Reagan's Chief of Staff will vote for Obama, trashes McCain's judgment for Palin Pick

Red Dawn

Senior Member
Jul 19, 2008
Liberal Socialist Paradise
Another Prominent Republican Dumps McBush

Former Reagan chief of staff Ken Duberstein told CNN's Fareed Zakaria this week he intends to vote for Democrat Barack Obama on Tuesday.

Duberstein said he was influenced by another prominent Reagan official - Colin Powell - in his decision.

"Well let's put it this way - I think Colin Powell's decision is in fact the good housekeeping seal of approval on Barack Obama."

And, Duberstein was brutal -- just brutal -- about McCain's pick of Palin on MSNBC. For example, a job at McDonald's requires more interviews than Palin had:

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Former Reagan adviser endorses Obama - Blogs from

YouTube - Reagan's Chief of Staff on Palin's lack of qualifications
Another Prominent Republican Dumps McBush

Former Reagan chief of staff Ken Duberstein told CNN's Fareed Zakaria this week he intends to vote for Democrat Barack Obama on Tuesday.

Duberstein said he was influenced by another prominent Reagan official - Colin Powell - in his decision.

"Well let's put it this way - I think Colin Powell's decision is in fact the good housekeeping seal of approval on Barack Obama."

And, Duberstein was brutal -- just brutal -- about McCain's pick of Palin on MSNBC. For example, a job at McDonald's requires more interviews than Palin had:

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Former Reagan adviser endorses Obama - Blogs from

YouTube - Reagan's Chief of Staff on Palin's lack of qualifications

A job at McDonald's requires proof of citizenship also, or at least a greencard.
Colin Powell, Scott McClellan, Ken Duberstein, Ken Adelman, William Weld, Anne Carlson, CC Goldwater, Charles Fried, and Christopher Buckley all endorsed Obama.

Who's next?

Dick Cheney?
Colin Powell, Scott McClellan, Ken Duberstein, Ken Adelman, William Weld, Anne Carlson, CC Goldwater, Charles Fried, and Christopher Buckley all endorsed Obama.

Who's next?

Dick Cheney?

Give it a day, Palin and McCain will be endorsing Obama.
Colin Powell, Scott McClellan, Ken Duberstein, Ken Adelman, William Weld, Anne Carlson, CC Goldwater, Charles Fried, and Christopher Buckley all endorsed Obama.

Who's next?

Dick Cheney?

Maybe Jesus Christ will endorse him. After all, he is the messiah.
This just in ACORN registers Ronald Reagan as a Democrat, and he casts a early ballot for Obama.
The have a election officials that flag such registration, that is why the ACORN crap is a bunch of crap!
Maybe Jesus Christ will endorse him. After all, he is the messiah.
YOu know you guys are the only one who calls him the messiah! I wonder if they called Bill Clinton the messiah, he had about the same numbers. Of course they didn't because he wasn't black, calling him the messiah is showing prejudise and a form of stereotyping!
YOu know you guys are the only one who calls him the messiah! I wonder if they called Bill Clinton the messiah, he had about the same numbers. Of course they didn't because he wasn't black, calling him the messiah is showing prejudise and a form of stereotyping!

Actually he didn't. He was running against two candidates on his right. It is widely believed that had perot stayed in Texas, Bush would have won.

Second of all;

Barack Obama said:
"a light will shine down from above.
It will shine down upon you, it will bring you an epiphany, and that epiphany will be to vote for Barack!"

BTW, I bet I have voted for Obama more times than you have.
Bill Clinton 370 to 168 those are pretty good numbers!

Giving the fact I have only voted for Obama once I am sure you might have, do you want a cookie. Calling him the messiah is still a form of prejudice. And If I hear the he is paling aroung with bad people or bad news dudes as my repub friend says I am going to think real hard about buying a gun.
Which Obama has provided if that is what you are refering to!

Sure he's a lawyer, we can trust him. So, why not release the original document. He said he found it with some other papers? So, what happens if it turns out he wasn't born here? Too bad the Senate doesn't feel the need to ask him.

Will Obama try to stay in this office a couple years, before he runs for God's job?
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Bill Clinton 370 to 168 those are pretty good numbers!

Giving the fact I have only voted for Obama once I am sure you might have, do you want a cookie. Calling him the messiah is still a form of prejudice. And If I hear the he is paling aroung with bad people or bad news dudes as my repub friend says I am going to think real hard about buying a gun.

Are you comparing final Electoral college numbers to current polling numbers? Surely you can't be that thick.

How in the hell is calling him the messiah prejudice? Are we not allowed to hold him to his own words? He used religious imagery to describe the way people will come to vote for him. That is where that term came from. He has not come out and said"I am the Messiah." He has protrayed himself in suck an arrogant way as to compare himself to one.

Use your fucking brain before you accuse someone of prejudice.
The more intelligent Republicans look at Palin and realize how nuts it would be to put that woman anywhere near the Oval Office.

I find that a hopeful development for the GOP to be honest.

Maybe they're be able to wrest control of the party from the hands of the Know-nothings who seem to currently run the party.
The more intelligent Republicans look at Palin and realize how nuts it would be to put that woman anywhere near the Oval Office.

I find that a hopeful development for the GOP to be honest.

Maybe they're be able to wrest control of the party from the hands of the Know-nothings who seem to currently run the party.

republicans at their true core are a good party. unfortunately they have been overun by neocons which have completely destroyed the brand. People like Karl Rove may have been instrumental in getting Bush elected, but ultimately he has seriously tarnished the gop party. In 2006 America sent a strong f-you to the republican party. This election will be no different, republicans must cleanse the party of the filth that currently permeates through it. The non kool aid drinking republicans are beggining to speak out against the demise of the party, the perfect example is the flood of republicans supporting a very liberal democrat in Obama. These republicans are risking backlash from their own party to make a decision unlike McCain to actually put our "country first"
Christopher Hitchens on Palin

This is what the Republican Party has done to us this year: It has placed within reach of the Oval Office a woman who is a religious fanatic and a proud, boastful ignoramus. Those who despise science and learning are not anti-elitist. They are morally and intellectually slothful people who are secretly envious of the educated and the cultured. And those who prate of spiritual warfare and demons are not just "people of faith" but theocratic bullies. On Nov. 4, anyone who cares for the Constitution has a clear duty to repudiate this wickedness and stupidity.

The GOP ticket's appalling contempt for science and learning. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
republicans at their true core are a good party. unfortunately they have been overun by neocons which have completely destroyed the brand. People like Karl Rove may have been instrumental in getting Bush elected, but ultimately he has seriously tarnished the gop party. In 2006 America sent a strong f-you to the republican party. This election will be no different, republicans must cleanse the party of the filth that currently permeates through it. The non kool aid drinking republicans are beggining to speak out against the demise of the party, the perfect example is the flood of republicans supporting a very liberal democrat in Obama. These republicans are risking backlash from their own party to make a decision unlike McCain to actually put our "country first"

This is a fantasy.

The republican party has shown no signs of wanting to clean house, even after the 2006 election blow out. The only thing that's changed is that an increasing number of independents, and a small handful of moderate republicans have decided to vote or trend democratic.

Even after 2006, the republican congress voted with Bush 90% of the time, and republican message board posters and the base spent 90% of their time defending Bush. I think I've only ever heard about three republican apologize, or otherwise regret electing the worst president in modern american history, not just once but twice. 95% of registered republicans are going to vote for McCain, and putting an extremist rightwing christian like Palin on the ticket (instead of a moderate republican) indicates that the republican party is going more extreme. Not less extreme. You can hear the base here, day in and day out, proclaiming that the extremist conservative christian Sarah Palin should be their standard bearer in 2012.

I see almost no evidence that the party is returning to its Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower roots.

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