Rebellion is Bursting out All Over


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Rebellion is Bursting out All Over
May 12, 2019 ~ By Clarice Feldman
As Spygate proceeds to its certain conclusion -- the trials of those who engaged in this scandalous coup attempt -- we receive the details of the scheme only in dribs and drabs. Too many were involved and have too much to lose at this point by not revealing to the investigators their role in exchange for more lenient treatment, which is why I believe all will soon be revealed. So for the moment let’s turn to the broader picture that explains in large part why so many officials were so determined to keep Donald Trump from the White House and to oust him once he won the election. To me, it has seemed they are clinging to the privileges and benefits of an order which is dying because its underpinnings -- the post-World War II order -- no longer suit the citizens of the countries involved, or the changing world.
In this respect, I was much taken by this article in the Claremont Review by Christopher Caldwell.
Indeed, there’s a good argument to be made that devolving even more decision-making to local levels leads to both better decisions and an electorate better schooled at it than placing it in the hands of others whom they have little chance to influence or replace.
In any event, looking at the “accomplishments” of international organizations like the incompetent, graft-ridden EU and UN, the elite claim to special talents for governance is laughably ridiculous. Perhaps if those at the top of the international institutions had not proven so corrupt and incompetent, populist nationalism would not be gaining ground. On the other hand, if one considers people too weak and stupid to act in their own best interests, on what possible basis should we assume that elected and appointed officials, often far removed from ordinary life, are more capable than we voters of acting in our best interests, rather than their own?

They probably will never indict Bath House Barry Soetoro for anything of the seditious acts he hatched. But they can rip open this can of worms and utterly shred his legacy to the point where he will have to leave the U.S. and accept being the most despised president in history. However, there is enough low hanging fruit to make Leftists shiver with fear and angst.
Clinging to the privileges and benefits of their New World Order is just one reason Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Globalists want to destroy President Trump. I think a larger reason is these evil POS monsters have been involved in all kinds of evil that they must keep buried at all costs.
The stories we've heard about things like "Pizza-gate", "Uranium One", "Epstein Island", "child sex trafficking", "selling America to her enemies for billions", on and on and one. When the evil comes to light, they will be praying they only get prison.
It is clear that over the decades, within both the U.S. and the E.U., the ruling class elites' DNA got watered down. Too much inbreeding at the ruling class level. As a result, in the U.S, they the bureaucracy became incapable of fixing problems, such as fighting and winning a two front war as they did in the '40s. They became smug, lazy and comfortable until finally faced with an existential threat in Trump, they were so stricken they couldn't react except by rigging their own primary and after losing the election failed in their efforts of a coup d' etat. They just weren't smart enough any more to even cheat and they were exposed. Now, a few of the participants in this failed Collusion Delusion coup will go to jail.
Somehow these people just keep on not getting indicted for crimes you people just made up.

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