Reagan's Chief of Staff will vote for Obama, trashes McCain's judgment for Palin Pick

This is a fantasy.

The republican party has shown no signs of wanting to clean house, even after the 2006 election blow out. The only thing that's changed is that an increasing number of independents, and a small handful of moderate republicans have decided to vote or trend democratic.

Even after 2006, the republican congress voted with Bush 90% of the time, and republican message board posters and the base spent 90% of their time defending Bush. I think I've only ever heard about three republican apologize, or otherwise regret electing the worst president in modern american history, not just once but twice. 95% of registered republicans are going to vote for McCain, and putting an extremist rightwing christian like Palin on the ticket (instead of a moderate republican) indicates that the republican party is going more extreme. Not less extreme. You can hear the base here, day in and day out, proclaiming that the extremist conservative christian Sarah Palin should be their standard bearer in 2012.

I see almost no evidence that the party is returning to its Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower roots.

I was in no way suggesting a rebound of the gop party. The level headed moderate republicans make up the minority of republicans. The ultra right, hateful,dividing,and fear mongering neo movement are clearly the majority. I bet joe lieberman is kicking himself in the ass right about now.
Are you comparing final Electoral college numbers to current polling numbers? Surely you can't be that thick.

How in the hell is calling him the messiah prejudice? Are we not allowed to hold him to his own words? He used religious imagery to describe the way people will come to vote for him. That is where that term came from. He has not come out and said"I am the Messiah." He has protrayed himself in suck an arrogant way as to compare himself to one.

Use your fucking brain before you accuse someone of prejudice.
What you just said is a form of stereotyping which is classified under a prejudice. Where ones success is views in negative terms.
And I was just showing Clinton had very good numbers beating Bush by almost five million and had a very large following.I went to a Clinton rally which was much like the Obama's rallies also.

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