
Real men DO NOT eat or make quiche!

If we ate them, it would need bacon.

If we made them, we would carefully cook the bacon to about 3/4s done and carefully cut it into half inch pieces. Placing some aluminum foil around the edges about 30 minutes in keeps the crust from burning as well. Of course, this is all theoretical, seeing as men don't make quiches.
It was delicious! Kids ate it with minimal complaints. The girl was fine until I said there were eggs in it. She's decided she doesn't like eggs anymore. The boy said he liked it but I'm not sure I believed him. Might be a textural thing with him though.

The Ghirardelli Marble Cheesecake bars were only just ok. Won't make them again.

How old are your kids, Zoom? I had mine help make dinner when 4-10 or so. Especially had them prep veggies, when old enough to wield the knife-about 7. When I was going to incorporate, I'd ask them if we wanted them whole or 'hidden?' If they said, hidden, we'd throw them in processor and poof, gone! Never had a problem getting them to eat what they helped make. Interestingly enough, after a few 'hiddens' they started to ask for them to be whole. I guess they did know they were eating them. :lol:

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