Rachel Maddow called out by fellow liberals for pushing anti-Trump conspiracy


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Going after Trump with some conspiracy theories fresh after the death of four brave and righteous young Americans. Glad that some on the left knocked her down, these are the left wingers I remember as a young lad.

Rachel Maddow called out by fellow liberals for pushing anti-Trump conspiracy

MSNBC star Rachel Maddow’s latest anti-Trump conspiracy theory was so outlandish that even the dependably liberal HuffPost criticized it as "so flimsy that it could be debunked by a quick glance at a map."

On Thursday evening, "The Rachel Maddow Show" opened with a somber 25-minute diatribe that attempted to connect the tragic ambush attack that killed four American soldiers in Niger to the latest version of President Trump’s proposed travel ban, which included the nation of Chad. Maddow essentially claimed that the inclusion of Chad, which recently pulled its troops out of Niger, in the revised travel ban resulted in extremist attacks such as the one that left four Americans dead.

The HuffPost, which is so anti-Trump that it refused to even cover him in the political section during the early stages of his campaign, published a story headlined, "What the hell was this Rachel Maddow segment?" The MSNBC host proclaimed that Chad’s pullout from Niger "had an immediate effect in emboldening ISIS attacks," but the HuffPost easily shot down her theory.

Colby College Department of Government assistant professor Laura Seay told the HuffPost that "any expert" would have said Maddow's conspiracy theory was "crazy" and the pullout of Chadian troops isn’t necessarily related to the Trump’s travel ban.

"Everybody that I know is appalled by this. I would like to think that Maddow's researchers are more responsible," Seay told the HuffPost.
I won't be surprised if the "leftist" media starts doing somewhat of a 180, on Trump. They're in it for the money,; and the Trump bashing 24\7 hasn't really had the predicted effect.
Colby College Department of Government assistant professor Laura Seay told the HuffPost that "any expert" would have said Maddow's conspiracy theory was "crazy" and the pullout of Chadian troops isn’t necessarily related to the Trump’s travel ban.

So was the pullout related or not? Someone saying it wasn't necessarily related isn't knocking anyone down. Unless simple name calling is enough.
Going after Trump with some conspiracy theories fresh after the death of four brave and righteous young Americans. Glad that some on the left knocked her down, these are the left wingers I remember as a young lad.

Rachel Maddow called out by fellow liberals for pushing anti-Trump conspiracy

MSNBC star Rachel Maddow’s latest anti-Trump conspiracy theory was so outlandish that even the dependably liberal HuffPost criticized it as "so flimsy that it could be debunked by a quick glance at a map."

On Thursday evening, "The Rachel Maddow Show" opened with a somber 25-minute diatribe that attempted to connect the tragic ambush attack that killed four American soldiers in Niger to the latest version of President Trump’s proposed travel ban, which included the nation of Chad. Maddow essentially claimed that the inclusion of Chad, which recently pulled its troops out of Niger, in the revised travel ban resulted in extremist attacks such as the one that left four Americans dead.

The HuffPost, which is so anti-Trump that it refused to even cover him in the political section during the early stages of his campaign, published a story headlined, "What the hell was this Rachel Maddow segment?" The MSNBC host proclaimed that Chad’s pullout from Niger "had an immediate effect in emboldening ISIS attacks," but the HuffPost easily shot down her theory.

Colby College Department of Government assistant professor Laura Seay told the HuffPost that "any expert" would have said Maddow's conspiracy theory was "crazy" and the pullout of Chadian troops isn’t necessarily related to the Trump’s travel ban.

"Everybody that I know is appalled by this. I would like to think that Maddow's researchers are more responsible," Seay told the HuffPost.

Rachel Maddow is an embarrassment even to liberals. I think it was because he was never circumcised as a child, and now he feels insecure about the way his crank looks. Hey Rach, it’s never to late to get that extra flap cut off.
Colby College Department of Government assistant professor Laura Seay told the HuffPost that "any expert" would have said Maddow's conspiracy theory was "crazy" and the pullout of Chadian troops isn’t necessarily related to the Trump’s travel ban.

So was the pullout related or not? Someone saying it wasn't necessarily related isn't knocking anyone down. Unless simple name calling is enough.

Chad is on the opposite side of the country...and their troops were engaged with Boko Haram...not ISIS.

From left leaning Slate:

Examining the basic geography of the crisis makes this clear. Chad’s involvement in Niger was limited to the fight against Boko Haram, a Nigeria-based extremist movement that terrorizes civilians in northwest Nigeria, southeast Niger, southern Chad, and northern Cameroon. The Chadians were deployed to the Diffa region, where they fought effectively against Boko Haram and restored a semblance of stability to communities the extremists had terrorized. Their withdrawal has upset communities in the Diffa region, who (rightly) believe that their own government’s forces are incapable of protecting them from a renewed Boko Haram threat.

As you can see from this map, Diffa is on the opposite side of Niger from Tongo Tongo, where the ambush occurred.


Going after Trump with some conspiracy theories fresh after the death of four brave and righteous young Americans. Glad that some on the left knocked her down, these are the left wingers I remember as a young lad.

Rachel Maddow called out by fellow liberals for pushing anti-Trump conspiracy

MSNBC star Rachel Maddow’s latest anti-Trump conspiracy theory was so outlandish that even the dependably liberal HuffPost criticized it as "so flimsy that it could be debunked by a quick glance at a map."

On Thursday evening, "The Rachel Maddow Show" opened with a somber 25-minute diatribe that attempted to connect the tragic ambush attack that killed four American soldiers in Niger to the latest version of President Trump’s proposed travel ban, which included the nation of Chad. Maddow essentially claimed that the inclusion of Chad, which recently pulled its troops out of Niger, in the revised travel ban resulted in extremist attacks such as the one that left four Americans dead.

The HuffPost, which is so anti-Trump that it refused to even cover him in the political section during the early stages of his campaign, published a story headlined, "What the hell was this Rachel Maddow segment?" The MSNBC host proclaimed that Chad’s pullout from Niger "had an immediate effect in emboldening ISIS attacks," but the HuffPost easily shot down her theory.

Colby College Department of Government assistant professor Laura Seay told the HuffPost that "any expert" would have said Maddow's conspiracy theory was "crazy" and the pullout of Chadian troops isn’t necessarily related to the Trump’s travel ban.

"Everybody that I know is appalled by this. I would like to think that Maddow's researchers are more responsible," Seay told the HuffPost.



One thing is for sure. Maddox know's more about this than Trump.

I guess taking down Maddow for something is more gratifying than asking the CiC what the actual fuck.
the latest version of President Trump’s proposed travel ban, which included the nation of Chad
I don't know a thing about Maddow's argument re: Chad, the soldiers killed in Niger and Trump's travel ban, so I have nothing to say about it. (What I know about what Maddow says is limited to what people on this site say about what she's said or done. I don't watch her program and she and I travel in largely separate social circles.)

What I don't understand is why Chad is included in the latest travel ban. It's not as though Chad is a rogue nation of sorts and it's a country that's, given its notably limited resources compared to the U.S. and other "first world" nations, has really "stepped up" to do its part in combatting terrorism.
One must wonder too why the latest travel ban again does not include Saudi Arabia, the nation from which hailed the greatest quantity of terrorists who've killed the greatest quantity of American citizens on American soil.
Rachel Maddow Called Out By Fellow Liberals For Pushing Anti-Trump Conspiracy
SNBC star Rachel Maddow’s latest anti-Trump conspiracy theory was so outlandish that even the dependably liberal HuffPost criticized it as “so flimsy that it could be debunked by a quick glance at a map.”

Rachel Madow another leftist psychotic Trump hater. Funny how people can't connect the dots of Hollywood, Controlled media etc. How they are controlled entities to push this bs for the benefits of the Leftist nuts better known as the Democrats.
Rachel Maddow Called Out By Fellow Liberals For Pushing Anti-Trump Conspiracy
SNBC star Rachel Maddow’s latest anti-Trump conspiracy theory was so outlandish that even the dependably liberal HuffPost criticized it as “so flimsy that it could be debunked by a quick glance at a map.”

Rachel Madow another leftist psychotic Trump hater. Funny how people can't connect the dots of Hollywood, Controlled media etc. How they are controlled entities to push this bs for the benefits of the Leftist nuts better known as the Democrats.
Being a lezzie, her butthut is more enduring than you average Democrat fag.
This one was a walk in the park to take down. Sheesh. You would think she would have looked at a freaking map to see where the ambush took place.
Rachel (blinky) mad cow has never been very bright...
Her viewers... even less so
Of course its true and she did not say it was a fact. She merely pointed it out that it may of had an effect and well it obviously did. The two posters above never read.

The U.S. maintains a drone base in Chad in the fight against Boko Haram and other militants, and the two nations cooperate closely on counter-terror and other military operations. Yet, the Trump administration has added Chad to its amended travel ban list.
Amended Travel Ban Threatens U.S. Military Relations With Chad
She is definitely not scoring high ranks and hasn't been for awhile. She looks like this other male news caster too can't think of his name. But lmao they could pass for brother and sister or should that be sister and sister. :2up:
The main reason Fox this am called R. Maddow out is because she has higher ratings than Hannity and is a hell of a lot smarter.
She is definitely not scoring high ranks and hasn't been for awhile. She looks like this other male news caster too can't think of his name. But lmao they could pass for brother and sister or should that be sister and sister. :2up:
Did you know looks has nothing to do with brains? Some people need to put people down anyway they can, you must be miserable.

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