Report: Kushner’s Company Filed False Tenant Paperwork That Boosted Property Profits


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Documents claimed no tenants had rent protections, when hundreds did, according to AP.

The family real estate company co-owned by White House adviser Jared Kushner repeatedly filed false reports with New York City concerning rent-regulated tenants in an effort to push them out of the buildings and boost profits, an investigation by The Associated Press found.

Hundreds of Kushner Cos. tenants were protected by city law from being hit with major rent hikes or forced out by a new owner. However, the company “routinely” filed false paperwork saying buildings had no-rent regulated tenants, AP reported.

According to city documents — obtained by the tenant watchdog group Housing Right Initiative — at least 80 fraudulent applications were filed for construction permits in 34 buildings from 2013 to 2016. They all stated the buildings had no rent-regulated tenants, when in fact they included 300 rent-regulated units, according to tax documents, AP reported. Kushner was CEO of the company during that time.

In one case, Kushner Cos. filed false statements about tenants in three buildings with 94 rent-regulated units that it purchased in Queens in 2015, reports AP. After the company displaced most of the residents, it sold the buildings two years later for $60 million, nearly 50 percent more than their purchase price, according to AP.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly looking into Jared Kushner’s efforts to secure financing for family real estate operations from foreign investors during the presidential transition that may have impacted his work in the White House.

More: Report: Kushner's Company Filed False Tenant Paperwork That Boosted Property Profits

This sounds downright criminal. How can Kushner talk his way out of this? I'm sure Mueller knows all about it. What do you think?
let that be NY State or NY City or where ever the properties are that he fudged on....Mueller has his hands full with the rest of the investigation.... imo
Documents claimed no tenants had rent protections, when hundreds did, according to AP.

The family real estate company co-owned by White House adviser Jared Kushner repeatedly filed false reports with New York City concerning rent-regulated tenants in an effort to push them out of the buildings and boost profits, an investigation by The Associated Press found.

Hundreds of Kushner Cos. tenants were protected by city law from being hit with major rent hikes or forced out by a new owner. However, the company “routinely” filed false paperwork saying buildings had no-rent regulated tenants, AP reported.

According to city documents — obtained by the tenant watchdog group Housing Right Initiative — at least 80 fraudulent applications were filed for construction permits in 34 buildings from 2013 to 2016. They all stated the buildings had no rent-regulated tenants, when in fact they included 300 rent-regulated units, according to tax documents, AP reported. Kushner was CEO of the company during that time.

In one case, Kushner Cos. filed false statements about tenants in three buildings with 94 rent-regulated units that it purchased in Queens in 2015, reports AP. After the company displaced most of the residents, it sold the buildings two years later for $60 million, nearly 50 percent more than their purchase price, according to AP.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly looking into Jared Kushner’s efforts to secure financing for family real estate operations from foreign investors during the presidential transition that may have impacted his work in the White House.

More: Report: Kushner's Company Filed False Tenant Paperwork That Boosted Property Profits

This sounds downright criminal. How can Kushner talk his way out of this? I'm sure Mueller knows all about it. What do you think?
The family real estate company co-owned by White House adviser Jared Kushner repeatedly filed false reports with New York City concerning rent-regulated tenants in an effort to push them out of the buildings and boost profits, an investigation by The Associated Press found.

Hundreds of Kushner Cos. tenants were protected by city law from being hit with major rent hikes or forced out by a new owner.
He made false claims and people who should not have did in fact suffer losses as a result of the claims. What is there to say about this? To my mind, the ethical turpitude we see almost daily exhibited by Kushner's father-in-law is apparently not opprobriously anathematic to Kushner. Birds of a feather...

This sounds downright criminal.
I don't know if Kushner's is a civil or criminal infraction. I'm certain it's unethical for one having a "footprint" such as Kushner's does not own residential rental property and not know whether it's subject to certain protections.
Does this family ever not do something 'shady' as fuck.

But that $25M Filthy Don University Lawsuit could easily show this family is trash. :102:
Far from 'draining the swamp' (In its literal sense, an act of environmental vandalism), Trump has installed a posse of 'gators more devious than any we've ever seen.
Documents claimed no tenants had rent protections, when hundreds did, according to AP.

The family real estate company co-owned by White House adviser Jared Kushner repeatedly filed false reports with New York City concerning rent-regulated tenants in an effort to push them out of the buildings and boost profits, an investigation by The Associated Press found.

Hundreds of Kushner Cos. tenants were protected by city law from being hit with major rent hikes or forced out by a new owner. However, the company “routinely” filed false paperwork saying buildings had no-rent regulated tenants, AP reported.

According to city documents — obtained by the tenant watchdog group Housing Right Initiative — at least 80 fraudulent applications were filed for construction permits in 34 buildings from 2013 to 2016. They all stated the buildings had no rent-regulated tenants, when in fact they included 300 rent-regulated units, according to tax documents, AP reported. Kushner was CEO of the company during that time.

In one case, Kushner Cos. filed false statements about tenants in three buildings with 94 rent-regulated units that it purchased in Queens in 2015, reports AP. After the company displaced most of the residents, it sold the buildings two years later for $60 million, nearly 50 percent more than their purchase price, according to AP.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly looking into Jared Kushner’s efforts to secure financing for family real estate operations from foreign investors during the presidential transition that may have impacted his work in the White House.

More: Report: Kushner's Company Filed False Tenant Paperwork That Boosted Property Profits

This sounds downright criminal. How can Kushner talk his way out of this? I'm sure Mueller knows all about it. What do you think?
Yeah, and Gina Haspel oversaw a black site with waterboarding, etc...

ProPublica Corrects Its Story On Trump's CIA Nominee Gina Haspel And Waterboarding

Give it four days. If they don't retract it as complete bullshit (see above), we can talk about it.

I'm sure she was aware of it and even allowed the tapes to be destroyed. Just because she was not the chief at the time, that does not mean squat and she did destroy the tapes, so obviously she is going to do whatever she is told, legal or not.

PS: seems funny to use the pronoun he/she, I mean he would of meant a no of men, while she would of probably meant her.


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