Prohibition was a Progressive conspiracy


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.
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Here is an article from a person that came to the same conclusion I did from the Ken Burns documentary

How Taxes Enabled Alcohol Prohibition and Also Led to Its Repeal | Tax Foundation

October 5, 2011

Joseph Bishop-Henchman
Joseph Bishop-Henchman

Something like 4 million Americans watched documentarian Ken Burns’s three-part series on Prohibition that aired this week on PBS. Full of historical details, one key point it raised that is generally not known widely is the impact of tax policy on alcohol prohibition.

Prohibition lasted from 1919 to 1933. One of the stumbling blocks advocates of Prohibition faced before 1913 was that the federal government was heavily dependent on taxes on alcohol. The passage of the income tax constitutional amendment that year allowed government the luxury of banning alcohol without reducing tax revenue.

From The Los Angeles Daily News interview with Lynn Novick, Burns’s co-documentarian:

“I had no idea how important liquor was to the federal government,” says Novick. “It started in the Civil War with the levy on beer and whiskey to help fund the war, and it never really went away. Some 30 percent to 40 percent of the government’s income came from the tax on alcohol. So Prohibitionists realized that the only way they’re going to have a ban was through income tax, which was a progressive cause and was really supposed to distribute wealth and to make things equitable during the robber baron era, where the wealth was being accumulated in a very small segment of the population.”

The 16th Amendment of 1913, allowing Congress to levy a federal income tax, helped pave the way for Prohibition, but World War I helped stir up the pot. When the United States entered the war in 1917, anyone of German heritage was suspect. Since most brewers were of German decent, the Anti-Saloon League used this to equate migrants and drinking with being anti-American.

On the other side, as the Great Depression deepened in the 1930s, income tax revenues plummeted and there was a question about why we were foregoing all that tax revenue and jobs from alcohol sales and production. Burns himself talks about that around the 10 minute mark in this video put out by Reason TV:
Don't forget the Kennedy aristocracy was built on bootlegging on a massive scale.

The "Family" has always been a criminal cartel.
The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.
Ha, yeah, funny story here. The conservatives, as always being full of hubris and largely out of touch with the actual beliefs and values of most Americans, thought they would "stick it to the progressives" by proposing that the Income Tax be drawn up as a Constitutional Amendment. They thought it would never pass.

Of course, it did. Easily.
The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.
Ha, yeah, funny story here. The conservatives, as always being full of hubris and largely out of touch with the actual beliefs and values of most Americans, thought they would "stick it to the progressives" by proposing that the Income Tax be drawn up as a Constitutional Amendment. They thought it would never pass.

Of course, it did. Easily.

Teddy Roosevelt was one such big Progressive Republican.

It's not a party thing dingleberry.
The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.
Ha, yeah, funny story here. The conservatives, as always being full of hubris and largely out of touch with the actual beliefs and values of most Americans, thought they would "stick it to the progressives" by proposing that the Income Tax be drawn up as a Constitutional Amendment. They thought it would never pass.

Of course, it did. Easily.

Teddy Roosevelt was one such big Progressive Republican.

It's not a party thing dingleberry.
I didn't mention any parties. Wipe the foam away from your mouth and re-read.
The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.
Ha, yeah, funny story here. The conservatives, as always being full of hubris and largely out of touch with the actual beliefs and values of most Americans, thought they would "stick it to the progressives" by proposing that the Income Tax be drawn up as a Constitutional Amendment. They thought it would never pass.

Of course, it did. Easily.

Teddy Roosevelt was one such big Progressive Republican.

It's not a party thing dingleberry.
I didn't mention any parties. Wipe the foam away from your mouth and re-read.

So you claim the "conservatives" put it up for a vote cuz they didn't think it would not pass?


Yea, I think I'll turn on the light switch cuz I don't think a light will come on.
The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.
Ha, yeah, funny story here. The conservatives, as always being full of hubris and largely out of touch with the actual beliefs and values of most Americans, thought they would "stick it to the progressives" by proposing that the Income Tax be drawn up as a Constitutional Amendment. They thought it would never pass.

Of course, it did. Easily.
The Federal Reserve Act was needed for the Income Tax. The proponents of the Federal Reserve spouted no more recessions and depressions. The Income Tax was originally for those in the higher earnings. We know how that went in all facets. And then the 17th Amendment that guaranteed a super strong swamp ridden central government.
I'm not making the connection ... establish the income tax for more money ... then outlaw booze for less money ... why not just keep booze and get even more money ...
The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.
The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.
Ha, yeah, funny story here. The conservatives, as always being full of hubris and largely out of touch with the actual beliefs and values of most Americans, thought they would "stick it to the progressives" by proposing that the Income Tax be drawn up as a Constitutional Amendment. They thought it would never pass.

Of course, it did. Easily.
The Federal Reserve Act was needed for the Income Tax. The proponents of the Federal Reserve spouted no more recessions and depressions. The Income Tax was originally for those in the higher earnings. We know how that went in all facets. And then the 17th Amendment that guaranteed a super strong swamp ridden central government.

And ironically the greatest of all Depressions occurred shortly after those promises.

But that is how Progressive policy goes. They make a promise that is a lie, otherwise, no one would ever vote for them.

Yes friends, everything can be "free". LMAO!
The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.
View attachment 283949

Is Putin behind it or Bush and Halliburton?
The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.
View attachment 283949

Is Putin behind it or Bush and Halliburton?
No, it happened well before any of them were born. What a stupid question.

Anywho, it was mostly a christian movement. In other words RWNJs.
The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.

Prohibition was largely pushed by Christinan Temperance groups.
I'm not making the connection ... establish the income tax for more money ... then outlaw booze for less money ... why not just keep booze and get even more money ...

So let's say you want to pass a Federal Income tax as a Constitutional amendment that had just been struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. You would want to eliminate any sources of contention first, especially those who were concerned that it had just been struck down as unconstitutional. One way to do that would be to appeal to those in Congress who were concerned regarding the societal problems that were rampant due to alcohol. They may be more apt to adopt a new tax in order to quell a societal ill.


You ask why not just keep booze and get more money? Well that is why they let Prohibition fail. Now government has both sources of that tax money.

We are now facing a similar scam regarding climate change issues. The mantra is to pass massive taxes to save mother earth. Well guess what, once they get their Progressive taxes mother earth will not be any safer than before.
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The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.

Prohibition was largely pushed by Christinan Temperance groups.

Indeed, so appealing to those elements in Congress who were attuned to concerns from those groups were the ones targeted to adopt a Federal Income tax in order to do away with an alcohol tax. Then when the Federal Income tax was passed, Progressives could just ignore the laws concerning Prohibition, and then let if fail so that they could also have their alcohol tax in addition to the Federal income tax. The icing on the cake is you then get to blame the evangelicals for Prohibition along with its failures. It was a win/win for Progressives.

Is anyone getting this?
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The light bulb went on when I watched the Ken Burns documentary of Prohibition, a must watch if interested on the issue. An no, Ken Burns did not come up with this conspiracy issue, he simply got the wheels turning that made me connect the dots.

Most don't know this but before the Progressive era ushered in the US Federal Income tax into existence the US federal government was supplied with money from such things as alcohol. This is key to understanding what went down here.

Before the turn of the 20th century SCOTUS rejected a US federal income tax on the grounds that it was not Constitutional, so the Progressives simply sought to make it Constitutional. However, to do so they needed persuading a great many people to agree to it.

During that time alcoholism was a huge problem, as it is today, but I get the feeling it was much worse then even though today alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug known to man. So the Progressives united with evangelicals and other such socially conscious people to ban alcohol to save lives, because they knew it would then create the need for other sources of revenue once alcohol taxes could no longer be collected. Then once they got their way to ban alcohol, the votes began rolling in to support a Constitutional amendment for an Income tax.

In the documentary you will see that before they could ban alcohol, they needed to pass the Income tax into the Constitution to keep revenue coming into the Federal government. Naturally, after the Progressives had got their way with the Federal Income tax, they no longer really cared about implementing Prohibition. In the documentary you will see that Congressmen were so brazen as to have alcohol delivered right into the chambers of Congress. LOL. Sure, there were token arrests and busts made to give an air of trying to enforce the laws, but by in large they were blatantly ignored. Then after a number of years of inadequate enforcement of the law, the Progressives simply said that Prohibition was untenable and needed to be repealed. The bonus was that they blamed the evangelicals for the original implementation of it. Then they laughed all the way to the bank as the Federal government enjoyed both revenue from alcohol AND the US federal income tax as state liquor store sprung up all over the country.

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

Personal Income Tax Violates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling ~ Privately Owned Federal Reserve Violates U.S. Constitution & President Kennedy’s Executive Orders.

Prohibition was largely pushed by Christinan Temperance groups.

Indeed, so appealing to those elements in Congress who were attuned to concerns from those groups were the ones targeted to adopt a Federal Income tax in order to do away with an alcohol tax. Then when the Federal Income tax was passed, Progressives could just ignore the laws concerning Prohibition, and then let if fail so that they could also have their alcohol tax in addition to the Federal income tax. The icing on the cake is you then get to blame the evangelicals for Prohibition along with its failures. It was a win/win for Progressives.

Is anyone getting this?

The above response is a great example of how those who subscribe to a conspiracy theory twist and incorporate contradicting information into their conspiracy theories so that all new facts which have come to light can only support the theory - Never invalidate it.
I'm not making the connection ... establish the income tax for more money ... then outlaw booze for less money ... why not just keep booze and get even more money ...

So let's say you want to pass a Federal Income tax as a Constitutional amendment that had just been struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. You would want to eliminate any sources of contention first, especially those who were concerned that it had just been struck down as unconstitutional. One way to do that would be to appeal to those in Congress who were concerned regarding the societal problems that were rampant due to alcohol. They may be more apt to adopt a new tax in order to quell a societal ill.

There's nothing unconstitutional about an income tax. The amendment simply freed Congress from the apportionment clause in the spending of funds collected by an income tax.

Its what allowed many of the richer blue states to fund many of the poorer red ones.


You ask why not just keep booze and get more money? Well that is why they let Prohibition fail. Now government has both sources of that tax money.

We are now facing a similar scam regarding climate change issues. The mantra is to pass massive taxes to save mother earth. Well guess what, once they get their Progressive taxes mother earth will not be any safer than before.

Again, the leading activists for prohibition were Christian temperance groups.

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