Religion of Antiquity

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Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Does anybody here like the religion of antiquity from the 1st century?

It is much better than those 4th Century forgeries. Let's do a quick comparison.

1st century = Only 7 words
4th century = tens of thousands of words stolen

1st century = does not like messiah based religions
4th century = is dependent on a messiah

1st century = it is good
4th century = it is bad

1st century = has 300 extra years of history
4th century = has a much more vast history but is based upon lies so the history doesn't count

1st century = endorsed by Breezewood
4th century = not endorsed by Breezewood
what are the 7 words? Who is Breezewood?

The first question I cannot answer. Breezewood participates in the religion forums a lot. He is obsessed with making vague unverifiable references to the religion of antiquity from the 1st century. Nobody knows what it is except him. I have tried to get more information from him but he has nothing or doesn't want to share it.

It interests me but I think I am going to have to continue to be empty handed. I think there is a 92% chance that the religion of antiquity is just a delusion in Breezewood's mind. There is nothing on amazon or Google. I am holding to the 8% that Breezewood actually has something to teach.

I have only gathered 3 points from it........................
The religion of antiquity is comprised of only 7 words.

The religion of antiquity is in opposition to the Bible.

The religion of antiquity is in opposition to any religion based upon the Bible.

That's it. That is all I have.
The religion of antiquity is comprised of only 7 words.

The religion of antiquity is in opposition to the Bible.

The religion of antiquity is in opposition to any religion based upon the Bible.

That's it. That is all I have.
Oh, that's too bad. I was going to suggest that the religion of antiquity is Judaism. Not the current, rabbinic Judaism, but the tabernacle Judaism of old.

I mean, of antiquity.

Maybe the religion of antiquity is paganism or Zoroastrianism. And then just add six more words of your choosing.
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Does anybody here like the religion of antiquity from the 1st century?

It is much better than those 4th Century forgeries. Let's do a quick comparison.

1st century = Only 7 words
4th century = tens of thousands of words stolen

1st century = does not like messiah based religions
4th century = is dependent on a messiah

1st century = it is good
4th century = it is bad

1st century = has 300 extra years of history
4th century = has a much more vast history but is based upon lies so the history doesn't count

1st century = endorsed by Breezewood
4th century = not endorsed by Breezewood
To explain: "metaphysical"

It means nothing, since it can mean anything. It explains nothing, it provides no useful predictions, and its presence or lack thereof doesn't have any effect on the explanations of how anything happens. It purports to explain the "why", and the "how", yet is mysterious itself. It represents a fancy way of saying, "I dunno!". It is a refurbished way of peddling the god of the gaps. You can sprinkle it on anything and everything, yet nobody notices whether or not you have. It's like a grandma, joking with her grandchild that she is sprinkling "magic" on cupcakes before they go in the oven, while not actually sprinkling anything. It's pretend.
the triumph of good vs evil - the religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty, the occurrence at the time of noah.

Who was Noah?
Who was Noah?

the religion from antiquity is spoken not written ...

the predecessor to jesus, the 1st century recurrence and revival of the prescribed religion of antiquity.

Speak English
A religion of antiquity that is spoken and not written is one that obviously has no oral tradition lasting into the 21st century.

Until Breezewood.
the triumph of good vs evil - the religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty, the occurrence at the time of noah.

Who was Noah?
Who was Noah?

the religion from antiquity is spoken not written ...

the predecessor to jesus, the 1st century recurrence and revival of the prescribed religion of antiquity.

Speak English
A religion of antiquity that is spoken and not written is one that obviously has no oral tradition lasting into the 21st century.

Until Breezewood.

The Church of Antiquity of Latter Day Saint. (Not saints but saint.)
the triumph of good vs evil - the religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty, the occurrence at the time of noah.

Who was Noah?
Who was Noah?

the religion from antiquity is spoken not written ...

the predecessor to jesus, the 1st century recurrence and revival of the prescribed religion of antiquity.

Speak English
A religion of antiquity that is spoken and not written is one that obviously has no oral tradition lasting into the 21st century.

Until Breezewood.
A religion of antiquity that is spoken and not written is one that obviously has no oral tradition lasting into the 21st century.

you are mistaken and most christians have not read your bible nor have the faintest idea of its butchering of the events of the 1st century and still have the notion of the most ancient accounts particularly that of noah from word of mouth and are in the least subliminally aware of the ancient religion as prescribed by the Almighty ... you on the otherhand can only translate words given you, you have no knowledge of their meaning much less that of a religion.

a spoken word transgresses without obstacles - and is pure.
most christians have not read your bible nor have the faintest idea of its butchering of the events of the 1st century and still have the notion of the most ancient accounts particularly that of noah from word of mouth

Who is Noah?
most christians have not read your bible nor have the faintest idea of its butchering of the events of the 1st century and still have the notion of the most ancient accounts particularly that of noah from word of mouth

Who is Noah?
Who is Noah?

the predecessor to jesus, the 1st century recurrence and revival of the prescribed religion of antiquity.
So this Noah dude lived in the first century?

sortof ...

- the cataclysmic event set down by the heavens against the sinners of that time who without a few remaining not of a sinning nature would have with those deaths inherited garden earth, as a conclusion to the journey granted a&e at their request to control their own destiny, self determination for remission from which they left - paradise ... the heavens chose to give humanity a 2nd chance.

the heavenly parable in triumph, for the conclusion and final judgement rendered for humanity.

what jesus taught and those that gave their lives in the 1st century - liberation theology, self determination the heavenly religion of antiquity as their guide.

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