wish.
I don't think I've ever seen an incoming elected Democrat ever receive so much hate.

Republicans have been trained so well. They just mindlessly hate whoever Fox tells them to hate.

All self funded, good, real Americans despise beggars and most of us really “hate” those whom beg for others.

Such a good boy. Does just as he's trained by Fox News.

"If you would only stop watching it and listen to good, leftard slanted TV?"

You are SO ignorant of so many things and so stuck in the left versus right paradigm.

These two statements go really well together.

The rest of your post had nothing to do with anything I said. As usual.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
She is the gust front of the coming generation of government

Yes. That is why we will end up in a dictatorship, at least for a time.
Where do you think we are headed under tRump?
I don't think I've ever seen an incoming elected Democrat ever receive so much hate.

Republicans have been trained so well. They just mindlessly hate whoever Fox tells them to hate.

All self funded, good, real Americans despise beggars and most of us really “hate” those whom beg for others.

Such a good boy. Does just as he's trained by Fox News.

"If you would only stop watching it and listen to good, leftard slanted TV?"

You are SO ignorant of so many things and so stuck in the left versus right paradigm.

These two statements go really well together.

The rest of your post had nothing to do with anything I said. As usual.

Yes, we know that you are a good little commie that throws out accusations that are unfounded because they don't fall in line with leftardism.

Hope this helps!!!
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
They should be terrified of her.
She's smart,
she's Hispanic,
she's young and
she's a woman.

Republicans don't understand smart women. Not really. Remember, they thought, and still do, that Sarah Palin was smart:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fires Back at Sarah Palin

“If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress—Uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the clip. “We can’t start working in 2020.” (a comment from Ocasio-Cortez that drove Republicans nutz)

“Maybe instead of Republicans drooling over every minute of footage of me in slow-mo, waiting to chop up word slips that I correct in real-time (sic), they actually step up enough to make the argument they want to make: that they don’t believe people deserve a right to healthcare.” (this was her return comment)

Remember this:

Melissa Harris Perry laughs at Sarah Palin's moronic antics

And she said this:

“Now that’s *TWO* fallen GOP Vice Pres candidates going after a freshman Congresswoman that’s not even sworn in yet. Isn’t it a little early to be bringing out the big guns?” (Leiberman, who is now Republican and Sarah Palin)


When dumb, much older and white Republican gets into an argument with a young and smart minority, the older loses. For one, they get no respect for starting a fight when they are supposed to be a respected elder. Instead, they come across as a doddering old fool and worst of all, they look uncool.

Give her a break. She's young and inexperienced.

There will be more than ample opportunities for hilarity with this one.
That's what they said about Michelle Obama who turned out to be one of the most respected women in the world except to racist Republicans.
Even Trump said she gave the best speech at the Republican Convention.


I love her alot but what did she even do, except go to a nascar race with Joe's wife

They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
She is the gust front of the coming generation of government

Yes. That is why we will end up in a dictatorship, at least for a time.
Where do you think we are headed under tRump?


He will work with Nancy, unless you tards fuck it up.

They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people.

Alex sounds like a hardcore socialist. Do you believe that a socialist system would be in the best interests of "the people"? And when you say "the people", are you referring to ALL people or to Americans? I bet Alex would be fine with open borders. Do you want that too?
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
She is the gust front of the coming generation of government

Yes. That is why we will end up in a dictatorship, at least for a time.
Where do you think we are headed under tRump?


He will work with Nancy, unless you tards fuck it up.

You know that's not true.

Yeah, I'm terrified the democrooks go further left and alienate the last few million working democrook voters and all of the rich donors who prefer not to be bankrupted by the IRS and die in an Eastern New York Gulag.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
She is the gust front of the coming generation of government

Yes. That is why we will end up in a dictatorship, at least for a time.
Where do you think we are headed under tRump?


He will work with Nancy, unless you tards fuck it up.

You know that's not true.

You didn't read the story did you?
I don't think I've ever seen an incoming elected Democrat ever receive so much hate.

Republicans have been trained so well. They just mindlessly hate whoever Fox tells them to hate.

All self funded, good, real Americans despise beggars and most of us really “hate” those whom beg for others.

Such a good boy. Does just as he's trained by Fox News.

"If you would only stop watching it and listen to good, leftard slanted TV?"

You are SO ignorant of so many things and so stuck in the left versus right paradigm.

These two statements go really well together.

The rest of your post had nothing to do with anything I said. As usual.

Yes, we know that you are a good little commie that throws out accusations that are unfounded.

- Complains about unfounded accusations. Then calls me a commie.

- Complains about me being stuck in the left versus right paradigm. Then refers to "leftard" slanted TV.

Are you TRYING to contradict your own statements? Or are you just a fucking idiot?

At this point, I don't even know what your argument is or how it relates to ANYTHING I've said. I'm just reading nonsensical ramblings of some angry guy on the internet. LoL
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
She is the gust front of the coming generation of government

Yes. That is why we will end up in a dictatorship, at least for a time.
They are way easier to get than to get rid of.

It will be due to the behavior of people such as yourself. Enjoy.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?

What a bullshit post, she is a worthless dipshit .
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
She is the gust front of the coming generation of government

Yes. That is why we will end up in a dictatorship, at least for a time.
Where do you think we are headed under tRump?

Not enough data. Depends upon what he is willing to do to quash the approaching psychotic break with reality being experienced by the Democrats.
Last edited:
The dumb bitch isn't sentiant enough to know basic US government structure.
Anyway she will flame out. Not even the most rabid Socialist Commie DEM wants her anywhere near the 2020 election against Trump.
Fucking 'Buddy Burger' from Nevada would have a better chance against Trump.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?

Who are you talking about? Republicans don't fear women, they love women, and women love them. I think you're having a fever dream again.
Cortez has already fallen in line to the Dem leadership. She will be a little pawn for them, and a good little Commie.

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