Pro-abortionists furious at Tim Tebow ad

Actually, that's not true. You can be against abortion but also against forcing your own beliefs onto others. That is probably most pro-choice people.

Let me try that logic.

"You can be against rape but also against forcing your own beliefs onto others".

There, hows that?

Seriously, do you believe in any laws? If you do, then you already are "forcing your own beliefs onto others".
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So, you want to discuss my family now.

Hey stupid! Asking you if you have raised any children isn't discussing your family. A simple yes or no would suffice.

Do I need to remind you that it was you that brought children into the discussion in the first place when you asked about my sons? Oh and I answered your question without hesitation because unlike you, I'm not afraid of speaking the truth.

So, you want to discuss my family now. And no matter what I would most likely believe me as 'much' as I believe you.

Go play your childish games with someone else. I no longer have the desire to engage in a conversation with a complete idiot. Your non-answer is answer enough. Whatever children you may have raised I hope the hell they are all homosexuals. At least the bloodline will end with them.
Oh my mistake, there aren't upset at the ad being anti-abortion, they're upset because its "anti-equality, anti-choice" and of course a "homophobic organization". Silly me :lol:

Yea, I am sure Jesus would be much more pleased if people kept silent about abortion, because you know, he would surely be for it. :doubt:

If that ad didn't run does that mean nobody would have ever heard about the abortion issue? Holy shit you people really truly lack basic comprehension. You set up strawmen, false dilemmas, and ignore your own fucking articles. Jesus would be for that money going to actually feed and house people........not contribute to the Roman Imperial Cult.

While I understand private groups spending their money as they see fit, I wonder about how all those laid off by Focus on the Family feel about them having the dough for that ad. And what is it that Focus on the Family seems to think that that time slot will be beneficial to them?

That's why FOF was careful to say the money was donated "outside" their general fund. Working for FOF is like working for McDonald's. You know going in you're surrounded by slimy grease so there's no room for whining at the end of the day.
Figures someone from Texas would be the first one to scream lack of comprehension. Lol.....being pro-choice does not equal pro-abortion and the reason is simple: there are people who respect the Rights of other Citizens. I know that is tough to understand but slow down, crack another bud light or pabst or whatever pisswater you call beer and try to wrap your mind around the idea one can be morally opposed to abortion but also opposed to try and force everyone else to live by their morals.

No thanks, I don't drink alcohol. To me it's pretty cut and dried, either you're against abortion are you're for it. There is no middle ground. And for those you claim that just wants to respect the rights of other people, whose rights are they respecting? The rights of those that choose to destroy a human life? They certainly aren't respecting the rights of those with a different point of view as witnessed by the vitriol they present when addressing pro-lifers. And they certainly aren't respecting the sanctity of life. So in my opinion pro-choice is pro-abortion because it most certainly isn't anti-abortion. Perhaps you should refrain from drinking bud light or pabst or whatever pisswater you call beer and wise up.

Actually, that's not true. You can be against abortion but also against forcing your own beliefs onto others. That is probably most pro-choice people.

Do you even read what you write?
If that ad didn't run does that mean nobody would have ever heard about the abortion issue? Holy shit you people really truly lack basic comprehension. You set up strawmen, false dilemmas, and ignore your own fucking articles. Jesus would be for that money going to actually feed and house people........not contribute to the Roman Imperial Cult.

While I understand private groups spending their money as they see fit, I wonder about how all those laid off by Focus on the Family feel about them having the dough for that ad. And what is it that Focus on the Family seems to think that that time slot will be beneficial to them?

That's why FOF was careful to say the money was donated "outside" their general fund. Working for FOF is like working for McDonald's. You know going in you're surrounded by slimy grease so there's no room for whining at the end of the day.

All FOF money is donated, dumbass.

At Focus on the Family, we recognize that our finances are donations sent by loving people who have sacrificed to make their gifts possible. Our obligation, therefore, is to spend that money conservatively and wisely in continuing the ministry.
Financial Reports
They almost always turn down a PETA ad during the Superbowl each year what's the big deal? They are smart enough to know that while American's are stuffing their faces full of pizza, buffalo wings, and potato chips and cheering for their team...they don't want to think about crazy vegetarians or whether or not they support abortion. Sounds reasonable to me. Bring on the Clydesdales selling beer! :)

Yea, how dare anyone get an important message out during the highest rated hours of the year, especially if it can save lives.

Do these types of ads run during American Idol? Survivor? Any of the Bread and Circus reality shows?

This is a serious question as I watch none of them. I find reality TV to be a big part of the decline of this country. And I am willing to bet, that while people are distracted with other peoples need for attention the commercials are less than educational.

Oh, yay! Someone else hates reality tv. :cool:
Actually, that's not true. You can be against abortion but also against forcing your own beliefs onto others. That is probably most pro-choice people.

Let me try that logic.

"You can be against rape but also against forcing your own beliefs onto others".

There, hows that?

Seriously, do you believe in any laws? If you do, then you already are "forcing your own beliefs onto others".

Wow. That's some scary logic. The same principle behind being against rape is the same principle being behind pro-choice: Honoring women the Right to do what they want with their own bodies.
Actually, that's not true. You can be against abortion but also against forcing your own beliefs onto others. That is probably most pro-choice people.

Let me try that logic.

"You can be against rape but also against forcing your own beliefs onto others".

There, hows that?

Seriously, do you believe in any laws? If you do, then you already are "forcing your own beliefs onto others".

Wow. That's some scary logic. The same principle behind being against rape is the same principle being behind pro-choice: Honoring women the Right to do what they want with their own bodies.

Of course its scary logic, its liberal logic.

I disagree with your assesment that laws against rape are so "women do what they want with their own bodies". Its making a violent act against another person illegal. Thats all the pro-life movement is too....make it illegal to commit the violence of murder against the child.
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While I understand private groups spending their money as they see fit, I wonder about how all those laid off by Focus on the Family feel about them having the dough for that ad. And what is it that Focus on the Family seems to think that that time slot will be beneficial to them?

That's why FOF was careful to say the money was donated "outside" their general fund. Working for FOF is like working for McDonald's. You know going in you're surrounded by slimy grease so there's no room for whining at the end of the day.

All FOF money is donated, dumbass.

At Focus on the Family, we recognize that our finances are donations sent by loving people who have sacrificed to make their gifts possible. Our obligation, therefore, is to spend that money conservatively and wisely in continuing the ministry.
Financial Reports

Thank you for show how FOF lives in hypocrisy.

(what the fuck is "conservative" about spending over $83,000 per second for 30 straight seconds?)
Thank you for show how FOF lives in hypocrisy.

(what the fuck is "conservative" about spending over $83,000 per second for 30 straight seconds?)

My guess would be for the same reason any advertisor would spend such money. If it reaches millions of people then its worth it.
Pro-abortionists furious at Tim Tebow ad

I've never in my life met or known anyone that is a pro-abortionist.

Although I have encountered one on the internet.

Go figure.

You should meet our President. He was against protecting babies born alive from failed abortion attempts. He actually was for allowing infanticide. So naturally he is also a pro-abortion-on-demand.
Let me try that logic.

"You can be against rape but also against forcing your own beliefs onto others".

There, hows that?

Seriously, do you believe in any laws? If you do, then you already are "forcing your own beliefs onto others".

Wow. That's some scary logic. The same principle behind being against rape is the same principle being behind pro-choice: Honoring women the Right to do what they want with their own bodies.

Of course its scary logic, its liberal logic.

I disagree with your assesment that laws against rape are so "women do what they want with their own bodies". Its making a violent act against another person illegal. Thats all the pro-life movement is too....make it illegal to commit the violence of murder against the child.

Thank you for admitting you are a Liberal. Since it was your logic that seemed scary and you responded by saying it is Liberal logic then one can only conclude you just admitted to being a Liberal. It's even funnier you once again have to practice outright dishonesty to defend your position. The only way a child can exist is if it is born. Since we are discussing the unborn we are not discussing children. Do you have an honest response available?
Could someone, preferably who holds the position, explain to me why you seem to think that advocating for people to make a certain choice forces anything on them?

If merely advocating a certain choice and position was forcing others to except it, you would be forcing your viewpoint on me and taking my rights away. Why would you do that?
Is pro-choice against abortions?

I'm pro-choice and I'm also against abortions.

But I won't be surprised if you can't wrap your head around the concept. :thup:

Yea that makes alot of sense.

Its like saying "I'm against murder but I am against any laws that make it illegal".

It's actually nothing like that at all.

But I suspect you know that already but you're trying desperately to be a doucher.

Carry on. :thup:
Thank you for admitting you are a Liberal. Since it was your logic that seemed scary and you responded by saying it is Liberal logic then one can only conclude you just admitted to being a Liberal. It's even funnier you once again have to practice outright dishonesty to defend your position. The only way a child can exist is if it is born. Since we are discussing the unborn we are not discussing children. Do you have an honest response available?

Wow, you must actually be mentally handicapped or something, for so much to just go over your head.

Unborn is an adjective. Unborn what? Oooo, could it be an unborn child?

By the way dipshit, learn basic English before you continue to make a complete jackass of yourself:

Main Entry: child
Pronunciation: \ˈchī(-ə)ld\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural chil·dren \ˈchil-drən, -dərn\
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cild; akin to Gothic kilthei womb, and perhaps to Sanskrit jaṭhara belly
Date: before 12th century
1 a : an unborn or recently born person b dialect : a female infant
2 a : a young person especially between infancy and youth b : a childlike or childish person c : a person not yet of age
3usually childe \ˈchī(-ə)ld\ archaic : a youth of noble birth
4 a : a son or daughter of human parents b : descendant
5 : one strongly influenced by another or by a place or state of affairs
6 : product, result <barbed wire…is truly a child of the plains — W. P. Webb>

— child·less \&#712;ch&#299;(-&#601;)l(d)-l&#601;s\ adjective

— child·less·ness noun

— with child : pregnant

Child - Definition and More from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

God, it must suck being so fucking dumb.
Is pro-choice against abortions?

I'm pro-choice and I'm also against abortions.

But I won't be surprised if you can't wrap your head around the concept. :thup:

Yea that makes alot of sense.

Its like saying "I'm against murder but I am against any laws that make it illegal".

No. It's nothing like that but we knew you would not understand. The problem is you refuse to admit you want to force yourself (your views) between women's legs. You keep skipping over that part. Let's try a rough analogy. Let's say you don't like beets (or insert any food you don't like) and since you don't like them there should be a law that makes all beets illegal. Would you support that law?
Thank you for admitting you are a Liberal. Since it was your logic that seemed scary and you responded by saying it is Liberal logic then one can only conclude you just admitted to being a Liberal. It's even funnier you once again have to practice outright dishonesty to defend your position. The only way a child can exist is if it is born. Since we are discussing the unborn we are not discussing children. Do you have an honest response available?

Wow, you must actually be mentally handicapped or something, for so much to just go over your head.

Unborn is an adjective. Unborn what? Oooo, could it be an unborn child?

By the way dipshit, learn basic English before you continue to make a complete jackass of yourself:

Main Entry: child
Pronunciation: \&#712;ch&#299;(-&#601;)ld\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural chil·dren \&#712;chil-dr&#601;n, -d&#601;rn\
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cild; akin to Gothic kilthei womb, and perhaps to Sanskrit jat&#803;hara belly
Date: before 12th century
1 a : an unborn or recently born person b dialect : a female infant
2 a : a young person especially between infancy and youth b : a childlike or childish person c : a person not yet of age
3usually childe \&#712;ch&#299;(-&#601;)ld\ archaic : a youth of noble birth
4 a : a son or daughter of human parents b : descendant
5 : one strongly influenced by another or by a place or state of affairs
6 : product, result <barbed wire&#8230;is truly a child of the plains &#8212; W. P. Webb>

&#8212; child·less \&#712;ch&#299;(-&#601;)l(d)-l&#601;s\ adjective

&#8212; child·less·ness noun

&#8212; with child : pregnant

Child - Definition and More from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

God, it must suck being so fucking dumb.

Wow. That was a lot of work just to say you don't have an honest response.

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