Reagans advice on Socialized Healthcare


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2008
[ame=]YouTube - Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine[/ame]

It seems that everything old is new again....
Reagan was a genius. His words were timeless, and his wisdom will survive the ages.
A sign of being a libtard is the inability to detect humor.

Coincidentally, a sense of humor is indicative of intelligence. Go figure.
A sign of being a libtard is the inability to detect humor.

Coincidentally, a sense of humor is indicative of intelligence. Go figure.

And I guess the sign of an idiot is the inability to detect sarcasm.

But I won't hold that against you Allie. :)
Reagan was a man who loved his country and did so unabashedly.

He was also the last American President who did not blame America for the worlds ills.
[ame=]YouTube - Ronald Reagan's Farewell Address[/ame]

During Jimmy Carter's last year in office (1980), inflation averaged 12.5%, compared to 4.4% during Reagan's last year in office (1988).[95] Over those eight years, the unemployment rate declined from 7.1% to 5.5%.[95] Reagan implemented policies based on supply-side economics and advocated a classical liberal and laissez-faire philosophy,[96] seeking to stimulate the economy with large, across-the-board tax cuts.[97][98] Citing the economic theories of Arthur Laffer, Reagan promoted the proposed tax cuts as potentially stimulating the economy enough to expand the tax base, offsetting the revenue loss due to reduced rates of taxation, a theory that entered political discussion as the Laffer curve. Reaganomics was the subject of debate with supporters pointing to improvements in certain key economic indicators as evidence of success, and critics pointing to large increases in federal budget deficits and the national debt. His policy of "peace through strength" (also described as "firm but fair") resulted in a record peacetime defense buildup including a 40% real increase in defense spending between 1981 and 1985.[99]

During Reagan's presidency, federal income tax rates were lowered significantly with the signing of the bipartisan Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981.[100] Real gross domestic product (GDP) growth recovered strongly after the 1982 recession and grew during his eight years in office at an annual rate of 3.4% per year.[101] Unemployment peaked at 10.8% percent in December 1982—higher than any time since the Great Depression—then dropped during the rest of Reagan's presidency.[98] Sixteen million new jobs were created, while inflation significantly decreased.[102] The net effect of all Reagan-era tax bills was a 1% decrease in government revenues.[103] Reagan also revised the tax code with the bipartisan Tax Reform Act of 1986

I frankly find it funny that some of these young people who are not even taught history in school or were so young during the Reagan years base their conclusions on a retro-active look at the Reagan years. The reason Reagan won ever single state except Mn. and then crushed Mondale in 1984 was simple. People had fresh in their minds the image of an inept president sitting in the White House for over a year doing nothing while Americans were held hostage in Iran and at the same time watching over out of control inflation and out of control interest rates that led to an economy of the early 80's much like the one we have now. While many of you young people see Carter as this wonderful man who builds homes for the homeless and he has my respect and admiration for his works that does not make him a better President no matter how much you have been taught in social studies. Carter spent much of his presidency making excuses for the economy and his ineptness. I can understand why a democrat would not like Reagan though, however, I for one am willing to admit that Clinton was in fact a good president even though morally speaking he was a scumbag.
he cut government revenue but increased spending to over 200 billion more than Carter and by the end of his Presidency had gained a large deficit due to his tax cuts.
I have always wondered why Presidents cut taxes when we have a large deficit, I am not an economist but I do know when my bills got out of hand when I was in my early twenties that I didn't take a pay cut to help. I got myself another job so I had more money coming in.
he cut government revenue but increased spending to over 200 billion more than Carter and by the end of his Presidency had gained a large deficit due to his tax cuts.
I have always wondered why Presidents cut taxes when we have a large deficit, I am not an economist but I do know when my bills got out of hand when I was in my early twenties that I didn't take a pay cut to help. I got myself another job so I had more money coming in.

So you think deficit spending is not a good thing then Luissa? so then how do you rectify the current presidents complete over the top deficit spending? You know, I believe that Clinton and Reagan both had it right when it came to creating jobs, however I tend to think that reducing the deficit is a very good thing. If you have too many bills, you don't go out and open up more credit cards to pay the existing bills as well. So in regards to the deficit Reagan did not do so well thats true, however his economy created 21 million jobs as opposed to the last Republican in office who was also a deficit spender and the current democrat who is a deficit spender and we have all seen the jobs numbers there. My contention is that Reagan when it came to what Americans were better able to do for themselves and not lok to Govt. for all their needs should ring quite loudly. In fact , I don't know if you had the chance to see it. close to the bottom there, Reagan listed his deficit as one of his greatest disappointments.
he cut government revenue but increased spending to over 200 billion more than Carter and by the end of his Presidency had gained a large deficit due to his tax cuts.
I have always wondered why Presidents cut taxes when we have a large deficit, I am not an economist but I do know when my bills got out of hand when I was in my early twenties that I didn't take a pay cut to help. I got myself another job so I had more money coming in.

So you think deficit spending is not a good thing then Luissa? so then how do you rectify the current presidents complete over the top deficit spending? You know, I believe that Clinton and Reagan both had it right when it came to creating jobs, however I tend to think that reducing the deficit is a very good thing. If you have too many bills, you don't go out and open up more credit cards to pay the existing bills as well. So in regards to the deficit Reagan did not do so well thats true, however his economy created 21 million jobs as opposed to the last Republican in office who was also a deficit spender and the current democrat who is a deficit spender and we have all seen the jobs numbers there. My contention is that Reagan when it came to what Americans were better able to do for themselves and not lok to Govt. for all their needs should ring quite loudly. In fact , I don't know if you had the chance to see it. close to the bottom there, Reagan listed his deficit as one of his greatest disappointments.
How many years did it take for Reagan to fix the unemployment problem Carter created? You can't blame Obama for the current unemployment problem, like Reagan he inherited it from the President before him. In one article that was written back then I read said Reagan's unemployment rate at the beginning of his term was the highest since the Great Depression, that sound familiar? If you are going to blame Carter for Reagan's problems in his first two years than there is no way you can blame Obama for his current unemployment rate.
Progressive radio is playing that Reagan tape too, and laughing at it. Medicare did pass and lots of conservative seniors use it.
I also think it is funny that Reagan increased military spending making it more like a socialized program than anything, green ligting projects we didn't need but they created jobs where the people also recieved medical I might add.
*laughs* frankly I don't find it a bit surprising that these "progressives" would spend their days making fun or Reagan. I find it somewhat amusing that "progressives" have dumped the name liberal because it's not cool anymore and it has too much inclusiveness in it's meaning, so onward and upward ye mighty progressives, take 2 steps forward then 3 back, then 2 forward then three back , eventually you will find that "progress" is not what your making.

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