Reparations Poll - vote for or against

Do you support or oppose "reparations"

  • Support

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Oppose

    Votes: 105 93.8%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
One condition. Pay them and then ship them home to Africa.
I support reparations, but only if the following conditions are met:
1. Funds to be disbursed will be collected from all persons who currently hold, or have held, black slaves in this country.
2. Recipients of reparations will have been held as slaves, in this country. Reparations will be prorated for the period of slavery for each individual.
3. Monies collected for disbursement will be based on prevailing wages at the time that recipients were enslaved.
4. All persons who were never slave-owners nor slaves are exempt from forced contribution or mandatory disbursement of funds.
Fair is fair. If you own, or have owned black slaves (in the US), you should pay into the pot so that those blacks who have been slaves here are fairly compensated for their tribulations.
Less than 5% of the African slaves ended up in the US. The majority of them went to South America and the Caribbean. It's odd that nobody in any of those countries is asking for reparations.

Of course, very few if any black people in any of those countries have invented anything, built anything, or contributed any great thing to the world. They live in shithole countries which are always undergoing political upheavals, crime, hunger, and shit.

Maybe liberal black Americans should be happy they're living in this country, instead of where their ancestors ended up.
One condition. Pay them and then ship them home to Africa.
This land is home.

I enjoyed the video, it was well done. It hearkens back to the old south with the imagery of a plantation and hanging tree and stars and bars. Not sure if blacks get that many people who fly the stars and bars today do so as a form of rebelling against the globalists and 1%'ers who keep them poor. For them its not a racist anti-black symbol of the old south, its a rebel symbol against the wealthy who moved their factory jobs overseas. Just sayin'...
Every election cycle we have some democrats trotting out the "free money" promise to supporters via "reparations". Any type of "reparations" have zero chance of becoming Law. The 2020 elections cycle is heating up and Kamala and Warren both support reparations.
Reparations for Slavery: Symbolism over Substance | National Review
Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren reportedly say they support reparations for black Americans affected by slavery

This is what reparations could actually look like in America

Reparations for Slavery Reading - Constitutional Rights Foundation

Rep. John Conyers hopes Americans are finally ready to talk about reparations

They want to take money from people who never owned slaves and give it to people who were never slaves.....this is a typical democrat program....
One condition. Pay them and then ship them home to Africa.
This land is home.

I enjoyed the video, it was well done. It hearkens back to the old south with the imagery of a plantation and hanging tree and stars and bars. Not sure if blacks get that many people who fly the stars and bars today do so as a form of rebelling against the globalists and 1%'ers who keep them poor. For them its not a racist anti-black symbol of the old south, its a rebel symbol against the wealthy who moved their factory jobs overseas. Just sayin'...

However...the democrat party was the party of slavery, and is still, to this day, the party of racism....
One condition. Pay them and then ship them home to Africa.
This land is home.

I enjoyed the video, it was well done. It hearkens back to the old south with the imagery of a plantation and hanging tree and stars and bars. Not sure if blacks get that many people who fly the stars and bars today do so as a form of rebelling against the globalists and 1%'ers who keep them poor. For them its not a racist anti-black symbol of the old south, its a rebel symbol against the wealthy who moved their factory jobs overseas. Just sayin'...

And yet....
ship them home to Africa

I posted that video as a fitting reply to the very real sentiment offered up by Mike.

I have never heard that interpretation offered up before. I don't buy it.

Maybe they need a new symbol of rebellion. That one has too much baggage.
As I have stated before, I would be willing to pay reparations to anyone I enslaved from 1970 to date.
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If you have to make promises of payment to get votes knowing full well that you will never make that payment you might have a problem with your platform.
Easy poll. Oppose.

Reparation promises are the Dems hope for buying black/looney white guilt votes.

It's the new Obamaphone, on steroids! A way to keep the majority of blacks on the Dem plantation

Isn't buying votes illegal???
Easy poll. Oppose.

Reparation promises are the Dems hope for buying black/looney white guilt votes.

It's the new Obamaphone, on steroids! A way to keep the majority of blacks on the Dem plantation

Isn't buying votes illegal???

This was brought up by a caller to Rush today......he pointed out that the democrats emphasis on illegal aliens is starting to irritate Black democrats......who feel they are being tossed aside the democrats are lying again to get them back...
Easy poll. Oppose.

Reparation promises are the Dems hope for buying black/looney white guilt votes.

It's the new Obamaphone, on steroids! A way to keep the majority of blacks on the Dem plantation

Isn't buying votes illegal???

This was brought up by a caller to Rush today......he pointed out that the democrats emphasis on illegal aliens is starting to irritate Black democrats......who feel they are being tossed aside the democrats are lying again to get them back...

The caller is right.
That is, what it is.

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