REAL Conservatives vs. "conservatives"/'Baggers


ironically, when this bozo isn't re-elected and a republican ends up in office......
I kinda WONDERED if Conservatives would ever find their balls!!!!


"As I look out at the political landscape now, I find plenty of slogans on the Republican side, but not very many ideas," Bennett said. "And indeed, if you raise specific ideas and solutions, as I tried to do on health care with Ron Wyden, you are attacked with the same vigor as we've seen in American politics all the way back to the arguments over slavery and polygamy. You are attacked as being a wimp, insufficiently pure, and unreliable."


"Recently, he has said part of his problem with delegates has been that he doesn't go on conservative cable talk shows and offer angry sound bites. Instead, he said he likes to work on finding practical solutions."

KEEP IT UP, 'BAGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nevermind that Obama has affixed his seal on Statist legislation.........

Sorry. I don't recognize Leviniac (i.e. made-up) terminology, here.​


Grow up and educate yourself...

Main Entry: stat·ist
Pronunciation: \ˈstā-tist\
Function: noun
Date: 1946
: an advocate of statism


Which relates to:

Main Entry: stat·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈstā-ˌti-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1919
: concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry

Merriam Webster Dictionary

'Nuff Said.

"....government ownership of industry...."​

You're (actually) crazy-enough to believe that??!!!!


They do have meds for such delusions.​

Sorry. I don't recognize Leviniac (i.e. made-up) terminology, here.​


Grow up and educate yourself...

Main Entry: stat·ist
Pronunciation: \ˈstā-tist\
Function: noun
Date: 1946
: an advocate of statism


Which relates to:

Main Entry: stat·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈstā-ˌti-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1919
: concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry

Merriam Webster Dictionary

'Nuff Said.

"....government ownership of industry...."​

You're (actually) crazy-enough to believe that??!!!!


They do have meds for such delusions.​
It is happening all around you courtesy of Obama and the Statists...why don't you just crawl back under the moss-covered rock you came from under?

I'm quite done with you and your crap. You are an intellectual myophic lightweight.

Seeing-as-how Republicans (by DESIGN) wasted so-much-time on health-care....and, got their butts WHUPPED....after all their effort :lol: .....we're just-NOW gettin'-AROUND to the (rest o') the economy!!!

Maybe you need to discuss the issue with John Boner.


Because of course, the health care bill needed, oh so much, Republican support. And There was never the option of dropping the bill that the American people don't want, like, or need to deal with the real issues facing our nation.

Nah. It's all them Republicans' fault.
Seeing-as-how B]COLOR="Red"]Republicans/COLOR]/B] (by B]DESIGN/COLOR/B]) wasted[/CLOR][/] so-much-time on health-care....and, got their butts [SIZ="4"]WHUPPED[/COLR][/SIE]....after all their []effort[/I] :lol: .....we're just-[]NOW gettin'-[][COLO="Blue"]AROUND[/COLR][/] to the (rest o') the economy[]!!!

[]Maybe[/I] you need to discuss the issue with [][COLOR=Red"]John Boner[/COLR][/].


Yes, you ARE getting around to fucking up the rest of the economy.

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