Report: Up to 44m more uninsured under GOP budget

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Report: Up to 44m more uninsured under GOP budget - Yahoo! News

Of course they have no solution for what to do for those potentially uninsured 44 million, I got it, they're going to blame them, Democrats and Obama for it despite it being a bill they crafted and voted for......if it were to pass. The findings were from nonpartisan sources so Republitards wanting to play that card get some toilet paper and wipe your buttholes.
Look. It isn't tho Governments responsibility to be funding everyone. We've become a dependent society and that is something we have to break away from. It will be painful but it has to be done.
Look. It isn't tho Governments responsibility to be funding everyone. We've become a dependent society and that is something we have to break away from. It will be painful but it has to be done.

Same reason to do away with welfare, social security, unemployment, etc, which is why I won't vote for people in favor of keeping those wasteful gov't programs in place.
Was there any word in your article on how the democrats plan to pay for the nearly $100 trillion unfunded liability that is medicare?

I didn't think so.

Collectivism is great until you run out of other people's money.
Look. It isn't tho Governments responsibility to be funding everyone. We've become a dependent society and that is something we have to break away from. It will be painful but it has to be done.

Same reason to do away with welfare, social security, unemployment, etc, which is why I won't vote for people in favor of keeping those wasteful gov't programs in place.

And not just those. Republicans have helped industry move millions of jobs over seas. Not only do they want the Middle Class to starve, they want the fuckers to suffer. They won't be happy until America is once again living in soup lines, but this time - without the soup.
Look. It isn't tho Governments responsibility to be funding everyone. We've become a dependent society and that is something we have to break away from. It will be painful but it has to be done.

Same reason to do away with welfare, social security, unemployment, etc, which is why I won't vote for people in favor of keeping those wasteful gov't programs in place.

And not just those. Republicans have helped industry move millions of jobs over seas. Not only do they want the Middle Class to starve, they want the fuckers to suffer. They won't be happy until America is once again living in soup lines, but this time - without the soup.

No, both democrats and republicans want the entire middle class in the soup lines with government programs being the bowl-fillers.

You want me and the rest of the middle class taxed enough and government to spend enough that we're all so broke that we'll all be on those ever-growing programs.
Look. It isn't tho Governments responsibility to be funding everyone. We've become a dependent society and that is something we have to break away from. It will be painful but it has to be done.

Same reason to do away with welfare, social security, unemployment, etc, which is why I won't vote for people in favor of keeping those wasteful gov't programs in place.

And not just those. Republicans have helped industry move millions of jobs over seas. Not only do they want the Middle Class to starve, they want the fuckers to suffer. They won't be happy until America is once again living in soup lines, but this time - without the soup.

You mean like Obama and GM asshat? are those the jobs you're talking about.
Same reason to do away with welfare, social security, unemployment, etc, which is why I won't vote for people in favor of keeping those wasteful gov't programs in place.

And not just those. Republicans have helped industry move millions of jobs over seas. Not only do they want the Middle Class to starve, they want the fuckers to suffer. They won't be happy until America is once again living in soup lines, but this time - without the soup.

No, both democrats and republicans want the entire middle class in the soup lines with government programs being the bowl-fillers.

You want me and the rest of the middle class taxed enough and government to spend enough that we're all so broke that we'll all be on those ever-growing programs.

At this point it no longer matters we've built a welfare class that is close to out numbering the middle class in this nation. The very wealthy of course use money and influence to cut themselves breaks is it any wonder that everyone in congress is very well to do? Ya there's a reason for that. So who going to foot the bill in ever large amounts ya that's right the ever shrinking Middle Class.
Look. It isn't tho Governments responsibility to be funding everyone. We've become a dependent society and that is something we have to break away from. It will be painful but it has to be done.

Same reason to do away with welfare, social security, unemployment, etc, which is why I won't vote for people in favor of keeping those wasteful gov't programs in place.

As long as the ystop taking the deductions from my paychecks
Look. It isn't tho Governments responsibility to be funding everyone. We've become a dependent society and that is something we have to break away from. It will be painful but it has to be done.

Same reason to do away with welfare, social security, unemployment, etc, which is why I won't vote for people in favor of keeping those wasteful gov't programs in place.

And not just those. Republicans have helped industry move millions of jobs over seas. Not only do they want the Middle Class to starve, they want the fuckers to suffer. They won't be happy until America is once again living in soup lines, but this time - without the soup.

Jesus, you are one blind motehrfucker aren't you.
Same reason to do away with welfare, social security, unemployment, etc, which is why I won't vote for people in favor of keeping those wasteful gov't programs in place.

And not just those. Republicans have helped industry move millions of jobs over seas. Not only do they want the Middle Class to starve, they want the fuckers to suffer. They won't be happy until America is once again living in soup lines, but this time - without the soup.

You mean like Obama and GM asshat? are those the jobs you're talking about.

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

Newsvine - "US" Chamber of Commerce hosts seminars with Chinese gov officials to teach American firms how to outsource

"While the Republicans spend week after week on every issue under the sun besides job creation, the manufacturers I talk to back home in Connecticut are hurting. We've got to stop outsourcing and make a commitment to these small businesses and our skilled workforce that our spending decisions support them," said Murphy.

The American Jobs Matter Act, which Murphy introduced a few weeks ago, would require all federal contracting officials to accept and solicit information from businesses regarding how many American jobs would be retained or created if their bid was chosen.

Chris Murphy - Republicans Block Murphy from Bringing Jobs Bill to the Floor

Instead of whining about the Democrats, it's time for a little self examination, wouldn't you say?
Same reason to do away with welfare, social security, unemployment, etc, which is why I won't vote for people in favor of keeping those wasteful gov't programs in place.

And not just those. Republicans have helped industry move millions of jobs over seas. Not only do they want the Middle Class to starve, they want the fuckers to suffer. They won't be happy until America is once again living in soup lines, but this time - without the soup.

Jesus, you are one blind motehrfucker aren't you.

At least I link to facts. Odd the right doesn't bother, don't cha think?
And not just those. Republicans have helped industry move millions of jobs over seas. Not only do they want the Middle Class to starve, they want the fuckers to suffer. They won't be happy until America is once again living in soup lines, but this time - without the soup.

You mean like Obama and GM asshat? are those the jobs you're talking about.

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

Newsvine - "US" Chamber of Commerce hosts seminars with Chinese gov officials to teach American firms how to outsource

"While the Republicans spend week after week on every issue under the sun besides job creation, the manufacturers I talk to back home in Connecticut are hurting. We've got to stop outsourcing and make a commitment to these small businesses and our skilled workforce that our spending decisions support them," said Murphy.

The American Jobs Matter Act, which Murphy introduced a few weeks ago, would require all federal contracting officials to accept and solicit information from businesses regarding how many American jobs would be retained or created if their bid was chosen.

Chris Murphy - Republicans Block Murphy from Bringing Jobs Bill to the Floor

Instead of whining about the Democrats, it's time for a little self examination, wouldn't you say?

Ahh so now all of this matters how funny is that we've been screaming about the left driving the job's overseas for many years now. So tell us Asshat just what do you plan on doing to entice those EVIL RICH BUSINESS back to our nation hmmm?

All those Bastard rich people running overseas to escape the negative Business environment there. Tell us how far are you willing to go hmmmmm? This is were the rubber meets the road.
You mean like Obama and GM asshat? are those the jobs you're talking about.

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

Newsvine - "US" Chamber of Commerce hosts seminars with Chinese gov officials to teach American firms how to outsource

"While the Republicans spend week after week on every issue under the sun besides job creation, the manufacturers I talk to back home in Connecticut are hurting. We've got to stop outsourcing and make a commitment to these small businesses and our skilled workforce that our spending decisions support them," said Murphy.

The American Jobs Matter Act, which Murphy introduced a few weeks ago, would require all federal contracting officials to accept and solicit information from businesses regarding how many American jobs would be retained or created if their bid was chosen.

Chris Murphy - Republicans Block Murphy from Bringing Jobs Bill to the Floor

Instead of whining about the Democrats, it's time for a little self examination, wouldn't you say?

Ahh so now all of this matters how funny is that we've been screaming about the left driving the job's overseas for many years now. So tell us Asshat just what do you plan on doing to entice those EVIL RICH BUSINESS back to our nation hmmm?

All those Bastard rich people running overseas to escape the negative Business environment there. Tell us how far are you willing to go hmmmmm? This is were the rubber meets the road.

He wants to tax and regulate them back

And not just those. Republicans have helped industry move millions of jobs over seas. Not only do they want the Middle Class to starve, they want the fuckers to suffer. They won't be happy until America is once again living in soup lines, but this time - without the soup.

Jesus, you are one blind motehrfucker aren't you.

At least I link to facts. Odd the right doesn't bother, don't cha think?

You also didn't address the question did you. How is it Obama bails out GM who in turn builds a plant in Mexico. Or don't those Job's matter Hmmm?
Back when I usd to post on MSN UK boards, the Brits and European posters found it unbelievable that the richest country in the world and one that claims to have moral superiority over all other countries has so many people who don't have health care insurance.
Just thought I'd throw that little tidbit in.
Now let's go with some facts. For every uninsured person who gets medical help and is unable to pay for that help, those who have insurance get stuck with their bill in the form of increased health care insurance premiums.

Group Tallies Families' 'Hidden Health Tax' .

The average family with health insurance in 2008 paid a "hidden health tax" of $1,017 to cover the health-care costs of the uninsured, according to a report released Thursday by advocacy group Families USA.
The report by the group, which promotes universal health insurance, found that a total of $42.7 billion in care for those without insurance was passed on to health insurers. The insurers, in turn, passed on the costs through higher premiums, the report said.
When those without insurance sought care, often in emergency rooms, government and charities picked up more than a quarter of the $116 billion tab last year, the report said. More than a third was paid for by those seeking the care, and the rest was passed on to health insurers and eventually to insured people through higher costs, it said.
Mr. Pollack appeared with Aetna Inc.'s chairman and chief executive, Ronald A. Williams, on Thursday at the National Press Club.

Mr. Williams, like many leaders in the health-insurance industry of late, has expressed support for expanding health coverage. He discussed such "cost-shifting" to health insurers as a major reason for covering more people.

"For every person who has private health insurance, there is a tax that is based on paying for the uncompensated care that these community hospitals have to collect," Mr. Williams said.
Group Tallies Families' 'Hidden Health Tax' -

So, one can bitch all they want, but one way or another you're paying the bill.
Who will get hurt by the GOP legislation? Well first of all, the Medicaid recipients, then the middle class insured who are already hurting from the continuous outrageous annual increases with their health care insurance premiums, will working for relatively flat wages.
Who won't get hurt? Those who barely feel the pinch of the continuous rises in health care insurance companies and of course the health care industry.
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Look. It isn't tho Governments responsibility to be funding everyone. We've become a dependent society and that is something we have to break away from. It will be painful but it has to be done.

Same reason to do away with welfare, social security, unemployment, etc, which is why I won't vote for people in favor of keeping those wasteful gov't programs in place.

And not just those. Republicans have helped industry move millions of jobs over seas. Not only do they want the Middle Class to starve, they want the fuckers to suffer. They won't be happy until America is once again living in soup lines, but this time - without the soup.


Yeah, that's right. Republicans want you to starve. Without government taking from the producers and giving to the non-producers, we'll end up with soup lines and millions of starving children. How did we ever survive as a nation prior to the welfare state?

People cannot take care of themselves. Government must do that for them. Why go to school, get educated and then work hard? That's a fools errand that only suckers buy in to. Everyone knows the system is rigged against you. That's why so many people are trying to get the hell out of this country rather than sneak in.

Real men blame others for their unhappy place in life and then vote for the people who reinforce this BS. It helps if the politicians offer them handouts for staying at home and doing nothing with their lives. It also helps if these politicians throw a little class warfare rhetoric in for good measure and then engage in a little race baiting. Great. That's a sure way to prosperity and self respect.

Industry moves jobs overseas because of regulation, taxation, unions and litigation. It's your beloved government that causes jobs to move offshore. If you don't have a job, or are stuck in a job you don't like, the only one to blame is you. Maybe you should have stayed in school, studied harder, worked harder and made better decisions. Why worry about it though, when you can elect people who will take the wealth of those who bothered to get educated, work hard and make good decision and transfer it to you?

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