Rand Paul Plagiarized Wikipedia in Speech

In a world of liars, people like Rand should hold themselves to higher standards. I'm sure his speech writers flubbed, mistakes are forgivable, but If I were he then I'd stand tall among the scum in D.C. and do everything I could to be the better man even if that meant dumping Dianne Feinstein's colostomy bag.

On Harry Reid's face of course.

I will fault him for not covering his ass. This is no time to trust anyone without completely getting a blood oath.

If you want to put yourself out there, damn you better make sure no one is going to fuck up on your team or worse yet like we've seen before have anyone infiltrate and throw you over.
Leftard morons caught lying yet again.

Or they clearly do not know what plagiarism is :rolleyes:

Rather PRETEND not to know.

I take it that you don't read English.....how clear can it be? Rand is done. He may continue to be a Senator from backwoods Keeeentucky. But that is as far as he will ever go.
More shit. Fan. Spraying.....thmppttttpppptttt

Washington Times ends Sen. Rand Paul column amid plagiarism allegations: http://goo.gl/G5zMb0

The Washington Times said Tuesday it had independently reviewed Mr. Paul’s columns and op-eds and published a correction to one column on Sept. 20 in which the senator had failed to attribute a passage that first appeared in Forbes.

The newspaper and the senator mutually agreed to end his weekly column, which has appeared on each Friday in the newspaper since the summer.

“We expect our columnists to submit original work and to properly attribute material, and we appreciate that the senator and his staff have taken responsibility for an oversight in one column,” Times Editor John Solomon said.

When you've lost the Moonies. Holy Fuck!
Oops :redface:

More shit. Fan. Spraying.....thmppttttpppptttt

Washington Times ends Sen. Rand Paul column amid plagiarism allegations: http://goo.gl/G5zMb0

The Washington Times said Tuesday it had independently reviewed Mr. Paul’s columns and op-eds and published a correction to one column on Sept. 20 in which the senator had failed to attribute a passage that first appeared in Forbes.

The newspaper and the senator mutually agreed to end his weekly column, which has appeared on each Friday in the newspaper since the summer.

“We expect our columnists to submit original work and to properly attribute material, and we appreciate that the senator and his staff have taken responsibility for an oversight in one column,” Times Editor John Solomon said.

When you've lost the Moonies. Holy Fuck!
Who did Rand Paul plagiarize?

I want a name.

Here’s your name*:

The website BuzzFeed on Monday found that parts of a Paul op-ed in the Washington Times were copied nearly word-for-word from an op-ed written by Dan Stewart of The Week.

Rand Paul Adding Footnotes So People 'Leave Me The Hell Alone'

And how Paul is handling this disaster is also very telling – he’s doing absolutely everything wrong from a damage control standpoint.

He’s not only unfit for National office, he’s unfit for any office – and that’s true of most other TPM politicians who are way out of their league.

*Footnote: Credit to Dot Com for original post.
Leftard morons caught lying yet again.

Or they clearly do not know what plagiarism is :rolleyes:

Rather PRETEND not to know.

I take it that you don't read English.....how clear can it be? Rand is done. He may continue to be a Senator from backwoods Keeeentucky. But that is as far as he will ever go.

Hogwash. This isn't even news.

Of course it is.

When the political career of a member of the US Senate crashes and burns, it is indeed news.
Paul Rand was wrong for not citing his source --- as wrong as millions are for going sixty in a fifty-five mph zone. Who the hell really cares!

You don't know the facts. You are simply repeating everything you have heard without understanding any of it.

Rand Paul had quotes properly attributed in his book and then he later was quoting from the books where the proper footnoting was done.

You libtards are a fucking joke.
I take it that you don't read English.....how clear can it be? Rand is done. He may continue to be a Senator from backwoods Keeeentucky. But that is as far as he will ever go.

Hogwash. This isn't even news.

Of course it is.

When the political career of a member of the US Senate crashes and burns, it is indeed news.


The Onion People. Why isn't this news anywhere else? Because it isn't true! No major news outlet, save CNN would report crap like this unless they were truly desperate.
This will prove to be an expensive mistake by Rand. <my comment

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

Where'd you get your speech, Rand?

The fact you believe Rachel Maddow is proof positive you cannot think for yourself, Junky.

The fact that she fell for an article in THE ONION makes it even more laughable.

Rand Paul Accused Of Plagiarizing Speech From Wikipedia | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Yanno...............you might have had a point somewhere other than at the top of your skinny little head, but for one thing..................

When Ms. Maddow quoted it, she then showed where he said the same thing in a speech, showing him saying it. Not only did she have audio, she also had video.

She then showed what the Wikipedia entry said. BTW.................I looked it up, and she was right.

But.................keep trying................Rand Paul is a thief of other people's work, which is why he's being called a plagiarist.

Oh yeah....................if he's going to lie about small crap like that, what do you think he's lying to you as a politician? Rand Paul represents KY, and has said that Obamacare is a bad idea and will bankrupt the States. However...............if that's true, then why are there roughly 1,000 Kentucky citizens signing up for the ACA EVERY DAY?

The people are for the ACA, it's only the tea bagger idiots who hate Obama who are against it.
Rand Paul&#8217;s own hometown paper when it first broke, making an astute observation:

&#8220;But with Paul's shape-shifting history, the plagiarism raises a more fundamental concern. If the senator, or his staff, relies on key-word searches on Wikipedia to flesh out his positions, how will the public ever determine what he actually believes, or knows?&#8221;
~ Lexington Herald-Leader, Kentucky . com 10-31-13

So true. His authentic beliefs? Who knows?
Since the revelations now of so many more cut and pastes have come out, his losing his column with the Washington Times yesterday, and his violence-prone reaction to the whole mess -- which is what people are judging him on the most -- things are spiraling down quickly for the Kentucky Sinator.
This will prove to be an expensive mistake by Rand. <my comment

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

Where'd you get your speech, Rand?

The fact you believe Rachel Maddow is proof positive you cannot think for yourself, Junky.

The fact that she fell for an article in THE ONION makes it even more laughable.

Rand Paul Accused Of Plagiarizing Speech From Wikipedia | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Yanno...............you might have had a point somewhere other than at the top of your skinny little head, but for one thing..................

When Ms. Maddow quoted it, she then showed where he said the same thing in a speech, showing him saying it. Not only did she have audio, she also had video.

She then showed what the Wikipedia entry said. BTW.................I looked it up, and she was right.

But.................keep trying................Rand Paul is a thief of other people's work, which is why he's being called a plagiarist.

Oh yeah....................if he's going to lie about small crap like that, what do you think he's lying to you as a politician? Rand Paul represents KY, and has said that Obamacare is a bad idea and will bankrupt the States. However...............if that's true, then why are there roughly 1,000 Kentucky citizens signing up for the ACA EVERY DAY?

The people are for the ACA, it's only the tea bagger idiots who hate Obama who are against it.

So where are your links to doc what you claim to have found?

Fact is Paul's speech writer sloppily quoted from Paul's own book, a book that does have the appropriate attribution. Paul then read the speech knowing where it was from but also knowing that it being in the book he wrote and footnoted there, it was an easy look up.

But compared to the plagiarism that Martin Luther King engaged in for his doctoral thesis this is nothing, really, as there are no credentials being claimed by Paul here.

So why do libtards give MLK a pass and not Paul who is far less guilty, if guilty in its true spirit at all?

Because of ideology. MLK supported the libtard ideology while Paul questions it and attacks it nonstop. That ideological slant can be expressed as 'Confidence that the central state can best fix all problems'.

Keep to that fundamental ASSumption by the libtards and you will be in like Flynn no matter what you may do. But cross it, and you will have hell to pay.

That is the Big Lie as used by libtard ideologues as they desperately attack anyone who questions the very foundations of their livelihood; siphoning off and/or stealing tax payer funds in the tens of billions each month.

But there are more leeches than producers now, and the downward spiral toward collapse of the US federal system is in motion already.

The libtards don't see it yet because it scares the shit out of them too much to open their damned fool eyes.
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if it was merely a misunderstanding, why did the Washington Times, a bastion of conservative news in DC, drop him like a hot potato?
Of course it is.

When the political career of a member of the US Senate crashes and burns, it is indeed news.


The Onion People. Why isn't this news anywhere else? Because it isn't true! No major news outlet, save CNN would report crap like this unless they were truly desperate.
What an embarrassing set of posts for you.

If that is your rebuttal, then you should be embarrassed. I would like to see you rebut this claim, or otherwise stop attacking the merit of my posts. Because anyone who lacks an argument will resort to this type of tactic.

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